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bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

公民老闆們意識:千萬不要被呼嚨威嚇到!從現在起全民老闆們!團結(罷選 )與聯合國一同不承認ROC政腐!沒外交只設辦事處ROC=不是主權國家=公民自決權選擇踢出ROC叫ROC濫政腐Get-Out!


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


(中共)與(ROC)這二個紙老虎嘴巴又又在癢啦!等美國給牠們打嘴巴啦!上回釣魚台(美國出聲)是屬日本後 !這二個(國際臭嘴巴)就止癢啦!就停止打嘴炮了!


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

東亞暨亞太事務助卿羅素前天在參議院外交委員會作證時,罕 見地提到美國對台灣自治(autonomy)的強烈支持美國已經出聲了!只是你沒看世界之音國際新聞罷了!ROC的新聞請不要再看了!會被洗腦的!所以這 二黨輪替呢那麼久103年啦!國際聯合國都依然沒名份,沒外交只設辦事處=不是主權國家,咱們公民要認清這點,罷選不承認ROC政腐,超過全台灣一半以上 人民罷選後,馬上 全民 民間 團體 舉辦公投,宗旨開除踢掉瓦解ROC爛體系爛政腐。

所 以這二黨輪替呢那麼久103年啦國際聯合國都依然沒名份沒外交,只設辦事處全民再選這ROC詐騙集團就是白癡喔!,凡支持ROC的全部都是詐騙集團幫派 黨、美國昨天都出聲了、言行一至、也要台灣自治、像關島一樣渡假島、合況 關島、美國也給予公投呢!請與聯合國同步驅逐ROC政腐、

<大一中><一中架構><一中憲法><台灣就是中華民國>這些爛新名詞ˇ都是欺負台灣人與台奸的說詞 !!

台灣真的都是這些檯面上的人在破壞與分化台灣人的團結 !!

有71%以上的人希望台灣獨立建國,這就是台灣最大的共識 !!



當太陽花學運引發國人憂慮中國勢力蔓延之際,華府對中國態度轉趨強硬,美國國務院助理國務卿羅素(Daniel Russel)前天對中國提出警告,不要對包括台灣在內的亞洲國家採取類似俄羅斯併吞克里米亞的行動,否則美方會遵守捍衛盟國的承諾,採取報復。


Mei Feng Chang 偶們投錯胎啦!幹!公投做美國或日本人、二等公民我都願意,就是不願做背著包袱符 債築高抬之ROC領導( 黃螞蟻耶!)ROC爛政腐今年候選人不知道是否也有付電磁波費三千美元鞏固選舉呀!全民再選就是白癡耶!

https://www.facebook.com/taiwanmindcontrol?fref=ts 俄羅斯真理報2005年報道:俄羅斯前克格勃官員尤瑞-馬林強調指出,電子腦控設備的研制主要用於國家安全和反間諜用途,但1995年12月16日,俄羅 斯進行競選時,部分競選者已經開始利用它來籠絡選票,競選者只須每月花費3千美元就可使用電子腦控設備,他們利用該裝備影響整個地區和城市的選民,使選民 產生為自己投票的意念。


台灣電磁波-腦控武器 受害者協會



bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Yesterday evening, May 31, 2014 ROC (electromagnetic mind control spy Cao Dawei) to murder me, his aging mother was not afraid of it! Also not the first time! 20 years of it! Is many Time to murder me.


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

PS:ROC framed me!I honestly tell the real reason :
 (I am a Plaintiff) (Litigation) (defendant Cathay consortium) (18th Reconnaissance court room) where's the crime of obstruction of secret way (time) (place) at (18  reconnaissance room) how to form this sin ah! (secret sin) is necessary to have (complicity complicity) in order to form this sin! single How do I break the law you?


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bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

想要我們人民老闆們選舉ROC,除非有本領在國際間 台灣建國有名份 有外交領事館 守國際公約 遵守國際憲法!人民再選舉!以上ROC體制是跟本永遠做不到的,,再去選舉的公民就是白癡,那些選舉人民就是電磁波腦控機器人,有自虐狂喜愛當奴隸耶!


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

搞不好 是ROC找不到借口毀謗學運 請做賊喊抓賊ROC(電磁波腦控特務)找藉口 自導自演一手操弄的一齣毀謗學運之戲!


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


大家好,我叫Jerry Yip,一個香港人、一個中學老師,一個丈夫。不過今天,我作為香港人,只想說香港的事。


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Taiwan had included Qing Qing territory , clear day after the Sino-Japanese War , the Penghu permanently ceded to Japan , this time, Taiwan does not belong to completely clear the country ! Regardless of Japanese rule or the Japanese occupation , Japan was under the jurisdiction of Taiwan is a legitimacy and legality ! After Japan's defeat , is to allow Taiwan to the United Nations out of custody, so 1949 Taiwan Chiang dynasty usurp what legitimacy and legality ? And the one that Taiwan Islanders ... massacre , martial law , hypertension, brainwashed fools ... and so on ! Today the remnants of the Kuomintang of Chiang intent not only the history of Taiwan tampering , and even anti-communist rebel Chiang was the belief , not only pro-communist , pro- common , or even want to vote total , Shaw want to take Taiwan as a gift , to talk to the Chinese Communists unified !


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吳定宏 · 留言最多的人


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I have friends in to the electromagnetic wave the case against him, to share to you, I was more than 20 years electromagnetic orbit whole lot of evidence to permit a witness even have the hope that the people of Taiwan are electromagnetic waves throughout the whole experiment to get people to work together to track permit but must needs there are witnesses to the video, we went with the joint report of the International Tribunal, a criminal offense is not in accordance with Taiwan and international money, but the time and place of evidence dignitaries things can only sue ROC government Shiquan rot Oh! Brain control multitrack card users like him to contact me.


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Chen meet


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

ROC :Ma  Government signed wishful thinking strait trade and cargo services trade agreements can turn my economic decline . In fact, the performance of related industries from the ECFA early harvest list has proved to Taiwan's economy is no obvious benefit. Taiwan really want to light up , the government should examine our strengths , made ​​forward-looking industrial policy, the development of industry characteristics , in order to create local employment opportunities.Taiwan Ing  to people  difficult ! Proposal (Taiwan independence ing) with ( TSU ) Taiwan's only hope ! In my five , six years of Internet apolitical point of view, the TSU is the most gracious ! Judge correctly ! Listened with opinion ! Although independence limited manpower ! but still follow the people rushing punch ! undeniable


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Police also went to Mount Jiuhua trouble ! Allowed believers chanting Man ! Said someone complained too noisy ! There is no mistake ah ! Jiuhua Mountain Tai Hing Temple in remote mountain temple ! Trouble for looking too far ! Contempt ROC Police electromagnetic brain controlled robot too !


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