
我們台灣人希望美國能夠 給與 台灣 在(聯合國名單內)有國名!

不然就依舊金山和平條約做美國一州! 我們 台灣(馬關條約已經割斷) ,台灣跟 (中國)沒關聯,不同國! 一邊一國!

    國際法 確立人民自 決的原則, 所 以歸屬未 定的 台灣非 適用這個原 則不 可。 一 九六六年, 聯合 國大會 採決 的國際 人 權規約, 無論是A規 約 「關於經 濟的、 社 會 的及文化的 權利之國際 規 約」,或 B規約「關 於市 民的及 政治的權利 之 國 際規 約」,其第 一條同文揭 櫫「人民的 自決 權 利」,規 定:「所有 的人民皆有 自 決的權 利。基於此 權利,所有 的人民 自由 決定其政治 地位,並自 由追求具經 濟的、社會 的及文化的 發展。 」 人 民自決的權 利是國際法 中最基本的 人 權。以擁 護人權為基 本國策的美 國,如 果否 認了台灣人 民的自 決 權,則國際 社 會將失去 對 美國的信 任。而且又 違 背美 國的 建國精神, 傷 害到美國 人自身。 再 者,美 國必 須認知幾乎 所 有的台灣 人 民都不希 望和中國統 一。

    國際法, Ben 發表於 昨天 22:41 | 只看該作者 ■台灣問題的解決方案 在台灣存在著名叫中華民國 的國家,是 不 可否認的事實。這個國家有二一六 ○萬 人口,居世界一九三個國 家中的第四三 位; 國民總生產額(GNP)二八六○億美 元,佔第十 七 位;平均個人所得GNP為 一萬三千美元,佔第二 十五位。人口 與 秘魯或委內瑞拉相等,GNP與阿 根廷或 墨西哥匹敵,平均個人 所得與西班牙或 紐 西蘭並列。 與中國比較的話,台灣的人口不及 中 國 的五十分之一,但GNP比中國的三分之 一還 大,個人所得是 中國旳二十倍。 台灣問題的解 決,必須要讓國際社會以 對等的主 權國家接受這 個國家,讓她參 加國際性的安全保障機構,保護 二 一六○ 萬國民以血汗換來的自由與民主主義。 從國際法來看,把 台灣隔離於國際社會 是不當 的。 蔣政權佔領台灣,與美軍佔領日 本,蘇 聯佔 領滿洲(中國東北)是一樣的,都是一 九四五年九 月二 日由聯軍最高司令官發 出的一般命令第一 號。那不過是戰勝國 暫 時佔領戰敗國而已。 一九 五一年與日本簽訂的平和條約中, 日本 決定放棄 台灣,但因聯盟國的意見 對立,無法決定台灣的 歸屬。 為此,美 國一向的正式見解是「台灣歸屬 未 定」,與放棄台灣的 日本見解一致。 其後,國 際法確立人民自決的原則,所 以歸屬未 定的台灣 非適用這個原則不 可。 一九六六年,聯合國大會 採決的 國際人 權規約,無論是A規約「關於經濟 的、 社會的及文化的權 利之國際規約」,或 B規 約「關於市民的及政治的權利之國 際規 約」,其 第一條同文揭櫫「人民的 自決權利」,規定: 「所有的 人民皆有 自決的權利。基於此權利,所 有的人民 自由決定其政治 地位,並自由追求具經 濟的、社會的及文化的發展。」 人民自決 的權利 是國際法中最基本的人 權。以擁護人權為基本國 策的美 國,如 果否認了台灣人民的自決權,則國 際社 會將失去對美國的 信任。而且又違背美 國的 建國精神,傷害到美國人自身。 再者, 美國必須 認知幾乎所有的台灣人 民都不希望和中國統一。 國民黨 的基本 政策揭櫫以談判達成「統一」,但 要以 「自由、民主、均 富」為統一的條件。 到底 中國何時才能成為自由、民主的國 家 呢?誰也無 法預料。平均國民所得相 差二十倍的台灣與中 國,何 時才能均富 呢?連想像都有困難。但看以 這種幾乎 不可能實現的 統一條件,可以理解國民 黨也不是真的想要和中國統一。國民黨 不過是被 蔣介石的遺產-以「統一」為 國是-所束縛而 已。 無論 就現實來看,或就國際法來看,除 了承 認台灣加入國際社會之 外,沒有正 確解決台灣問 題的方策。但為了使台灣 成為國際社會 的一員, 首先非從台灣本 身改變不可。 中華民國之所以被 逐出聯 合國而孤立於 國際社會,是因為主張「中 華民國政府 是中國的正 統政府」所致。現在中華 民 國仍不放棄這個虛構。中華民國的正 式 版圖豈 止包含了中華人民共和國,還包 含了獨立將近八 十年的 蒙古國。其結 果,中華民國所主張的主權 版圖之中, 實際行使主 權的不過三百分之一的領 土 而已。這樣的話,即使現實上存在著 獨 立國家 的中華民國,但國際社會要承認 中華民國為主權 國家是 很困難的。 美國在促進台灣與中國的交涉 進展。通 過台灣與中國 的對話而產生信賴,交涉 有所進展的話,是非常可喜的事。其實 雙方即使 坐上談判桌,也都彼此疑心暗 鬼,交涉遲遲不 進。雙方 都主張對方的 領土屬於我方的現狀之 下,必然無法產 生信賴關 係。因台灣與中國都不 承認對 方的主權,所以無法進行國家間的 交 涉, 只得採取民間交涉的形式。為此, 台灣與中國便 無法締結 國家間的條約或 協定。 現在美國應該對 台灣忠告:「中華民國 應該承認中華人民共和國 的領土和主 權,同時也要求對方承認自 己。」難 道 台灣方面宣佈「承認並尊重中國的領土 與主 權」時, 中國會說「那是在推進台 灣獨立的行 為,所以不容許」,使用武 力攻擊台灣嗎?那樣 蠻橫的行為,國際 社會是不能容忍的。



We Taiwanese hope the United States can give the name of the country of Taiwan (the United Nations list)!

Otherwise they still the Jinshan peace treaty to do a state of the United States! Taiwan (Treaty of Shimonoseki has been cut off), Taiwan (China) not associated with a different country! Country on each side!

With international law and the principle of self-determination of peoples, and so attribution undetermined non-application of this principle not. 1966, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the decision of the Statute of the International Human Rights, both A Statute on economic, social and cultural rights of the international statute, or B Statute on the public and political rights of the International Statute enshrined in the first article of the same text, "the people's right to self-determination", provides: "Jieyou the right to self-determination of all peoples based on rights, the freedom of all people to determine their political status and freely pursue economically, social and cultural the development of "the right of peoples to self-determination is the most basic of human rights in international law. To uphold human rights as a basic national policy of the United States, denied the right to self-determination of the people of Taiwan, the international community will lose confidence in the United States. And also contrary to the spirit of America's founding, Americans hurt itself. Furthermore, the United States must recognize that almost all of the people of Taiwan and China do not want reunification.



International law, Ben Yesterday 22:41 | Show author ■ solution of the Taiwan issue exists in Taiwan, the famous country called the Republic of China, it is an undeniable fact. 6 ○ Wan population in the country, ranking fourth three of the world over one hundred ninety-three countries; gross national production the amount (GNP) of two thousand eight hundred and sixty billion dollars, accounting for the seventeenth; average personal income of GNP as a U.S. $ 13,000, representing twenty-five. Population equal with Peru or Venezuela, the GNP and Argentina or Mexico match, the average personal income is tied with Spain or New Zealand. Comparison with China, Taiwan's population is less than China's fiftieth, but GNP is larger than one-third of China's personal income China 旳 twenty times. The settlement of the Taiwan issue, you must let the international community to accept the country to a sovereign state, etc., allow her to participate in the international security institutions, protection ○ Wan sixth national effort in exchange for freedom and democracy. From the point of view of international law, Taiwan's isolation in the international community is improper. Jiang regime's occupation of Taiwan, and the U.S. military occupation of Japan, the Soviet occupation of Manchuria (Northeast China), are September 2, 1945 issued by the Allied Supreme Commander General Order. But that is the victors of temporary occupation of a defeated country only. And Japan signed the peace treaty in 1951, Japan decided to abandon Taiwan, but the opposing views of the Union State, can not decide Taiwan attribution. To this end, the United States has been the official opinion is "Taiwan vesting undetermined" and abandon Taiwan, Japan, insights consistent. Subsequently, the international law and the principle of self-determination by the people, vested undecided not the non-application of this principle. 1966, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the decision of the Statute of the International Human Rights, both A Statute on economic, social and cultural rights of the international statute, or B Statute on the public and political rights of the International Statute enshrined in the first article of the same text, "the people's right to self-determination", provides: "Jieyou the right to self-determination of all peoples based on rights, the freedom of all people to determine their political status and freely pursue economically, social and cultural the development of "the right of peoples to self-determination is the most basic of human rights in international law. To uphold human rights as a basic national policy of the United States, denied the right to self-determination of the people of Taiwan, the international community will lose confidence in the United States. And also contrary to the spirit of America's founding, Americans hurt itself. Furthermore, the United States must recognize that almost all of the people of Taiwan and China do not want reunification. KMT's basic policy enshrined negotiated "unification", but to "freedom, democracy, and equal distribution of wealth" as a unified conditions. In the end when China can become a free, democratic country? Who is not expected. Taiwan and China, a difference of twenty times the average national income when Grant Thornton it? Even imagine all the difficulties. But look almost impossible to achieve in such a unified understanding of the KMT will not really want to and the reunification of China. KMT but Chiang Kai-shek's legacy - the "unified" country - bound only. Regardless of the reality, or the terms of international law, in addition to recognition of Taiwan to join the international community, there is no correct solution of the Taiwan issue policies. But in order to make Taiwan one of the international community, first from Taiwan to change not. Republic of China, was expelled from the United Nations and isolation from the international community, as advocated "the government of the Republic of China is the orthodox Chinese government" due to. Republic of China is still not abandon the fiction. The official territory of the Republic of China more than contain the People's Republic of China, also includes the independent nearly 80-year Mongolia. As a result, into the territory of the Republic of China claims sovereignty, the actual exercise of sovereignty, but 35 percent of the territory. In this case, even if the reality on the existence of the independent country of the Republic of China, but the international community to recognize the Republic of China as a sovereign state is very difficult. American negotiations between Taiwan and China in promoting progress. Trust through dialogue between Taiwan and China, to negotiate some progress, it is very gratifying. In fact, the two sides even sit on the negotiating table, each other suspicious dark ghost, representations delay into. Both sides stand to each other's territory belongs under the status quo of our relationship of trust, certainly can not produce. Taiwan and China do not recognize each other's sovereignty, it is not possible to conduct negotiations between countries, but to take the form of private representations. To this end, Taiwan and China will not be able to conclude treaties or agreements between the countries. United States should now Taiwan's advice: "Republic of China should recognize the People's Republic of China's territory and sovereignty, admit that he also ask" Is Taiwan announced that recognizes and respects China's territorial sovereignty, "said China will" in promoting Taiwan independence behavior, it does not allow the use of force to attack Taiwan? As outrageous behavior, the international community will not be tolerated.





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