現在時機被關也是幸福!也算是吃公家飯很享受呀!不用工作就有政府養有飯吃耶!工務員還要工作耶!喔ˇˇ!不對!是(全民買單)是全民付錢負擔養 呀!Do not be controlled to go spur of the brain (the hunger strike)! public sector is to eat a meal you are enjoying it! Do not have the government support the work food to eat, yeah! the Public Works staff even the work yeah! Oh! Right! Yes (whole people pay) is the burden of raising whole people pay it!
一、 台灣的軍人和公務員,無論他們的不法多麼嚴重,他們惹出事來,一律國家賠償,他們根本不必負連帶賠償的責任。就以江國慶的寃死案,國賠一億,但軍中那些惡 整的將軍和軍官卻像沒事人一樣,不必連帶賠償。更例如洪仲丘命案,大概也是比照辦理。至於苗栗大埔案,那更是行政濫權的典型案例,可能也會如法炮製。這些 人違法濫權,照理而言,應該是官賠,但轉了一大個彎,卻用納稅人的錢來國賠。他們不法,受到懲罰的卻是每一個納稅人。世上有這樣的公理正義嗎?
二、 中國自古以來即為獨裁專制,而它的基礎即是行政獨裁,一切都是當官的說了算,到了現代台灣,雖說有了民主,但行政獨裁的本質卻絲毫未變。當行政獨裁惹出事 情,它就必然官官相護,錯也要錯到底,縱使行政獨裁到最後必須賠償,當官的也勿受保障,蓋只有如此,它才能維持住整個統治階段的永遠效忠。對統治者而言, 官僚體系的效忠大於人民權益和是非正義。正因為軍人和官僚不管多麼的非法濫權都可不必連帶賠償,所以軍人和官僚的膽子才會愈來愈大。他們在每一個領域形同 是一個個土皇帝,這些小土皇帝,最後撐起了那個最大的現代皇帝!
因此,對於江國慶案、洪仲丘案,以及苗栗大埔案,我都認為它應以官賠為 主,國賠為輔。尤其是大埔案,除了劉政鴻任意違法圈地外,在整個過程中,涉及龐大的共犯結構,他們在本案的過程中,一直用「依法辦事」這種說詞為劉政鴻背 書,正因為有來自上層的包庇,劉政鴻才敢毫無忌憚的一路蠻幹到底。這個龐大的共犯結構,到了今天,他們其實也應負起共同的連帶賠償責任。
應 當官賠的事,絕對不容用稀里糊塗的國賠草草了事。台灣的軍人和官僚階級的違法濫權已久矣。他們的非法濫權,應當要受到懲罰,他們應當官賠,而不容轉個彎來 懲罰納稅人。對於大埔案,我希望接下來的公民運動,應該以官賠國賠的問題作為重點,這才有利於台灣行政獨裁問題之改善。
- 回覆 · 讚 · 不再追蹤貼文 · 約於 1 分鐘前
- 杯陳杯 · 留言最多的人 · Kaohsiung, Taiwan我同意。不然公務員混吃等死,早上游泳、白天度咕、晚上 還跟特別性關係的男朋友電話熱線。 做事亂七八糟,本來他當選,他就說「逆轟高飛」。 還有689萬的人投票給他,昏君。要負起責任。像東星大 樓浪費公帑。纏訟多年。美合市、小碧潭等。弊案都是在昏 君當台北市長任內發生。 讓只有1%土地持份的建商, 獲取多數利益,犧牲政府的利益。 這個不該由他負責賠償嗎? 劉政鴻之流。也是一樣,該是血債血償的時候。官視民為芻 狗。民視官為寇讎回覆 · 53 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 1:44
- Amos Woo · 留言最多的人 · Taipei, Taiwan有錯字 是 「逆轟睪飛」 回覆 · 7 · 收回讚 · 昨天 6:59
- 謝太 · 留言最多的人沒錯! 剝奪我們的生命、財產 還用我們的錢跟我們打官司、 官司輸了,再用我們的錢賠我們 這帳怎能這樣算? 就是這制度才養成這些爺兒們大官 草菅人命!回覆 · 21 · 收回讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 9:20
- 劉建平 · 南山人壽員工沒有錯~應該要設比例原則的當事人官賠,否則官員無法謹 慎做事 順帶一提,我覺得台灣被所謂的政黨綁架,怎麼投票都只有 藍綠的選擇,應該要用革命,而不是投票換政府回覆 · 16 · 收回讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 0:47
- Yang Chi · 追蹤 · 留言最多的人 · 163 個追蹤者還是難得得讚你一下 軍有軍法 當軍兵的都怕 ...當然那種星星跟被星星叫學長的之外 而公務人員罰則也該比照如此 且更不能讓凌駕其上的民代立委於法之外 不然不跟半澤一樣?回覆 · 10 · 收回讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 0:26
- 宋子敬 · 留言最多的人 · Taipei, Taiwan好啊!把狗官拖出去斬了!回覆 · 9 · 收回讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 9:59
- Michael So · 留言最多的人大埔案,除了劉政鴻任意違法圈地外,在整個過程中,包括 馬英九,吳敦義,江宜樺,李鴻源都是共犯結構,他們一直 用「依法辦事」這種說詞為劉政鴻背書,正因為有來自大官 的包庇,劉政鴻才敢毫無忌憚的一路蠻幹到底。這個龐大的 共犯結構,也應負起共同的連帶賠償責任。回覆 · 7 · 收回讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 22 小時前
- Anthony Liu · 留言最多的人 · Changhua支持發起官賠立法運動。回覆 · 6 · 收回讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 23 小時前
- 李柏青 · 追蹤 · 留言最多的人 · 海軍官校早就有法了,不執行而已。官官相護,視而不見,你又何奈回覆 · 2 · 讚 · 14 小時前
- Julien Tsai · 追蹤 · 留言最多的人 · 上海蓮花房地產經紀-策劃經理誰幹的蠢事誰賠償。回覆 · 5 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 19 小時前
- Yvonne Chan · 輔仁大學認同回覆 · 5 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 8:12
- 陳隆星 · 留言最多的人歐艾斯保全公司(以前叫太平洋保全)其關於賠償問題有說 依法行使造成人民損失由公司賠,依法行使但因行使者問題 造成有比例賠償問題,未依法行使就是行使者問題,由行使 者賠 江國慶已經結案要找那些軍官賠已經不太可能,不是錢花光 就是人不知去向 洪仲丘案還沒完全結案,要找誰賠還是一個問題 大埔案應下命令的人未以法行使,應該由官賠,看照片沒必 要拆,拆了讓人行道變直,反而讓行人更危險 如果政府都借都市改建來行使那人民要住那,現在假設政府 強拆台北大安區好了 為了都市改建計劃要求徵收土地,不搬家就強拆,那人民要 住那..... 拆完了,現在說都改土地徵收違法要國賠........ ..那有誰願意國賠 土地徵收的錢都進官員口袋,現在徵收說違法要國賠,.. ..有誰願意國賠回覆 · 4 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 12:31
- 市井小民說說話什麼叫權與責的不對等呢?以駕照來舉例: 當我考到駕照時,我即擁有國家賦予的「駕駛的權利」,在 同時,我就有了尊守交通法則、與肇事後,必須依法處罰的 「駕駛的責任」。 權與責的不對等,即我有權利決定要開車,但我不需要負駕 駛的責任。 而在這次判決的勝訴中,有主事者(苗栗縣政府)持有了徵 收的權利,進行了徵收的決策,但是發生錯誤了,卻不需要 進行責罰。 這顯示了我們的徵收法的殘缺:不具有預防「決策錯誤」的 條件,他就像是一個允許駕車,但不具有肇事罰責的交通法 !回覆 · 4 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 8:14
- \涂龍刀 · Pingtung是誰的過錯就誰賠償,很正常啊! 讚!回覆 · 4 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 12 小時前
- Yu Chen Tsai · 追蹤 · 司法院刑事廳-替代役小螞蟻其實依國家賠償法第2條第3項規定,賠償義務機關對於執 行職務之公務員因故意或重大過失造成他人損害時,是有求 償權的. 國賠法的設置目的是讓因國家違法行使公權力時受有損害的 人可以先從國庫獲償,否則實際執行職務之公務員可能因個 人資力不足支付賠償,而使被害人空有求償權卻無法實際拿 到賠償.換言之,國賠法相關規定實際上是確保被害人權益 的規定, 真正的問題所在是,國家有沒有確實去向違法的公務員行使 內部求償?實際會發生困難的是,國家只有在該公務員故意 或重大過失時,才能對之求償,而要證明公務員是故意或有 重大過失違法是有一定的困難的...回覆 · 3 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 2 小時前
- Daniel Tseng · 追蹤 我也在我的FB分享這篇,但我的想法是,違法徵收的損害 如果已經透過徵收補償費予以填補,國家賠償責任縱使成立 ,賠的大概也沒多少惹回覆 · 2 · 讚 · 2 小時前
- Daniel Tseng · 追蹤 至於國家不跟公務員要錢這件事,等到公務員與國家間的聘 用關係,可以改用行政契約的方式為之,應該會有解。但還 是看長官的立場,畢竟沒人想當壞長官......回覆 · 1 · 讚 · 2 小時前
- Yu Chen Tsai · 追蹤 · 司法院刑事廳-替代役小螞蟻同意樓上回覆 · 讚 · 2 小時前
- aton fang · 留言最多的人 · 台中一中有用嗎?誰鳥你? 還是今日拆大埔、 明天拆政府有用!回覆 · 3 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 8:50
- 鍾庭軒 · 留言最多的人 · Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan官賠對像:劉矮霸、白賊義、冷血院長、奉承部長、馬陰狗回覆 · 3 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 3:11
- 林俊成 讚啦回覆 · 3 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 15 小時前
- 吳俊儀 · 留言最多的人 · 澎湖科技大學就應該這樣~我有個親戚之前開垃圾車的, 結果有一次因為有騎腳踏車的小孩亂衝, 然後因此截肢了一條腿, 然後賠償金要由我親戚扣薪水負責。 同樣的~這些違規下決策的人員, 是不是應該比照辦理?回覆 · 2 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 23 小時前
- Chi Fang · 留言最多的人 · 交通大學說得好!但哀傷的是,那些惡官依然故我,百姓如綿羊威脅 不到他們,公理正義只在網路文章裡,唉呀!回覆 · 1 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 10:06
- John Chang · 追蹤 · 留言最多的人其實整個台灣就是這麼的權責不分,當官的…只享受權力! 但並不用負責任…回覆 · 1 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 23 小時前
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- 鄭順仁 · 大同大學最少要負擔3成的賠償回覆 · 1 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 10:46
- 潘彥澄 · 留言最多的人 · 憲兵學校建議先把這受冤屈的四戶搬到陽明山77行館、然後好好的 研擬原地重建及賠償道歉等事誼、江院長也要招開記者會, 向大埔居民認錯。回覆 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 8:12
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- 李柏青 · 追蹤 · 留言最多的人 · 海軍官校公務員待遇這麼好。就把你薪水的吐出來賠囉~~ 高薪水=高風險+高責任。 這是不變的道理~~ 公務員為什麼要例外呢~~回覆 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 13 小時前
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- Pats The Racket W · 環球科技大學賠不出來 又要漲油電 瓦斯 不然就是提高繳稅 回覆 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 3 小時前
- Takuan Chen · 追蹤 · 留言最多的人 · Hualien要賠也是賠命吧!回覆 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 20 小時前
- 陳怡伶 · 追蹤 · 留言最多的人 · 3,043 個追蹤者我也覺得官賠!!回覆 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 10:08
- 周正義 · 留言最多的人 · 省立基中校 園內偶而會傳出老師體罰學生 或學長霸凌學弟的事件 而家庭間所發生的家暴事件中 大部份多是丈夫打妻子的情形比較多 至於社會上 經過媒體披露過的街頭鬥毆事件當中 幾乎都是一面倒強凌弱 眾欺寡的情形 不幸的很 幾天前政論節目叢林中也發生了一件遺憾的事 在名嘴群英中竟也順理成章出現了一位強凌弱 男欺女的敗類 廖筱君官方粉絲團出現一則:網友Ivy Wu 留言略謂: ----徐教授(應是副教授之誤) 罵呂太后官僚真的太經典!!!!!! 恭喜徐成為人民心慕中的英雄 也讓人看清你是一位漸人 一位漸漸被看清是男欺女的人 '"徐永明年四十八 晨授課業晚論政 試問男來賓 卻道很斯文 何獨呂秀蓮 厲聲幾無異 欺善似懦夫 東吳婦叫獸" ----撲殺蠻 (菩薩蠻的野蠻兄弟)回覆 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 9:21
- Tsing Ming Yu · 留言最多的人 · 國立中央大學有法官的口氣ㄛ~內政部應該上訴告到底才對回覆 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 1:18
- 林泉利 · 追蹤 · 留言最多的人如果讓小董[董智森]批這篇文章 從司法角度看 王先生0分 因為........... 老先生這種沒稿費的也要及表現 2016年幫蔡小氤還早 吼及啥?回覆 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 昨天 0:31
- 水無月翔 · 追蹤 · 留言最多的人 · 私立Bemani学園不只房子、財產該由那些狗官賠 就連過程中所鬧出的人命,也該由主事的狗官負責賠償! 劉政鴻,你一條命抵朱鴻敏阿嬤還有張森文老闆 這樣還算便宜你了呢!回覆 · 1 · 讚 · 追蹤貼文 · 12 小時前
分享張文耀 2014年1月1日 5:55
台灣沒有了這些專門壓榨台灣人民的政府官員,領著我們台灣民膏民脂,享著我們台灣民膏民脂堆積出來的禮遇.高額退休金衣冠禽獸,我們人民可以將這些經費與 把近幾十年的國防統,軍方系統,軍系醫療系統所有的土地上建物.添購的器材.裝潢.人員薪資各種開銷省下來的龐大經費,在沒人貪汙.沒有人上下其手,均由 台灣人民齊心齊力,先規劃建設各個人民住與居住環境四周圍,就像建設一個大村莊一樣,一戶又一戶,一村又一村,一里又一里,一鎮又一鎮,一縣又一縣,這經 費早就把台灣家家戶戶建設到完美住宅.台灣這個島早就是完美之島了!!!
但是,這些禽獸,哪個為人民規劃了,現下高掛台灣政府的少數官員光他們說了算,台灣人民辛苦一輩子的家園,因為他們檯面下的利益,一夕之間被奪去然後呢? 再繼續去謀利,轉手高價套住另外一隻牛,或藉 各種理由藉口大大方方向台灣全體人民口待撈錢,台灣人民受了多少玩弄.壓榨.冤屈.多少巧取豪奪.淒涼.苦楚,手法完全就如同全體國防單位,領著我們台灣 民脂民高的人,用著我們台灣民脂民高的人,利用我們賦與他們的公權力,任意揮灑我們台灣人民的民脂民膏堆積出來的預算,任意揮灑台灣人民的民膏民脂,這就 是為什麼台灣政府預算就是不夠用的原因了,
這就是為什麼家破人亡的家庭越來越多,如:仲丘的冤案過程中,我才發現有很多單位人力過剩.經費浮報.濫報.濫用到可以拿來欺凌我們台灣人民的個體,甚至 欺凌到全體的台灣人民,水費漲.電費漲.油價漲.沒有勞保的人要繳國民年金,就我所知,沒有勞保的人都是無職業.失業者這些沒收入者為了繳國民年金,說穿 了就是要藉此壓榨.奴隸台灣人民,讓他們從中巧取豪奪罷了,台灣人民在他們眼中不過是他們踩在腳下的取之不盡的螻蟻.取之不盡的奴隸.用之不盡的乳牛.殺 之不盡的流浪犬罷了!!!
六 在國防機構中如何運作,如何讓自己爬上高位,以領著更多我們台灣的民膏民脂,享著更多我們台灣人民堆出來的的民膏民脂,全無替他們領用的源頭的台灣人民有 一絲一毫的照顧,甚而可以說,他們為了他們的利益,不惜動用我們辛辛苦苦栽培出來的子女互相殘殺,或不惜殺害我們台灣人民辛苦栽培的子女為理所當然,現在 我又看到,他們為了我們台灣人民剝去他們的笑傲城堡.極樂城堡, 在打著國家安全軍心渙散的大旗危言聳聽,他們無非是怕他們的笑傲城堡.極樂城堡再也保護不了他們的各種醜態,他們怕再也無法為所欲為罷了,看看舉凡戰爭出 動打戰的是誰?是我們全體台灣人民心辛苦苦栽培的子女,不是他們!!! 他們ROC的薪水.禮遇.退休金誰給的???是我們全體台灣人民!!! 他們似乎都忘了齁!!!因為太輕鬆(一切都是我們的子女為他們服務嘛!!!)對於我們台灣人民培養出來既節儉又優秀且勇敢的仲丘案子上,他們的醜態,就可 以知道這些人想保住得不是我們台灣人民的生命.財產安全,他們只要的是出一張嘴,我們人民卻連死活或財產或受屈伸冤還得看他們臉色,他們輕鬆領,他們輕鬆 撈,他們夜夜在笑傲城堡歡樂,他們夜夜在極樂城堡淫樂!!!甚至苗栗大埔事件的苗栗縣長也一模一樣!我感覺他們對我們這群為他們付出民脂民膏的台灣人民的 處理態度就像在處理那些流浪貓狗的態度一樣!!! 再說,法官畢竟只是在司法這方面專業,但是,這也告訴我們一些事,司法機構的裁判,攸關人民各方面的影響甚鉅還有畢竟他們的設置也如同軍系檢察署.軍系司 法機構一樣,存在很久且沒人敢碰的點,就是也有老闆(而這些老闆早已忘了付他們薪水.退休金的老闆是誰了!!!) 所以在檯面上的老闆壓力下或偶有不客觀或不肖法官存在,而做出不當的判決該如何補救?在洪仲丘案中的如監視系統事件,
四: 陪審團推翻判決之案件或成立之案件有疑慮時自動啟動全民參與投票以作為最後判定;五:軍中.各機關行政各種流程改善與監督,(例如:大埔案中人民被徵收土 地中,縣長任公職者土地安排應人民先選地,而非縣長自肥肥肥!!!),真正保護人民生命.財產,土地.房舍因公共需要被征收者,就必須就期房舍原面積.土 地原面積另將公有土地賠償人民,或被徵收土地上增值利益盡歸原被徵收戶,主要目的就在於避免弊端生出......等等。 深信這才是台灣民主全體人民之福。
這些軍系國防部系統人脈.軍系政戰部系統人脈.軍系行政部門系統人脈.軍系醫療系統人脈.軍系檢察署系統人脈.軍系司法系統人脈全力保住這些人的因素,因 為台面上欺騙住台灣人民成功又是功績一件,不但殺人無罪還又可升階(如:542旅長沈威志),又再多領全台灣人民民膏民脂的情形下,國防部系統何樂而不常 常為之呢? 這就是為何軍系檢察署從旁搜查的不是范佐憲.陳以人.吳翼竹.徐信正.何江中.沈威志.郭毓龍.黃天任.楊方漢.曹金生,他們的心態頂多記個過.再不然調 職嘛,又不會痛,甚至依照慣例是升階級,怎可不做?怎可放棄啊!.. 繼續藉國防系統機構.軍系行政系統.軍系醫療系統.軍系司法系統打著合理藉口繼續貪腐,繼續犯案.繼續殺人,繼續說疏忽.繼續說沒注意之類的謊言,還繼續 升官發財啊!繼續領著台灣人民的民膏民脂.繼續用著台灣人民的民膏民脂............
繼 續爽爽過!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!繼續的殺!殺!殺!有極樂城堡.有笑傲江湖城堡 ---->>>>>軍系國防部系統人脈.軍系政戰部系統人脈.軍系行政部門系統人脈.軍系醫療系統人脈.軍系檢察署系統人 脈.軍系司法系統人脈,軍系立委系統人賣會保護著,殺!殺!殺!放心的殺!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!而遇上戰爭的時後上戰場的 也是我們台灣的人民,也不是這些國防部的高官呀!所以,誰當總統.誰當國防部長.誰當任何高級官員都與我們無關,因為換成任何人執政,我們辛勤的台灣人民 一樣都是要靠自己求生存,又不像這些軍與官都用著我們的台灣人民的民脂民膏就爽爽過,爽爽的殺我們台灣人民辛苦栽培的子女, 一旦遇上戰爭還不是要我們的子女上戰場衝鋒陷陣;經過那麼久的時間,說真的,想為仲丘伸冤真的很困難,因為這群禽獸是有備而來的,但是,為了這群禽獸欺 負.殘殺的幾乎都是我們台灣人民辛辛苦苦栽培出來的優秀.上進的年輕人,台灣人民胼手胝足打拼出來的家園, 這不論是發生在你家.我家,任何人都是無法承受的掏心之痛,雖然我不認識仲丘,但是我感受得到被欺壓時的求助無門的驚惶,我感覺得到教天天不應,叫地地不 靈的無助.無奈.絕望所承受精神上的折磨,體能上的折磨,負傷仍不能就醫還繼續被在精神上.肉體上.體能上更劇烈被折磨的痛,但是為了不想拖累其他禁閉 生,仲丘硬咬著牙根燃燒他的生命直到倒下,你看台灣這些官員哪個能像我們台灣人民栽培出來的子女如此比軍人更像一個軍人的??? 懇請全台灣的人站出來為仲丘生前無法發聲,我們真誠站出來為他發聲.為他伸冤!!!(請知道或者有證據的朋友站出來幫幫這個可憐的孩子,若有人想在這中間 敲詐洪仲丘家人,那我們全體台灣人民會祝福你不得好死!!!)在就政策方面,依我看到的層面,各個單位由基層到高層, 均應啟動我們人民各個階層退休.失業人員.無業人員,去監督政府所有單位(如:軍中伸訴單位.採買單位.預才士單位.經理士單位.....), 一則:起動實際台灣人民監督政府之實際力量, 二則:啟動每個人民的經濟力, 三則:台灣人民閒置的人力不會成為台灣社會民眾的隱憂, 四則:啟動台灣人民均富的最實際行動, 五則:啟動人人監督之實避免政府所有的各種弊端,中飽私囊之事繼續發生繼續讓我們台灣辛苦栽培的子女不明不白的成為受害者,
而不是賣給財團間接壓榨台灣人民,比如坍方的石塊如何利用?而不是丟棄,整頓危險落石山區路段的石塊,整頓河流的砂石可以售出給建商,或作為在國土上建 屋.做建設來用,設計.建造.蓋房子俱有太陽能熱水器.有太陽能發電.有水資源回收之居家環境給台灣需要的人民居住為人民購買居住,賺錢,作為人民國民年 金.健保費用,勞保費用甚至進帳到人民口袋造福人民又何來弱勢人民呢?
位居政府高位者,應思如何為民賺錢,甚至能入人民口袋裡,更不會有弱勢族群了,這才不愧於領著民膏民脂,又因居於高位,可動用資源更多,國防部亦然,不要 整天只想向外買武器,台灣的科技,不論退休或因故離職場的人才,應使得上力,為什麼不用在研發各式車輛.武器科技?甚至可以外銷研發各式車輛.武器,別說 沒想到,只因為是在人民口袋撈錢最方便了,
要選如:柯文哲.高大成....這類的人,他們要的是造福人民的智庫!政府只要是確實為台灣人民受益的事都是好事,請別像國民黨把所有建設台灣的公程條 件,訂得高高的,一副只想躺著領.躺著用.躺著收.躺著貪,所有任何被徵收的土地既然說是為地方建設,請推法將所有土徵收後所有增值.收益歸原土地持有人 (請勿如可惡至極代表作如:苗栗縣長劉政鴻家族),好嗎?請讓在地的個人無論年紀.無論男女均適當的由政府專業人員監督,監工分派工作相信台灣絕對不會有 弱勢族群,有的話除了孤家寡人的老人或在金錢上支出有問題的個人,還有若有童工應予工作機會,但是要替這些童工管理金錢以免有不肖父母從中有非份之想,或 非份之作為!
應該將台灣自有的所有自身優勢&地理特色建設出來&為台灣人民個個有設計.建造.蓋房子俱有太陽能熱水器.有太陽能發電.有水資源回收之 居家環境給台灣需要的人民居住為人民購買居住,&打造家家戶戶都真正幸福的家園才是!!!不是密密如麻的家園就好至少家家戶戶隔個5公尺有個人性 空間,
&立法 許多法奪取台灣人民所得&再回頭進入股市秒殺平民散戶
& 國有地變牠們家的,不就是戴流浪狗的心態嗎?
除非facebook是共產國家的產物,否則不會用共產國家的手段封殺任何人的自由言論!!請各位幫我把我的言論分享發出去,讓全台灣繳著 民膏民脂的平民百姓知道!!!感恩!{台灣平民百姓要的是能為台灣平民百姓謀福利的政府,不是欺騙.巧取豪奪.壓榨台灣平民百姓的小偷!!!}1讚 · · 推廣 · 分享 Veronica Chen 、 Ck Wan Ck 、陳金華以及其他 3 人都說讚。 Mei Feng Chang 陳忠明 樓上朋友~早晨安好!!只有期待國際法條來處理了.朋友..是嗎?讚讚讚.哈哈.. 18 小時前 · 收回讚 · 4 思緒 為何台灣就要革命!用國際法.萬國公法.戰爭法...就可以囉??.
- Veronica Chen 、 Ck Wan Ck 、陳金華以及其他 3 人都說讚。
- Mei Feng Chang陳忠明 樓上朋友~早晨安好!!只有期待國際法條來處理了.朋友..是嗎?讚讚讚.哈哈..18 小時前 · 收回讚 · 4思緒 為何台灣就要革命!用國際法.萬國公法.戰爭法...就可以囉??.
Share Graphics, at 5:55 on January 1, 2014 Without these specialized press in Taiwan Taiwanese government officials, Taiwan and China led us fat cream China, Taiwan and China enjoy the cream of our people out of courtesy lipid accumulation. Yiguanqinshou high pensions, our people can use these funds and the recent decades On defense systems, military systems, military health care system in the building department on all the land. 添购 equipment. decor. Salaries huge variety of cost savings funds, corruption in nobody Nobody fraud, united by the people of Taiwan Qi Li, first with the planning and construction of the various peoples living living environment surrounded, like the construction of a large village, like a another family, a village Yau Yat Chuen, one inside another, the one town another town, a county and one county, which funds have long to perfect every family residential construction in Taiwan. Taiwan island has long been a perfect island!!! However, these animals, which are planned for the people, a small number of Taiwanese government officials holds many lessons for hanging light they have the final say, hard life of the people of Taiwan to their homes, because their interests under the table, were killed overnight then what? Again continue to make money, hands high to trap the other one cow, or by a variety of reasons to excuse openly mouth all the people of Taiwan to be making money, how much the people of Taiwan by playing. crush. grievances. many predatory. desolate. suffering, the way completely Like all defense units, led us people of Taiwan people with high fat people, fat people using our people high in Taiwan who endowed us with their use of public power, arbitrary sway our flesh and blood of the people of Taiwan piled out of the budget, any Man fat cream sway the people of Taiwan people, which is why the Taiwan government budget is not enough, the That is why more and more families bereaved, such as: Chung Yau injustice process, I found a lot of manpower surplus funds unit overstated abuse report abuse to bullying we can bring the individual people of Taiwan, and even bullying.. to all the people of Taiwan, water rose. tariff rise in oil prices rise. no labor people to get their national pension, to my knowledge, there is no labor of the people are without a job. unemployed for those who can not pay national pension income, The truth is to take the press. slaves Taiwan people, let them from predatory fills the people of Taiwan in their eyes, but they stepped on the foot of the inexhaustible ants. inexhaustible supply of slaves. inexhaustible cows Kill countless stray dogs nothing!!! On the surface, Zhong Qiu unjustly case is handed over to the cross-examination of the peach, but the military and the military seized very fit, and tried to hide the accused person to be told, we feel Zhong Qiu injustice. Flexor. Innocent can be rehabilitated it? impossible! I tell you for sure!!! Apart from the military department. Department of Defense personnel do adjustment expenses Decrease refined Arms! (Because we had all the people that soldiers), the judiciary should also start the jury system, the jury shall retire in Taiwan, the jury has the right to overturn the decision of the judge (Judge avoid personal laziness. Negligence. Subjective. Various interest factors), When a jury verdict in favor of overthrowing or have doubts, then start the referendum system to avoid negligence; judicial officers can start collecting evidence and retirees media personnel and media professionals in all walks of life (as the case requires), This is down to us a few days to see all of the military department of the Department of Defense agency, is really no necessity of its existence, theAs a result they are easily led people fat cream of our people in Taiwan,Two people to enjoy the cream of our people fat,Three piled up in thinking about how we the people of Taiwan people fat cream budget funds pocketedFourth, when there are obstacles in the process pocketed how to remove the obstacles,After removing the obstacle of how to use the five defense agencies. Military system for all agencies to cover his tracks,How it works in six defense agencies, and how to make their climb high, led more people to our cream fat people in Taiwan, the Taiwan people enjoy the more we pile out of the people's civil cream butter, no recipients for their The source of the Taiwanese people have a shred of care, and even can be said that they are for their benefit, we worked so hard to cultivate hesitate to use children to kill each other out, or at killing our children of the people of Taiwan cultivated hard for granted, and now I see to them we are the people of Taiwan to windy stripped of their castles. Bliss castle, In the name of national security demoralized banner alarmist, they are simply afraid of their triumph in the castle. Bliss Castle could no longer protect their various ugly, they are no longer afraid to do whatever they want nothing more to see who covered the war is fighting a war out ? the people of Taiwan is the heart of all our hard bitter cultivation children, not them!!! They ROC salary. Courtesy. Pension Who gives??? Are we the people of Taiwan!!! They seem to have forgotten snore!!! Because it is too easy (everything our children to serve them Well!!!) On the Taiwan people we trained for both thrifty and brave and excellent secondary mound cases, they are ugly, they You can get to know these people want to keep our lives than people of Taiwan. property, as long as they are out of a mouth, life and death, or property of our people do not even have to see them or aggrieved avenge his face, they easily lead, they relaxed fishing, they In windy castle every night of joy, bliss them every night in the castle Yinyue!!! Even Miaoli Miaoli County Tai events are exactly the same! I feel they are paying for our group treatment approach for their flesh and blood just like the people of Taiwan deal with those stray dogs and cats in the same attitude!!! Moreover, the judge, after all, only in the professional judiciary in this regard, but it also tells us something, the referee of the judiciary, various aspects of people's stake great influence there, after all, their settings are as Army Department Prosecutor's Office. Military justice system institutions, exist for a long time and no one would dare touch the point is also the boss (and these bosses has forgotten to pay their salaries. boss who is a pension!!!) So in the table are not the boss of pressure or occasional objective or unworthy judges exist, and how to make improper judgment remedies? Hung Chung mound in case of events such as surveillance systems,One: you should seek professional monitor or even the same brand professionals commentary, II: Professional accelerate various types of evidence collection process to collect evidence and other professionalsThree: the jury system should be set up, the jury should be given the powers to overturn a judge's ruling established or not, nearly the truth to settle a lawsuit, after all, judges are human beings ... can not jack of all trades (recommended: the jury to retire to avoid Taiwan drawbacks)Automatically start referendum vote as the final judge to overturn the jury verdict of the case or the case of the establishment of doubt;: fourFive: the organs of military administration and supervision of various process improvement.(For example: Tai peoples expropriated land case, the county land arrangements should any public office before the election to the people, not the county from fertilizer fat!!!), The real protection of life and property, land houses due. Public needs to be imposed, they must respect the original area of the premises Land of the original area of public land compensation to the people of another, or impose value-added benefits are fully vested with the original land expropriated households, the main purpose is to avoid the drawbacks of birth ..... And so on. Convinced that this is the blessing of all the people of Taiwan democracy. The Army Department of Defense system contacts. Army's political warfare department system contacts. Military department administrative department system contacts. Military department medical system contacts. Military department Prosecutors Office system contacts. Military system of justice system networking effort to keep the human factor, because the table deceive the people of Taiwan on the successful live is a feat, not only killing innocent also can be up order (eg: 542 Brigadier Shen Wei Chi), and the case of the people brought more people in Taiwan cream fat people, the Department of Defense Systems HE Le often not worth it? This is why the military department Prosecutor's Office sidelines search is not Paul Fan Xian Chen human Wu wing bamboo. Xu Xin positive Ho river Shen Wei Chi. Guoyu Long. Huang Ren. Yangfang Han. Cao Jinsheng, their mentality at the most mind a too. Again otherwise transferred Well, it will not hurt, even by convention is the rise of class, how can do? How can you give up ah! .. Continue through the defense system organization. Military department administrative systems. Military department medical systems. Military justice system, the name of a reasonable excuse for the Department to continue to corruption, continue to commit crimes. Continue to kill, continued neglect. Continue to the attention of the class that did not lie, but also continue to be promoted rich ah! people continue to cream butter and led the people of Taiwan people. continue to use the cream fat people people people of Taiwan ............ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Continue Shuang Shuang had continued to kill kill kill there is bliss Castle Swordsman castle!!. - - >>>>> Army Army Department of Defense Systems Networking Systems Department of the Ministry of Political Warfare Department of the executive branch network of military systems networking contacts Army Medical Systems Department of the Department of Army Military Prosecutor's Office Systems Department of the judicial system networking contacts, the military department. .. .. Legislator system will protect the people who are selling, Kill! Kill! Kill! assured kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And the people on the battlefield after the war is also when we met in Taiwan, nor is the Department of Defense officials Yeah! So, who serves as president. Who as defense minister when any senior officials who have nothing to do with us, because replaced by any people in power, we are hard to rely on the people of Taiwan are the same as for his own survival, and not those of the military and the government have used the flesh and blood of our people of Taiwan on the cool cool off, cool cool hard to kill our people in Taiwan cultivation children The event of war is not to be on our children battlefield strikes; After so long time, really, really wanted to avenge secondary mound is very difficult, because these animals are well prepared, however, for these animals bully. killing almost all the people we worked so hard to cultivate Taiwan out excellent. motivated young people of Taiwan toiled hard work out of their homes, Whether this is happening in your home. My family, any person who is unable to bear the pain of heart dig, though I do not know Chung mound, but I felt helpless panic when being oppressed, I feel it should not be taught every day, heard by anyone helpless helpless. mental torture despair exposure, physical torture on the wounded can not continue to be a doctor but also mentally. physically more intense pain physically tortured., but in order not to dragged down other confinement students,Zhong Qiu hard teeth root burn his life until the fall, you can see which of these officials in Taiwan Taiwan people like us so than children growing up like a soldier's soldier??? Urge Taiwan people stand out as a secondary mound during his lifetime not sound, we sincerely stand out as he sounded. Avenge him!!! (Please know or have evidence of a friend to come help this poor child, if anyone would like to Hung Chung mound middle extortion family, then we the people of Taiwan will bless you Budehaosi!!!) in respect of policy, in my opinion to the level from the grassroots to the top of each unit, We the people of all walks of life should start retirement unemployed unemployed, to oversee all government units. (Eg:. Military procurement units pre-stretch unit v. unit managers who only person unit .....), A: starting the actual supervision of the actual strength of the people of Taiwan government, Two: Start the economic power of each of the people, Three: the people of Taiwan will not become idle manpower worries people in Taiwan society, Four: Start Grant Thornton's most practical action the people of Taiwan, Five: start real oversight of all government-owned avoid all the disadvantages, pocketed things continue to happen so that we continue to work hard in Taiwan cultivated children become victims unclear, Six: starting guard for the people of our cream fat people do with the people of Taiwan, Seven: All the president of all the generals, whether high or even retirement pensions for all public institutions retirees should follow President Ma 2.2K can not say more. They really bitter people will suffer, no nonsense, no disorderly rose water. Electricity. Fuel costs. Taxing!!! Led a high-level government-paid workers, have thought about the people of Taiwan to seek Benefits do? called people benefit less electricity than a few degrees, but the real festival for the people to open Jinyuan cash flow, empty land and building to the Taiwanese people can live, easy people Rather than sold to a consortium indirect crush the people of Taiwan, such as how to use the stones collapse? Rather than discarded, rectify dangerous mountain road rockfall rocks, gravel rivers can rectify sold to builders, or as a building on the territory. to do with the construction, design build. covered both houses have solar water heaters have solar power. has a water recycling to the people of the home environment for the people living in Taiwan need to buy to live, to make money, as the people of the national pension. health insurance costs, labor costs Even revenue to benefit the people how can the people of pocket vulnerable people do? Empty farmland species that can be used to make building materials glutinous rice .... and so on, as the bridge. Built ditches. Built water conservancy facilities on the basis of raw materials, older workers Why not try to save a good study methods available in Taiwan resources, rather than discarded Taiwan available resources. As a last resort to expropriation of land, which is levied on the value added imputed households and not others, or other units,I believe so unprofitable as Liu Cheng-hung down so people would easily renewable. People do not have to roll down your legislators Come! ! ! Ranking government dignitaries, people should think of how to make money, or even get into the people's pockets, but there will not be disadvantaged, That led people worthy of cream fat people, because of the high living, more available resources, defense Likewise, the Ministry should not always want to buy arms outward, Taiwan's technology, whether to retire or leave the workplace talent for any reason, you should make the force, why not in the development of all kinds of vehicles. weapons technology? can even export all kinds of R & D vehicles. weapons, not to mention I did not expect, just because the people are making money in the pockets of the most convenient, Lazy thing!!! (I just want to know the people of Taiwan, the Taiwan government can do a lot for the people, but their greed, and it did not benefit the people of Taiwan, Ma Ying-jeou of course, also quite stupid shadow force.) Like Liu Cheng-hung. Jiang Yi Hua. Says Li. Chu Lai Shih-pao Wu Yu-Sheng .... This type of elections before the local gentry do not vote for him because they are such a person, a small savings will be big ambitions, nuclear power plant is the best Examples!!! Do not forget Taiwan hydroelectric resources!!! now will be forgotten is that many do not want the benefit of the people who deliberately forgotten!!!! To choose such as: Wen-Je Ko .... such a tall man, think tanks they want is for the benefit of the people as long as the government does something to benefit the people of Taiwan are a good thing, do not like the construction of Taiwan's Kuomintang all public! process conditions, set too high, lying just want a pair of collar. lying with. lying closed. lying greedy, after all any land expropriated since that is where the construction, push all the land expropriation law All value-added benefits of land owned by the original holder (do not like extremely hateful masterpiece such as: Miaoli County Magistrate Liu Cheng-hung family).?., okay let people in to both men and women regardless of age, are the appropriate professionals from government supervision, supervision assigned work in Taiwan believe that there is absolutely no disadvantaged groups, in addition to any loner elderly or spending money on personal problems, there should be jobs if child labor, child labor, but was asked to manage money in order to avoid these unscrupulous parents from There are parts of the non-thinking, non-share as a! Taiwan should be geographical features all its advantages & out & building its own people of Taiwan all have design build. Covered both houses have solar water heaters have solar power. Has a water recycling for the home environment for the people of Taiwan need to live People buy residential, & build every house is truly happy home!!! not like thick as hemp homes at least every household across the 5-meter personal nature space Instead of the current law said the Taiwan public building or public space or volume rate, okay? Jeou total barrels it to pave the way for it to friends and family outside of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan people say do long & TaiwanPresident of the Bay of people have been fishing enough!!! So, what benefits the people of Taiwan count? In contrast, Taiwan's political rot. These dignitaries. Lawmakers until all of Taiwan civilians, whether in taxes in living in food. Row in salary in the statutes. Interest in them, Subject to destroy the people of Taiwan Taiwan people & excellent childrenLand & consortia to win the people of TaiwanMany law & legislation to seize the proceeds of the Taiwan people go back into the stock market & retail spike civilians& Vertical manpower agency put leeches draw when poor pitiful salary civilians, Miaoli County Magistrate Liu Cheng-hung also free family debts& State-owned land becomes their home, do not wear a stray dog mentality is it?It teaches the common people put it nicely, the economy, in fact, that all policies==> Emptied the people, and expanding the powerful ==> connected together in Li oppression drained the people of this generation drained, for the next generation!!! Wen-Je Ko, MD, at least I believe you do not like them, come on!!! President Chen Shui-bian to do absolutely barrel than several million times the total Ma!!! National Army gear. Governance. Providers nest 齰 acts, See Lin Shiyi case, there is evidence that the offender, the result? Taiwanese nationals block to see all the people of the fact that the tax is ..... maintenance (of value of their own people), do (no use of others) ..., As for all the people of Taiwan ... are under the heel ... to do whatever they want, Tried to crush the prime of youth, destroying the future of young people, Their children in order to appear more incredible, This is their variety [fooling] strategy ... without those abusing the people of Taiwan Money & Land & salary policy, where so much of disadvantaged groups in Taiwan? {I even went to facebook blocked Wen-Je Ko, MD, and Wen-Je Ko, MD & Web Message praise can not be related by @ @ ", I explain: I have the right to freedom of expression in accordance with national people's democracy, Unless facebook is a product of communist countries, otherwise they would not communist countries with the means to block anyone's freedom of speech!! Please help me to share my opinions issued to allow full payment of the people of Taiwan civilians cream fat people know! !! Thanksgiving! {Taiwan civilians want to be able to benefit Taiwan's government civilians, not cheating. hook or by crook. squeeze Taiwan civilians thief!!!}A promotion · Like · · Share Veronica Chen, Ck Wan Ck, Chen Jinhua and three other people have said Chan. Mei Feng Chang Chen Zhongming upstairs friends ~ morning well!! Only to be expected of international law to deal with it. Friend .. is not it? Praise praise praise ha .. 18 hours ago · Like · 4 Recovery Thoughts why Taiwan should revolution! With international law. Law of nations. Law of war ... can Hello??.
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