服貿賣台賣不了就用毒食油來毒死全台灣人民,比228大屠殺 菁英們還要厲害狠手段!ROC司法不嚴辦案謀財害命財團!全民litigation國際法庭!合法可litigation!詳情內容證據請點進FB網址:看便明白https://www.facebook.com/notes/10202927183042970/
ROC use On trade in services Secretly betrayed sell Taiwan, can not sell. Use cooking oil to use poison to poison the people of Taiwan, more than 228 massacres were even more severe ruthless kill elite means! ROC lax handling the case judicial murder consortium! whole people litigation International Tribunal! Legally be litigation! details of the content of the evidence, please point into the FB URL: watching will understand https://www.facebook.com/notes/10202927183042970/
We all know that ROC judicial is private law !ROC lax handling the case judicial murder consortium, Someone willing to take the lead in the international court litigation ROC! (Presidential recall right to) can do the same at the International Tribunal)! whole Taiwan people of petty litigation partner to the International Tribunal, (recall the president right to using International Constitution) litigation ROC governance corruption indictments (collusion evil oil murder citizens) mess right to private law unconstitutional violation of human rights, all dismissed, want everyone aggravating crime go, take the lead people persons definitely have to take the lead to litigation divisions of international court litigation ROC
Please whole Taiwan people unity! litigation ROC consortium
大家知道ROC司法是私法!ROC司法不嚴辦案謀財害命財團,會有人願意帶頭訴訟lawsuit ROC在國際法庭!(罷免總統權)在國際法庭可以行的通)!全民出小資合夥litigation到國際法庭,(用國際憲法罷免總統權)litigation ROC政腐罪狀( 官商勾結黑心油食謀財害命公民 )亂權私法,違憲違法,違反人權,全部開除,想還有什麼罪大家一起加罪進去,絕對會有帶頭者人物帶頭來訴訟告之!請全體台灣人民的團結!訴訟中華民國財團!
Absolute people out persons will to take the lead litigation advertised! Please whole Taiwan people unity! litigation ROC consortium
Su Tseng-chang! Bastard! Would like to perform using tears, full of talk of the press conference shirk responsibility!
If there is ashamed of heart problems should immediately stop all oil trading, disclosure of the source of raw materials, double compensation for all channels, consumers, huge fund universal health care and prevention of food safety problems occur again is the specific method.
Government should not favor, cover so unscrupulous consortium responsible officer should be immediately taken into custody to prevent collusion, fraud seized documents to clear processes, accountable to the people.
whole people comprehensive boycott, there is strength.
我給他們億個+++++++++%%++++++++++++Chao HE Lin 台灣的國會、立法院從來沒有民主過
林諭 台灣全國公民,對台危害食安的政客與奸商嚴厲重懲,司法要制裁頂新與其他家奸商參與者,傷害每個家庭破碎,生出有問題的小孩,造成社會不幸和成本,讓醫療 更加消耗資源,使台灣又面臨國家重大人權危機,政府與司法成為奸商的護航者,受害者因提出罪證,聯合提告,消滅在台不法商人與政客,更要給他們倒閉!我們 要加快腳步,一方面要決定這次民主選舉,將要組織作戰計畫,對抗中國國民黨,消滅台灣亂源,民主如何走,會指導方向,保護全國人民安全!
<連德國總統都開口讚你哋呀!> - 一人一LIKE激讚香港年輕人勇敢對抗強權"Demokratie, jetzt oder nie!" "Democracy now, or never!"
"Von uns allen hängt ab, ob und wie gut unsere Demokratie funktioniert. Von uns allen hängt ab, ob und wie gut wir die Demokratie verteidigen. Und wenn wir über Europas Grenzen hinausblicken: Die jungen Demonstranten in Hongkong haben das sehr gut verstanden." Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck
"It is up to all of us whether or not our democracy works and how well it works. It is up to all of us to decide whether or not we will defend democracy and how well we defend it. And if we look beyond Europe’s borders, we see that the young demonstrators in Hong Kong have understood this very well." German President Joachim Gauck
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#occupycentral #hongkong #china #umbrellarevolution #佔中
九 華山的佛茶跟湯圓很靈驗喔!那裡有三顆(阿彌陀佛的舍粒子助陣),救世師父是觀世音菩薩的化身喔!想成為真民主的公民們,一起許願祈求,則心想事成!國泰 民安!你們猜我會許什麼願望呢!參加九華山法會搓湯圓中,帶來好運喔!,有看到五片,四片幸運草嗎,九華山有喔!明天還有請湯圓喔!請湧躍參加許願喔!