上 傳ROC政腐 (污弊假司法),(假民主)之證據實情,結果ROC電磁波腦控爛體係,這二黨配合整我的做品I uploaded ROC political rot sewage harm false justice pseudo-democracy of the evidence the facts framed me product

I warned ROC political corruption, I did not handle it as well as 487 cases were Taichung District Prosecutors say the investigation no evidence has been signed guitar, eat case too! This is evidence that you absolutely could not eat it! I have the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech in the Internet FB allows batch Ma Zheng rot, the result is blocked my FB (Bi-Bi bi bi Chang) account, you
ROC political rot also deliberately looking for two false witness framed me say: I go with them to Jane Eyre motel transaction Framed me went to Jane Eyre false results motel that time, I have alibi videotape evidence is that I have a camcorder that time I proved it in the Store studio and in the studio! After a false accusation I prevent harm weathering sin is not true, I certainly litigation back against me falsely accused (a branch of the police) with (two false witnesses) crime of dereliction of duty and occupation of confiscated my two sets of pen Notebook Computer crime, the results Taichung District Prosecutors did not handle eat case, So I write a letter evidence put post office certificate as evidence of it! !
PS: I still had my lawyer Litigation Taichung District Judge framed signed and sealed documents my innocence, there is evidence of document evidence is still here with me, ROC framed me Accusation(anti-crime victims of the secret) I'm off private Law jail I will reported to the international criminal court, (litigation State law) of the Constitution of the United States and Europe is the favorite , wait and see!
我 警告ROC政腐,我還有487案子沒處理就被台中地檢說查無證據已簽結,吃案呢!這證據你們絕對吃不下的!我有憲法保障言論自由允許可在網路FB批馬政 腐,結果得到是封鎖我FB(張碧苾bi bi Chang)的帳號,你們ROC政腐還故意找二個假證人陷害我說:我跟他們去簡愛汽車旅館交易,
結 果誣告我去簡愛汽車旅館那段時間,我有不在場證明錄影帶,證據是我在工作室裡有攝錄影機證實那時段我在工作室裡呢!誣告我防害風化罪不成立後,我當然訴訟 回陷害我誣告我的(一分局警察)跟(二位假證人)誣告罪瀆職罪及侵佔沒收我二台筆電腦罪,結果台中地檢沒處理吃案,迫使我寫存證信函郵局存證呢!
因為我上傳ROC政腐 (污弊假司法),(假民主)之證據實情,結果ROC電磁波腦控爛體係,這二黨配合整我的做品,上星期是大腿二天好了後,這回是手挽,故意弄出我的手部不自然的紅腫,想讓美甲顧客看會怕,不讓我做生意!
rnational regulations, the defendant itself, there are many of pending criminal proceedings,
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
國 際法規,被告人本身,還有很多未結案的刑事訴訟,需等訴訟任何案件審完才可被關監牢,全尤其是487案號,你們ROC想陷害我進牢獄還早呢!ROC台中地 檢署(私法人)請先給我辦487案件再來陷害誣告我(防害密秘罪),更何況我(訴訟國泰世華銀行)(防害名譽)在第18庭內還未簽結了案呢!你們ROC私 法玩的太笨了!

I warned ROC political corruption, I did not handle it as well as 487 cases were Taichung District Prosecutors say the investigation no evidence has been signed guitar, eat case too! This is evidence that you absolutely could not eat it! I have the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech in the Internet FB allows batch Ma Zheng rot, the result is blocked my FB (Bi-Bi bi bi Chang) account, you
ROC political rot also deliberately looking for two false witness framed me say: I go with them to Jane Eyre motel transaction Framed me went to Jane Eyre false results motel that time, I have alibi videotape evidence is that I have a camcorder that time I proved it in the Store studio and in the studio! After a false accusation I prevent harm weathering sin is not true, I certainly litigation back against me falsely accused (a branch of the police) with (two false witnesses) crime of dereliction of duty and occupation of confiscated my two sets of pen Notebook Computer crime, the results Taichung District Prosecutors did not handle eat case, So I write a letter evidence put post office certificate as evidence of it! !
PS: I still had my lawyer Litigation Taichung District Judge framed signed and sealed documents my innocence, there is evidence of document evidence is still here with me, ROC framed me Accusation(anti-crime victims of the secret) I'm off private Law jail I will reported to the international criminal court, (litigation State law) of the Constitution of the United States and Europe is the favorite , wait and see!
我警告ROC政腐,我還有487案子沒處理就被台中地檢說 查無證據已簽結,吃案呢!這證據你們絕對吃不下的!我有憲法保障言論自由允許可在網路FB批馬政 腐,結果得到是封鎖我FB(張碧苾bi bi Chang)的帳號,你們ROC政腐還故意找二個假證人陷害我說:我跟他們去簡愛汽車旅館交易,
結果誣告我去簡愛汽車旅館那段時間,我有不 在場證明錄影帶,證據是我在工作室裡有攝錄影機證實那時段我在工作室裡呢!誣告我防害風化罪不成立後,我當然訴 訟回陷害我誣告我的(一分局警察)跟(二位假證人)誣告罪瀆職罪及侵佔沒收我二台筆電腦罪,結果台中地檢沒處理吃案,迫使我寫存證信函郵局存證呢!
因為我上傳ROC政腐 (污弊假司法),(假民主)之證據實情,結果ROC電磁波腦控爛體係,這二黨配合整我的做品,上星期是大腿二天好了後,這回是手挽,故意弄出我的手部不自然的紅腫,想讓美甲顧客看會怕,不讓我做生意!
rnational regulations, the defendant itself, there are many of pending criminal proceedings,
such as lawsuits to be not finished in any case before,
regulations Is can not the trial being held in jail, the whole case in particular 487 number, ROC want to trap me into prison still early! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors Office (private person), please come back to me to do 487 cases framed framed me (the secret anti-crime victims), not to mention I (litigation Cathay United Bank) (anti-harm reputation) within the first 18 Chamber also not knot the matter did not sign it! ROC law private play dumb!
國際法規,被告人本身,還有很多未結案的刑事訴訟,需等訴訟任何案件審完才可被關監牢,全尤其是 487案號,你們ROC想陷害我進牢獄還早呢!ROC台中 地檢署(私法人)請先給我辦487案件再來陷害誣告我(防害密秘罪),更何況我(訴訟國泰世華銀行)(防害名譽)在第18庭內還未簽結了案呢!你們ROC 私法玩的太笨了!
![1761、秘書克里:“為什麼奧巴馬總統在紐約” ※※順天者昌,逆天者亡;人在做,天在看;善有善報立即報,惡有惡報馬上報,叫:「現世報」─8
1761, the Secretary of Kerry: "Why President Obama in New York" ※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called: "secular newspaper "─8
昨天下午,國務卿克里傳話給白宮的郵件列表解釋了為什麼本週美國總統奧巴馬在紐約 - 作為世界領導人聚集在聯合國大會的會議。
※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called "secular newspaper" ─8
I'm out of the Chinese Nationalist Party from 1978 in New Taipei City, Taiwan Tucheng "Benevolence Educational tests" <political prison special brainwashing, referred to as: Jen Institution>, I knew that I was a thorn in the side of their Chinese pig, so I am very careful, cautious, but I have to live to settle down, will have a focal point, otherwise thither, no roots, definitely not the answer, so I rented a storefront in Yonghe, doing grocery business,,, .
從此我只要一有時間,就往寺廟跑,我跑寺廟的原因,不是為了我自己求福、求壽、求發財!而是要求「現世報應」,我的要求很簡單,我把當時的蔣經國所作所為,告訴神仙佛聖,最後我把我的意見和看法以及假如是我的話,我會怎麼做,說給祂們聽,讓神仙佛聖祂們評評理,最後,我要求:「現世報應」。Since then, as soon as I have time, go out into the temple ran, I ran the temple of reason, not for myself to seek happiness, seeking life, seeking to make a fortune! But for the "earthly retribution," My request is very simple, I was doing the Chiang Ching-kuo, telling fairy Buddhism holy, and finally I put my views and opinions, and if it is me, how I would do, say to Him who listen, let His holy Buddhist gods who judge by reason, finally, I asked: "earthly retribution."
The so-called: "earthly retribution" is this: What goes around, immediate retribution, immediately to "reward those who do good" to encourage him to continue to do good, as a model for others,,. Conversely, if people do bad things, then immediately punished: evil with evil, but also immediate retribution, the people look, there are chances that they will not dare psychological, not do bad things, so that the world will real peace.
※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called "secular newspaper" ─7
In addition to President Roosevelt immediately by the "roost" killed addition, the initiator of Chiang Kai-shek's China, it is painful, bad luck again and again, and finally it is true: "throw good money after bad," outside the Sun Yat-sen also really easy to set up ROC territory, to the People's Republic of China Mao Zedong ruined, in my time sequence described briefly as follows:
1,1945 / 8/15 Japan's unconditional surrender; 9/2 MacArthur Marshal Release: Japan's command to the first number, and distributed to the Allies.
2,1945 / 10/25 China sent Chen Yi Chiang in Taipei City Hall on behalf of the Allies accepted the surrender of Japanese officers and disarm.
End 3,1946, the Chinese Communist Party began to mutiny. U.S. to stop aid to China.
4,1947 / 2/28 228 events occurred in Taiwan in the same year 5/15 to stop, killing a total of 136,575 people or more people in Taiwan.
5,1948 / 4 Chiang Kai-shek was elected president, Changchun, Shenyang fall in October, November, Xu mussels battle defeated,,,.
6, January 1949 Tianjin fall, Chiang retire, Li Tsung-jen agents, Peking fall in February, April, People's Republic of China was founded in Nanjing fall,,, October. December 7 rush as Sangjiazhiquan Chiang fled to Taiwan.
Because it's a small part of the army, on behalf of the Allies in Taiwan to accept the surrender of Japanese forces and disarm, it turned out to be no shame in hiding in Taiwan known preservation rotten life, really is retribution of sorts. ,,, To be continued
寄件者: "White House Snapshot" [info@mail.whitehouse.gov]
寄件日期: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 02:36:26 +0800
收件者: [t_history@pchome.com.tw]
主旨: Secretary Kerry: "Why President Obama is in New York"
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Secretary Kerry: "Why President Obama is in New York"
Yesterday afternoon, Secretary of State John Kerry sent a message to the White House email list explaining why President Obama was in New York this week -- as the world's leaders gathered for a session of the United Nations General Assembly.
"President Obama spoke to them directly in an address that warrants the attention not only of those leaders, but of all Americans," he said. "It was clear, candid, and compelling. The President talked about the world as it is, and the world as we all hope it can be."
Read Secretary Kerry's full email here -- and make sure to watch the President's remarks.
President Barack Obama addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York, N.Y., Sept. 24, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
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昨天下午,國務卿克里傳話給白宮的郵件列表解釋了為什麼本週美國總統奧巴馬在紐約 - 作為世界領導人聚集在聯合國大會的會議。
“奧巴馬總統在權證不僅是領導者,但所有美國人的注意力地址對他們說話直接,”他說。 “很明顯,坦誠,和令人信服的。總統談到了世界,因為它是和世界,因為我們都希望它可以。”
閱讀秘書克里的完整的電子郵件在這裡 - 並確保收看總統講話。
在聯合國大會昨天,總統對世界面臨的問題發言,為什麼 - 即使是在“普遍的不安”之中很多人都認為今天 - 這是至關重要的,我們選擇了希望而不是恐懼。
昨天,奧巴馬總統領導的聯合國安理會一致通過一項具有約束力的決議,阻止外國恐怖戰士流入 - 進出 - 伊拉克和敘利亞。
上午9點35分:總統認為與埃塞俄比亞聯邦民主共和國總理Hailemariam Desalegn舉行雙邊會談
※※ Is a man, even just to "sex", and even their own personality, dignity and national dignity, all abandoned? Alas! To this end, I will next time, into the deep to explore a higher level of life, the paper deeper than religion, which would have scientific validation,, as I have already said: Life is very short, up to 120 years to it, but the "life of the soul," at least a thousand years or more,, please listen to me slowly Road to:
2, ※※ when this "soul of life" because "karma", tasks, debts, or,, all kinds of relationships, this one allows you to "soul of life" born man, wild animals, insects, fish, fruits and vegetables ,, etc. bio <including animals and plants, bacteria and other microorganisms>, it depends on your "former life" and "doing" to determine your "life" should be born Why! ?
Take the life of you, you can born in Taiwan, your past lives should be,,, Continued
※※順天者昌,逆天者亡;人在做,天在看;善有善報馬上就報,惡有惡報馬上就報,是現世報。─3※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around immediately reported, is secular newspaper. ─3
3, can be born in Taiwan, such a mild climate, abundant, gentle temperament of the people of the place, one thing is really gratifying, unfortunately: Taiwanese should be good at this providential good environment to live and work in the repair heart cultivation fishes, but unfortunately all species will have: "greedy, angry, obsessed heart," Taiwanese certainly no exception, so the Taiwanese themselves think they are very smart, and will therefore s wisdom wrong, they have been the Gentiles use, do not know!
Themselves for the sake of getting a little cheap, even in spite of safety and harm the public, the Dutch invasion began. Taiwanese results of their own asking for trouble, and Taiwan would fall to the Dutch colony of pirates.
Alien slaves do not know! But also complacent in his "fame"! ? Busted their ass for foreign alien, the alien's sure to get, for a small amount of money and fame got status breadwinner. It is a common phenomenon in today's 390 came to Taiwan society, because in the long term 69 years under Chinese pig brainwashing education, "Thieves do recognize the Father" is already deeply rooted up.
Little do they know! Unexpected outbreak of Sunchon prosper Guards perish,,, Continued
※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called "secular newspaper" ─4
If it is: "honorable" to war to defeat made this piece of land to rule this people a piece of land, yet still have nothing to say, this is part of "the jungle" results, however, are not, they still are "dirty dirty , filthy dirty, "the stab in the back, to the calculation of Taiwan and the Taiwanese people, taking advantage of the Second World War had just ended, countries are in a hurry, secretly betrayed Taiwan, the world in their own ways, there is no perceptible, is the United States and China Chiang Kai-shek, fraud, and kept in the dark.
1943/2/18 when China just've got to Chiang Kai-shek, evil - minded attempt to illegal means, the line when "annexation of Taiwan" and, God already knows its shameless trick, so I just forced it down the Earth , was born in Taiwan, to expose its mask to redeem my horse, "stone" in the "earth" break down the disaster.
The same day, Chiang Kai-shek is facing the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington and the Senate, speech, say: "mouthful of virtue and morality," was packed with mining, unanimously affirmed, however,, Continued
※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called "secular newspaper" ─5
A lady of foreign heads of state, can deliver a speech to lawmakers in the United States Senate and House of Representatives, indeed, very simple, but the whole speech in fluent American English, is more simple, but it is early days but she is America's Chinese students So it is nothing, only to mention her during the study, it has been an equally boys and Chinese students living together, and gave birth to a daughter.
Later, because of Chiang Kai-shek's Northern Expedition army, the lack of military spending, to help Soong, Soong to Chiang Kai-shek to marry his sister, Mrs. official, was willing to help Chiang Kai-shek's military, so Chiang Kai-shek had abandoned "first wife" Ms. Mao Shi <Chiang Ching-kuo's mother> , and Kai-shek married; Kai-shek in terms of: a hole three brothers, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is just a "three cousins" that's it, but the harvest is unusually fruitful.
When such Guards evil, God angry, so soon deprived of his life President Roosevelt, and directly into the "purgatory", it because "it" is not my judgment, so I can not make improper memory test , but I think it should not be less than a thousand years! And so when I go back I will go to identify.
因為“牠”〈因為他比畜牲還不如,所以用這個“牠”字〉為了一個女人,竟然無視當時臺灣6,133,867人〈1943臺灣人口,中國人52,020除外〉的基本人權、生命與安全,尤其甚者是你「美國總統羅斯福」及「英國首相邱吉爾」向全世界公民的宣告:第二次世界大戰後,要讓所有各國的『殖民地』脫離桎梏,要讓「殖民地的人民」脫離苦海,能夠自組政府,獨立自主。那麼日本的殖民地臺灣呢?臺灣人民呢?Because "it" <because he was not as good as than the beast, so use the "it" word> For a woman, ignoring the fact that Taiwan was 6,133,867 people <1943 Taiwan's population, the Chinese people, except 52,020> basic human rights to life and security, especially worse is you, "President Roosevelt" and "British Prime Minister Winston Churchill," the world's citizens to declare: after World War II, to make all the countries' colonial 'off the shackles, to let "the people of the colonies' misery, capable of self-government groups, independent. Then a Japanese colony about Taiwan? Taiwanese people do?
This beast is to be the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the then commander of the Allied sold, the cost of just Chiang Kai-shek and Madame Chiang Kai-shek in the White House for three days and three nights of lust happy <1943/6/22 into the White House to the White House the morning 6/25> Taiwan and Taiwanese people fall into the abyss, called not, heard by anyone. ,,, To be continued
※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called "secular newspaper" ─6
This shameless, no letter, no righteous pervert U.S. President Roosevelt, made so utterly devoid of conscience, humiliating, frenzied wicked things, do a little bit of retribution are not you! ? Of course there is! In order to illustrate the time:
1943/6/22 → 25 after making wicked, immoral obscene defeat lines:
1943/11/22 → 26, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was "playing face", refused to sign the "Cairo Declaration" and therefore only the meeting and did not issue a joint declaration.
1945/2/11, the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union at the Yalta conference three, first carve up China, the Manchu State <namely northeast nine provinces> assigned to the Soviet Union, is tantamount to "deny": "Cairo conference conclusions." .
※※ 1945/4/12 U.S. President Roosevelt died suddenly of cerebral hemorrhage. ── secular newspaper <1943/6/22 → 1945/4/12> after less than two years.](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://scontent-b-sin.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s552x414/10628005_695483913873481_6100676028896689437_n.jpg?oh=49e08cab4f58790f7e6d7cd34562e56b&oe=54CA89C2&width=444&height=296)
1761、秘書克里:“為什麼奧巴馬總統在紐約” ※※順天者昌,逆天者亡;人在做,天在看;善有善報立即報,惡有惡報馬上報,叫:「現世報」─8
1761, the Secretary of Kerry: "Why President Obama in New York" ※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called: "secular newspaper "─8
昨天下午,國務卿克里傳話給白宮的郵件列表解釋了為什麼本週美國總統奧巴馬在紐約 - 作為世界領導人聚集在聯合國大會的會議。
※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called "secular newspaper" ─8
我從1978走出中國國民黨在臺灣新北市土城的「仁愛教育試驗所」〈專門洗腦的政治監獄,簡稱:仁教所〉,我自己心裡明白,我是一個牠們中國豬的眼中釘, 因此我非常的小心,謹言慎行,但是我須要生活安定下來,才會有著力點,否則東飄西蕩,沒有根,絕對不是辦法,因此我就在永和租下店面,做雜貨店的生 意、、、。
I'm out of the Chinese Nationalist Party from 1978 in New Taipei City, Taiwan Tucheng "Benevolence Educational tests" <political prison special brainwashing, referred to as: Jen Institution>, I knew that I was a thorn in the side of their Chinese pig, so I am very careful, cautious, but I have to live to settle down, will have a focal point, otherwise thither, no roots, definitely not the answer, so I rented a storefront in Yonghe, doing grocery business,,, .
從此我只要一有時間,就往寺廟跑,我跑寺廟的原因,不是為了我自己求福、求壽、求發財!而是要求「現世報應」,我的要求很簡單,我把當時的蔣經國所作所 為,告訴神仙佛聖,最後我把我的意見和看法以及假如是我的話,我會怎麼做,說給祂們聽,讓神仙佛聖祂們評評理,最後,我要求:「現世報應」。Since then, as soon as I have time, go out into the temple ran, I ran the temple of reason, not for myself to seek happiness, seeking life, seeking to make a fortune! But for the "earthly retribution," My request is very simple, I was doing the Chiang Ching-kuo, telling fairy Buddhism holy, and finally I put my views and opinions, and if it is me, how I would do, say to Him who listen, let His holy Buddhist gods who judge by reason, finally, I asked: "earthly retribution."
The so-called: "earthly retribution" is this: What goes around, immediate retribution, immediately to "reward those who do good" to encourage him to continue to do good, as a model for others,,. Conversely, if people do bad things, then immediately punished: evil with evil, but also immediate retribution, the people look, there are chances that they will not dare psychological, not do bad things, so that the world will real peace.
※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called "secular newspaper" ─7
In addition to President Roosevelt immediately by the "roost" killed addition, the initiator of Chiang Kai-shek's China, it is painful, bad luck again and again, and finally it is true: "throw good money after bad," outside the Sun Yat-sen also really easy to set up ROC territory, to the People's Republic of China Mao Zedong ruined, in my time sequence described briefly as follows:
1,1945 / 8/15 Japan's unconditional surrender; 9/2 MacArthur Marshal Release: Japan's command to the first number, and distributed to the Allies.
2,1945 / 10/25 China sent Chen Yi Chiang in Taipei City Hall on behalf of the Allies accepted the surrender of Japanese officers and disarm.
End 3,1946, the Chinese Communist Party began to mutiny. U.S. to stop aid to China.
4,1947 / 2/28 228 events occurred in Taiwan in the same year 5/15 to stop, killing a total of 136,575 people or more people in Taiwan.
5,1948 / 4 Chiang Kai-shek was elected president, Changchun, Shenyang fall in October, November, Xu mussels battle defeated,,,.
6, January 1949 Tianjin fall, Chiang retire, Li Tsung-jen agents, Peking fall in February, April, People's Republic of China was founded in Nanjing fall,,, October. December 7 rush as Sangjiazhiquan Chiang fled to Taiwan.
Because it's a small part of the army, on behalf of the Allies in Taiwan to accept the surrender of Japanese forces and disarm, it turned out to be no shame in hiding in Taiwan known preservation rotten life, really is retribution of sorts. ,,, To be continued
寄件者: "White House Snapshot" [info@mail.whitehouse.gov]
寄件日期: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 02:36:26 +0800
收件者: [t_history@pchome.com.tw]
主旨: Secretary Kerry: "Why President Obama is in New York"
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Secretary Kerry: "Why President Obama is in New York"
Yesterday afternoon, Secretary of State John Kerry sent a message to the White House email list explaining why President Obama was in New York this week -- as the world's leaders gathered for a session of the United Nations General Assembly.
"President Obama spoke to them directly in an address that warrants the attention not only of those leaders, but of all Americans," he said. "It was clear, candid, and compelling. The President talked about the world as it is, and the world as we all hope it can be."
Read Secretary Kerry's full email here -- and make sure to watch the President's remarks.
President Barack Obama addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York, N.Y., Sept. 24, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
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3:25 PM: The President and the First Lady arrive at the White House
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昨天下午,國務卿克里傳話給白宮的郵件列表解釋了為什麼本週美國總統奧巴馬在紐約 - 作為世界領導人聚集在聯合國大會的會議。
“奧巴馬總統在權證不僅是領導者,但所有美國人的注意力地址對他們說話直接,”他說。 “很明顯,坦誠,和令人信服的。總統談到了世界,因為它是和世界,因為我們都希望它可以。”
閱讀秘書克里的完整的電子郵件在這裡 - 並確保收看總統講話。
在聯合國大會昨天,總統對世界面臨的問題發言,為什麼 - 即使是在“普遍的不安”之中很多人都認為今天 - 這是至關重要的,我們選擇了希望而不是恐懼。
昨天,奧巴馬總統領導的聯合國安理會一致通過一項具有約束力的決議,阻止外國恐怖戰士流入 - 進出 - 伊拉克和敘利亞。
上午9點35分:總統認為與埃塞俄比亞聯邦民主共和國總理Hailemariam Desalegn舉行雙邊會談
1、 ※※難道一個男人,竟然只是為了“性交”,就連自己的人格、尊嚴和國格,全都棄之不顧?唉!為此,我將從下次開始,進入更上一層樓的人生深度探討,文 中將比宗教更為深入,裡面將有科學的驗證、、、因為我早已經說過:人生是非常短暫的,最多120年可以吧,但是“靈魂的生命”最少有一萬年以上、、、請慢 慢聽我道來:
※※ Is a man, even just to "sex", and even their own personality, dignity and national dignity, all abandoned? Alas! To this end, I will next time, into the deep to explore a higher level of life, the paper deeper than religion, which would have scientific validation,, as I have already said: Life is very short, up to 120 years to it, but the "life of the soul," at least a thousand years or more,, please listen to me slowly Road to:
2, ※※ when this "soul of life" because "karma", tasks, debts, or,, all kinds of relationships, this one allows you to "soul of life" born man, wild animals, insects, fish, fruits and vegetables ,, etc. bio <including animals and plants, bacteria and other microorganisms>, it depends on your "former life" and "doing" to determine your "life" should be born Why! ?
Take the life of you, you can born in Taiwan, your past lives should be,,, Continued
※※順天者昌,逆天者亡;人在做,天在看;善有善報馬上就報,惡有惡報馬上就報,是現世報。─3※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around immediately reported, is secular newspaper. ─3
3、能夠出生在臺灣這樣氣候溫和,物產豐富,人民性情溫良的地方,真的是可喜可賀的一件事,可惜的是:臺灣人應該在這種天賜良好的好環境中,安居樂業的修 心養性才對,但是很可惜所有的物種都會具有:「貪得無厭、嗔怒、癡迷的心」,臺灣人當然沒有例外,於是臺灣人自己以為自己是很聰明的,也就因此聰明反被聰 明誤,自己被外族人利用了,還不知道!
3, can be born in Taiwan, such a mild climate, abundant, gentle temperament of the people of the place, one thing is really gratifying, unfortunately: Taiwanese should be good at this providential good environment to live and work in the repair heart cultivation fishes, but unfortunately all species will have: "greedy, angry, obsessed heart," Taiwanese certainly no exception, so the Taiwanese themselves think they are very smart, and will therefore s wisdom wrong, they have been the Gentiles use, do not know!
Themselves for the sake of getting a little cheap, even in spite of safety and harm the public, the Dutch invasion began. Taiwanese results of their own asking for trouble, and Taiwan would fall to the Dutch colony of pirates.
Alien slaves do not know! But also complacent in his "fame"! ? Busted their ass for foreign alien, the alien's sure to get, for a small amount of money and fame got status breadwinner. It is a common phenomenon in today's 390 came to Taiwan society, because in the long term 69 years under Chinese pig brainwashing education, "Thieves do recognize the Father" is already deeply rooted up.
Little do they know! Unexpected outbreak of Sunchon prosper Guards perish,,, Continued
※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called "secular newspaper" ─4
假如是:“光明磊落”的以戰爭戰勝取得這一片土地,來統治這一片土地的人民,尚還無話可說,這是屬於“弱肉強食”的結果,然而卻不是,牠們竟然是以“下流 卑鄙、骯髒齷齪”的暗箭,來算計臺灣和臺灣人民,趁著第二次世界大戰剛剛結束,各國都在忙亂之中,暗地裡臺灣被出賣了,世界各國都在各行其是,完全沒有查 覺,被美國與中國蔣介石,上下其手,蒙在鼓裡。
If it is: "honorable" to war to defeat made this piece of land to rule this people a piece of land, yet still have nothing to say, this is part of "the jungle" results, however, are not, they still are "dirty dirty , filthy dirty, "the stab in the back, to the calculation of Taiwan and the Taiwanese people, taking advantage of the Second World War had just ended, countries are in a hurry, secretly betrayed Taiwan, the world in their own ways, there is no perceptible, is the United States and China Chiang Kai-shek, fraud, and kept in the dark.
1943/2/18 when China just've got to Chiang Kai-shek, evil - minded attempt to illegal means, the line when "annexation of Taiwan" and, God already knows its shameless trick, so I just forced it down the Earth , was born in Taiwan, to expose its mask to redeem my horse, "stone" in the "earth" break down the disaster.
The same day, Chiang Kai-shek is facing the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington and the Senate, speech, say: "mouthful of virtue and morality," was packed with mining, unanimously affirmed, however,, Continued
※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called "secular newspaper" ─5
一個外國元首的夫人,能夠在美國的參議院和眾議院向國會議員發表演說,確實也是非常不簡單,而且全程以流利的美國英語演講,更為不簡單,但是她卻是早年就 是留美的中國學生,因此實在不算什麼,唯一要提的是她在留學期間,就已經和一個同樣是中國留學生的男生同居,並生下一個女兒。
A lady of foreign heads of state, can deliver a speech to lawmakers in the United States Senate and House of Representatives, indeed, very simple, but the whole speech in fluent American English, is more simple, but it is early days but she is America's Chinese students So it is nothing, only to mention her during the study, it has been an equally boys and Chinese students living together, and gave birth to a daughter.
後來,因為蔣介石的北伐軍隊,缺乏軍費,向宋子文求援,宋子文要蔣介石娶他的妹妹宋美齡為正式夫人,才願意幫助蔣介石軍費,因此蔣介石不得不拋棄“元配” 毛氏夫人〈蔣經國之生母〉,和宋美齡結婚;對宋美齡而言:一洞三兄弟,美國羅斯福總統,只不過是個“三表弟”如此而已,但是收穫卻異常的豐碩。
Later, because of Chiang Kai-shek's Northern Expedition army, the lack of military spending, to help Soong, Soong to Chiang Kai-shek to marry his sister, Mrs. official, was willing to help Chiang Kai-shek's military, so Chiang Kai-shek had abandoned "first wife" Ms. Mao Shi <Chiang Ching-kuo's mother> , and Kai-shek married; Kai-shek in terms of: a hole three brothers, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is just a "three cousins" that's it, but the harvest is unusually fruitful.
When such Guards evil, God angry, so soon deprived of his life President Roosevelt, and directly into the "purgatory", it because "it" is not my judgment, so I can not make improper memory test , but I think it should not be less than a thousand years! And so when I go back I will go to identify.
因為“牠”〈因為他比畜牲還不如,所以用這個“牠”字〉為了一個女人,竟然無視當時臺灣6,133,867人〈1943臺灣人口,中國人52,020除 外〉的基本人權、生命與安全,尤其甚者是你「美國總統羅斯福」及「英國首相邱吉爾」向全世界公民的宣告:第二次世界大戰後,要讓所有各國的『殖民地』脫離 桎梏,要讓「殖民地的人民」脫離苦海,能夠自組政府,獨立自主。那麼日本的殖民地臺灣呢?臺灣人民呢?Because "it" <because he was not as good as than the beast, so use the "it" word> For a woman, ignoring the fact that Taiwan was 6,133,867 people <1943 Taiwan's population, the Chinese people, except 52,020> basic human rights to life and security, especially worse is you, "President Roosevelt" and "British Prime Minister Winston Churchill," the world's citizens to declare: after World War II, to make all the countries' colonial 'off the shackles, to let "the people of the colonies' misery, capable of self-government groups, independent. Then a Japanese colony about Taiwan? Taiwanese people do?
This beast is to be the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the then commander of the Allied sold, the cost of just Chiang Kai-shek and Madame Chiang Kai-shek in the White House for three days and three nights of lust happy <1943/6/22 into the White House to the White House the morning 6/25> Taiwan and Taiwanese people fall into the abyss, called not, heard by anyone. ,,, To be continued
※※ Shun prosper Guards perish; people do, day in perspective; immediately reported what goes around, comes around once newspaper, called "secular newspaper" ─6
This shameless, no letter, no righteous pervert U.S. President Roosevelt, made so utterly devoid of conscience, humiliating, frenzied wicked things, do a little bit of retribution are not you! ? Of course there is! In order to illustrate the time:
1943/6/22 → 25 after making wicked, immoral obscene defeat lines:
1943/11/22 → 26, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was "playing face", refused to sign the "Cairo Declaration" and therefore only the meeting and did not issue a joint declaration.
1945/2/11, the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union at the Yalta conference three, first carve up China, the Manchu State <namely northeast nine provinces> assigned to the Soviet Union, is tantamount to "deny": "Cairo conference conclusions." .
※※ 1945/4/12 U.S. President Roosevelt died suddenly of cerebral hemorrhage. ── secular newspaper <1943/6/22 → 1945/4/12> after less than two years.
Fuck!不要臉的ROC政腐,我已經公佈要移民不要保健保,也在太平區公所錄影存證退健保的單據存證影片公佈於YouTube,可是卻一直狂寄掛號信逼 我繳費,還配合電磁波腦控特務曹大偉不斷的一直
弄我皮膚不自然的紅腫,目地要我去看醫生付健保,我在網路上傳的大腿部份洗硫黃水已經好了,並公佈 YouTube並教全民用硫黃對付電磁波腦控所引起皮膚怪病症,
ROC電磁波腦控請邏輯點,你娘我:童年時代是專門偷偷跑去比那柳川還要髒汙有糞便黑髒的(大水溝裡)抓(大肚魚)!一星期去抓一次,皮膚好的很呢,從沒 得過皮膚病類,包刮我做美髮已十年之久,手也從來不會對燙劑過敏,那麼巧合,是在政腐狂寄健保單逼我繳保費時,弄我手腳不自然的紅腫呢!
很明顯是ROC電 磁波腦控政腐搞設的局!難怪陳水扁身體走下坡,原來還可整壞人民的身體,全民還是罷選,用國際憲法人民(自決權),直接向世界宣言建國或做美國一州,健康 財富才會得到保障!

Mei Feng Chang因為我上傳ROC政腐 (污弊假司法),(假民主)之證據實情,結果ROC電磁波腦控爛體係,這二黨配合整我的做品,上星期是大腿二天好了後,這回是手挽,故意弄出我的手部不自然的紅腫,想讓美甲顧客看會怕,不讓我做生意!
http://youtu.be/RqEW1Z5E4E0因為我上傳ROC政腐 (污弊假司法),(假民主)之證據實情,結果ROC電磁波腦控爛體係,這二黨配合整我的做品,上星期是大腿二天好了後,這回是手挽,故意弄出我的手部不自然的紅腫,想讓美甲顧客看會怕,不讓我做生意!
http://youtu.be/RqEW1Z5E4E0因為我上傳ROC政腐 (污弊假司法),(假民主)之證據實情,結果ROC電磁波腦控爛體係,這二黨配合整我的做品,上星期是大腿二天好了後,這回是手挽,故意弄出我的手部不自然的紅腫,想讓美甲顧客看會怕,不讓我做生意!