在 2013年4月6日20:04 由 Mei Feng Chang網誌

全民快覺悟,快 辦民政府身份證 吧! 馬政府一大堆特 務 電磁波腦控=世 界大亂=北韓


2012/10/17日星 期三蘋果報登 【北韓官員訪 台】=近日馬區 長用電磁波 腦控 挑撥離間洗腦, 今日讓北韓一直 想打戰,這


幕 後 主使者是中華民 國馬政府+中共 一起推動的,


請 聯軍,消滅這共 產黨主義國,及 馬英九區長 KMT, 消滅牠 們,天下太平 耶!地球絕對不 會有世界末日 了,牠們共產黨 ˇˇ打輸戰改自由 民主國制度,由 人 民去督促,才 是世界大乘之 【大愛】!


願全 世界的 神,菩薩 ,啊拉,一起加 持吧!


They are North Korea must be ROC dog offerings party KMT control with the spirit of the Chinese Communist Party electromagnetic brain! Ameimn Limn 30分鐘前 ·



國家財政已嗚呼, 清廉評價倒退嚕! 浮濫預算太馬虎, 立法審核假疏忽, 美商勤快打招呼, 政商遊說手段粗, 親美走資往前撲, 美牛武器輪到豬, 錢坑法案都背書, 全數通過直歡呼, 酬庸肥貓壯如豬, 貧富差距好懸殊, 三品官員升尚書, 常駐官邸免房租, 名車洋參猴頭菇, 黃金美鈔碧鍊珠, 神鵰楊過龍女姑, 姨太小三藏金屋, 紅粉知己大丈夫, 移民海外收房租, 從政是否該貪汙?


斷橋死傷河不疏, 國難救災照貪汙, 不幸落網裝無辜, 政治迫害跪與哭, 除弊興利都乾枯, 台北到南頭已禿, 交通建設難運輸, 台灣法政人才出, 廉政司法誰監 督!?綠營推出蔡 與蘇, 藍營接招 江與朱, 庶民百 姓海砂屋, 民不 聊生走當鋪, 要 你執政悔當初, 馬扁共治罄竹書, 兩黨大贏民眾輸! 天打雷劈頭該誅!


民主黑暗熄燈號, 藍綠分贓相擁抱! 雨後春筍土堆冒! 貪污弊案連環泡, 府院黨團當前哨, 從政頂戴大頭帽, 政治世家頂頭罩, 恐嚇利誘我雄浩, 幾乎後台有依靠, 政治明星都上報, 蒙受冤屈太聒噪, 堪稱無知是年少, 暗度陳倉又埋灶, 索賄手段真粗暴, 藉端取財好深奧, 不法圖利稱誣告, 啼笑皆非太勁爆, 政治迫害對手倒, 歷史共業一整套, 政論節目耍嘴砲, 滾瓜爛熟大字報, 媒體當前蓮花落! 抗議有理自己造,


聚眾取暖上街鬧, 假期府院團團繞, 面紅耳赤不害臊, 司法怠惰又窮耗, 黨團壓力你急躁, 這是秧苗莫割稻, 冗長程序得瞎耗, 檢調偵辦別粗慥, 恐龍審判均窮鬧, 你我都是同鍋灶, 關愛眼神有預兆, 好酒不見我心照, 提錢來講實牢靠, 交保候傳海外軂, 預測結果我獨到, 傷風敗俗別高傲, 調查局長葉勝茂, 貪汙總統可比照, 特權待遇送禮貌, 明鏡高懸盡周到, 管它陳林孫王趙! 書本讓你當頭套, 就地正法上手銬, 囚車兜風去環繞, 台北高雄經蘇澳, 移送監獄去報到!

Mei Feng Chang The universal consciousness fast, go and do the United States lawfully issued TCG Taiwan and government ID card! Ma administration a bunch of spies electromagnetic mind control = world chaos = North Korea 2012/10/17 Wednesday, Apple reported Teng [North Korean officials to visit Taiwan] = recently, horse head with electromagnetic brain control sow discord brainwashing, today North Korea has always wanted to fighting a war, This heist is the Government of the Republic of China Ma + with the CPC driven, coalition to destroy Communism States, and Mayor Ma Ying-jeou KMT destroy them, peace and harmony yeah! Earth is definitely not the end of the world, the Communist Party she lost battle to change the system of free and democratic country, to urge by the people, is the world Mahayana [love]! May the God of the world, Bodhisattvas, pull together blessing!

They are North Korea must be ROC dog offerings party KMT control with the spirit of the Chinese Communist Party electromagnetic brain! The ameimn LiMn for 30 minutes before and

The state finance has been Alas, the honest evaluation backwards chatter! Indiscriminately budget is too lax, legislation audit false negligence, American greet diligent, coarse means of lobbying in government and business, pro-American go-owned rushed forward, the U.S. beef weapons turn pigs, money pit Act endorsement, full straight-through cheering, reward fat cats as strong as pigs, the gap between the rich and the poor good poor Mishina officials liter chancery, Permanent official residence rent-free, the cars Yangshen Hericium, gold dollar bills Bi chain beads, Ying and Yang Guo Dragon Regardless Mistress small Sanzo Kanaya, confidante real man, who emigrated overseas collect rent, politics is the corruption? the broken bridge casualties River sparse, according to the corruption of national calamity relief, unfortunately arrested look innocent, political persecution, kneeling and crying, Chubi, Hennessy dry, Taipei to the south head bald, traffic-buildin g difficult to transport, Hosei talent out Independent judicial supervision?the Green Camp launch of Tsai and Su, the blue camp react Jiang Zhu, plebeian, SEA SAND HOUSE, times of hardship take the pawn shop to your ruling regret that the original horse flat rule exhausted bamboo book, the two parties win people lose! Tiandaleipi head of the punish!

Darkness taps democracy, blue, green and spoils hug! Springing mound to take! Corruption charges comic bubble, caucus and government whistle politics Dingdai the bulk of the cap, the top of the political family hood, intimidation and inducements, I hung ho, almost background rely political star are reported to have suffered injustice too noisy, called ignorance is young, the cover of darkness and buried stove, bribes means really rude, the take Jieduan fiscal good esoteric, illegal Tullie said false accusations, tears and laughter too explosive political persecution of opponents down, a common historical a set of political talk shows playing mouth artillery, verse posters, media Lotus down! protest rational own made mob heating the street downtown, around the holidays government hospital round and round, red in the face ought to be ashamed, judicial laziness and poor consumption caucus pressure you irritable, seedling Mo cut rice, lengthy program was blind consumption, prosecutors and investigation coarse unfeigned the dinosaur trial poor trouble, you and I are the same the cookstoves, caring eyes hints about wine but not me tacit withdraw money in terms of real solid ,released on bail pending further pass overseas Lao predict the results of my own, immoral do not haughty, Bureau of Investigation Yesheng Mao, corruption president, mutatis mutandis, privileged treatment to send a courtesy, Mingjinggaoxuan make thoughtful, whether it be in Wang Zhao, Chen Lin Sun! book will let you take the lead sets Execution on the Spot on handcuffs, a van for a ride to go around, Kaohsiung, Taipei via Su-ao, transferred to the prison to report for duty! er=100005633195351#!/photo.php?fbid=1 12221932308913&id=100005633195 351&set=a.107304362800670.1073 741829.100005633195351&__user= 100005633195351

全 民快覺悟,快 辦民政府身份證 吧! 馬政府一堆特 務 電磁波腦控=世 界大亂=北韓 2012/10/17日星 期 三蘋果報登 【北韓官員訪 台】=近日馬區 長用電磁波 腦控 挑撥離間洗腦, 今日讓北韓一直 想打戰,這幕 後 主使者是中華民 國馬政府+中共 一起推動的,請 聯軍,消滅這共 產黨主義國,及 馬英九區長 KMT, 消滅牠 們,天下太平 耶!地球絕對不 會有世界末日 了,牠們共產黨 ˇˇ打輸戰改自由 民主國制度,由 人 民去督促,才 是世界大乘之 【大愛】!願全 世界的 神,菩薩 ,啊拉,一起加 持吧!
全民快覺悟,快 辦民政府身份證 吧! 馬政府一堆特 務 電磁波腦控=世 界大亂=北韓 2012/10/17日星 期 三蘋果報登 【北韓官員訪 台】=近日馬區 長用電磁波 腦控 挑撥離間洗腦, 今日讓北韓一直 想打戰,這 幕 後 主使者是中華民 國馬政府+中共 一起推動的,
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