「台灣建州運動」這項主張是要復活與鼓舞美國的第二階段「天命論」,完成美國先賢把美國價值向海外傳播與植根的宏願,特別是在1850年代包括Commodore Matthew C. Perry在內的美國菁英「把台灣納為美國領土」的宏願。(待續)
在 2013年4月9日18:03 由洪銘媛(網誌)
美國在1783年透過一場武裝革命,成功地從大不列顛聯合王國獨立,但實際上,它是華盛頓在1789年根據一部新憲就任首任總統後才成為一個真正的合眾 國,我們也可以說,合眾國實際上是在1810年代的第二次美英戰爭後,才真正擺脫大不列顛聯合王國的糾纏與威脅,成為一個真正的獨立主權國家。
在1820到1840年代,在美國的菁英層與新移民中興起了「天命論」(Manifest Destiny),此說給了美國人向西、向北與向南擴張的強大動力。在1848年,美國對墨西哥發動了一場戰爭,其結果是美國的勢力向今天的太平洋沿岸及 西南部幾個州擴張,完成了第一階段的「天命論」的任務與主張(使美國成為兩洋國家),也進一步鞏固了Sam Houston將軍那些德克薩斯人在先前以武力對墨西哥進行武裝鬥爭所取得的戰果。
在這期間,美國第五任總統James Monroe也在國務卿John Quincy Adams(後來成為第六任總統)的建議下,提出「門羅主義」,把美洲劃為美國的勢力範圍。
這之後一直到1890年代,中間經過了50年,美國才又進行對外戰爭(這之前是在太平洋進行和平擴張,以和平的方式,把太平洋中若干可做為煤水與食物供應 站、軍事基地與商貿中繼站的島嶼加以主張或佔領),進行海外擴張,以建立一個軍事與經貿帝國,這是美國人建立「大美和平」(Pax Americana)的開始,「大美帝國」在蘇聯崩解後,在1990與2000年代,成為世界唯一的超強。不過,這個帝國與人類歷史上所出現的其他帝國不 同,美國所建立的帝國是要為世界與人類建立一個奠基在自由與民主的價值上的仁善恩慈的帝國,它要將它的價值與恩澤讓落後的民族也能分享,也因此,「台灣建 州運動」主張由美國來建立一個奠基在自由、民主、人權、法治與平等等核心價值上的「世界國」(Universal State),這個「世界國」要接納與包含(透過台灣人民的自決與公投)台灣,以便實現「台灣建州運動」的「讓美國變成亞洲的在地強權,而非僅是太平洋的 在地強權」的主張。
特別是在1850年代包括Commodore Matthew C. Perry在內的美國菁英「把台灣納為美國領土」的宏願。(待續)
Hung Ming Yuan
The Xi Jinping strateg* Deng Xiaoping, China's new evil empire, the fourth emperor of the dynasty
In April 2013 of 18:03 by Hung Ming Yuan (blog)
The United States in 1783 through an armed revolution to independence from the United Kingdom, but in fact, it is the Washington became the first president in 1789 under a new constitution before they become a real America, we can also say, America In fact, after the second war in the United States and Britain in the 1810's, before really get rid of the entanglement of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and threats, to become a truly independent sovereign state.
In 1820 to the 1840s, the rise in the elite layer of new immigrants in the United States "Manifest Destiny" (Manifest Destiny) to say to the Americans westward, northward and southward expansion of a strong driving force. In 1848, the U.S. war against Mexico, the result is the expansion of the forces of the United States to the Pacific coast and the southwest of several states, the completion of the first phase of the "Manifest Destiny" tasks and ideas (the United States as the two foreign countries), but also further consolidate the General Sam Houston Texans in the previous force on the armed struggle in Mexico victories achieved.
During this period, James Monroe, the fifth president of the United States is also Secretary of State John Quincy Adams (who later became the sixth president) recommendations, "Monroe Doctrine" America designated as the U.S. sphere of influence.
After that, until the 1890s, in the middle after 50 years, the United States is the only foreign war (this is before the expansion of peace in the Pacific, in a peaceful manner, the Pacific in a number of coal-water and food supply station can be used as military bases commerce relay station of the island to claim or occupation), to expand abroad in order to establish a military and trade empire, which is the beginning of the Americans to establish "peace" (Pax Americana), "large American Empire" in the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990 and 2000s to become the world's only super. However, the empire, and appear in the history of mankind Empire, the empire created by the United States to the world and mankind to establish a foundation the benevolent goodness Empire on the value of freedom and democracy, it will put its value and Favour backward nation can share, and therefore, the statehood movement "Taiwan" advocated by the United States to establish a foundation in the core values of freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law and equality "country" (Universal State), this "World country" to be taken to contain (through self-determination referendum of the people of Taiwan) Taiwan in order to achieve "statehood movement in Taiwan" "America into Asia in the power, not just the Pacific Ocean in the power" claims .
"Taiwan's statehood movement 'claims to the resurrection and the second phase of the" Manifest Destiny "encouraged by the United States to complete the sages of the United States of American values ambition to spread and take root overseas, especially in the 1850s, including Commodore Matthew C. Perry American elite, including Taiwan satisfied "ambition" for the U.S. territory. (To be continued)