

 Jetstar-Air lie to reporters write( TV News)not subtitles (Purse) to deceive the whole world (bags )

Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), not subtitles (Purse wallet) to deceive the whole world (bags )
Dog party KMT Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), did not dare to play subtitles (bags), fear of leaking through gas, the false flight safety teletext playing (baggage) PS: focus on my back (wallet(Purse)) with two kinds of specifications (luggage) poor galaxy! fundamental consortium of governments deliberately framed me!


Jetstar has lied to the media, TV and newspaper wrote: stewardess told me to put his ass under the chair! Fully intent deliberately exposed my privacy, defamation!

2, on-site video evidence uploaded (flight attendants want my wallet to put the front (the others passengers ass under the chair), and that would affect flight safety. Teach me the wrong location, PS: focus on Jetstar diagram is also playing × Media TV newspaper published but cheat: stewardess told me to put his ass under the chair! fully intent deliberately exposed my privacy, defamation!





相片:狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢 打字幕(錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕 打(行李), PS:重點我背的是(錢包Purse)跟 (行李包包bags)二種規格差十萬八千里 Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), not subtitles (Purse wallet) to deceive the whole world (bags ) Mar 13 2013 03:20

狗冥黨電磁波腦控人民下,演出這犯法戲,還真的是 可警惕人民邪不勝正,狗黨陷害我,證據都被我抓 到,這電磁波腦控是怕錄影的,我為什麼常身邊帶錄 影器具,就是因為被腦控20年經驗,害我食衣住行生 活中,都需要隨身配備錄影器!乾你馬狗黨!

Jetstar-Air lie to reporters write( TV News)not subtitles (Purse) to deceive the whole world (bags )

Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), not subtitles (Purse wallet) to deceive the whole world (bags ) 捷星騙記者登(新聞挖挖挖節目),不敢打字幕(Purse錢 包)騙全世界是(bags包包) Dog party KMT Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), did not dare to play subtitles (bags), fear of leaking through gas, the false flight safety teletext playing (baggage) PS: focus on my back (wallet(Purse)) with two kinds of specifications (luggage) poor galaxy! fundamental consortium of governments deliberately framed me!


Jetstar has lied to the media, TV and newspaper wrote: stewardess told me to put his ass under the chair! Fully intent deliberately exposed my privacy, defamation!

2, on-site video evidence uploaded (flight attendants want my wallet to put the front (the others passengers ass under the chair), and that would affect flight safety. Teach me the wrong location, PS: focus on Jetstar diagram is also playing × Media TV newspaper published but cheat: stewardess told me to put his ass under the chair! fully intent deliberately exposed my privacy, defamation!

2,機上現場錄影證據都上傳了,(空姐要我錢包放前面 (別人乘客屁股椅子底下),那會影響飛安.教我是錯誤的 位置, PS:重點捷星航空圖也是打×的,但卻騙媒體電 視報紙登載:空姐是叫我放自己屁股椅子底下!完全意 圖故意曝露我隱私權,毀謗罪!

All evidence Website: (1) False flight safety: false flight safety and flight attendants package on a chair in front of the following indicates that the figure is wrong

1,狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕 (錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李), PS:重點 我背的是(錢包Purse)跟(行李包包bags)二種規格差十 萬八千里! Mei Feng Chang

1,狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕 (錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李), PS:重點 我背的是(錢包Purse)跟(行李包包bags)二種規格差十 萬八千里!

1,狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕 (錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李), PS:重點 我背的是(錢包Purse)跟(行李包包bags)二種規格差十 萬八千里!

Jetstar-Air lie to reporters write( TV News)not subtitles (Purse) to deceive the whole world (bags )

Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), not subtitles (Purse wallet) to deceive the whole world (bags ) 捷星騙記者登(新聞挖挖挖節目),不敢打字幕(Purse錢 包)騙全世界是(bags包包) Dog party KMT Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), did not dare to play subtitles (bags), fear of leaking through gas, the false flight safety teletext playing (baggage) PS: focus on my back (wallet(Purse)) with two kinds of specifications (luggage) poor galaxy! fundamental consortium of governments deliberately framed me!

2,機上現場錄影證據都上傳了,(空姐要我錢包放前面 (別人乘客屁股椅子底下),飛安是錯誤的位置, PS:重 點捷星航空圖也是打×的,但卻騙媒體電視報紙登載: 空姐是叫我放自己屁股椅子底下!完全意圖故意曝露 我隱私權,毀謗罪!

全部證據網址: (1) False flight safety: 假飛安空姐 要 我包放到椅子前方下面指示圖是錯誤 的

錄影証 據網址

(2) False flight safety:假飛安證據 (捷 星航空機艙裡 指示圖)規格大到膝蓋, 不同我 (Purse)錢包!空姐說放 前面乘 客椅子底下指錯方 位圖片是打×錯的!


(3) YEO KOK HUA捷星機長把 消費 者當眾羞辱人錄 下趕人下機情形

證據 網:

Uploaded on Dec 1, 2010 捷星假飛安證據該航 規指 示圖規格大 到膝蓋不同我的包空姐教放錯方 假飛 安 空姐要我包放到椅子前方下面指示 圖是錯 誤jetstar Indicating figure:( the correct baggage should be put in own seat chair bottom.捷星這 指 示圖表:這正 確的行李應放在自己的 座位椅子 下 False flight safety: the flight attendant asked me to put my purse below and in front of the chair. But this is a wrong action{ which has been showed on the indicating picture.} 而空姐 要我包放 到椅子前方下 面,而捷星指示圖是打 叉 錯的,天阿假飛安公報私仇竟 叫我 做不對錯的規則 The flight attendant asked me to put my purse below and in front of the chair. But this is a wrong action which has been showed on the indicating picture . God! False flight safety! They actually asked me to follow the wrong rules, It was a contorted version of the truth. and She is to of personal revenge Her account was a perversion of the truth.

jetstar directed wrongly the indicating picture showed that the bag size should be wide to knee 假 飛安證據指示圖規格大到膝蓋空姐指 錯 方位圖片 是打錯 jetstar directed wrongly - the evidence of the flight safety: the indicating picture showed that the bag size should be wide to knee, but my purse size is very small, different indicating picture the suitcase size. 按 鈴申告捷星航空狀紙 我(張美鳳)身 分證B22020 2611民國 52/04/14日生與我女兒(陳懿 心)身分 證 L225481923民國86/02/24日生, 提告(捷 星航 空 公司)騙全世界媒體 刊登不實第(310條第二項 毀謗 罪)(報 紙,電視,圖像,名子都有) 證據十足!也 有在 99/11/02日先投訴台中消費者爭 議申訴台灣法定 代 理人 航達旅行社股份有限公司(朱德旺)統 編:12695912台北市長安西路106號 10F之6:及提 告 捷星亞洲航空台灣總 代理(洪子菁)女士,及捷星 亞洲 首席女 總裁(莊碧蓮),竟耍賴不調解! 告YEO KOK HUA 捷星機長(公然侮辱 罪)(毀謗罪) (1)捷星 航空耍賴假 飛安不退機票錢 (2)YEO KOK HUA捷 星機長把消費者 當眾羞辱人第一句及最後一句罵 get out 第一句及二 句最後一句罵get out中 間才 改get off你給我走開離 開機艙對 消費者而言是完 全不能接受,200人面 前手 比,面目猙獰,有帶動作 侮辱,法律 上完全形成(公然侮 辱罪)

3 而空姐要我包放到椅子前方下面,而 捷星指示圖 是 打叉錯的,天阿假飛安 公報私仇竟叫我做不對錯 的規 則. 騙 全世界媒體報導刊登不實,騙媒體報 紙 刊登我 不配合飛安被趕下機是因為 (錢包放自己的 位子屁股 椅子底下)(捷 星因而犯下310條第二項刊 登不實,誹 謗罪! (報紙,電視,圖像,名子都有) ! 重 點:其實空姐要 我把錢包放到前面 別人椅子腳 下!(該捷星航規指示圖 標 示是打×錯的)!(是不可放 腳下)!是空姐 公報私仇假 飛安!指導錯誤被我錄起 證據! 都叫人放錯的地方!連 坐我旁乘客為 了趕飛 機時間也都學空姐勸我錯的行 為放腳下,正好她也 算第三證人,也錄 在V8影帶裡!證 實捷星惡人先告 狀公 報私仇,利用假飛安向全世界媒 體報 導刊登 不實,而犯下誹謗罪!(報紙,電 視,圖像,名 子都有) ! 捷星趕我下機事後,趁我還在外國期 間惡人 先告 狀,騙全世界媒體記者說 我不配合,全世界媒體報 紙登的是因 為(錢包放自己的位子屁股椅子底 下)PS:, 對外公開刊登不實,事實我已錄 起證據!空 姐叫我放的 是(前面別人的 椅子底下),而趕我的假 飛安,公報私仇! 竟叫我做錯的規則!

(4)而且捷星指示圖被我錄起V8裡,放 到自己做位 椅子 底下的規格圖片是男 人的公事包,前面椅子腳 下也不 可放 隨身旅行袋! PS:何況我的是(錢包),不 同旅行袋, 公事包!假飛安,公報私仇!竟 叫我做錯的 規則!

(5) 我回國後外國朋友打電話問,客戶, 朋友,家人告 之 新聞 媒體網路全都是 我及我女兒,特別節目新 聞挖挖 挖也 登,導至我與我女兒名譽嚴重遭受毀 謗,還影響我 的生意,剪髮客戶批評不 講,家人不和, 國外朋友網友 誤會,我女 兒同學恥笑,網路流言做 假帳號在很 多網 紙來評論罵攻擊我及小女,所以 本人及小女一定要提 告訴!


· · 推廣 ·

相片:狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢 打字幕(錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕 打(行李), PS:重點我背的是(錢包Purse)跟 (行李包包bags)二種規格差十萬八千里 Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), not subtitles (Purse wallet) to deceive the whole world (bags ) Mar 13 2013 03:20

狗冥黨電磁波腦控人民下,演出這犯法戲,還真的是 可警惕人民邪不勝正,狗黨陷害我,證據都被我抓 到,這電磁波腦控是怕錄影的,我為什麼常身邊帶錄 影器具,就是因為被腦控20年經驗,害我食衣住行生 活中,都需要隨身配備錄影器!乾你馬狗黨!

Jetstar-Air lie to reporters write( TV News)not subtitles (Purse) to deceive the whole world (bags )

Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), not subtitles (Purse wallet) to deceive the whole world (bags ) 捷星騙記者登(新聞挖挖挖節目),不敢打字幕(Purse錢 包)騙全世界是(bags包包) Dog party KMT Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), did not dare to play subtitles (bags), fear of leaking through gas, the false flight safety teletext playing (baggage) PS: focus on my back (wallet(Purse)) with two kinds of specifications (luggage) poor galaxy! fundamental consortium of governments deliberately framed me!


Jetstar has lied to the media, TV and newspaper wrote: stewardess told me to put his ass under the chair! Fully intent deliberately exposed my privacy, defamation!

2, on-site video evidence uploaded (flight attendants want my wallet to put the front (the others passengers ass under the chair), and that would affect flight safety. Teach me the wrong location, PS: focus on Jetstar diagram is also playing × Media TV newspaper published but cheat: stewardess told me to put his ass under the chair! fully intent deliberately exposed my privacy, defamation!

2,機上現場錄影證據都上傳了,(空姐要我錢包放前面 (別人乘客屁股椅子底下),那會影響飛安.教我是錯誤的 位置, PS:重點捷星航空圖也是打×的,但卻騙媒體電 視報紙登載:空姐是叫我放自己屁股椅子底下!完全意 圖故意曝露我隱私權,毀謗罪!

All evidence Website: (1) False flight safety: false flight safety and flight attendants package on a chair in front of the following indicates that the figure is wrong

1,狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕 (錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李), PS:重點 我背的是(錢包Purse)跟(行李包包bags)二種規格差十 萬八千里! Mei Feng Chang

1,狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕 (錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李), PS:重點 我背的是(錢包Purse)跟(行李包包bags)二種規格差十 萬八千里!

1,狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕 (錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李), PS:重點 我背的是(錢包Purse)跟(行李包包bags)二種規格差十 萬八千里!

Jetstar-Air lie to reporters write( TV News)not subtitles (Purse) to deceive the whole world (bags )

Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), not subtitles (Purse wallet) to deceive the whole world (bags ) 捷星騙記者登(新聞挖挖挖節目),不敢打字幕(Purse錢 包)騙全世界是(bags包包) Dog party KMT Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), did not dare to play subtitles (bags), fear of leaking through gas, the false flight safety teletext playing (baggage) PS: focus on my back (wallet(Purse)) with two kinds of specifications (luggage) poor galaxy! fundamental consortium of governments deliberately framed me!

2,機上現場錄影證據都上傳了,(空姐要我錢包放前面 (別人乘客屁股椅子底下),飛安是錯誤的位置, PS:重 點捷星航空圖也是打×的,但卻騙媒體電視報紙登載: 空姐是叫我放自己屁股椅子底下!完全意圖故意曝露 我隱私權,毀謗罪!

全部證據網址: (1) False flight safety: 假飛安空姐 要 我包放到椅子前方下面指示圖是錯誤 的

錄影証 據網址

(2) False flight safety:假飛安證據 (捷 星航空機艙裡 指示圖)規格大到膝蓋, 不同我 (Purse)錢包!空姐說放 前面乘 客椅子底下指錯方 位圖片是打×錯的!


(3) YEO KOK HUA捷星機長把 消費 者當眾羞辱人錄 下趕人下機情形

證據 網:

Uploaded on Dec 1, 2010 捷星假飛安證據該航 規指 示圖規格大 到膝蓋不同我的包空姐教放錯方 假飛 安 空姐要我包放到椅子前方下面指示 圖是錯 誤jetstar Indicating figure:( the correct baggage should be put in own seat chair bottom.捷星這 指 示圖表:這正 確的行李應放在自己的 座位椅子 下 False flight safety: the flight attendant asked me to put my purse below and in front of the chair. But this is a wrong action{ which has been showed on the indicating picture.} 而空姐 要我包放 到椅子前方下 面,而捷星指示圖是打 叉 錯的,天阿假飛安公報私仇竟 叫我 做不對錯的規則 The flight attendant asked me to put my purse below and in front of the chair. But this is a wrong action which has been showed on the indicating picture . God! False flight safety! They actually asked me to follow the wrong rules, It was a contorted version of the truth. and She is to of personal revenge Her account was a perversion of the truth.

jetstar directed wrongly the indicating picture showed that the bag size should be wide to knee 假 飛安證據指示圖規格大到膝蓋空姐指 錯 方位圖片 是打錯 jetstar directed wrongly - the evidence of the flight safety: the indicating picture showed that the bag size should be wide to knee, but my purse size is very small, different indicating picture the suitcase size. 按 鈴申告捷星航空狀紙 我(張美鳳)身 分證B22020 2611民國 52/04/14日生與我女兒(陳懿 心)身分 證 L225481923民國86/02/24日生, 提告(捷 星航 空 公司)騙全世界媒體 刊登不實第(310條第二項 毀謗 罪)(報 紙,電視,圖像,名子都有) 證據十足!也 有在 99/11/02日先投訴台中消費者爭 議申訴台灣法定 代 理人 航達旅行社股份有限公司(朱德旺)統 編:12695912台北市長安西路106號 10F之6:及提 告 捷星亞洲航空台灣總 代理(洪子菁)女士,及捷星 亞洲 首席女 總裁(莊碧蓮),竟耍賴不調解! 告YEO KOK HUA 捷星機長(公然侮辱 罪)(毀謗罪) (1)捷星 航空耍賴假 飛安不退機票錢 (2)YEO KOK HUA捷 星機長把消費者 當眾羞辱人第一句及最後一句罵 get out 第一句及二 句最後一句罵get out中 間才 改get off你給我走開離 開機艙對 消費者而言是完 全不能接受,200人面 前手 比,面目猙獰,有帶動作 侮辱,法律 上完全形成(公然侮 辱罪)

3 而空姐要我包放到椅子前方下面,而 捷星指示圖 是 打叉錯的,天阿假飛安 公報私仇竟叫我做不對錯 的規 則. 騙 全世界媒體報導刊登不實,騙媒體報 紙 刊登我 不配合飛安被趕下機是因為 (錢包放自己的 位子屁股 椅子底下)(捷 星因而犯下310條第二項刊 登不實,誹 謗罪! (報紙,電視,圖像,名子都有) ! 重 點:其實空姐要 我把錢包放到前面 別人椅子腳 下!(該捷星航規指示圖 標 示是打×錯的)!(是不可放 腳下)!是空姐 公報私仇假 飛安!指導錯誤被我錄起 證據! 都叫人放錯的地方!連 坐我旁乘客為 了趕飛 機時間也都學空姐勸我錯的行 為放腳下,正好她也 算第三證人,也錄 在V8影帶裡!證 實捷星惡人先告 狀公 報私仇,利用假飛安向全世界媒 體報 導刊登 不實,而犯下誹謗罪!(報紙,電 視,圖像,名 子都有) ! 捷星趕我下機事後,趁我還在外國期 間惡人 先告 狀,騙全世界媒體記者說 我不配合,全世界媒體報 紙登的是因 為(錢包放自己的位子屁股椅子底 下)PS:, 對外公開刊登不實,事實我已錄 起證據!空 姐叫我放的 是(前面別人的 椅子底下),而趕我的假 飛安,公報私仇! 竟叫我做錯的規則!

(4)而且捷星指示圖被我錄起V8裡,放 到自己做位 椅子 底下的規格圖片是男 人的公事包,前面椅子腳 下也不 可放 隨身旅行袋! PS:何況我的是(錢包),不 同旅行袋, 公事包!假飛安,公報私仇!竟 叫我做錯的 規則!

(5) 我回國後外國朋友打電話問,客戶, 朋友,家人告 之 新聞 媒體網路全都是 我及我女兒,特別節目新 聞挖挖 挖也 登,導至我與我女兒名譽嚴重遭受毀 謗,還影響我 的生意,剪髮客戶批評不 講,家人不和, 國外朋友網友 誤會,我女 兒同學恥笑,網路流言做 假帳號在很 多網 紙來評論罵攻擊我及小女,所以 本人及小女一定要提 告訴!
· · 推廣 ·



2,機上現場錄影證據都上傳了,(空姐要我錢包放前面(別人乘客屁股椅子底下),那會影響飛安.教我是錯誤的位置, PS:重點捷星航空圖也是打×的,但卻騙媒體電視報紙登載:空姐是叫我放自己屁股椅子底下!完全意圖故意曝露我隱私權,毀謗罪!

All evidence Website: (1) False flight safety: false flight safety and flight attendants package on a chair in front of the following indicates that the figure is wrong

1,狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕(錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李), PS:重點我背的是(錢包Purse)跟(行李包包bags)二種規格差十萬八千里!


1,狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕(錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李), PS:重點我背的是(錢包Purse)跟(行李包包bags)二種規格差十萬八千里!


1,狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕(錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李), PS:重點我背的是(錢包Purse)跟(行李包包bags)二種規格差十萬八千里!

 Jetstar-Air lie to reporters write( TV News)not subtitles (Purse) to deceive the whole world (bags )

Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), not subtitles (Purse wallet) to deceive the whole world (bags )
Dog party KMT Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters Teng (News dig, dig program), did not dare to play subtitles (bags), fear of leaking through gas, the false flight safety teletext playing (baggage) PS: focus on my back (wallet(Purse)) with two kinds of specifications (luggage) poor galaxy! fundamental consortium of governments deliberately framed me!


2,機上現場錄影證據都上傳了,(空姐要我錢包放前面(別人乘客屁股椅子底下),飛安是錯誤的位置,   PS:重點捷星航空圖也是打×的,但卻騙媒體電視報紙登載:空姐是叫我放自己屁股椅子底下!完全意圖故意曝露我隱私權,毀謗罪!


   全部證據網址: (1) False flight safety: 假飛安空姐 要 我包放到椅子前方下面指示圖是錯誤 的


錄影証 據網址


 (2) False flight safety:假飛安證據 (捷 星航空機艙裡指示圖)規格大到膝蓋, 不同我 (Purse)錢包!空姐說放前面乘 客椅子底下指錯方 位圖片是打×錯的!




 (3) YEO KOK HUA捷星機長把 消費 者當眾羞辱人錄下趕人下機情形


證據 網:


Uploaded on Dec 1, 2010 捷星假飛安證據該航 規指示圖規格大 到膝蓋不同我的包空姐教放錯方 假飛 安空姐要我包放到椅子前方下面指示 圖是錯 誤jetstar Indicating figure:( the correct baggage should be put in own seat chair bottom.捷星這 指 示圖表:這正確的行李應放在自己的 座位椅子 下 False flight safety: the flight attendant asked me to put my purse below and in front of the chair. But this is a wrong action{ which has been showed on the indicating picture.} 而空姐 要我包放 到椅子前方下面,而捷星指示圖是打 叉 錯的,天阿假飛安公報私仇竟叫我 做不對錯的規則 The flight attendant asked me to put my purse below and in front of the chair. But this is a wrong action which has been showed on the indicating picture . God! False flight safety! They actually asked me to follow the wrong rules, It was a contorted version of the truth. and She is to of personal revenge Her account was a perversion of the truth.


jetstar directed wrongly the indicating picture showed that the bag size should be wide to knee 假 飛安證據指示圖規格大到膝蓋空姐指 錯 方位圖片是打錯 jetstar directed wrongly - the evidence of the flight safety: the indicating picture showed that the bag size should be wide to knee, but my purse size is very small, different indicating picture the suitcase size. 按 鈴申告捷星航空狀紙 我(張美鳳)身分證B22020 2611民國 52/04/14日生與我女兒(陳懿心)身分 證 L225481923民國86/02/24日生, 提告(捷星航 空 公司)騙全世界媒體 刊登不實第(310條第二項毀謗 罪)(報 紙,電視,圖像,名子都有) 證據十足!也 有在 99/11/02日先投訴台中消費者爭 議申訴台灣法定 代理人 航達旅行社股份有限公司(朱德旺)統 編:12695912台北市長安西路106號 10F之6:及提 告捷星亞洲航空台灣總 代理(洪子菁)女士,及捷星 亞洲首席女 總裁(莊碧蓮),竟耍賴不調解! 告YEO KOK HUA捷星機長(公然侮辱 罪)(毀謗罪) (1)捷星 航空耍賴假飛安不退機票錢 (2)YEO KOK HUA捷 星機長把消費者 當眾羞辱人第一句及最後一句罵 get out 第一句及二句最後一句罵get out中 間才 改get off你給我走開離開機艙對 消費者而言是完 全不能接受,200人面 前手比,面目猙獰,有帶動作 侮辱,法律 上完全形成(公然侮辱罪)


3 而空姐要我包放到椅子前方下面,而 捷星指示圖 是打叉錯的,天阿假飛安 公報私仇竟叫我做不對錯 的規則. 騙 全世界媒體報導刊登不實,騙媒體報 紙 刊登我不配合飛安被趕下機是因為 (錢包放自己的 位子屁股椅子底下)(捷 星因而犯下310條第二項刊 登不實,誹 謗罪! (報紙,電視,圖像,名子都有) ! 重 點:其實空姐要我把錢包放到前面 別人椅子腳 下!(該捷星航規指示圖標 示是打×錯的)!(是不可放 腳下)!是空姐 公報私仇假飛安!指導錯誤被我錄起 證據! 都叫人放錯的地方!連坐我旁乘客為 了趕飛 機時間也都學空姐勸我錯的行 為放腳下,正好她也 算第三證人,也錄 在V8影帶裡!證實捷星惡人先告 狀公 報私仇,利用假飛安向全世界媒體報 導刊登 不實,而犯下誹謗罪!(報紙,電 視,圖像,名子都有) ! 捷星趕我下機事後,趁我還在外國期 間惡人先告 狀,騙全世界媒體記者說 我不配合,全世界媒體報 紙登的是因 為(錢包放自己的位子屁股椅子底 下)PS:,對外公開刊登不實,事實我已錄 起證據!空 姐叫我放的是(前面別人的 椅子底下),而趕我的假 飛安,公報私仇! 竟叫我做錯的規則!


(4)而且捷星指示圖被我錄起V8裡,放 到自己做位 椅子底下的規格圖片是男 人的公事包,前面椅子腳 下也不可放 隨身旅行袋! PS:何況我的是(錢包),不 同旅行袋,公事包!假飛安,公報私仇!竟 叫我做錯的 規則!


(5) 我回國後外國朋友打電話問,客戶, 朋友,家人告 之新聞 媒體網路全都是 我及我女兒,特別節目新 聞挖挖挖也 登,導至我與我女兒名譽嚴重遭受毀 謗,還影響我的生意,剪髮客戶批評不 講,家人不和, 國外朋友網友誤會,我女 兒同學恥笑,網路流言做 假帳號在很 多網紙來評論罵攻擊我及小女,所以 本人及小女一定要提告訴!



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