No way !I not Chinese!
Fools who do not stay awake Bay! Still pay what (national organization of labor insurance) Yeah! ROC sell units loyal to the Chinese Communist Party!, Blue(KMT), green(DPP) party coalition acting MAST strong come! Taiwan is not a basketful of Justice is currently private! State Road pay about a highway referendum As early as 40 years to pay! should be free fishes! confused state assets sold (private traders) is more expensive than ever before! must pay an on State Highway 1! Even short to be charged! close unreasonable tolls! ROC government corruption You always dream of when labor will rot retirement Shihai back to you with something! ROC he can always tell you the Chinese Communists took over Taiwan! country down to the grounds! ROC government credibility = 0%! Taiwan's people who you have to pay for labor insurance you!
National health insurance card too! Your DNA physical health, that all information in the hands of the State management! Household information and sell the CCP! Grant certain political dissidents killed him harm Half-Life! When you say you will have freedom of speech ! political rot DNA has electromagnetic mind control weapons ready to engage your body is dead on Half-Life!
This pseudo-democratic ROC government has been illegal to rot at this point! Incompatible with democracy! NOT Separation of powers does not! Stupefying Us ! All be drained away quickly retreat retreat retreat! I do not do (fools) I have all retired!
A bucketful of private law ah!!!
[Video] 2014.03.08 (should be sentenced to death fishes) were lenient still unhappy! Hung a defendant shouted to appeal │ Sanli News
Hung Chung Yau case triggered national anger, but yesterday's ruling allows many people can not accept, especially 18 defendants sentenced to only 542 brigade heaviest brigade commander Xu letter before being sentenced to eight months, as the former brigadier Shen Wei Zhi was sentenced to six months in prison, said they will appeal, and Paul Fan Xian's mother cried for her son even feel wrong, as Chenyi Xun's mother in the morning to the temple to pray, the attitude has always been low-key, say so like peace.
Video Source Sanli News
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ Please referendum to ten million [praise] against the "abolitionist" fan group ★ ★ ★ Social vicious blog major cases we prefer to raise donations to the "Ministry of Justice" of the death penalty Bullet money, do not use "sweatshop taxes" to keep the killer in prison, we support "the death penalty"! Sharenchangming is only right!
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Up up up ............> "br/>
Jiang Kui said to create a "small indeed fortunate" for the people, but the plain fact is that the pig and chicken fish and rice ... soaring Qi Zhang, lunch, snacks related to inflation. Consumers suffer gravely said: "every day to eat, salaries did not rise, but to eat less, save the point.
Up up up ... quick snack meal prices change too much resentment
Photo: up up up ............> "<Jiang Kui said to create a" small indeed fortunate "for the people, but the plain fact is that the pig and chicken fish and rice ... soaring Qi Zhang , lunch, snacks related to inflation. Consumers suffer gravely said: "every day to eat, salaries did not rise, but to eat less, save the point up up up ... quick snack meal prices change too much resentment / new/mar/12/today-fo3.htm
Super! Personality Wolf (Taiwanese, black Soso) heart! Help sinister private ROC pseudo-democratic endorsement! Who cares that you Yeah! Please find a dog party intellectuals speak, are more convincing yeah! Dog party intellectuals can not please yeah! Hahaha RO reduced to political corruption throughout the government at this point! With Wolves for the rape it!
[Update] White Wolf choke Laiqing rate for thousands of Sun Yat-sen for justice | Breaking News | 20140312 | Apple Daily
After the founding father of Tainan Minsheng Green Park last month pulled down the statue of pro-independence party, the Chinese pro-reunification ...
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Ai Dong Kang, Tainan police to monitor the collection of evidence does not meet the underworld do??
25 minutes ago · Like · 1 recovered
Mei Feng Chang also said ah! ROC black to become one
In a few seconds ago · Like
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· original CCP now have satellite. ROC government in conjunction with the CCP dare to rot with electromagnetic mind control weapons! Together all over the world want to control the world's oldest dreams yeah! Wonder that the people of this world for seven years some moral mess of it! Joke one!
Chinese satellites discovered three floats
South China Sea is the suspected crash site
Malaysia Airlines passenger plane disappeared into the first six days, the Chinese government announced on Wednesday a group of satellite photos show that China's satellite found floating in the waters of three suspected Malaysia Airlines crashed.
However, the Chinese Civil Aviation Authority said there was still not sure whether Malaysia Airlines aircraft with floats about.
This group of photos was published by the China Science and Technolog* Industry for National Defense. According to a statement the council website, the council learned the news Malaysia Airlines passenger plane lost contact, and on the use of scores of suspected crash waters I satellite observations.
"I satellite image around score at 11:00 on March 9 to get in, located (105.63oE, 6.7oN) radius of 20 kilometers of the center of the area, observed three suspected floating objects, the size of approximately 13 meters × 18 m, 14 m × 19 m, 24 m × 22 m. "
Click to read the details of the text:
Photo: Chinese satellites floating objects found three suspected crash site is the South China Sea, Malaysia Airlines passenger plane disappeared into the first six days, the Chinese government announced on Wednesday a group of satellite photos show that China's satellite found floating in the waters of three suspected Malaysia Airlines crashed. However, the Chinese Civil Aviation Authority said there was still not sure whether Malaysia Airlines aircraft with floats about. This group of photos was published by the China Science and Technolog* Industry for National Defense. According to a statement the council website, the council learned the news Malaysia Airlines passenger plane lost contact, and on the use of scores of suspected crash waters I satellite observations. "I satellite image around score at 11:00 on March 9 to get in, located (105.63oE, 6.7oN) radius of 20 kilometers of the center of the area, observed three suspected floating objects, the size of approximately 13 meters × 18 m, 14 m × 19 m, 24 m × 22 m "Click to read detailed text:.
Highest state of life
Chinese mainland Mouwang po text: teacher asked the students: What is the highest realm of life is? Student A: Can Nasha Wu Arabia wages, live in the UK house, Dai Ruishi watches, married Korean women, including Japan's second wife, do Thai massage, open the German car, take U.S. aircraft, the French drink wine, eat seafood in Australia, smoking Cuban cigars, wear Italian shoes! After listening to the teacher answered: why a lot of long-winded, and you do not want to be a Chinese official thing!
呆灣人愚民還不清醒!還保什麼 (勞工保險) 呀!ROC盡忠賣台給中共!藍綠聯合演戲服貿強進來!台灣沒司法 目前私法一籮筐!國道一高速公路全民買單40多年早付清!應該免費才對!卻把國家資產賣給(私人商人)比以前還要貴!一上國道1就要付費!連短程都要收 費! 收無理過路費!ROC貪腐政腐你老時退休時還夢想勞保會退給您嗎!ROC他可以隨時告訴你中共接手台灣!國家倒了!你還要付勞保嗎!
這假民主ROC政腐已經違法到這地步!與民主背道而馳!三權不分立!愚民們!還不先趕快 退 退 退 退 掉!我不做(愚民)已經全退了!
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Mei Feng Chang說的也是呀!ROC黑到成一體++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
中國大陸某網po文:師問學生:人生最高的境界是什麼? 學生答: 能拿沙烏地阿拉伯的工資, 住英國的房子,戴瑞士的名表,娶韓國的女人,包日本的二奶, 做泰國的按摩,開德國的轎車,坐美國的飛機,喝法國的紅酒,吃澳洲的海鮮, 抽古巴的雪茄,穿意大利的皮鞋! 老師聽完回答:囉嗦一大堆幹嘛,你不就想當個中國官員嘛!