今天同我律師溝通23號午時4點20分之妨害秘密罪案情!回到家!接到太平派出所通達信函,內容: 竟然不准我出境出海之通知!你們司法人都違法公訴我,自己犯罪還不准我出境出海!擺明整我!如果你們把我當陳水扁一樣辦!我也不怕!
我被你(鴻源投資詐騙集團)裡(顧問)兼(國家情報局 曹大偉)整害20多年打不玩官司,財來財去至今51歲了身上沒半毛但是技能很多啦!你們要來養我我也很樂意!但是你們會留下臭名永永遠遠在歷史上耶!報應也會即刻找你們的!信不信由你們吧!
請 問:台中地檢忘記偵查第18庭人 事 物 時間 地點 告我(妨害秘密罪)是需要有(共謀共犯)才會形成這條罪!現場我沒犯罪下都亂羈押我12小時! 請問這12小時我在羈押室裡面被妳們地檢拷手烤腳鐵鍊,如何去犯下這條罪! PS:難道我是在台中地檢 (羈押室)裡與(法警一起)(共謀共犯)來犯案此(妨害秘密罪)呀!
檢察官劉文賓違法違憲公訴我(妨害秘密罪呢)!請問:台中地檢忘記偵查第18庭人 事 物 時間 地點以及我是告訴人的身份!竟告我妨害秘密罪!我是被邀請來的(告訴人)身分 ,去法警室報到才會得知在第18偵查庭!(地點)
台 灣媒體是: (財團) (政務官)的打手!(法院) (司法人):是(財團)(政務官)的保鑣!全民抵制,讓他們法院沒生意!就沒紅包油水錢可賺!自生自滅!司法人在法院裡拍蚊子,蒼蠅去 第二,告我隱私罪,公務員公然職務辦案情形,(淹滅證據吃案瀆職罪),真實事情怕毀謗罪,我有憲法保障權(言論自由)公佈於民眾,何況又沒有(登名子),那來的隱私罪呢?第 三,告我傷害罪,我是(自衛)檢警鎖起門,搶奪我眼鏡,並且準備違法抓我,敲門喊救命後才(自衛踢警)!應該是你們違法違憲第八條(人身自由罪)後再搶奪我眼鏡再毀滅毀損我秘錄器眼鏡!再違法羈押我12小時呢!
台灣是土匪政府,土匪行為又不承認,還要拜他們為好人!說他們是壞人就栽贓罪清算妳家產! 我寧願去承認土匪的國家當那公民!他們畢竟還有遊戲規則!不像台灣法律是用來陷阱陷害人民的!要看他們的變化無常的心情!變化無常的法律!
這網址可以點進去看,你會發現知道很多腦控祕密!要世界和 平只有瓦解這些國際組織電磁波腦控隱形殺手!我看到這篇文章,對蔣家結論是(自家人互相殘殺不信任!拜電磁波鎖得到的因果呀!)
.( 做 阿拉,做 神,做 菩薩!)要世界和平只有瓦解這些國際組織電磁波腦控隱形殺手!我看到這篇文章,對蔣家結論是(互相殘殺不信任得到的果呀!)
雖然蔣經國已經脫離俄國共產黨許多年﹐亦不再是共產黨員﹐但是他在俄國所受的多年思想教育﹐使他的一些思想根深地固﹐他不但仍然深信唯物論﹐無神論 乃是符 合事實現像的真理﹐並且仍然相信一些共產主義的理論。他相信人類乃是純物質構成﹐沒有靈魂而神也都並不存在。
在 這種思想下﹐當然他不相信人類的一切行為 (無論善惡)都會在死亡以後得到最後的審判。既然因此﹐他自然認為行為無論善惡﹐只要有利益任何事都可做。另外他的無神論和共產主義思想﹐使他視人類的健 康生命如同財產一樣﹐而共產主義思想認為人類的財產不屬個人所有﹐並且可以支配操縱。
所以只要符合隱形人員的利益﹐任何人的生命可以被他們隱形人殺害﹐任 何人的健康可以被他們隱形人任意的操縱玩弄。
如 此無神論的思想和在台灣擁有的不可一世的權力﹐只要他認為他人不會知道這些秘密科技及人造疾病﹐死亡製造技 術﹐當時的蔣經國的確什麼事都敢做(例如使用隱形人員對前任副總統陳誠製造肝臟功能不良以後疾病沉沉重而成肝癌去世﹐從此掃除了他接班做總統的障礙_詳細 見網站第十八篇)。 這些隱形人員雖然出生或住在台灣﹐也曾接受過三民主義的思想教育﹐但是由于工作特殊﹐他們必須另外要接受嚴密的特殊共產黨思想教育﹐ 這新的教育使他們的心理只相信唯物論﹐無神論﹐及矛盾論等等共產黨理論﹐
因此﹐在思想已經被改變以後﹐他們才能繼續學習新的心理控制技術及 疾病﹐死亡製造 技術﹐因為他們已經被改變成唯物論﹐無神論信徒﹐所以他們也才敢任意施用這些心理控制術及疾病死亡製造技術於其他人身上﹐來謀殺他們要對付的對像或把他們 要對付的正常人製造成發狂或瘋瘋顛顛的人。這些隱形人員雖然不是一般普通的共產黨員﹐但是事際上已經變成另外一種共產黨員﹐即是生命共產黨員。 因為他們 與普通共產黨不同。普通共產黨乃是以控制全國的物資﹐財產為主要的目標﹐再建立一個系統﹐由共產黨員永遠專政並且負責分配這些物資﹐財產。
而 隱形生命共產 黨員則是以控制掌握每一個人的生命健康為主要的的目標﹐再建立一個生命共產控制監視制度﹐由隱形人員(生命共產黨員)永遠專政﹐並且秘密的任意製造(分 配)疾病死亡﹐來謀殺他們要對付的對像﹐傷害他們要對付的對像的健康。但是這些行為不論是謀殺﹐製造疾病或使用科技機器來製造發狂瘋顛的人都是一種犯罪的 的行為。
這些隱形人員雖然接受過特殊教育﹐也不願意因此犯罪坐牢﹐所以為了保秘及保障這些有心犯罪之徒﹐他們的組織如同一般國際犯罪組 織一樣﹐在隱形人員 (秘密生命共產黨人)的秘密組織裏﹐他們所有的人(包括外國的隱形人員)都是互相約盟為兄弟姐妹。大家為追逐隱形人員(秘密生命共產黨人)的非法利益和生 命控制權力而秘密任意宰割其他人。 而他們那些社會上原已經有正常兄弟姐妹及父母﹐都不再是他們隱形人員心理的親屬/戚﹐而且只要任何一個不是隱形人員﹐ 這些原有的兄弟姐妹及父母都是他們隱形人員(秘密生命共產黨人)控制生命健康的對像。
所以﹐在追逐隱形人員(秘密生命共產黨人)的非法利益 /權力時。隱形 人員會出賣自己本身的親屬/戚【如﹕台灣隱形人員(秘密的生命共產黨人)曾對總統蔣介石的兩腿製造風濕﹐以利蔣經國的快速接斑﹐將會詳細說明在後】。為了 追逐隱形人員(秘密生命共產黨人)的非法利益/權力時﹐他們會背叛他們的國家(如﹕隱形人員使用低頻率電磁波﹐來製造的假車禍的案例-詳細請看我的中文網 站第十三篇)。 所以這些隱形人員的秘密行為﹐思想及作為﹐證明他們乃是另外一種類特殊的生命共產黨員(專門控制掌握其他人的生命及健康)來保障隱形人員 (秘密生命共產黨)人的秘密的永遠專政。
在特殊的教育下﹐這些隱形生命共產黨人僅效忠“生命共產控制監視系統”的領導人(或生命共產控制監視系統出身的高 階政治人士或國際人士)﹐
而 台灣的生命監視系統的領導人乃是蔣經國而不是總統蔣介石﹐所以為了加速將政治權力的迅速移轉給蔣經國﹐台灣隱形人員(秘密的生 命共產黨人)甚至曾對總統蔣介石的兩腿製造風濕(前言內將解釋如何製造風濕)。使蔣介石的行動不便﹐不得不待在官阺或總統府而經常由蔣經國替他辦事﹐因此 蔣經國經常以總統代表的特殊身分出現在台灣軍政官員面前﹐和新聞媒體﹐電視螢幕前﹐自此在台灣軍民和政治官員的心內建立了他是總統蔣介石未來的接班人的共 識(而蔣介石在被製造風濕一段時間以後﹐效忠蔣介石的情治人員曾秘密告知有關隱形科技的知識)。蔣經國當了總統以後﹐仍然秘密使用隱形人員替他辦事。
例 如 ﹕他使用隱形人員對行政院院長孫運璿製造腦溢血以便使孫運璿因疾下台﹐而後名正言順的提名職位比行政院院長低很多的台灣籍人李登輝為副總統候選人。行政院 長孫運璿的因疾(人造腦溢血)下台﹐使他不但可挑選任何一個台灣籍的官員做他下屆總統大選的副手。又可避免造成社會大眾的奇怪和議論紛紛。.所以蔣經國以 唯物論﹐無神論和共產主義的思想結合隱形科技與人造疾病﹐死亡製造技術在1950s內於台灣建立了一個不法的生命控制監視系統。這不法的生命控制監視系統 在台灣測試使用成功以後又秘密移轉回美國及各國情報治安人員使用。台灣的國安才是總統耶!惡魔國安總統你們好呀!記得吃藥劑量放重點!不然人民又要倒楣 耶!http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=553
Taichung District Prosecutors illegal detention me, unconstitutional, went so far would not let me leave the sea!
but also their Taichung District Prosecutors crime , Taichung District Prosecutors say can not allowed me leave the sea ! ! If you take me for , like Chen Shui-bian to do ! I am not afraid !
At 17:23 on October 17 2013
why not allowed me to leave the sea notice ! Indictable offense ye my people have justice , his crime would not let me leave the sea ! Made clear fix me ! If you take me for , like Chen Shui-bian to do ! I am not afraid ! Because shame is yours judicial people !
( Hong*uan investment scam ) ( Consultant ) and ( National Intelligence Agency Cao Dawei ) played the entire 20 years of harm does not play lawsuit, financial wealth to go so far 51 years old who did a lot of half- wool but the skills it ! Ye come I am also very happy to take care of me ! but you will leave infamy forever in the history of ! retribution will instantly find you ! Believe it or not you now !
Mastery Taiping police station received a letter , the contents: I'm actually not allowed to leave the sea notice ! Indictable offense ye my people have justice , his crime would not let me leave the sea ! Made clear fix me ! If you take me for , like Chen Shui-bian to do ! I not afraid ! because shame is your judicial !
I ask you: Taichung District Prosecutors investigate 18 Reconnaissance room Chamber of people forget things tell me the time and place ( obstruction of secret sin ) is necessary to have ( complicity complicity ) will form this sin ! Crime scene I did not have arbitrary detention under me 12 hours ! Does this 12 hours I have in custody room inside Pini Prosecutors Khao hand roasted leg chains , how to commit this crime ! PS: Am I in the Taichung District Prosecutors ( detention room ) Lane and ( bailiffs together ) ( conspiracy accomplice ) to this crime ( obstruction of secret crime ) Yeah !
Prosecutor Liu Wenbin illegal unconstitutional indictable I ( obstruction of secret sin too ) ! I ask you: Taichung District Prosecutors forget tribunal investigators 18 Reconnaissance room people tell me things, time and place of prejudice secret sin ! I was invited to come ( to tell people ) status report to the bailiff room before that tribunal investigators in the first 18! ( location )
I have to pick my sister and recording their witness ! Daughter had the FB upload help users ! Advisor dare to my lawyer ! Fear of offending the private business people will not do !
Taiwan media are: ( consortia ) ( Administrative Officer ) thugs ! ( Court ) ( Judicial ) : Yes ( consortia ) ( Administrative Officer ) bodyguard ! Referendum boycott , the court did not allow them to business ! There is no money to be made envelopes water ! fend for themselves ! judicial courts shot in mosquitoes , flies to the second , sue me privacy sins openly office handling civil cases , ( flooded destroy evidence ate case of dereliction of duty ) , the real thing, I have the right to freedom of expression in the public announcement , Moreover, they did not ( Gordon Mingzi ) , then to the privacy of sins? Third, sue me assault, I was ( self-defense ) prosecutors and police locked the door , grabbed my glasses, and I'm ready to catch illegal , knock on the door yelling for help before ( self-defense kicks police ) !
The third day I lost my sister went with the Southern District Health Taichung police station , and take the report triplicate to Taichung District Prosecutors bringing out reams ! handle eating case ! I wrote a letter to Liu Wenbin two storage card and to check ! Say that if not addressed to sue the International Tribunal for the class of languages ! actually angry chaos regardless of time and place people and things regulatory instruments to prosecute illegal to send me ! which country's private ah ! ! ? ?
Taiwan is a bandit government , banditry did not admit , but also thanks to them for the good guys ! Say they are the bad frame liquidate your possessions sin ! I prefer to admit bandit country when that citizens ! They are , after all, there are rules of the game ! Unlike the laws of Taiwan is used to trap framed people ! depends on their fickle mood ! vagaries of law !
Taiwan is a bandit government , banditry did not admit , but also thanks to them for the good guys ! Say they are the bad frame liquidate your possessions sin !
I prefer to admit bandit country when that citizens ! They have rules of the game , after all ! Unlike framed Taiwanese law is used to trap people ! Depends on their fickle mood ! Fickle law ! Super f***ing !
Immigration will be the whole back ! Unlawful use electromagnetic mind control again while I was in custody I class . Still forced me to sign a ( intimidation ) dozen or crimes felons has instruments that are not allowed to write my exit ! Made clear I am not allowed immigrants against me to death too ! Fortunately, I did not autograph !
They called my daughter to take me home ! Judicial = private ! Our country behind President invisible killer agent yeah !
This URL can point to go inside , you'll find that a lot of mind control secrets ! World peace only to collapse these international organizations controlling brain waves invisible killer ! I saw this article in Chiang concluded that ( do not trust their own side to kill each other ! thanks to the causal electromagnetic lock to get it ! )
http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=838 http://www.yalon.com.tw / mindcontrol / index.asp? idno = 837
. ( Do Allah , a god , do Buddha ! ) To the collapse of world peace that only those international organizations controlling brain waves invisible killer ! I saw this article in Chiang concluded that ( killing each other to get the fruit do not trust it ! )
Although Chiang Ching-kuo from the Russian Communist Party for many years has been , nor is a Communist , but he suffered for many years in Russia ideological education , so that some of his ideas Deep -fixed , he not only remains convinced that materialism and atheism, but in line to achieve something like truth , and still believe some of the communist theory. He believed that human beings constitute a pure substance but , no soul and God did not exist .
With this in mind , of course, he does not believe that all human behavior ( both good and evil ) will be obtained after the death of the last judgment . As a result, he naturally assumed behavior of both good and evil , as long as there is nothing of interest can be done . In addition to his atheism and communist ideolog* , so that he sees human life as healthy as property , while the communist ideolog* that humans are not the property of an individual, all , and you can control manipulation.
So that they meet the interests of invisible people , any person of life can be the invisible man they killed any person's health can be arbitrarily manipulated them invisible man play .
So atheism and in Taiwan have mighty powers , as long as he thinks others will not know the secret technolog* and artificial illness, death manufacturing technolog*, Chiang Ching-kuo was nothing really daring ( for example, using stealth staff to former Vice-President Chen Cheng liver dysfunction after manufacture heavy weight from liver disease died from his succession to remove obstacles to be president _ for details see website eighteenth chapter ) . Although these invisible persons born or living in Taiwan , has received the Three Principles of the ideological education , but due to the special work , they must be closely addition to the special communist ideological education , this new educational psycholog* makes them believe only materialism atheism , and contradictory theories of the Communist Party , etc. ,
Thus, after the change in thinking has been that they can continue to learn new techniques and psychological control disease, death manufacturing technolog*, because they have been changed into materialism and atheism believers , so they dare to arbitrarily control the operation and administration of these mental disorders death manufacturing technolog* to other people , to murder their object or to deal with them to deal with normal manufacturing costs or Fengfengdiandian crazy person. These invisible workers , although not an ordinary party member , but on occasion it has become another communist, that is life communist. Because they are different from ordinary Communist Party . Ordinary Communist Party but to control the country's goods and property as the main goal, then create a system consisting of communist dictatorship forever and is responsible for distribution of these goods and property .
The Invisible Life communist control is based on each person's life and health to grasp as the main goal of re-establishing a life- communist control and monitoring system , the invisible personnel ( life- communist ) dictatorship forever , and any secret manufacturing ( assignment ) disease death to murder them to deal with objects and hurt like they have to deal with for the health . However , whether these acts of murder, disease or the use of technolog* manufacturing machines to manufacture mad madness of the people are of a criminal act .
Although these invisible personnel received special education , crime therefore is not willing to go to jail , so in order to keep the information confidential and secure these determined criminal who, like their organizations general international criminal organizations , as in the invisible personnel ( Secret Life communists ) secret organization where all of them ( including foreign stealth staff ) are all about each other as brothers and sisters in the AU . Everyone is chasing the invisible personnel ( Secret Life communists ) in illegal profits, and life control powers secret any mercy others. And they already have those social Uehara normal siblings and parents , they are no longer invisible personnel psycholog* relatives / Qi , and as long as any one who is not invisible , these original parents are their brothers and sisters and invisible personnel ( Secret Life Communists ) control life and health of the object .
So, in the pursuit of invisible personnel ( Secret Life communists ) in illegal profits / authority . Invisible staff will betray their own kin / Qi [ such as: Taiwan invisible personnel ( Secret Life Communists ) President Chiang Kai-shek had legs manufacturing rheumatism, Chiang Ching-kuo to facilitate rapid access spots, will be described in detail later ] . To chase invisible personnel ( Secret Life communists ) in illegal profits / power, they will betray their country ( eg : Invisible personnel using low frequency electromagnetic waves, to manufacture fake accident case - detailed look at my Chinese website tenth three ) . So the secret of these invisible personnel actions , thoughts and acts, but another to prove their special kind of life Communists ( specialized master control other people's lives and health ) to protect the invisible personnel ( Secret Life communist ) dictatorship 's secret forever .
In special education , these invisible life communists only allegiance "Life communist control and monitoring system ," the leaders ( or life- communist control monitoring system origin or people of high-level political parties ) ,
Taiwan leader 's life monitoring system but instead the president Chiang Ching-kuo , so in order to expedite the rapid transfer of political power to the Chiang Ching-kuo , Taiwan invisible personnel ( the secret life of the Communists ) and even President Chiang Kai-shek had rheumatic legs manufacturing ( Foreword will explain how to make rheumatism ) . Chiang Kai-shek 's mobility, or had to stay in the presidential palace official Di and often by the Chiang Ching-kuo for his work, so often the president Chiang Ching-kuo 's special status on behalf of the military and political officials in Taiwan before and the news media , the TV screen before , since in Taiwan military and civilian officials and political heart is the president Chiang Kai-shek established his future successor consensus ( and Chiang Kai-shek in the manufacture of rheumatism for some time, the intelligence officers loyal to Chiang Kai-shek had secretly informed of the stealth technolog* knowledge ) . Chiang Ching-kuo became a president, who still use a secret stealth work for him .
For example: He uses stealth personnel Premier Sun Yun-suan manufacture stroke so that the Sun Yun-suan stepped down due to illness , and then justifiably nominated post much lower than that of the Executive Yuan Taiwanese people hui as vice presidential candidate. Premier Sun Yun-suan dependent disease ( artificial cerebral haemorrhage ) to step down , so that he not only can pick any one Taiwanese officials to do his next presidential election of deputies. But also to avoid the public's strange and talking . So Chiang Ching-kuo to materialism and atheism and communist ideolog* combines stealth technolog* and man-made disease, death within manufacturing technolog* in Taiwan in the 1950s created a lawless life control and monitoring system . This lawless life control and monitoring systems in Taiwan and later successfully tested using the secret transfer back to the United States and the national intelligence security personnel. Taiwan's national security is the president yeah ! Demons National Security Presidential you okay ! Remember medication dose radiotherapy focus ! Otherwise people also unlucky yeah ! Http://www.yalon.com.tw/mindcontrol/index.asp?idno=553
I ask you: Taichung District Prosecutors investigate 18 Reconnaissance room Chamber of people forget things tell me the time and place ( obstruction of secret sin ) is necessary to have ( complicity complicity ) will form this sin ! Crime scene I did not have arbitrary detention under me 12 hours ! Does this 12 hours I have in custody room inside Pini Prosecutors Khao hand roasted leg chains , how to commit this crime ! PS: Am I in the Taichung District Prosecutors ( detention room ) Lane and ( bailiffs together ) ( conspiracy accomplice ) to this crime ( obstruction of secret crime ) Yeah !
I ask you: Taichung District Prosecutors investigate 12th Chamber of people forget things tell me the time and place ( obstruction of secret sin ) is necessary to have ( complicity complicity ) will form this sin ! Crime scene I did not have arbitrary detention under me 12 hours ! Does this 12 hours I have in custody room inside Pini Prosecutors Khao hand roasted leg chains , how to commit this crime ! PS: Am I in the Taichung District Prosecutors ( detention room ) Lane and ( bailiffs together ) ( conspiracy accomplice ) to this crime ( obstruction of secret crime ) Yeah !
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Method first move } : If ( the government lock media ) ( lock computer IP) which can not redress killed people on illegal advertising banners corrupt sinister shop name or unscrupulous traders that Taiwan citizens would unite to resist , the store does not go consumption , the formation of ( unscrupulous traders ) ( Branch ) ( consortium ) profitable that collapse ,
I ask you: Taichung District Prosecutors investigate 12 Reconnaissance room Chamber of people forget things tell me the time and place ( obstruction of secret sin ) is necessary to have ( complicity complicity ) will form this sin ! Crime scene I did not have arbitrary detention under me 12 hours ! Does this 12 hours I have in custody room inside Pini Prosecutors Khao hand roasted leg chains , how to commit this crime ! PS: Am I in the Taichung District Prosecutors ( detention room ) Lane and ( bailiffs together ) ( conspiracy accomplice ) to this crime ( obstruction of secret crime ) Yeah !
My dad a pensioner immediately go downhill even stroke eight times the body died ! My brother to walk slowly with Chen Shui-bian 's first tremble , he is now back collar labor relations deep body has been going downhill yeah ! Government money do not comprehend than longevity Oh ! manufacturing technolog* teeth white hair and shedding
Baida popular bloggers big open secret !
=============Taichung District Prosecutors illegal detention me, unconstitutional, went so far would not let me leave the sea!