
No legal government! Citizens do not Litigation! I can not do to( Press like)! Each netizen sorry!我被沒法制政府ROC毀謗不講:竟然現在整我生意!燙髮藥劑廠商,被腦控了!全部給我的1,2燙劑都是一劑軟化做用的藥水,燙客人燙不捲頭 髮!好像似乎真要磁波控制我店倒閉!

No legal government! Citizens do not Litigation! I can not do to( Press like)! Each netizen sorry!

ROC government Defamation speak: even now the whole my business! Perm pharmaceutical companies, controlled by the brain! 1,2 to me all hot softening agent is a medicine used to do, not curly hair hot hot guests ! seems like you really want to control my store magnetic closure!

There (phototherapy nail extension transparent plastic), LED lights are illuminated could even hot fingernails! Switch to another brand and nothing! I have studio recording as evidence! But I'm wiser now!

I will never rang the bell lawsuit sue manufacturers! Prosecutor of the Court will not let a big red again the opportunity to earn dirty money!

1, PS: (
No legal government made electromagnetic mind control litigation that want to earn money to corporations and big red envelope! Buddha has taught me not to be stupid! Was Gouguan use! Vendors back to me and then they would not have to complete the network board (government) to force me to do it (the sex industry) of (dream)!

2, PS: (DBS Bank eat my principal events), (Taichung police) also called me last week and asked me: Do not (litigation they consortium)! Their self-directed for 20 years! Deal with me, I have a bunch of lawsuits whole accident! these (government) ready to force me to do it (the sex industry) of (dream)! I definitely did not break down the moral insert dream!

   Then so who Hong*uan scam investment company government adviser (Cao Dawei)! Have a chance to find him for mercy! Chedan devil chested government)! LHGRNZX: Transfer from satellite decipher brain waves above

 沒法制的政府!公民千萬不要提告!   我無法按讚!各網友抱歉!


還有( 光療指甲延長透明膠 ),LED燈照光竟會燙客人手指甲!改用別家廠牌又沒事!我工作室有錄影存證!但是我學聰明了!


1,PS:( 電磁波腦控我製造訴訟事件,就是想要賺取財團大紅包錢!佛陀已經教我不要再笨!被狗官利用!廠商退給我就不會網路登他們然後完成(政府)逼我去做 (色情行業) 的( 美夢 )!

2,PS:(星展銀行吃我本金事件),(台中警察局)上星期還打電話給我,問我:要不要(訴訟他們財團)!他們自導自演20年了!對付我,整我一堆訴訟事故!這(政府)準備逼我去做 (色情行業) 的( 美夢 )!我絕對插破這沒道德的夢!


刑 事單位藉由腦電波偵辦方式,以【偵查不公開】為原則,若係受監人人權受損(參考資料來源),若係遇到政府官員,官官相護不承認錯,在無法舉證的情況下,係 不構成檢舉條件,受監人祇能ㄘㄨㄚˋ ㄋㄟ 等、ㄘㄨㄚˋ ㄋㄟ 死,自求多福。在這種儀器監控下,老是仗用【法律所容許的】用語,這樣被濫權濫用的程度有多廣?全台灣到底有多少人遭受腦電波監控,目前無法得知。

電 子通信儀器設備裡分為3類:電磁波、聲波及光波。簡單舉例說利用電磁波通過微電波轉換成猶如電台電波訊息,直接射入大腦可達即時雙向溝通或是干擾大腦腦波 信息。加強使用定向電磁輻射,加上掃描儀適當的微波雷達裝置。遠程監測腦電波活動。監視腦電波,監視思維過程,可以監測脈率,心跳,連同做夢和其他身體機 能可以被檢測出來,檢測身體和心理障礙,並監測人體新陳代謝。探析的腦電波裡信息。破譯主體的大腦活動,通過計算機分析,解讀腦波思想,儀器所發射的電磁 信號及其影響腦電波活動,傳送信號到受監人的大腦裡,直接影響主體的神經過程,任由操控被監視的對象。


監 控方式,先偵測受監人腦電波頻率,利用遠端監控腦波訊息閱讀(竊取腦波思想內容),這種科技儀器透過電子通訊技術,藉由衛星傳送電波(即時訊息溝通)及電 磁波(攻擊生理)的方式監控,遠端通訊射程非常廣,穿透力涵蓋地下室、一般金屬類都可穿透,具有同步定位跟踪裝置並以電腦記錄,監控受監人思想和行為,並 以電腦轉換為文字顯示,藉由語言讀取儀器設備,同步轉換發音,回傳送給受監人,讓受監人可聽到自己思考的訊息聲音,加上使用聲音模擬儀器設備,可傳送各種 聲音特效訊息至受監人腦波裡。

隨著偵辦人員素養(情緒)作決定使用儀器的效果,是否可把儀器當作娛樂 工具在使用?因作業無法透明化,唯有偵辦人員自由心證、自己知曉。但可以確定的是偵辦過程裡,一天24小時不間斷的傳送多種電波訊息干擾受監人腦波,以及 再利用電磁波攻擊受監人生理各部位,像似虐囚方式,猶如獵物般任意被人操控,受監人腦波心智完全被操控,連心裡的世界,所想做的事完全被操弄,極為痛苦不 堪,即可達到任意惡整、擺佈受監人,嗣後傳送竊竊自喜信息。相繼下,讓受監人精神與生理上的被凌遲感。
此外,偵辦期間藉由聲音模擬器(扮演不同角 色聲)會傳送發問信息,利用(如,嘲諷、電擊威脅)刺激受監人情緒回答問題,祇要受監人每回答一個問題,便衍生出下一個問題的產生,完全陷入信息的問題, 在過程裡錄取受監人回答的信息(擷取片段),嗣後再傳送信息播放給受監人的腦波裡,改變受監人個人意識、誘導受監人思維字詞聯想術(如受監人思維信息裡 「我」,偵辦人員接著傳送信息「我們」,「沒有」變成「有」以此類推),在由電磁波操控下讓受監人生理上呈現嗜睡、記憶力減退。精神上,干擾注意力、導致 精神疾病、產生幻覺,精神狀況失常,迫使受監人行為脫序,嚴重的導致自殺性行為,及延伸釀成公共危險的問題,連帶波及他人。
24 小時不間斷利用電磁波傳送同步多種信息特效聲,如 (多名男女對受監人對話聲、小孩對受監人對話聲、親人談話聲、機車呼嘯聲、鞭炮聲、牆壁敲打聲、鳥說話聲、狗吠聲、手機鈴聲、E、E聲音等等)製造受監人 假幻聽、假耳鳴。傳送信息內容,扮演著主宰者、裝神弄鬼之類的信息,誘導、擾亂、迷幻受監人的思想,在生活中當有旁人接近受監人時(製造旁人對受監人輿 論),使受監人以為背後或身旁的人出聲,甚至於嚴重影響受監人辨別聲音位置。
大致上簡易的說,透過神經生理技術先傳送「000訊息」等字詞 信息到受監人大腦神經系統(中腦、丘腦),干擾某部分的記憶、思維區裡,在由受監人接觸或者是碰觸的外在環境,藉由外來的聲音(如身旁的人、事、物)所傳 出的聲波,一旦周遭的聲波被受監人吸收,即傳入至中腦、丘腦裡,在信息與外來的聲波的交錯下,受監人就會誤以為旁人在交談中有「000訊息」等字詞 聲音產生,猶如旁人在輿論受監人的幻聽現象。
再強硬的手段,在一個期間內傳達同一個信息以24小時不間斷,猶如洗腦般灌輸犯罪信息(扛負陳舊未破 案的刑案罪名)羅織各項罪名,甚至於連同休息時,偷偷傳送其他信息至受監人,藉由大腦吸收信息,繼而直接反射出(符合信息的夢話及操控夢話聲量的大小效 果)或是聲量大的打鼾聲等現象,相繼下每日受監人休息時,呈現出似吶喊聲的夢話,當受監人清醒前再調整儀器,使受監人無法察覺,但已影響到左鄰右舍的安 寧,接著受監人呈現出淺睡期。長期利用電磁波影響受監人精神、睡眠,控制受監人生活作息,使受監人精神、生活、工作、生計嚴重受損。當斷絕了所有經濟來源 時,窮困潦倒,生活陷入困頓,漸而受監人轉變成流浪者露宿街頭。




生 理反應,由於長期睡眠不足會影響判斷力和學習,還會損傷免疫系統似生病,也導致交感神經和副交感神經不平衡,進而自主神經受損,產生心悸、盜汗的症狀,進 而產生新陳代謝症候群、甚至是高血壓、糖尿病等,罹患心血管疾病的風險也會增加,是高膽固醇血症的危險因子,肥胖、糖尿病、高血壓、動脈硬化都會接踵而 來,同時也會升高精神壓力,間接造成血脂肪代謝異常和肥胖。長期失眠免疫力下降,會引發損傷性炎症(發炎),使全身任何部位舊傷復發及身體酸痛疲倦感。
以 上係涉及到公訴罪,所利用的偵辦手法,『公訴罪』這個名詞,其名為『非告訴乃論罪』。此意則是指任何的犯罪事實一旦經檢察官或是司法警察知悉後,即必定會 依刑事訴訟法之規定予以開庭偵辦調查,並逕而決定起訴與否,告訴人不得聲明撤回告訴。就算被害人想息事寧人不要提出告訴,檢察官也會主動偵查,直到宣判, 或是作出不起訴處分才會結案。
偵 辦方式難道一定要用釣魚、腦電波方式才能辦案嗎?沒有其他方式辦案、破案?在無法透明下(如同黑箱作業),以神隱的方式躲在儀器背後執法,執法偵辦的公信 力備受質疑,仰賴先進儀器作偵辦,儀器淪為是「執法工具」還是「犯罪工具」一線之隔,締造績效、養案養薪,唯有當下操弄儀器的偵辦執法者自己知曉,而人權 的侵犯與傷害,都任由執法者來作決定。

有 時隨意路上見旁人喃喃自語、自言自語,當時當事人腦波裡係接收什麼信息,是什麼因素導致引起脫序行為,都無法得知,但唯一可以確定的是,大多數民眾會直接 感覺精神有問題,但往往民眾也不瞭解現代科技產物下,無線電子通訊儀器先進的速度,腦電波監控被濫用程度如何,到底有多少人被迫害成精神有問題,會不會下 一個淪為是你,值得關切議題。(取自網路)How many people in Taiwan, human rights have been infringed?
Retrieved from: Network
Resolutions of the International Union of Radio Science, the recognition of criminal use of electromagnetic technolog*. Using (SIC) in a criminal investigation, as a non-public investigation equipment.
Criminal investigation unit by way of brain waves to detect not open】 【principle, if the Department of damage by monitoring the human rights (reference sources), if the Department met government officials, Guanguanxianghu not admit fault, not the burden of proof in the case, Department report does not constitute a condition, by the supervisor can only ㄘ ㄨ ㄚ ㄋ ㄟ etc. ㄘ ㄨ ㄚ ㄋ ㄟ death, hope for the best. In this instrument under the supervision of, always battle with [the] terms permitted by law, this is how wide the extent of abuse of power abuse? Taiwan in the end how many people suffer from brain wave monitoring, is currently unknown.
Brainwave monitoring equipment (provided Taiwan Institute of neurophysiological techniques technician certification exam measures brain waves)

Electronic communication equipment inside is divided into three categories: electromagnetic, acoustic and light waves. Simple example through the use of electromagnetic waves into a micro-radio stations like Radio messages directly into the brain up to instant two-way communication or interfering with the brain brainwave information. Enhancing the use of directional electromagnetic radiation, combined with an appropriate scanner microwave radar device. Remote monitoring of brain wave activity. Monitoring brain waves, monitor the thinking process, you can monitor pulse rate, heartbeat, along with dreaming, and other bodily functions can be detected, testing physical and psychological barriers, and to monitor the human metabolism. Analysis of EEG waves of information. Decipher the subject's brain activity through computer analysis, interpretation of EEG ideas, electromagnetic signals emitted by the instrument and its impact on brain wave activity, send signals to the brain by the supervisor, the direct impact on the body's neural processes, allowing control to be monitored objects.

In addition, this Instrument, the use of human brain wave function of the system, the human body each organ has a special radio frequency, radio frequency transmission by organ to the brain (midbrain, thalamus part), and then by the human brain systems issued information to the various parts of organs for commanding operations (such as raised his hand, put down your hand) and other acts.

How to monitor the supervised person
Monitoring methods, first detected by monitoring brain wave frequencies, the use of remote monitoring brainwaves message reading (stealing brainwaves ideological content), this technolog* through electronic communication technolog* equipment, satellite transmission via radio waves (instant messaging communication) and electromagnetic (Attack physiolog*) the means of monitoring, remote communication range is very wide, covering the basement penetration, usually metal can penetrate with a synchronous positioning tracking device and computer records, monitoring by supervisors who thought and behavior, and computer converted to text display, with language reading equipment, simultaneous conversion pronunciation, send back to prison by the people, so people can be heard by the supervisor to think for themselves message sound, coupled with sound analog equipment, a variety of sound effects that can be sent messages to the monitored brain waves.

How to tie survive, Qiusibuneng?
Investigating officers as literacy (emotional) decision to use the instrument effects, whether the instrument used as entertainment tools? Because jobs can not be transparent, only the free investigation of evidence that he knows. But it is certain that investigation process, the transmission 24 hours a day by a variety of radio interference supervisor who brainwaves message, as well as re-use wave attack various parts of the monitored human physiolog*, they seem to be torture methods, like prey like being arbitrarily manipulation of people by monitoring brainwave mind is completely manipulated, even the heart of the world, want to do something completely manipulated, extremely painful, you can reach any prank, at the mercy of the monitored person, subsequent information sent secretly from hi. In succession, let the supervised person's mental and physical sense of being cut in pieces.
In addition, during the investigation by the sound simulator (different roles played sound) will be sent asking information, the use (eg, sarcasm, shock threat) to stimulate the supervised sentiment answer questions, as long as each of the monitored person to answer a question, we derived under a problem arises, completely into information problems in the process of admission by the supervisor in person to answer information (retrieve fragments), heir before sending the message played to the supervised person's brain waves, changing the monitored personal consciousness, induced by supervisor who thought word association technique (such as inside information by monitoring people thinking "I", Investigating officer then sends the information "we", "No" to "Yes" and so on), so that by the waves under the control of human physiolog* by supervisors rendered on letharg*, memory loss. Mentally, interfere attention, leading to mental illness, hallucination, mental health disorders, forced by the supervisors' behavior disorder, a serious cause suicidal behavior, and extend the problems causing public danger, and it gets spread to others.
A variety of effects and sound synchronization information (noise, dialogue, sound, fake auditory hallucinations)
24 hours of uninterrupted use of electromagnetic waves transmitted sound effects synchronized variety of information, such as the (more than men and women talk to people on the monitored sound, kids talk to people on the monitored sound, relatives conversation was, locomotive whistling sound, the sound of firecrackers, banging the walls, talking birds sound, barking sound, ringtones, E, E sound, etc.) manufactured by the supervisor who fake auditory hallucinations, false tinnitus. Send information content, plays a dominator, Zhuangshennonggui such information, inducing, disturbing, psychedelic people's thoughts by the supervisor in life when there are others close to the supervised person (making others on the monitored person opinion), so that by the Supervisor behind or the side of the people think that people speak out, even seriously affect the position of the monitored person to distinguish sounds.
Generally easy to say, transmitted first through neurophysiological techniques "?????? 000 messages" and other words information to Congress by monitoring brain systems (midbrain, thalamus), interfere with any part of memory, thinking area, monitored by human contact or by touching the external environment, with exotic sounds (such as the side of the people and things) the outgoing waves, sound waves around once people were absorbed by the supervisor, that the incoming to the midbrain, thalamus, in the information and external acoustic staggered under the supervision by the people will mistakenly think that there are other people in the conversation "?????? 000 messages" and other words sound generation, like others in the opinion by monitoring human auditory hallucinations phenomenon.
Tougher measures again in a period convey the same message to 24 hours non-stop, like brainwashing indoctrination-like criminal information (carry negative charges of the old criminal cases is not to solve the case) to cook up the charges, even with the rest, secretly sending another information to the supervised person, with the brain absorb information, and then directly reflect (and control compliance information daydream dream Initials, Finals of the size effect) or the sound of a large quantity of snoring and other phenomena, have been under the daily supervision of people affected by the break , showing a similar cries of nonsense, when the monitored person awake again before adjusting the instrument, so that can not be detected by monitoring people, but has affected the neighborhood tranquility, followed by the supervisor who showed light sleep. Long-term use of electromagnetic waves spirit of the people affected by the supervisor, sleep, control of the monitored person lifestyle, so that by the supervisor spirit of the people live, work, livelihoods severely damaged. When cut off all economic sources, destitute, living bogged down, but by getting people into prison homeless on the streets.

Strong electromagnetic attack (extract confessions, torture, abuse, bullying way)
Investigating the use of electromagnetic waves during the attack by the supervisor who, like physical torture, tortured, mentally extremely painful, by the supervisor who will appear the symptoms?

1 brain uninterrupted heating, producing hot flashes, sweating symptoms, long-term nerve emerges under the head part of the epidermis (like varicose veins like)
(2) the head, temples (Persistent lumps), back of the head shock wave strong sense of oppression, dizziness, pain difficult to stop, resulting in symptoms such as difficulty falling asleep

3 eye shock waves, showing oppression, blurred vision, fatigue, high intraocular pressure phenomena

4 ears shock waves, showing itching, tingling phenomenon
5 gums and teeth subjected to strong shock waves sense, showing a strong pain and other symptoms
6 larynx, bronchi strong shock waves, showing similar symptoms such as itching appeared dry cough
7 chest, a strong sense of shock waves, resulting in difficulty in breathing, cardiac arrhythmia, palpitations, night sweats and other symptoms
8 abdomen subjected to strong shock waves, showing flatulence, easy exhaust, difficult defecation and other symptoms
9. Stomach shock waves, showing diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other phenomena, affecting appetite and other symptoms
10 lower body parts shock waves, showing pain and other symptoms
11 epidermis, suffered momentary strong shock waves, showing skin irritation, tearing, itching or difficult phenomenon
12 hands, waist, back, local radio shock, showing body aches, feeling tired
13 heel, toes, strong shock waves, showing swelling, pain and other symptoms is not easy to walk
Physiological responses, due to the long lack of sleep can affect judgment and learning, but also damage the immune system like illness, has also led to the sympathetic and parasympathetic imbalance, thereby impaired autonomic nervous system, resulting in palpitations, sweating symptoms and, thus, metabolic syndrome, and even high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease risk will increase, is a risk factor for high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis will come one after another, but also increases mental stress, indirect cause abnormal blood fat metabolism and obesity. Long-term insomnia, decreased immunity, inflammation can cause damage (inflammation), so that any part of the body injury was sustained fatigue and body aches.
These lines related to an indictable offense, the use of investigation techniques, "indictable offense" this term, its called "non-actionable only upon complaint." This is intended to refer to any of the facts of the crime by the prosecutor or judicial police once known later, that will certainly be hearing in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law Investigating investigation and trails decided to sue or not to tell people not to tell withdrawal statement. Even if the victim would like to remain silent and not to propose to tell the prosecutor will take the initiative investigation until sentencing decision not to prosecute or sanction will be closed.
It is understood that in this current "brain waves" in investigation techniques, usually in intimidation, coercion, confusion, inducement, fraud and unfair manner, the means to do investigation, but under the premise that the Department [] permitted by law, because of the investigation not open, not transparent, both bribes or illegal, no way of knowing the content information.
Investigating the way it must use fishing, EEG patterns to handling it? There is no other way of handling the case, to solve the case? Can not be transparent under (like a black box), the way of God hiding hidden behind the instrument of law enforcement, law enforcement investigation's credibility is being questioned , rely on advanced equipment for the investigation, the instrument become a "law enforcement tool" or "instruments of crime" thin line, creating performance pay raise raising case, only the current manipulation of the instrument its own law enforcement investigation, and the violation of human rights and injury, would allow law enforcement to make a decision.
But rather, the first line of people standing in grass-roots law enforcement agencies, the Department of Labor and risked their lives by law enforcement, is worthy of respectable, relatively under review whether the media will be over when law enforcement, with impartiality.

Prosecute those crimes:
Obstruction of freedom, and obstruction of sexual autonomy, intimidation, fraud, malfeasance, murder, arson, burglary, robbery, corruption, violation of trademark law, hit and run and other charges are indictable offenses.
Pay more attention to the surrounding, not difficult to find behavioral disorder of the people
Sometimes arbitrary way others see muttering to himself, when the parties to the brain waves of the Department receives what information, what factors lead to disorderly behavior caused, can not be known, but the only certainty is that most people feeling of mental problems directly, but often people do not understand the product of modern technolog*, the wireless electronic communication equipment advanced speed monitoring brain waves abused extent, in the end how many people have been persecuted as a mental problem, will the next one become you, issues of concern. (From the Internet)

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