
                  Liao Dongqing column / Republic of China on the international tribunal dare you?
                                              (Celebrating the ROC "subjugation" 102 years Series 79)
Government of the Republic of the Philippines treatment, Taiwanese fishermen were shot the way events and attitudes, very unhappy, and even dare to the Philippines Ma Ying-jeou has threatened to resort to international media, 17 May 2013, the ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to convene an international correspondent will announce the photo was shot, and all vessels of all evidence to the foreign media correspondents complained Philippine Coast Guard personnel killing of innocent people, and violation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, also pointed out that the Philippine government must bear the full responsibility for it Ma Ying-jeou to the point where you can do? Republic of China to the Philippine government can sue the International Tribunal for it? As in the second half of 2012, the Philippine government to the international court complaint, China occupied the Philippines island of Yellow Pages case with it? The answer is not eligible to the International Court of the Republic of China to the Philippines raised any complaint!
      Because the ROC government itself is not an independent sovereign state, it is a government in exile, the most crucial point is the Republic never had sovereignty over the island of Taiwan, the Philippines and China are opposed to belong to an independent sovereign state, and international tribunals is to be subject to United Nations Member States, give a very simple example, representatives from the Republic of China in 1971, the KMT was forced to withdraw after the United Nations, it had become an exile meet the conditions, as long as the ROC's name appear in any international organizations and civil activities, it will be subjected to pressure and protests from China, the ROC government in exile to the International Tribunal Why not file a complaint against China do? Because there is no government in exile qualifications and powers to the international court for an independent sovereign state to the other allegations! Please do not forget, China has the power to do so, because it represents the permanent five members of the United Nations, one of the ROC's seat!

         Ma Ying-jeou also know that the Republic of China do not have any qualifications to go to the International Tribunal accused the Philippine government, he was the most they can do and have to resort to the international media, and then again privately accuse accuse the White House snitch and ocean-like, everyone Ma Ying-jeou is fully aware of and pro-dumping, the heart is to support the one-China policy, but also of the Philippine government proposed a China Ma Ying-jeou's remarks out of Ma Ying-jeou was "bitch" rage emerged a "prostitute" Love out, this is intentional to look forward to the White House, Ma Ying-jeou also overestimate their own, but also seriously underestimated the White House, the United States simply do not care what Ma said, but look what he did! Today the United States is entirely beside sit on the sidelines and see what Ma Ying-jeou is not a new trick.
      USA is owned island sovereign state, not the ROC government in exile, but also more than China, the United States Furenzhiren moment, in 1949 the Republic of China government in exile shelter, but relative killed the people of Taiwan Republic of China is the Chinese Kuomintang and the Chinese Nationalist Party is the Republic, it was not actually a part of the people in Taiwan belong to the contrary, it is because the island of Taiwan has the Chinese Nationalist Party or the existence of the Republic of China, is the suffering of the people of Taiwan caused a catastrophe source, ROC Taiwan people do not owe anything, but please do not forget, the ROC government in exile was stained hands bloody people of Taiwan, the Taiwan people to unite and complaints to international human rights organizations, the people of Taiwan against the Chinese Nationalist Party persecution 67 years egregious crimes, but also to the U.S. House and Senate lawmakers complaints and requests indeed perform "White House version of the" Taiwan Relations Act to protect the freedom of the people of Taiwan and human rights, if the United States can not do this so, in the near future, the people of Taiwan are forced rallied uprising, originally Republic of China government in exile, it is not eligible to the island of Taiwan, to govern the people of Taiwan, which is completely illegal, but also a criminal act. (0040)
                       (Liao Dongqing / North American political commentator) (welcome posted / Forward / download)

                       (廖東慶/北美政治評論家) (歡迎轉貼/轉寄/下載)

我也是一樣ㄋ!叫牠们狗黨roc特物能否不要那麼 娘 娘腔!娘 娘腔! 娘 娘腔!娘 娘腔! 娘 娘腔!娘 娘腔!跟馬陰陽娘砲一樣!!一直在靠杯!一直在靠杯!一直在靠杯!一直在靠杯!一直在靠杯!一直在靠杯!害我從淑女反變成強剛男人婆!幹昵羊!害我從淑女反變成強剛男人婆!幹昵羊!害我從淑女反變成強剛男人婆!幹昵羊!害我從淑女反變成強剛男人婆!幹昵羊!



然 中國的新領導人習近平在前兩個月才上任,接下國家總書記的位子,同時也很順利抓到了軍委會主席的大權,這兩個多月以來, 不間斷的上山下海的去巡視人民解放軍的三軍部隊,要求他們一定要以「能打戰及打勝戰」為目標,如果注意看的話,中國的海空軍部隊,在東海及南海的區域,不 間斷的在進行著軍事操練及實彈射擊,這完全是在針對並警告著美日兩國,順便還恐嚇東南亞的那些小國家,如果亞洲沒有美日兩國的話,中國的野心就是要全面的 掌控整個亞洲區域,這種戰略思維,可說是源自毛澤東的思想,另外毛澤東還有一個很重要的心腹大計,那就是「赤化全球」!
赤化全球是中國共產黨的中心思想,雖然毛澤東己經死了37年,但是這一些中國共產黨的徒子徒孫們,卻依然還是照著毛澤東的思想,繼續在前進並實行著,這並不是危言聳聽,這是一件非常非常真實的事情,美國對中國實在是不能掉以輕心,否則美國將會遭遇到非常慘重的損失及教訓。習近平將在201367日 到南加州和美國總統歐巴馬會面,並商議國際上的爭議性的話題,中國人不愧是全世界最會創造口號的民族,習近平首先拋出要 和美國建立「新型大國關係」,在我們看來,這句話的重點就是要美國承認中國,也算是全球的另一個超級強權,至於中國到底能不能算得上是超級強權?這一點並 不是由美國說了算,而應該是由全球192個主權獨立的國家,還有政府和人民來認同及肯定。
        中 國現在是內憂多於外患,如果中國想要和美國合作的話,那到底是誰要聽誰的?習近平在第一次到白宮訪問,提出要和美國共管台灣海峽,歐巴馬故意裝作沒聽見, 而帶過這個話題,和中國一起來共管台灣海峽,這是美國連想都不會想的事情,如果習近平再次提出「南海是中國的」話題的話?美國會全部的接受嗎,各位可以想 一想,習近平所提出的新型大國關係,完全是來吃美國的豆腐,並衝著美國有史以來第一位的非洲裔的黑人總統歐巴馬的便宜而來,美國和中國到底能不能有深化的 合作呢?美中兩國真的會有共同利益嗎?美中兩國的矛盾又在那裡呢?
首 先我們必需完全了解到,美國和中國的關係,並不是盟邦更不是盟友,美中兩方根本就談不上有任何的合作的地方,但是若拿中國和前蘇聯相互做一比較的話,倒是 滿相似的,因為兩者都是共產黨國家,也是個無神論的國家,就衝著這一點,美國就己經無法和中國進入深化的合作了,美國是一個民主自由重人權的國家,而中國 卻是完全相反,美國是以人為本,人命關天,中國卻是以黨為本,人命卻如螞蟻一般,除非美國轉變成共產黨國家,否則要如何跟中國來合作呢!再說如果中國不放 棄以武力侵占台灣島的話,美國是要如何來與中國合作呢?台灣島的主權從1945815日,在日本天皇宣佈無條件投降的那一天起,台灣島的主權就己經從日本轉移到昔日的美國聯軍的手裡,也就是今天的美國國防部五角大廈的手裡,還有中國一直強調著釣魚台是中國固有的領土,南海更是中國固有的領海,美國除非全面退出亞洲區域,否則根本就無法避免和中國開戰!
習 近平根本就是和美國在玩兩面手法,伊朗和北韓的核問題,也是中國在背後一手策劃出來的重頭好戲,中國也是在拉攏巴基斯坦,並提供核武器及全部的武器裝備, 藉此來和印度對恃,這樣才能減輕印度對中國的軍事壓力,今天的中國在全球各地煽風點火,製造恐佈攻擊,全世界越亂,中國的地位才能如日東昇,如果天下太平 的話,它將會一事無成,同時也會默默無聞,美國總統歐巴馬必需沈得住氣,他將面對的這位中國的習大叔,完全是個十足的鷹派人物,看見習近平在政治操作上, 反貪污,要節儉,他得到不少中國人的人心支持,但是在軍事上卻大動干戈,霸佔菲律賓的黃頁島,接著準備向仁愛礁動手,如果中國再不停手,放下屠刀,立地成 「良」的話,到時候美國也有能力再把中國打回成35年前的「一無所有」的窘境!(0041)

                           (廖東慶/北美政治評論家) (歡迎轉貼/轉寄/下載)

可以呀!你們ROC,星加坡政府這樣大膽犯法沒法制來詐騙我房屋貸款,你們想拍賣我的店鋪早的很 ,我還有國際法庭可以訴訟你們,

如果要叫我全部還清算可以,除非你們詐欺 偽造犯罪的行為先付賠償金,如不賠償我就去關牢房,我就會還清本金!不然免談!

Mei Feng Chang

問題是ROC故意讓國泰 世華銀行鎖我聯徵信用黑名單!我都退簽了保險單! 事後還退我一千多保費!國泰人壽心有不甘願!大膽犯法詐欺偽造,還繼續寄保險費帳單給我!繼續放保險費用在聯合徵信社逼我繼續保險!開玩笑!我如果繼續付 不是得不到(保險保障)!還得繼續付出7000多保費嗎!




中現任民進黨立委從此之後就推 推 推  不幫我找律師了!整個台灣也找不到律師!我們當然可以不用在選舉了!直接宣布(ROC 沒有 憲法 人權)的共產國家吧!




Alan Ang  趁高價賣了吧。幾十年過去,小學同幫 50 幾位,只有一個釘子戶。28分鐘前 · 收回讚 · 1


Mei Feng Chang 被狗黨腦控沒人買!21分鐘前 · 讚


Alan Ang 打房拼經濟是我的主張。馬克思說,土地所有權的來源,就是搶奪。中國國民黨這麼幹,中國共產黨也想這麼幹。......查看更多商業周刊 - 房價將跌35%:現在買房,是人生最錯誤的決定從2007到2009年,全世界經歷美國次級房貸風暴 引發的全球金融危機,到了2009年中,景氣好不容易20分鐘前 · 收回讚 · 1 · 移除預覽


Alan Ang 換句話說,現在賣房子,可以有 35 % 套利的機會。我覺得不止。18分鐘前 · 已編輯 · 收回讚 · 1Alan Ang 你應該加入原先落袋的。19分鐘前 · 收回讚 · 1


Mei Feng Chang 我要先告贏星展銀行詐欺偽造吃我本金再說!8分鐘前 · 讚 · 1


Alan Ang 一時賣不出去就轉貸,換個人套給贏行。7分鐘前 · 收回讚 · 1


Mei Feng Chang

問 題是ROC故意讓國泰世華銀行鎖我聯徵信用黑名單!我都退簽了保險單!事後還退我一千多保費!國泰人壽心有不甘願!大膽犯法詐欺偽造,還繼續寄保險費帳 單給我!繼續放保險費用在聯合徵信社逼我繼續保險!開玩笑!我如果繼續付不是得不到(保險保障)!還得繼續付出7000多保費嗎!




故意瞭解我的底!這聶律師事後表明身分竟不幫我辦案!台中現任民進黨立委從此之後就推 推 推  不幫我找律師了!


整個台灣也找不到律師!我們當然可以不用在選舉了!直接宣布(ROC 沒有 憲法 人權)的共產國家吧!

這是ROC政府擺明與星加坡政府耍完欺壓人民的寫實!連台中民進黨故意寄信給我要幫忙陳情事件!竟然找這位女 的聶律師是國泰世華銀行及星展銀行的顧問律師來替我免費諮詢! 故意瞭解我的底!這聶律師事後表明身分竟不幫我辦案!台中現任民進黨立委從此之後就推 推 推 不幫我找律師了! 整個台灣也找不到律師!我們當然可以不用在選舉了!直接宣布(ROC 沒有 憲法 人權)的共產國家吧!

這是ROC政府擺明與星加坡政府耍完欺壓人民的寫實!連台中民進黨故意寄信給我要幫忙陳情事件!竟然找這位女 的聶律師是國泰世華銀行及星展銀行的顧問律師來替我免費諮詢! 故意瞭解我的底!這聶律師事後表明身分竟不幫我辦案!台中現任民進黨立委從此之後就推 推 推 不幫我找律師了! 整個台灣也找不到律師!我們當然可以不用在選舉了!直接宣布(ROC 沒有 憲法 人權)的共產國家吧!


這是ROC政府擺明與星加坡政府耍完欺壓人民的寫實!連台中民進黨故意寄信給我要幫忙陳情事件!竟然找這位女 的聶律師是國泰世華銀行及星展銀行的顧問律師來替我免費諮詢! 故意瞭解我的底!這聶律師事後表明身分竟不幫我辦案!台中現任民進黨立委從此之後就推 推 推 不幫我找律師了! 整個台灣也找不到律師!我們當然可以不用在選舉了!直接宣布(ROC 沒有 憲法 人權)的共產國家吧!

這是ROC政府擺明與星加坡政府耍完欺壓人民的寫實!連台中民進黨故意寄信給我要幫忙陳情事件!竟然找這位女 的聶律師是國泰世華銀行及星展銀行的顧問律師來替我免費諮詢! 故意瞭解我的底!這聶律師事後表明身分竟不幫我辦案!台中現任民進黨立委從此之後就推 推 推 不幫我找律師了! 整個台灣也找不到律師!我們當然可以不用在選舉了!直接宣布(ROC 沒有 憲法 人權)的共產國家吧!

This is a song I wrote fraud consortium Temasek Group Forged ROC government 這是我寫的歌名詐欺財團 Temasek Group 偽 造政府ROC 由 Mei Feng Chang 上傳

讚 · 留言

(Temasek Holdings) Group (DBS) (forgery) (Fraud)deliberate with the ROC government to play

(Temasek Holdings) deliberate with the ROC government to play with me!

This is a song I wrote fraud consortium Temasek Group Forged ROC government

這是我寫的歌名詐欺財團 Temasek Group 偽造政府ROC

淡馬錫控股集團在台灣的1-4樓店住房貸款再次傷害! (詐騙本金及利息)事件(偽造)(欺詐)

Jetstar catch the next plane to harm me again after Temasek Holdings

捷星航空趕下機後繼續又再度來害我淡馬錫控股集團的星 展銀行詐欺我房貸本金!Jetstar catch the next plane to continue to harm me again Temasek Group DBS principal mortgage fraud me!

Temasek fraud with ROC government consortium with


defamation)(An affront to the crime!) (Jetstar) the use of false flight safety lie to the media published untrue, the real name of the picture image (defamation)!

Evidenced by the following:

Luggage and wallet are not the same specifications行 裡和錢包不一樣規格

Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters (TV News dig, dig program), subtitles write (Luggage bags) to deceive the whole world (Luggage bags),But I take is the (wallet purse), (Luggage bags)and (wallet purse)is Different Style specifications,

狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢打字幕(錢包 Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李)PS:重點我背的是 (錢包Purse)跟 (行李包包bags)二種規格差十萬八千里! Evidenced by the following:

Luggage and wallet are not the same specifications行 裡和錢包不一樣規格

Jetstar-Airline lie to reporters (TV News dig, dig program), subtitles write (Luggage bags) to deceive the whole world (Luggage bags),But I take is the (wallet purse)狗黨讓捷星騙記者登新聞挖挖挖節目,不敢 打字幕(錢包Purse),怕漏氣假飛安電視字幕打(行李)PS:重 點我背的是(錢包Purse)跟 (行李包包bags)二種規格差十

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $1284326NT +$1366637NT= $ 2650963NT,DBS計算

Key evidence:

I have calculated the correct principal as follows:

2100000+ 2000000 = 4100000 × 11,2 ÷ 20 = $2296000NT(我還欠銀行的本金餘額)

DBS principal counted $2,650,963 - $2296000NT principal operator = $ 354963NT(DBS bank fraud

You DBS Bank is the result of the Jetstar event fraud Housing loan principal $ 354963NT

OK! Clear enough! Carefully negotiate compensation for this notice: (Temasek Holdings) Group|

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 星展銀行詐欺偽造罪!法律上銀行如果拿不出法律客戶要 求的當場解說計算帳目及證據契約合約!法律上我是不需 再付錢了!犯罪是事實!請快與我談判和解!不然近日到星加 坡眾裁法庭控告你們Temasek Holdings) Group!甚至於告 到荷蘭國際法庭!

DBS fraud forgery! Legally take no legal bank if required by customers on the spot commentary calculation accounts and evidence deed contract! Legally I do not need to pay up! Crime is a fact! Please hurry reconciliation talks with me! Otherwise recently went to court against you cut the congregation Singapore Temasek Holdings) Group! even reported to the International Tribunal for the Netherlands!Litigation against!

就怕牠们不滅我口!老娘就算被滅口死後歐!靈魂絕對玩更 大!死後靈魂會飛耶!交通更加方便=整死 ROC在世界更加

I am afraid they are Extinguish mouth! I was Absolute not afraid! Soul definitely play ROC more ! After death the soul can fly yeah! Transportation more convenient to play death ROC = more convenient in the world,
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
(Temasek Holdings) Group (DBS) (forgery) (Fraud)deliberate with the ROC government to play with me!
PS: But you Jetstar Aviation Consumer Foundation in Taichung media
(Temasek Holdings) Group (DBS) (forgery) (Fraud)deliberate with the ROC government to play with me!
PS: But you Jetstar Aviation Consumer Foundation in Taichung mediation fails! Not refund my ticket money now! You the consortium of the
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