台灣身分證讚 旅居美國的同心 黃堃義 (Kuen-Yih Hwang) 與二 哥幾乎同時傳來訊息, 提醒我觀注兩則, 今日報 紙所報導的中國外交部長楊潔篪在全國人大針對 於外交政策舉行記者會中所發表的談話 :
一段涉及台灣問題, 報導如下 :
對美喊話:妥善處理台灣 亞太自理
美 國總統歐巴馬和中共總書記習近平都將開啟任 內的新工作。對於中美關係,大陸外交部長楊潔 篪9日在大陸人大記者會上表示,希望美方尊重中 美彼此核心利益,「美方尤其應該妥善處理台灣 等敏感問題」。他同時強調,亞太事務應由亞太 國家自己商量。 楊潔篪說,近年來,中美兩國領導人就中美共同 建設相互尊重、互利共贏的合作夥伴關係,探索 構建新型大國關係達成了重要的共識。兩國對話 磋商機制也日臻完善,各領域的交流合作取得了 新的重要成果。 他認為,中美兩國應該超越意識形態的不同,應 該摒棄陳舊過時的觀念,切實尊重照顧彼此的核 心利益和重大關切。美方尤其應該妥善處理台灣 等敏感問題。中國希望和美方一起致力於構建中 美新型大國關係。 對美國重返亞洲,楊潔篪也藉機強調:「亞太地 區的事務應該由亞太地區的國家商量著辦」。中 國希望和美方一道,努力增進兩國在亞太地區的 對話和合作,攜手促進亞太地區的和平、穩定與 繁榮。 網址
另一則 :
(中 央社記者邱國強、鄭崇生北京9日電)大陸外 交部長楊潔篪今天針對釣魚台問題表示,日本應 該正視現實,確實糾正錯誤,與大陸一同透過對 話磋商,妥善處理和解決有關問題,防止事態 「升級失控」。 大陸12屆全國人大1次會議上午邀請楊潔篪針對大 陸外交政策舉行記者會,他在回答日本媒體提問 釣魚台問題及中日關係時,作上述表示。 楊潔篪重申,釣魚台列嶼自古以來就是中國的領 土,釣魚台問題的根源是日本對中國領土的非法 竊取和佔據,目前的局面是「日方一手造成 的」,且日本的所作所為侵犯中國領土主權,是 對二次大戰勝利成果及戰後國際秩序的挑戰,嚴 重損害中日關係及地區穩定。 他說,大陸採取的堅定措施,顯示大陸政府和人 民維護國家領土主權的堅強意志和決心。 楊潔篪指出,「正確認識和看待歷史」是兩國關 係發展的重要基礎。日本只有正視和深刻反省歷 史,才能搞好與亞洲鄰國的關係,而中日發展長 期健康穩定的關係,符合雙方根本利益。 他說,大陸願在「中日四個政治文件」的原則和 精神基礎上,發展中日戰略互惠關係,並敦促日 本為改善兩國關係「作出實實在在的努力」,為 週邊地區的和平、穩定和發展,發揮積極、負責 任的作用。1020309 網址
外 交部長對涉及國際外交事務的談話,當然絕對 代表國家的立場。而且,通常外交官對於國際外 交事務的用詞都會十分精準,外交部長就更不在 話下了。 我們可看出, 對於台灣問題,他的說法是 : 「美 方尤其應該妥善處理台灣等敏感問題」「切實尊 重照顧彼此的核心利益和重大關切」。 再對照對於釣魚台的問題則是 : 「釣魚台列嶼自古 以來就是中國的領土」 醬就不難看出 : 中國官方已很明白,台灣不會是「 自古以來就是中國的領土」,而且只是美方在處 理的敏感問題。 至於,美方正在如何處理 ? 我們可來看另一則較 早出現在 對於台灣民政府的討論。
這 一則討論,看似非官方的言論。實則所討論的 內容,除了少許自加的批判之外,倒不太失真。 可,很明顯的相關的訊息若非經由相當官方的層 級, 一般民間並不容易得知如此完整。不過, 筆 下的說法,卻又明顯的是在為台灣將來可能的走 向,在民間預先放話。免得, 製造了幾十年的謊 言 「台灣自古以來是中國神聖不可分割的領土」 這種說法,註定要破功而需對全國人民有所交 待。把責任先推給 都是美國著手在處理的。
呂鎮揚 如是說
旅居美國的同心 黃堃義 (Kuen-Yih Hwang) 與二哥幾乎同時傳來訊息, 提醒我觀注兩則, 今日報紙所報導的中國外交部長楊潔篪在全國人大針對於外交政策舉行記者會中所發表的談話 :
一段涉及台灣問題, 報導如下 :
對美喊話:妥善處理台灣 亞太自理
另一則 :
我們可看出, 對於台灣問題,他的說法是 : 「美方尤其應該妥善處理台灣等敏感問題」「切實尊重照顧彼此的核心利益和重大關切」。
再對照對於釣魚台的問題則是 : 「釣魚台列嶼自古以來就是中國的領土」
醬就不難看出 : 中國官方已很明白,台灣不會是「自古以來就是中國的領土」,而且只是美方在處理的敏感問題。
至於,美方正在如何處理 ? 我們可來看另一則較早出現在 對於台灣民政府的討論。
這 一則討論,看似非官方的言論。實則所討論的內容,除了少許自加的批判之外,倒不太失真。可,很明顯的相關的訊息若非經由相當官方的層級, 一般民間並不容易得知如此完整。不過, 筆下的說法,卻又明顯的是在為台灣將來可能的走向,在民間預先放話。免得, 製造了幾十年的謊言 「台灣自古以來是中國神聖不可分割的領土」這種說法,註定要破功而需對全國人民有所交待。把責任先推給 都是美國著手在處理的。
When the this year 2013/5/20 U.S. USMG to settled 【Taipei Neihu],full tax in the U.S. military, the U.S. military to expel expelled from the collapse of the cult dog offerings party kmt sign Taiwan's sovereignty in the Second World War [San Francisco Peacetreaty] USMG U.S. troops there!
今年2013/5/20日美軍USMG入駐【Taipei台北內湖】時,全民繳稅於美軍 ,要求美軍驅逐開除瓦解邪教狗冥黨kmt,因為我們台灣主權在第二世界大戰簽的【舊金山和平條約】USMG美軍那裡!
John Cheng 認賊做父真的是粉可怕最難接受的事 實吧 收回 · 2 · 6分鐘前
Mei Feng Chang 對呀!狗冥黨好像虎克船長喔!教壞年輕人,認賊做父!
Xu Xiangyu
[ECFA signed to OK the next day ... and the United States declared to have the occupying power of Taiwan!!]
U.S. military withdrawal of the officers and men of the Seventh Fleet, 30 years have come to Taiwan
Dynamic Times Photo
[ECFA signed to OK the next day ... and the United States declared to have the occupying power of Taiwan!!]
U.S. military withdrawal of the officers and men of the Seventh Fleet, 30 years have come to Taiwan
Posted by: Xu Xiangyu
美軍撤台30年 第七艦隊官兵再來台
「薛 瑞福(Randall Schriver)」在美國小布希總統時代曾任美國東亞及太平洋事務副助理國務卿,負責中華人民共和國、香港、蒙古、澳洲、紐西蘭、太平洋島嶼及所謂「台 灣當局」之外交事務。流亡的中華民國總統陳水扁,曾於2005年7月12日頒授紫色大綬景星勳章給美國國務院前亞太副助理國務卿薛瑞福,感謝他任內所做的 努力與貢獻。
勳章證書頌詞:「美利堅合眾國國務院前主管亞太 事務副助理國務卿薛瑞福先生為傑出之外交家,學驗俱優,才識恢弘,多年來致力促進中華民國與美利堅合眾國兩 國間之友好合作關係,成效卓著,深為中華民國政府及人民所欽佩。中華民國政府依據勳章條例第八條之規定,經總統明令頒贈薛瑞福先生紫色大綬景星勳章壹座, 以表彰其卓越貢獻。」
由該「勳章證書頌詞」內容可 清楚得知:薛瑞福先生是因致力促進「美國」和「中華民國」外交關係,獲頒中華民國勳章。然而,事實是:台灣主權並無移轉給中華民國,中華民國領土範圍不包 括台灣,「美國」從未和「台灣」建立外交關係。因此,其應嚴謹定位為「美華關係」,非所謂「美台關係」。
英文「台北時 報(Taipei Times)」2013年2月10日報導:美 國智庫「2049專案機構(Project 2049 Institute)」執行長「薛瑞福(Randall Schriver)」2013年2月8日,在位於美國華府的智庫「傳統基金會(Heritage Foundation)」會議中,就有關「力挺美台夥伴關係(Shoring Up the US-Taiwan Partnership)」發表演講,重點如下:
1.We have a problem in the Senkakus [Japan’s name for the islands] area and if the assessment of Washington is that Taiwan has contributed unfavorably to that problem, it will hurt US-Taiwan relations. 我方在尖閣諸島區域有問題,華府當局如果評定台灣的作為是對該問題不利,其將損害美台關係。
2. Taiwan should go to “great lengths” to avoid the appearance of any collusion with China on the issue. 台灣在此議題,應徹底避免和中國勾結的樣子。
3. While the US did not have a position on the sovereignty of the islands, Washington was not neutral. 美國對尖閣諸島主權無立場,但華府當局並非中立。
4. Our treaty obligations and our long-term strategic interests do not make us desirous of seeing the islands falling under the sovereignty of the PRC [People’s Republic of China] 我方基於條約義務及長期戰略利益,不樂見尖閣諸島歸入中華人民共和國主權。
5. the US could not fulfill its defense obligations under the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) without the US-Japan alliance. 沒有美日同盟,美國無法履行台灣關係法下之防衛義務。
6. The trend lines right now are very dangerous. 當今之趨向是非常危險。
A. 美國是基於「美日同盟」才需履行「台灣關係法」之防衛義務,追根究底,原因就是「日本對台灣有殘存主權」。美國不是根據「台灣關係法」,而是基於台灣有事、即日本有事,因此,美國有事之「美日安保條約」防衛日本台灣。
對日和約生效後, 日本和台灣間如不存在任何關係, 則台灣即可被中華民國依國際法「無主地先占」原則併為領土. 如此, 則美國國會並無立場片面制訂台灣關係法, 而美日同盟防衛範圍也無立場包括台灣.
B. 美方研判日本和中國間在尖閣諸島區域之軍事衝突是一觸即發,非常危險。
在 國軍、共軍都是中國軍的局勢下,實現台灣地位正常化不只是台灣(民)政府的訴求,也是美國當局應慎重考慮的美國利益。美國軍事政府親自行使台灣治理權成為 台灣治理當局,確定「台灣不歸屬中國」,尖閣諸島爭議自然解決。美國當局明確表示尖閣諸島主權不得歸入中華人民共和國,台灣主權當然也是不得歸入中華人民 共和國。
C. 對日和約雖已於1952年4月28日生效,然,至 今美國當局所認知的「台灣(Taiwan)」,並非舊金山和平條約架構內,日本政府管轄所不能及之「法理台灣(legal Taiwan)」,而是台灣關係法架構內,本質為中國殖民政權的台灣治理當局管轄下之「政治台灣(political Taiwan)」,名為Chinese Taipei. 因此,將該刊文中之「 Taiwan」改為 「Chinese Taipei」,則是更接近原意。
薛瑞福先生曾欣然接受中華民國勳章,在當今美國智庫中應可歸類為「親華派」,心中只有中華民國,沒有「台灣」,力挺「Chinese Taipei」是無可厚非、理所當然。然不應將中華民國當作台灣,模糊台灣地位,這是違反國際法,沒有正當性。
Taipei Times Sun, Feb 10, 2013
Schriver says ‘constructive’ role needed in Diaoyutais
NO COLLUSION :Project 2049 president Randy Schriver said that Taipei needs to be very careful to avoid the appearance of collusion with China on the Diaoyutais
By William Lowther / Staff reporter in Washington
Chinese Taipei should play a more “positive and constructive” role in the Diaoyutai Islands (釣魚台) dispute, a former US State Department official said on Friday.
“At a minimum Chinese Taipei should not be a problem or an obstacle to constructive resolution,” Project 2049 president Randy Schriver said.
Schriver, a former US deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian Affairs, said that Chinese Taipei's good communications with all of the participants could be a “huge asset.” He added that President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) East China Sea peace plan needed to be taken more seriously.
“Chinese Taipei is the only one that has a plan on the table and we should look at it,” he said in a speech at a Heritage Foundation conference on “Shoring Up the US-Chinese Taipei Partnership.”
“We have a problem in the Senkakus [Japan’s name for the islands] area and if the assessment of Washington is that Chinese Taipei has contributed unfavorably to that problem, it will hurt US-Chinese Taipei relations,” he said.
Schriver said Chinese Taipei should go to “great lengths” to avoid the appearance of any collusion with China on the issue. He said that while the US did not have a position on the sovereignty of the islands, Washington was not neutral.
“Our treaty obligations and our long-term strategic interests do not make us desirous of seeing the islands falling under the sovereignty of the PRC [People’s Republic of China],” he said.
Speaking with great emphasis, Schriver said: “Chinese Taipei should avoid the appearance of collusion because I believe that would be viewed unfavorably.”
“Chinese Taipei should be working positively with Tokyo and trying to improve that relationship [so as] not [to] cause any damage or any rifts,” he said. “Chinese Taipei is stuck between its most important economic partner, China, and its most important security partner, the US-Japan alliance.”
He said the US could not fulfill its defense obligations under the Chinese Taipei Relations Act (TRA) without the US-Japan alliance.
“Japan is arguably Chinese Taipei's second-most important security partner,” he said. “If Chinese Taipei undertakes activities that cause problems with Tokyo, that will cause problems with the United States and that should be avoided.”
He said Chinese Taipei needed to avoid any activities that created “further uncertainty and chaos in an operating environment that is already uncertain and chaotic.”
Chinese and Japanese military and coast guard “assets” were now operating in close proximity to one another with no rules of the road, no crisis communication and no crisis management capability, he said.
“If Chinese Taipei enters into that fray, it can only be a downside,” he said.
“We do not need a war and as much as you can say we would never fight over a pile of rocks, we have fought over stranger things in the past,” Schriver said.
“The trend lines right now are very dangerous. When the PRC decided to add air activity to this mix, they shortened the time line of decisionmaking to seconds. That’s hard for civilian leadership to maintain positive command and control,” he said.
Schriver said again that the US would “look very unfavorably” on any activity that added to the existing “chaotic operating environment.”
Chinese Taipei should be a “constructive participant,” should avoid risks and do more to help solve the situation.
National Security Advisor
National Security Council
c/o The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500 Feb. 12, 2013
Dear Sir/Madam:
As reported recently in the Taipei Times, Randy Schriver, a former US deputy assistant secretary of state for East Asian Affairs, speaking on Feb. 8th, stated that “We have a problem in the Senkakus area …. and if the assessment of Washington is that Taiwan has contributed unfavorably to that problem, it will hurt US-Taiwan relations.”
It is our hope that US-Taiwan relations can improve during President Obama’s second term. Importantly, we must stress that according to the historical and legal record, it is improper for native Taiwanese persons to be classified as “Republic of China citizens.” Accordingly, we do not believe there is any legal basis for native Taiwanese persons to be carrying ROC passports. A full summary of our views was published as an advertorial in the Jan. 21, 2013 issue of the Washington Post. Resolution of this issue we believe could further strengthen US-Taiwan relations.
In terms of regional security issues in the Pacific area, Mr. Shriver’s remarks certainly need to be taken into account. After examining all facets of this problem, our humble suggestion would be that a Public Hearing on the “International Legal Status of Taiwan” could certainly go a long way toward delineating accurate national boundaries in the region and thus enabling all parties to look at the long-standing territorial disputes in a much clearer way.
We would note that in 1961 and 1971, the State Dept. issued two Memoranda regarding the international legal status of Taiwan. However, these Memoranda totally failed to take into consideration the “laws of war” as recognized by the United States. Here in 2013, these Memoranda are very much out of date and need to be revised. We have posted our relevant Commentary on the internet.
Our principals, Dr. Roger C. S. Lin and Richard W. Hartzell, have spent nearly eight years in researching Taiwan’s international legal status. They continually emphasize that up to the present day, none of the so-called “experts” in think-tanks, foundations, research centers, academic institutions, the Congressional Research Service, etc. in the United States have offered any commentary on Taiwan’s international legal status whatsoever from a “laws of war” perspective. To fully clarify what this involves, TCG has compiled a listing of “Background Studies Needed for Comprehension of the Taiwan Status Issue” and posted them on the internet.
Please see relevant internet webpages for items/topics mentioned in this letter at –
I am happy to announce that the staffing for our Washington D.C. office was begun in mid-January 2013. At the present time we are expending efforts to make contact with the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, to promote our idea of a Public Hearing.
We would welcome your comments on any of the issues raised in this letter.
Te Hsing Lin
Director, Washington D.C. Office
Taiwan Civil Government
作者:林 志昇(武林志昇˙林 峯弘)
台灣(民)政府 秘書長
呂鎮揚 如是說