國務機要費已經判決無罪,雖然我們都知道這是有「陰謀」的﹝(這出於一些立場偏國民黨人之口) 。偽造文書的部分若有,根據馬英九原先的判例,被關的應該是類似余文那種經手人員。不是陳水扁本人。
國民黨的黨產的來源包括非法佔有、盜用、侵占公款、內線交易、不當收受政治獻金、特權經營壟斷性事業 .... 族繁不及備載。整個黨產形成的過程中有千百個巨無霸型的「陳水扁」。這些若不辦,難道陳水扁改個名字就沒以罪了嗎??
吳志聰 陳水扁ㄉ 原罪 就是 【伊係台灣郎】
高級不是人 吞不下去 在牠們心態上 台灣人是奴隸 不能爬上牠們頭上 !!
台灣人要團結 不能在讓人家說: 台灣郎棒尿賣攪沙
唯一支持 英 嘉 = 贏 家 !
搭給作伙嘎台灣贏回來 ~~~ -
Mei Feng Chang 超牠馬!皇天不負苦心人!這台中地檢署張斗輝過年前接了我寄的郵政存證信函後!今日我又接到法院通知書!內容台中地檢署終於承認487案是誣告罪!不是侵占罪!這也代表他張斗輝終於認罪瀆職偽造文書 篡改案情!好笑的!可是今日文書內文又告訴我已結案!趕鈴羊!///
媽 的!我還沒寫郵政存證信函之前!牠是用侵占罪出公文偽造瀆職!(害我又要再多寫一次郵政存證信函給地檢張斗輝檢察長)並且從新控告他瀆職偽造!看牠老人家 瀆職幾百條之後!能否被判終身監獄!污辱我們人民老闆的錢!全民以後如碰到如此惡魔檢察長!PS:(記得先寫郵政存證信函給司法人記載牠們不公不義之過 程!)存證!出庭須錄影存證!
我 的487案是誣陷我(防害風化)亂抓人.無視憲法第十條亂來我家搜索,無人,事,物,時間,地點,還亂在公眾場所大廳侮辱我說妳被捕!並拷手腳鐵鍊!超超 超!後來逼我簽名!我死都不簽!居留我夜間出庭!買通我第一位律師顧問!不給他出庭!還好我有很多位律師顧問!二日律師出庭後!妨害風化竟用重刑犯八萬元 交保!一個月後判無罪!我律師不敢幫我反告回誣告罪!所以按鈴申告變487按號PS:(這487是我被判決贏後,反告回假證人跟警察誣告罪的案號)!狗黨 KMT竟然司法空殼如此程度!全民妳們說阿扁呢!那冤情一定更大!就算啊扁不是政治獻金!被狗黨死凹成貪污!那也是狗黨奸商銀行財團錢!一起陷阱陷害阿 扁!不像(夣想家)表演開天價及(核二廠螺絲)天價,全民買單耶!超!證據網:http://youtu.be/7VtEUCgtnTs?t=5m4s -
The universal public trial ten million "Chen Shui-bian," the Big Mac - the Chinese Nationalist Party
Alan Ang wrote at 9:48 on the September 15th, 2011 ·
We want to ask a question:
Chen Shui-bian is guilty because its name is called the Chen Shui-bian? ?
Or because he received campaign contributions? ?
State affairs fund has been acquitted, although we all know that this is a "conspiracy" ﹝ (this for the some stance partial Kuomintang mouth). If so, of forgery, according to Ma Ying-jeou's original jurisprudence should be to like Yu Wen kind of handling personnel. Not Chen Shui-bian himself.
In addition, we should be all the politicians political contributions stalls in the sun good view, not only do a name called "Chen Shui-bian. As we all know, the general business on both sides pressure Po, because the Chinese Nationalist Party seems high odds, are generally more abundant. Political contributions not only donated to the DPP, in fact, the DPP is currently the majority of micro-fundraising.
The KMT sources include illegal possession, theft, embezzlement, insider trading, misuse of accepting illegal political donations, Franchise monopoly cause .... family too numerous to list. Hundreds of giant "Chen Shui-bian in the entire process of the formation of party assets. If you do not do, Is Chen Shui-bian to change the name no sin? ?
Do not tell me the Chinese KMT party assets over the traced period, they can still continue to have.
We ask to do the KMT party assets in China, this is the opportunity of judicial reform in Taiwan. Do not the Chinese KMT party assets, that the scale of the tens of millions, "Chen Shui-bian of giant-type judicial reform.