Get-Out! Dog offerings party KMT the judicial Gouguan!超!大膽司法狗官偵辦案時:在洪○○案偵訊時對被告說:「你們臺東人怎麼羞辱我,我就怎麼羞辱你們臺東人。」
劉仲慧 臺灣桃園地方法院檢察署檢察官
被 彈劾人劉仲慧係法務部司法官訓練所第38期結業,89年3月21日奉派至福建金門地方法院檢察署擔任候補檢察官,其後調任嘉義、高雄、臺東、福建連江及臺 東地檢署,101年9月6日調任桃園地檢署檢察官(附件1,第12~13頁)。被彈劾人服務於臺東地檢署時,懷疑其配屬之書記官張○○記錄其行蹤向上級報 告,乃要求張○○書記官自行向上級請調配屬其他檢察官,惟因遲遲未有下文,被彈劾人於101年3月9日值班時,再度向張○○書記官詢問職務調整一事,詎料 被彈劾人於得知書記官之職務調整未有結果,而心生不滿,於同日開庭過程中,有違失言行,經吳○○、劉○○二位主任檢察官調閱開庭光碟共同勘驗,並製作勘驗 紀錄(附件2,第21~57頁),於同年3月14日簽請將被彈劾人送考績會處理。該署於101年3月16日召開100年度考績委員會第6次會議,決議將被 彈劾人移付懲戒,並建請法務部先予停職(附件3,第59~60頁)。高檢署於101年4月18日函法務部,建議將被彈劾人移付懲戒並先行停職。法務部於同 年5月9日向檢察官評鑑委員會請求個案評鑑。檢察官評鑑委員會於101年9月24日決議:「受評鑑人劉仲慧有懲戒之必要,報由法務部移送監察院審查,建議 免除檢察官職務,轉任檢察官以外之其他職務」(101年度檢評字第001號,附件4,第63~89頁)。茲歸納其違失之言行如次:
(五) 在許○○案偵訊前對張姓書記官說:「臺東人欺負人都沒有限度阿,…,(劉檢察官聲音喊到極大,多處無法辨識其言語內容)」,又在偵訊時對被告說:「你們臺 東人怎麼會做錯事,你們台東人從來沒有做錯事,你們臺東人欺負人也是有理,絕對都不會做錯事」。(附件2,第47、48頁)
(三) 在楊○○案偵訊時對告訴人說:「我要簽誣告出來,因為你是臺東人,我被臺東人欺負,現在所以我要欺負臺東人」、「欺侮我的人他從不認為他有錯,他們竭盡所 能要踩死我,所以我就竭盡所能踩死你們臺東人,反正是你被判罪啊,反正是你被關,跟我無關」。(附件2,第35、36頁)
(一) 在卓○○案偵訊時對被告說:「走不太動,對不對?可是我們的劉主任檢察官要我弄他過來,你想辦法把他弄過來」、「你就要拜託我們這位書記官,去找劉主任檢 察官,問劉主任檢察官要怎麼解決」、「你想辦法問清楚劉主任檢察官要什麼東西,然後你再去把那些東西弄過來」、「你的傳票有書記官的名字喔,你找這位書記 官,請他帶你去找劉主任檢察官問清楚,他們要什麼東西」、「這個案件你沒辦法解決劉主任檢察官○○要的東西,我每一個月都會傳你過來問」。(附件2,第 28~29頁)
(二)在張○○案偵訊時對證人說:「你們最好是跟我們張書記官○○聯絡一下,讓他去問一下,讓他確定我們的劉主任檢察官○○先生沒 有意見,不然的話我這個案子沒有辦法結」、「因為我結案子,劉主任檢察官○○都有意見…你們最好是透過張書記官○○先生,跟我們的劉主任檢察官,劉主任檢 察官○○先生聯絡一下,這樣又就有起訴的依據」。(附件2,第30~31頁)
(一) 在吳○○案偵訊前(被告尚未入庭)對張姓書記官說:「你們法律人有什麼不能做的,狗屎都可以吃,你真的是好人,真的知道怎麼欺負死人不償命,我後天一定讓 你們地檢署驗屍,(大吼)給我關掉錄音,我絕對讓你們禮拜天給我驗屍,不然禮拜一來驗也可以,無所謂,我要把信寄出去之後再死給你們看,我絕對要把信寄出 去後,再死給你們看,我永遠詛咒你」、「(大吼)我怎麼敢生氣啊,你們那麼優秀,好優秀,你那個臉,諷刺的臉給人家看,你認為監視器看不到你的臉來欺侮 我,你給我站在那邊,讓監視器看你的臉,是什麼臉。」又在該案偵訊時對張姓書記官說:「拒絕回答你沒有寫嗎,不用寫了,(大吼)那是你應該做的事吧,沒有 打完還敢講,(被告呆立在偵查庭上)你書記官只做記錄的事,都做不好,你還能幹什麼,你應該當檢察長啊,或當檢察長的書記官呀,檢察長的書記官才不用打 字。(現場一片靜默)」(附件2,第33、34頁)
(二)在陳○○案偵訊時(被告已入庭)向書記官說:「我詛咒你的小孩,會讓你負擔你一輩子,永 遠都負擔不了的一輩子,而且讓你永遠都脫不了手,而且讓你永遠、永遠,恨他卻脫離不了他,我詛咒你這樣子,應該夠了,你要知道我的詛咒一定會實現,我詛咒 過的人每個都沒有好下場,我希望你的福報能夠,夠承擔我的詛咒」、「我詛咒你們全家」。(附件2,第44、45頁)
在 楊○○案偵訊時說:「我決定一個(按指被告)偽造文書起訴,一個(按指告訴人)誣告簽出來,然後讓偽造文書的多跑法院跑幾趟,讓誣告的成立判幾個月,甚至 判個兩三年我也高興,怎麼樣。」又在該案偵訊時,告訴人說:「如果是要承擔這個法律責任(按指誣告),我也應該要承擔。」被彈劾人說:「好有勇氣,等你被 關一個禮拜後,再來跟我講這種話。這就是我的權力」、「我還有好幾個月可以修理你們臺東人,這也是我的福氣」。(附件2,第37頁)
(一) 在許○○案偵訊時說:「(問:你有沒有偷那些錢?)被告:錢阿?(問:對。)被告:有。(問:有阿,怎麼會有呢?我跟你說你沒有了,你還說有)」、「拿東 西有什麼不對,那都是沒人的」、「你既然有竊盜罪,表示你上回都承認了嘛,你有夠憨ㄋㄟ,你說沒有就好了,因為證據要檢察官去拿阿,若找不到證據,不能證 明,你若認為不知道那是別人的東西,你就沒罪了,了解嗎?你去法官那裏也可以這樣說我不知道那是別人的東西,…我甲你教甲按ㄋㄟ,你知道嗎」、「你也可以 跟法官說,以前竊盜罪那些,嚨係別人逼你說ㄟ,其實你都不知道那是別人的東西,看可不可以翻案」、「你出去,也可以跟會跟人家偷,會跟人家拿東西的人說一 下,不要憨憨阿承認啦,知道嗎?(台語)」(附件2,第47~51頁)
(二)在羅○○案偵訊時說:「(對女)你為什麼要承認跟羅先生有過性行為那 麼笨,你真的有性行為過嗎?還是警察刑求?(被告女答:沒有、沒有)其實你說沒有,沒有人可以抓到你的證據,蓋棉被純聊天誰說不行,法律上也沒有說蓋棉被 純聊天是錯的,你到法官那邊要認嗎?(被告女:搖頭,被告男站在旁邊),不認喔,好聰明」、「你3月2號有沒有跟羅先生做性行為?有或沒有?你就說有沒有 就好。如果你在我這邊說有到法官那邊就不能說沒有,你在我這邊說沒有,在法官那邊就要咬死的說沒有,瞭解嗎?有或沒有?」、「記得,永遠都不要說有,你是 未婚的妳有權利做,我是沒有道德觀的人」。(附件2,第52、53、55頁)
一、 按公務員服務法第1條規定:「公務員應遵守誓言,忠心努力,依法律命令所定執行其職務」、第5條規定:「公務員應誠實清廉,謹慎勤勉……」、第7條規定: 「公務員執行職務,應力求切實…」。另按法官法第18條第1項前段規定:「法官不得為有損其職位尊嚴或職務信任之行為……。」第89條規定:(第1項)本 法第18條有關法官之規定,於檢察官準用之。(第4項)檢察官有下列各款情事之一者,應付個案評鑑:(第4款)違反第18條規定,情節重大。(第7款)違 反檢察官倫理規範,情節重大。(第7項)檢察官有第4項各款所列情事之一,有懲戒之必要者,應受懲戒。又檢察官倫理規範第2條、第5條、第6條第2項、第 8條及第13條分別規定:「檢察官為法治國之守護人及公益代表人,應恪遵憲法、依據法律,本於良知,公正、客觀、超然、獨立、勤慎執行職務」、「檢察官應 廉潔自持,謹言慎行,致力於維護其職位榮譽及尊嚴……」、「檢察官應本於法律之前人人平等之價值理念,不得因性別、種族、地域、宗教、國籍、年齡、性傾 向、婚姻狀態、社會經濟地位、政治關係、文化背景、身心狀況或其他事項,而有偏見、歧視或不當之差別待遇」、「檢察官辦理刑事案件時,應致力於真實發 現……」、「檢察官執行職務,應本於合宜之專業態度。檢察官行訊問時,應出以懇切之態度,不得用強暴、脅迫、利誘、詐欺、疲勞訊問或其他不正方法,亦不得 有笑謔、怒罵或歧視之情形。」
二、詢據被彈劾人劉仲慧對於檢察官評鑑委員會101年度檢評字第001號評鑑決議書(含附表)、台東地檢署製作之 101年3月9日開庭錄影光碟譯文等資料均無意見,並承認有譯文所載之言行。惟辯稱:我把張書記官從執行科救上來,但張書記官都沒有幫我的忙,我無法接受 張書記官坐在我旁邊,101年3月9日罵人的話都是針對張書記官;在林○○案偵訊時表示將依傷害罪起訴被告,並說:「因為臺東人(按指張書記官)欺負我, 我也就欺負你們了」,是因為那個案子本來就是要起訴;會請被告或證人透過書記官問主任檢察官意見,是因為書類被主任檢察官退了好幾次;罵張姓書記官筆錄做 不好,是因為他一分鐘打不到30字;詛咒張姓書記官的小孩,只是生氣下所說的話;在楊○○案偵訊時說:「我決定一個(按指被告)偽造文書起訴,一個(按指 告訴人)誣告簽出來,然後讓偽造文書的多跑法院跑幾趟,讓誣告的成立判幾個月,甚至判個兩三年我也高興,怎麼樣?」是希望被告能跟對方道歉,但是被告很強 硬,堅持沒錯,我才會生氣,有時在法庭上發脾氣是為被告著想,因為需要被告承認,我才能職權處分;在楊○○案說:「假借佛教欺負人,佛教算什麼,狗屎一 堆」,是因為我真的被佛教欺負得很厲害,我本身沒有宗教信仰;在許○○案說:「拿東西有什麼不對,那都是沒人的」等語,是因為被告是流浪漢,他拿的東西真 的是沒有人的,價值不到一、兩百元,在拆掉的台鐵宿舍拿的,他只是圖一口飯吃,後來那案子還是起訴,我不想起訴,卻不得不起訴;在羅○○案說:「(對女) 你為什麼要承認跟羅先生有過性行為那麼笨,你真的有性行為過嗎?…」等語,是因為那個案子真的沒有證據,他們在客廳聊天,門是關著,警察踹門進去,女生承 認,但男生否認,案子無法成罪;在許○○案說:「下次你如果去跟人家拿東西,若感覺那是沒人的,就給他拿沒要緊,那都不要緊啦,只要是沒人的,就可以拿 了」,是我在諷刺被告,因被告在做回收,看到路邊的東西就拿走云云(附件5,第91~103頁)。然查被彈劾人劉仲慧前揭違失言行,除經其承認在卷外,並 有當日開庭光碟及譯文為憑,事證明確。按檢察官應遵守之法官法、檢察官倫理規範,已詳前述,被彈劾人前開辯解,顯不足採。
綜上論結,被彈 劾人劉仲慧開庭時之言行非但侵害人權、有損檢察官職位尊嚴與職務信任,更嚴重斲傷檢察形象,核已違反公務員服務法第1條、第5條、第7條、法官法第18條 第1項、第89條第1項、第4項第4款、第7款、第7項及檢察官倫理規範第2條、第5條、第6條第2項、第8條、第13條規定,情節重大。爰依憲法第97 條第2項、監察法第6條及法官法第89條第8項、第51條第1項之規定提案彈劾,移請司法院審理。
中 華 民 國 101 年 12 月 5 日
香港『廉正公署』 (二) 絕密任務 (1)
在 這共計十六章的書中,我想先從第六章談起,為何跳到第六章先聊,因為隨著資訊全球化,人與人之間的互動,已經不再遙不可及,已是零距離的溝通與認識毫無時 差。而該書第六章所提的是香港證劵交易所的案件,而股票交易在台灣目前能是散戶的主要投資工具,據台灣資料統計經常性交易買賣股票者有2百多萬股民,而一 年內有買賣股票一次以上者則達800萬股民,因此台灣的證劵市場等同是一個全民的投資運動,市場的公正性關係著政府是否廉潔極為重要。
一個貪污集團,彼此利益相關,外人很難知道真相,要等檢舉是非常難的。 所以,香港廉署常常得主動出擊。』
1987 年香港廉署破獲聯交所貪污案,據指出就是主動出擊,主因是當時香港流傳一則傳言,當時在香港哪家公司想成功上市(交易所集中市場掛牌),就一定要有聯交所 相關人士作「特別安排」,否則根本不可能上市,一傳十、十傳百,這件事傳到廉政署,廉政署認為茲事體大,證劵交易所是香港的經濟櫥窗,必須謹慎,因此聯政 公署定下這項特別的『絕密任務』。
Get-Out! Dog offerings party KMT the judicial Gouguan!
Get-Out! Dog offerings party KMT the judicial Gouguan! Super! The bold judicial Gouguan Investigating the case: Hung ○ ○ case interrogation of the defendant, said: "you the Taitung people how to humiliate me, I humiliate you how Taitung people. "
The impeachment the text (announced later)
I. impeachment names, service agencies and titles:
Liu Zhonghui Taiwan Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office Prosecutor
II Case: Prosecutor Liu Zhonghui services in Taiwan Taitung District Prosecutors Office, in the hearing process, there are many defects in words and deeds, not only violations of human rights, to the detriment of the dignity and duties of the position of Prosecutor trust, more serious battle be Attorney image illegal wreck demonstrate a significant plot, the Yuan by law proposal impeachment.
Parameters, illegal dereliction of facts and evidence:
Be impeached Liu Zhonghui Department of Judges and Prosecutors Training Institute for the closure of 38 on March 21, 1989, was sent to Fujian Kinmen District Prosecutors Office as an alternate prosecutor subsequently adjusted Chiayi, Kaohsiung, Taitung, Lianjiang, Fujian Taitung District Prosecutors Office on September 6, 101 years was transferred to the Taoyuan District Prosecutor's Office (Annex 1, 12 to 13). Be impeached services in Taitung District Prosecutors Office suspect its attachment Registry ○ ○ recording their whereabouts to their superiors themselves to their superiors, the deployment of any other prosecutor Zhang ○ ○ Registry is required, except by the slow failed to below, was impeached on duty on March 9, at 101 years, once again asked Zhang ○ ○ Registry position adjustment regarding expected, nothing was learned that the duties of the Registry adjustments pending the outcome be impeached, and disgruntled , on the same day in the hearing process, contrary to the loss of words and deeds, access to the hearing by the chief prosecutor, WU ○ ○, ○ ○ two discs joint inquest, and produce the inspection records (Annex 2, 21 to 57) at On March 14 of the same year, signed Please be impeached send performance appraisal will handle. The department held on March 16, 101 years, 100 annual performance evaluation of the 6th meeting of the Committee, the resolution will be impeached disciplinary shift pay, and ask the Ministry of Justice to advance interdiction (Annex 3, the first 59 to 60). High Prosecutors' Office in the letter of the Ministry of Justice on April 18, 101 years, it is recommended to be impeached shifting to pay disciplinary and first interdiction. On May 9 of the same year, the Ministry of Justice to request an evaluation committee of the Prosecutor case evaluation. An evaluation committee of the Prosecutor discipline necessary "by the people of evaluation Liu Zhonghui, reported by the Ministry of Justice transferred the Control Yuan for review, proposed to remove the prosecutors office, transferred to other duties outside the prosecutors' resolution on September 24, 101 years: ( The 101 annual inspection rating word No. 001, Annex 4, pages 63 to 89). Hereby summarized negligence on the words and deeds of the following issues:
A person's speech discrimination, satire Taitung
(A) Hung ○ ○ case interrogation of the defendant, said: "do you Taitung is like this," I anyway, it is you Taitung things ". (Annex 2, Section 24)
(B) the ○ ○ Wu case interrogation before: (yelling) chief prosecutor tablets your patron, you dare such bullying the Taitung people really good in person surnamed Zhang Registry The front is a look at the back a look. (Annex 2, the first 33 to 34)
(C) in the case of Yang ○ ○ interrogation tell people that: "Taitung bullied bullied in this way." The defendant said: "You Taitung not an escape route to me, you Taitung true the good kind. " (Annex 2, pp. 36, 38)
(D) in the case of Chen ○ ○ interrogation of the defendant said: "You Taitung lying face not going to change A impossible degree (Taiwanese), really serving you the Taitung people", and witnesses said : "This is to tell you without cause on behalf of the (Taiwanese) you Taitung bullied people really Yiba Zhao, lying is also Yiba Zhao". (Annex 2, pp. 44, 45)
(E) in the before the Xu ○ ○ case of committal proceedings Registry surnamed Zhang said: Taitung bullying does not limit A, ..., (Liu Prosecutor voice shouted great places, does not recognize the content of their speech) " and in the interrogation of the defendant: "You Taitung how to do something wrong, you Taitung never done nothing wrong, you Taitung bully who is also rational, absolutely would not have done something wrong. (Annex 2, page 47, 48)
(F) in the case of Zheng ○ ○ interrogation of the defendant, said: "You Taitung only like a death sentence for people you Taitung force dead people (loudly) dog was raised. (Annex 2, page 56)
Second, loud in court
(A) with a great volume at the end of the Hung ○ ○ case interrogation roaring to ZhangXing Registry: "I am absolutely dead to you to see (voice very large)". (Annex 2, Section 24)
(B) in the case of Zhao ○ interrogation before the Registry surnamed Zhang said: "Well, I'll be dead to you to see (volume suddenly very loud), there is no way to go, I died to give you." (Annex 2 , page 26)
(C) before the committal proceedings in the case of Wu ○ ○ Registry surnamed Zhang said: "(yelling) I absolutely dead to show you." (Annex 2, page 33)
(Iv) Hung ○ ○ case interrogation Registry surnamed Zhang said: "The defendant did not come in can be recorded in the A (sound very loud), began to I recorded the defendant to go you can not to stop me, you do not know you think I do not know what you intend to? "(Annex 2, page 41)
Third, non-performing their duties in accordance with law
(A) in the case of Hong ○ ○ interrogation of the defendant: "You Taitung how to humiliate me, I humiliate you how Taitung." (Annex 2, page 24)
(B) in the case of Zhang ○ ○ interrogation of the defendant, said: "You Taitung bully me, I will try to bully you the Taitung people", "You Taitung bully me, I will try to bully you, wish simple ㄟ, I wish simple ㄟ Oh, I can bully you Taitung bullied many months miles I Zhuhuan Xi (Taiwanese) (Annex 2, Section 27)
(C) In the case of Yang ○ ○ interrogation tell people said: "I want to sign false accusation out, because you are Taitung, Taitung bullied, so now I have to bully Taitung", "bullying I of the people, he never think that he is wrong, they do everything we can to be trampled to death, so I'll do all we can trample you Taitung, anyway, is convicted ah, anyway you, has nothing to do with me ". (Annex 2, page 35, 36)
(D) in the case of Lin ○ ○ interrogation prosecution of the defendant, will depend on the assault and said: "because the Taitung people bully me, I will bully you." (Annex 2, 40)
(E) in the case of Chen ○ ○ interrogation when the defendant said: "Qin rude, I went thick Taitung cut in pieces, and find you vent." (Taiwanese) (Annex 2, page 45)
To the defendant or witness through the Director of the Registry asked prosecutors views
(A) in the case interrogation Zhuo ○ ○ defendant said: "Walking is not to move, right? But our Director Liu prosecutors want me to get him to come over, you think of a way to get him over," you have to Come to the Registry, to get to the Deputy Director Liu prosecutors asked the Director Liu prosecutors to how to solve "," You think of a way to ask Deputy Director Liu prosecutors want something, and then you go to get over those things " Registry name your summons Oh, you find The clerk, he'll take you to the Deputy Director Liu prosecutors ask what they want, "this case you do not have a solution the Director Liu Prosecutor ○ ○ things every month, I will pass you over to ask ". (Annex 2, 28 to 29)
(B) In the case of Zhang ○ ○ interrogation of the witness said: "You'd better contact with our the Secretary Zhang officials ○ ○, let him ask it, and let him determine our Director Liu prosecutors ○ ○ Mr. no comment , otherwise this case there is no way junction, "because I closed sub the Director Liu Prosecutor ○ ○ have opinions ... You'd better through Mr Zhang Officer Mr. ○ ○ prosecutors, with the Deputy Director Liu, Deputy Director Liu Attorney Officer Mr. ○ ○ contact, so again there is basis for prosecution. " (Annex 2, the first 30 to 31)
(C) in the case of Yang ○ ○ interrogation the defendant and said: "You should ask him (like officer Mr Zhang) not ask me, my case is closed, that does not bear with him has nothing to do with me ah, you talk to him Contact to see how to above his phone (seems to refer to the summons) Would you like to contact him. "(Annex 2, page 36)
Five, curse, curse, irony Registry
(A) in the case of Wu ○ ○ interrogation before (the defendant has not been into the court) Registry surnamed Zhang said: "your legal what not to do, dog feces can eat, you are really good, really know how the bully dead attractiveness, I acquired so you must autopsy District Prosecutors Office (yelling) I turn off the recording, I absolutely let you give me an autopsy Sunday or Monday to inspection can also, it does not matter, I put the letter sent died out after you, I absolutely want to mail the letter to dead to you, I curse you forever "," (yelling) I dare how angry ah, you have excellent, good and excellent, and your face , ironic face to the people watching, you think that the monitor can not see your face to bully me, you gave me to stand there and monitor to see your face, what face. "In that case the interrogation when Registry surnamed Zhang said: "refused to answer questions you did not write this, do not write (yelling) that you should do it, do not kick down also dare to speak, the (defendant Dai Li in the investigation told the court) secretary Officer only thing of records, done well, can you do, you should be when the Attorney General, or when the Attorney Registry Yeah, the Attorney General the Registry before without typing. (a silent scene) "(Annex 2, page 33, 34)
(B) in the case of Chen ○ ○ interrogation (the defendant into court) to Registry said: "I curse your children, and you will burden your life, not life always afford, and you never are out can not hand, and so you never, never, hate but he can not escape from him, I curse you this, it should be enough, you want to know my curse will be achieved, I cursed each to no good end, I hope your blessing, enough to bear my curse. "," I curse you and your family. (Annex 2, pp. 44, 45)
VI reveals the arrogance of power
○ ○ case interrogation Yang said: "I decided a forged instrument sued (defendant), a the false accusations sign (refers tell people), ran a few times and then let the multi-run court for forgery, so the establishment of a false accusation sentenced to a few months, or even sentenced to two or three years, I am also happy, how to. "and in the case of interrogation, told said:" If it is to bear the legal responsibility (press refers to the false accusation), I should have to bear "be impeached, said:" good courage and waiting for you to come back to tell me this was a week later, then this is my power, "" I am there for several months can repair your Taitung This is my blessing. " (Annex 2, page 37)
Verbal defamation of religions
Yang ○ ○ case interrogation of the defendant and said: "Do not tell me things of Buddhism (roared content unclear), (yelling) guise of Buddhism bully people, Buddhist What pile of dog feces. (Annex 2, page 38)
Guidance defendant denied crime
(A) in the case interrogation ○ ○ Xu said: "(Q: You did not steal the money?) Defendant: money A? (Q: Yes.) The defendant: (Q: Ah, how could it ? I told you that you no, you said) "and" what not to take things that are not "since you larceny, said that last time you recognize it, you have enough foolish then, anyway, you do not have enough evidence to prosecutors pick A, If you can not find the evidence, can not be proved, "If you do not know that other people's things, you have no sin, to understand this? you go to the judge to say I do not know that it is something other people ... A you teach A by then, anyway, you know, "" You can also tell the judge, before the larceny those, throat Department of others forced you say ㄟ, in fact, you do not know that it is something other people, to see whether we could reverse the verdict "," You go out, also can talk with others to steal, said people will take things with others, do not recognized Hanhan A, know? (Taiwanese) "(Annex 2, the first 47 to 51)
(B) in the case of Luo ○ ○ interrogation: Why do you want to admit with Mr. Rowe had sex stupid, you really have sex too? "(Female) or the police tortured? (Defendant Female A: No no) In fact, you said no, no one can catch your evidence, chat Gaimian Pi pure Who says no, the law did not say Gaimian Pi pure chat is wrong, you go to the judge there to be recognized this? ( accused female: Toggle defendant men standing next to it), does not recognize Oh, so smart, "March 2 not to do with Mr. Luo sexual behavior? there or not? you say there like if you are in my here to judge the other side can not say no to you on my side, the judge over killed necessary to say no, to understand it? with or without? "," remember, never say you are unmarried, you have the right to do, I is not morality. " (Annex 2, page 52,53,55)
9, and stir lawsuit
When in the case of Xu ○ ○ interrogation: "Do you think that is not something that you're not steal other people's things, you get nothing wrong with A, they hit you is not right to understand this? A the injury assessment Oh, A Iranian sued him. " (Annex 2, page 49)
Ten, the concept of misleading the defendant
Xu ○ ○ case of interrogation, said: "The next time if you talk to the people take things, if the feeling that no one, give him to take no matter, it does not matter, as long as no one, can take a. " (Annex 2, page 50)
IV impeachment grounds and applicable legal provisions:
A Civil Service Act provides: "Civil servants should abide by the oath and faithful efforts to perform their duties" in accordance with the legal command, the provisions of Article 5: "Civil servants should be honest and incorruptible, prudence and diligence ..." 7 : "Civil servants to perform their duties, should strive to effectively ... The other according to the preceding paragraph of Article 18, Section 1 of the Law on Judges: "A judge shall not be prejudicial to the dignity of his office or position of trust behavior ..." 89 provides: (1) of this Act the provisions of the 18 judges , at the Prosecutor mutatis mutandis. (4) The Prosecutor of the following events, to cope with cases evaluation: (paragraph 4), in violation of 18 major plot. (7) in serious violation of the code of ethics of the Prosecutor,. (7) The prosecutors have four sections of the circumstances listed in one discipline necessary, should be subject to disciplinary measures. And prosecutors ethical norms 2, 5, 6, 2, 8 and 13, respectively, provides: "The prosecutor is the guardian of the rule of law and public service representative, should abide by the Constitution, according to the law, the conscience, fair, objective, detached, independent, Qin Shen duties "," Prosecutors should be honest, upright, and cautious and efforts to safeguard the honor and dignity of his position ... "," the prosecutor should be present in the legal before the value of the concept of equality of all, not because of gender, race, region, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, marital status, socio-economic status, political relations, cultural background, physical and mental condition, or other matters, and the prejudice, discrimination or improper differential treatment, "prosecutors handling criminal cases should be committed to real discovery ......", "prosecutors perform their duties, should this desirable professional attitude Prosecutor line interrogation should sincerely and shall not use violence, coercion, inducement, fraud, fatigue interrogation or other illicit methods, nor satirical, satire, or the circumstances of discrimination. "
Second, be impeached inquiry, according to Liu Zhonghui 101 annual inspection of an evaluation committee of the Prosecutor rated 001 evaluation resolution book (including the Schedule), Taitung District Prosecutors Office productions hearing on March 9, 101 years the video discs translation information had no opinion, and recognized the translation contained in words and deeds. Except argued: I the Secretary Zhang officials from the Enforcement Division, have come up with, but Mr Zhang Officer did not help me, I can not accept the the Secretary Zhang officials sitting next to me on March 9, 101 years curse words are directed Secretary Zhang Officer; prosecution of the defendant, will depend on the assault and said: "because Taitung (press refers the Secretary Zhang Officer) bully me, I will bully you, because that case originally in the the ○ ○ Lin case interrogation to sue; through the Registry asked the chief prosecutor will ask the defendant or witness, because the books category by the chief prosecutor back several times; scolded surnamed Zhang Registry transcripts do not, because one minute he hit less than 30 words; curse surnamed Zhang Registry kids just angry words; ○ ○ Yang case interrogation, said: "I decided a for forgery prosecution (defendant), a (false accusation refers tell people) signed out, and then for document forgery multi-run court ran a few times, let false accusations establishment sentenced to a few months, or even sentenced to two or three years I am also happy, how? hope defendant tell apology, but the defendant is very tough, insisted Yes I will be angry, sometimes thinking of what is best for the defendant temper in court, because the defendant admitted me to the terms of reference of sanctions; ○ ○ case, Yang said: "bully people under the guise of Buddhism, Buddhist What a pile of dog feces" Xu ○ ○ case because I really was Buddhist bullied badly, I am not religious belief; said: "what not to take things that are not" language, because the defendant is a tramp, he take something really is no one worth less than a two hundred yuan, Taiwan Railway Quarters demolished holding he just figure food to eat, and later that the case or the prosecution, I do not want to prosecute, had sued "(female); said Luo ○ ○: Why do you have to acknowledge that had sex with Mr. Luo stupid, you really have sex over? ..." language is really no evidence in that case, they chat living room, the door is closed, the police Chuaimen into the girls admitted, but the boys denied, the case can not be into sin; promise ○ ○ case said: "The next time you talk to people to get something, if they are feeling that nobody , gave he took did not matter, it does not matter you, as long as there is not a person, it took "is me in irony defendant, because the defendant has something to do recycling, see roadside away so (Annex 5 , 91 to 103). Contingent investigation impeachment the people Liu Zhonghui supra negligence on the words and deeds, in addition to its recognition by the outside of the volume, and the date of hearing the CD and asked by evidence. Clear. The law prosecutors should comply with the judge, prosecutors ethical norms, Details of the foregoing, the excuse to open prior to be impeached, significantly less mining.
On knot foregoing, be impeached Liu Zhonghui hearing of words and deeds not only infringe on human rights, detrimental to the dignity of the position of Prosecutor and positions of trust, the more serious battle be Attorney image, nuclear has been a violation of the Civil Service Act, 5, 7 Article 18 of the Law on Judges, 1, 89, 1, 4, paragraph 4, paragraph 7, 7 and prosecutors ethical norms 2, 5, 6 , 8, 13, major plot. Yuanyi 2 of Article 97 of the Constitution, Article 6 of the Supervision Law and the Law on Judges, 89, 8, 51 provisions of a proposal impeachment trial request the Judicial Yuan.
Motions Members:
Republic of China on December 5 101 years
Hong Kong's ICAC (b) a top-secret mission (1)
Preface: This top-secret mission is one of the major cases of the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in 1987 (76 years) from today (100 years) for 24 years.
In which a total of a 16-chapter book, I want to start with Chapter VI about, why skip to Chapter VI first chat, because with the information globalization, the interaction between people, is no longer out of reach There is no time difference is zero distance communication and awareness. Referred to in Chapter VI of the book is the case of the Hong Kong stock exchange, stock trading in Taiwan currently retail investment tools, according to Taiwan statistics recurring transactions to buy and sell stocks more than 2 million shares of China, while within one year of buying and selling stocks more than once by up to 800 million people, the Taiwan securities market investment is equivalent to a universal movement, the fairness of the market related to the government whether honesty is extremely important.
The sixth chapter of the book called The Stock Exchange impact of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in the first paragraph of this chapter to write these words: "The Office of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong anti-corruption case, mostly someone reported, but Hong Kong ICAC upholds the purpose is it greed Su, If only rely on the report, obviously there is a lot of corruption cases will be missed. Tend to form corruption case
A corruption groups, the stakeholders each other, is difficult for outsiders to know the truth, to wait for the report is very difficult. Hong Kong ICAC often have to take the initiative. '
The ICAC uncovered the corruption case of the Stock Exchange in 1987, it was pointed out that the initiative is mainly Hong Kong was handed a rumors which company in Hong Kong was successfully listed (Exchange centralized market listing), you must have a Stock Exchange stakeholders to make "special arrangements", otherwise it is impossible to listing a pass to ten, one hundred, it spread to the Independent Commission Against Department Department, ICAC considered serious matter, the Securities Exchange of Hong Kong's economic showcase, care must be taken associated ICAC set this special "top-secret mission.
First, the ICAC to develop investigative direction and a comprehensive, confidential program ", while the candidate is the key in this case,
1300 ICAC only three known about this case is strictly confidential case
Investigation, and single-wire contact is asked to investigate the matter, but others are doing what. Inquire about things other than the non-service, in other words, the three basic evidence collection, investigation Hong Kong Lian Exchange, do not know the other people are doing, in the eight months of investigation, it is confirmed that the rumors are true.
The survey shows that: listed companies to go through the examination and approval of a committee, a complex set of procedures, and this time it is difficult to grasp, Because of this, some people you can play tricks, for example, some companies later reported to the Stock Exchange than early reporting company's first listed company more in line with the conditions for listing on the surface is a late declaration, but in fact this company to the Stock Exchange some power figures [bribe].
After careful consideration, the Hong Kong ICAC decide to initiate, and in particular the establishment of an Investigation Section, responsible for investigating securities, code-named "dawn action.
After the establishment of the ad hoc group falls on a eighty-seven stock market crash, but previously the biggest problem of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange prior to the non-integrated: some physical poor company, also listed opportunities, many companies intent on listing sets of legislation (funding) allows investors causing huge property losses. So the Government considers that it is urgent to check against securities market to strengthen supervision.
<A piece of paper, to identify the Stock Exchange of major corruption case> .......................... To be continued
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