抗議各政黨 - 緊急協助代發.
公平正義是全世界人類最基本的普世價值,為什麼被評為教育普及率居全球之冠的台灣,特別連代表民意的各個政黨講的是一套,做的又是一套,而各個政黨所提名的民意代表,個個都是飽讀詩書,擁有世界著名學府的高學歷,顯然不是教育普及率多寡的問題,也非學歷高低的問題,純粹是良知與廉恥心的問題,像具有黑道背景的某立委,人在獄中服刑期間,竟然還可以由其子代選,也竟然當選,還有因帶女友上賓館,鬧誹聞明星級現任立委吳育昇,竟然也能連任,這在歐美國家,根本是笑話,可是在ROC(Republic Of Crazy)的地方,卻沒有人覺得有什麼不對,我們不須要教育最高普及率,我們也不須要高學歷,我們只須要多一點良知的政治工作者,多一些有廉恥心的公僕,否則、像現今的社會,早已形成【人多必有白癡,樹多必有枯木,樹無皮必死無疑,人不要臉天下無敵】,其實在野黨也是有不少這種人,台灣的未來,沒有人可以給答案,現狀的社會,猶如信徒滿街跑,卻找不到一間值得信賴的廟可以拜,最大在野的民進黨,面臨分崩離析的嚴峻挑戰,連一個曾經是它們自己的前主席,更是擔任過八年台灣總統的陳水扁都救不了,請問台灣人,您們還能寄望民進黨能帶給台灣人什麼樣的未來?
黃育旗 Johnny Y.C. Huang 敬啟
2012年9月10日 ,台灣小留學生家長協進會秘書長黃育旗接受
千楓公視_松本會客室_台灣 美國 51 州俱樂部的介紹
Hung Ming Yuan
Protest against the political parties - Emergency Assistance on behalf of. Dear Sirs: Fairness and justice is the basic universal values of the people of the world, why was named the school completion rates, ranking the highest in the world, Taiwan, especially even on behalf of the public opinion of various political parties say one thing and doing another is set, and the various political parties nominated by the representatives of the people, all of them are better educated, have a high level of education of the famous universities in the world, apparently is not a problem of education coverage amount, but also non-academic level of the problem is simply a problem of conscience and shame, like underworld figures who have during the background of a legislator, in prison, even by its progeny election, but also turned out to be elected, there with his girlfriend on the hotel downtown scandals surrounding the star of the incumbent legislator Wu Yu-Sheng, surprisingly re-election, which Europe and the United States, there is a joke, but in place of the ROC (Republic Of Crazy), no one think that there is something wrong, we do not need education the highest penetration rate, we do not need a high level of education and political work, we only need to be a little more conscience , the more the public servants of shame Otherwise, like today's society, has been formed [many people there must be an idiot, tree every dead wood, tree skinless doubt kill one shameless invincible], in fact, the opposition parties is many such people, the future of Taiwan, no one can give an answer, the status quo of society, as if the believers run the streets, but can not find a trusted Temple worship, the largest opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), is facing severe disintegrating challenge, even one used their former President, served eight Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian can not save, ask the Taiwanese can hope that the DPP can bring what the future of the Taiwanese? A review before martial law has not been abolished in 1987, the Taiwan independence are not allowed to speak, Taiwan independence are not allowed to do, 1988 Cai have full and Xucao De Ambassador Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan for publishing should be independent of the case were sentenced to jail, and up to January 1988 13 Day Chiang Ching-kuo died after Cheng Nan-jung independence case of self-immolation, Taiwan independence are not allowed to speak, are not allowed to do's, the Taiwan independence movement do vigorous. Followed by the Taiwan Independence Alliance also conform to this shares the tide of democracy triumphant return to his return to Taiwan after independence not only public speaking, or even public do, I ask the past 20 years, the Taiwan independence movement progress? Not only failed to progress, it is incredible that the Taiwan independence issue in recent years, elections turned into box-office poison, and no one dares talk about independence, this is enough irony it! Taiwan, in the face of "reunification can not hack it, the system is not willing to, alone and afraid of death, especially without the support of the United States, and they are impossible, the revolution was not any conditions, could do nothing but accept do not see duration of maintaining the status quo, no one knows how long they can maintain the status quo does not mean that the security, since the existing options is not safe, why not choose one may be more secure than existing options through a referendum to join the United States State, at least we have never tried this option, through open discussion and adequately discussed by the full Taiwanese referendum, which should be the most in line with the spirit of democracy. United States of course is not the best country in the world, but why the United States will be stronger, because it is at least a more equitable society than Taiwan, have been especially Taiwanese have lived in the U.S. for some time know that the United States is a melting pot of the world, the world as long as you put it out of the country, around the world as long as you put it out of the various ethnic groups in that country in the United States almost all, may I ask anyone heard of the United States has serious ethnic problems such as Taiwan? The reason is very simple, that is fair, Taiwan just before a mere dozen different ethnic groups, which in addition to a special popular hot drink claiming senior populations outside the other are all disadvantaged groups, because the full long-term violation of fairness and justice, and many unfair system, ethnic discord is particularly strange. Referendum to join the U.S. state is good, I do not know, but does anyone be able to tell me, through a referendum to join the U.S. is not good, then why in the past 67 years, all high government officials, former Vice President Lien Chan, the former governor of James Soong, a former vice-presidential candidate, Chang Chao-hsiung, vice presidential candidate Ruey S. Lin, including incumbent President Ma Ying-jeou, the wealthiest businessmen, judges, prosecutors, the central representatives of the people, 100 business owners, small business owners, the medical community, the education sector, the media, cultural and other slightly, all staffing a U.S. passport, is to "safe" the word "security" which should, for the protection of the lives and property of the family, including you and me are the enjoy a common universal values, the interest of fairness and justice, is not it? If you still have advocated a better option than the status quo and personal, I will fully support my belief is very simple, as long as Taiwan does not fall into any beneficial option for Taiwan, I have no objection to. The students Parents Association (Secretary-General) Wong Yuk-flag Johnny Y.C. Huang Dear Sir, September 10, 2012, Wong Yuk-flag, Secretary-General of Taiwan students Parents Association accepts Los Angeles Day 1000 maple PTV Matsumoto reception room visit, talk to Taiwan to become a state of the United States http://lnk.ms/dWJqm One thousand maple PTV _ Matsumoto reception room _ the introduction of the 51 states in the United States in Taiwan Club http://lnk.ms/dWJqm
千楓公視_松本會客室_台灣 美國 51 州俱樂部的介紹