President Ma Ying-jeou to grab people's money, evidence台灣總統馬英九搶人民錢證據
我車放在停車格裡也半月一付停車費,土匪政府竟拖吊我車, 就因我車(貼示威標語)法官幫國泰人壽世華銀行偽造文書案, 臉不要,竟又再度犯法亂吊人民車,領人民給的薪水,貪財團黑金,不辦事,一起偽造文書,標語讓你法官沒臉上班是嗎!所以又再度犯法吊走我車 台灣公民們政府沒法制 一定要選舉時寫選票上(人民公投)四字一起對抗土匪執政黨.(公投選賢與能方案)近日公佈與大家
Gerry is also parking my car on a half a pay for parking, the Government has to tow my car bandits, because I am on the vehicle (stickers demonstration slogans) Life Cathay United Bank to help the judge forgery case, the face not, chaos would end up breaking the law again people hanging car, leading people to the salary, greedy group black gold, do not work, along with forgery, a fear of losing face against the law to go hang my car no legal government of Taiwan citizens who must write on the ballot paper when the election (referendum the people) against the four-character with bandits ruling party