真公民請團結 全台灣納稅人請清醒 加覺悟 有感而發實證
1. 我是個好例子 (司法不公) 國泰人壽世華銀行此財團偽造文書詐騙集團犯法----------公教人員享有18%享有錢滾錢優惠合法錢莊條件,至使(籃,綠黨)各司法部門,千萬個理由要保護他們的主職錢莊事業,所以保護都來不及遇事推事最後又不做事,投訴他們都沒用,因對貪官有利,並保護 (無生產力) (製造犯罪)國泰人壽世華銀行犯法集團,封鎖記者媒體,控制IP電腦位,不准登醜聞,不准我本人送件,花錢請了被串通 好(源道律師事務所) (林志銘) 律師卻埋證,請律師叫他寫真實證據送件卻拒絕,不願做又不退錢,一起吃案 共產國也不至於如此不退費.
(貪官) 又與 (財團) (買通媒體) 設陷阱害我包放椅子下(捷星航空) 公司(犯法方式趕我).下機 .毀謗我被世界媒體登,現法官又回答我財團法人不可以告刑事罪,那(財團法人)(殺人)就(不需判罪) ,(像是土匪回話),這不是理國之君,我證據十足還凹歪理,連國際事件都無法處理,為18%$昏君也.
捷星航空台灣代理股東是國營,被我上網找到, (不要臉) (機票錢)到現在還不退還我,還一直拖延案子 P S .(98年告國泰集團犯法事並有登全網曝光首頁,99年知我要出國用此手段報仇)這就像共產黨行為.
2. 明年又要選總統!,執政黨現又封鎖 (奇摩全民話頭條新聞) 那是很多實質在在的民聲,裡面很多有關執政黨的醜聞,怕自己的醜聞影響選舉竟封鎖它,電視新聞媒體也控制,卻不知檢討改進 ,是共產黨行為
3 政府要等精神病患發生(傷害人民)事件才會抓起來,這是我友一位習實精神病醫生說的,等於人民一定要(當犧牲者ㄛ)!因為精神病患者關出來,家人也不可能理,難怪台中街頭最近很多披頭散髮病患隨時是治安的炸彈-----病的半嚴重的患者有錢家人放縱,竟可以在台中市放煙火(不分晝夜)(不是節日)也放,大家都知煙火是很大聲半夜或凌晨聽到,想像一下,況且亂放煙火最高罰六萬,台中政府竟不積極賺,卻勤快於交通罰單,三年投訴環保局,警察局沒用,到現還在放,好像付保標費(民稅錢)沒效,18%才有效率.
4. 執政黨 因要選舉 (台大教授丁$貴 )的替政府代言要(廢集會遊行法),(軍公教人員)難怪有18%優惠利息賺!利息錢都夠你買豪宅,不用教書都可以.
喔!軍~公~教一定很行政府挺你薪水三級跳 (漲三%)(鐵飯碗)難怪語氣是自私的為自己!
軍公教 還有18%(高利率)(高利息)優惠存款,我们人民(放銀行定存利率最多就算估高2%) 原來比人民多出這麼離譜高,就算外面借高利貸以最黑最貴算6%還款利息,18%-6%=12%還有這麼多利益還可以再做錢莊,<也決對買的起多間豪宅>
不是正派捷星航空, 消保官面前也還是死不認錯,並還要告我公然侮辱我又沒罵他 ,於是我在談判中全程有錄影音拿給他看 , 竟要我洗掉錄音,更扯是錄到談判中捷星趕我下機被記者包圍訪問中我故拖延一時多才離去,而捷星代表回答竟在消保官面說:(這一小時多不是不敢飛而是飛機在加油),我直接吐嘈,那有加油可加這樣久,而且飛機起飛之前應該早就加好油,難道你捷星是早預謀故意好趕我下機,顯然沒誠意合解(又不退我機票錢)! 現我又發現捷星航空趕我下機時指示我包放前面椅下與該公司標示是打叉錯誤的及規格不同有影片存證 ,空姐指使我都是錯的示範,因我錄到影片捷星航空放大指示圖,包是放自己座位椅底下正確,可是空姐卻叫我放到我椅子前面底下指示圖是打錯的方位,我有錄影存證空姐說: ( 包放到椅子前面地下 ) .看證據網:http://youtu.be/_qip9VxyhY0
完全是公報私仇假飛安所以現又追加告訴捷星航空利用假飛安登報不實告誹謗罪,如有不公平本人一定會去32個國家問出一國讓我開記者會,因台媒體不讓我開,現又拖案法官說財團法人是不可以告刑事罪,那麼財團法人 ( 殺人就不須判罪 ) 昏君也,近日會在Youtube網翻譯英文改登全世界讓全球人看,請各位多加持,請盡興傳送給朋友看,喔!對了也一同抵制這家航空公司,近日網路搜尋也發現捷星航空口碑也不好,還趕過殘障人士,害這位殘障人士又重新在機場訂別家航空浪費多時呢! 包放腿捷星航空把消費者當眾羞辱像狗般趕人下機內容不實,我就是本人,現場v8錄的機內真實情形內容
http://www.youtube.com//user/bibi2009pc 快來看片機長趕人像狗般樣子.
包放腿上解說.... 這是我從星加坡返回國時錄到影片,錄國泰航空圖樣規矩格式,是男人公事包硬殼可鎖較大,並錄回程時我皮包一直放到背後椅沒事,空姐也睜眼閉眼無找我麻煩呢! 扯....問捷星航空把消費者當眾羞辱像狗般趕機長:{何謂飛安}應該是我上機前空姐與我為月餅禮盒事有些不愉快口角,而該空姐懷恨公報私仇找麻煩吧!詳情點 http://www.youtube.com/user/bibi2009pc .
而捷星卻拿不出文字規格證明來.空姐態度口語糟與我有瓜葛後,又公報私仇,使弄機長把消費者當眾羞辱像狗般趕,捷星$12500 跟國泰$14000元,差價不多,我是無奈訂沒位才做捷星班機,現以後打死我也不做這家航空..,飛機又小台誰知穩不穩,而且行李算秤,1斤都要付錢,機上無贈送餐點,叫要另付費,不划算,現還封鎖新聞,還通知各報不準我開記者會 ,真是惡人先告狀專橫財團公司.強調捷星航空$12500元只是5日票,限制5日一定要回來,而國泰航空$14000是一個月票聰明消費者,算算那家划的來..
人人隨攜記錄器) (公民做個調查局) (官商勾結法不公) (無處喊冤訴無門) (只好全民來抵制) (腳車機車任何車) (小康大康家庭配裝電子螢幕車)
(家窮配裝布條活廣告) (證據十足法律不怕毀謗罪),
{方法第一招}:如果(政府鎖媒體)(鎖電腦IP)而其中遇害沒法申冤,人民就登廣告布條貪官犯法名字 或不法商人 黑心店 那全台灣公民就要團結一起抵制,店家不再去消費,形成(不法商人) (店) (財團)沒錢賺即倒閉,
(總統貪污) ,人民可罷免權,現今是合法,二千三百多萬公民如不滿該任總統,廣布條超過(例百分比)51%比49%的人民真實真正的意見,人民也省的去示威,請假,浪費精力,金錢,完全不費九牛二虎之力,二千三百多萬布條與車寫下台,我就不相信您(總統)還有臉上任,
Taiwan citizens of unity plus a clear awareness of your personal feelings taxpayers Positive
1. I am a good example of (unjust) Cathay Life Insurance United Bank Group, this consortium of forgery fraud offense ---------- 18% of civil servants and teachers have enjoyed legitimate banks offer money to make money terms, to make the (basket , Green Party) of the judiciary, a million excuses to protect their main job banks business, so protection is not too late to do something in distress end magistrate, the complainant did not use them, because of corrupt benefit and protection (not productivity) (manufacturing crime) against the law Cathay Life Group, United Bank, blocking journalists media, control the IP computer bit, not allowed to board the scandal, I am not allowed to delivery, to spend money on being complicit good (Yuen Road law firm) (Chih-Ming Lin) lawyer is buried card, a lawyer told him to write the reality evidence of delivery is refused, unwilling to do without my money back, along with the case of communist countries will not have to eat so do not be refunded.
(Corrupt) and with (consortium) (bribe media) trap placed under the chair made me pack (Jetstar) Corporation (illegal methods to catch me). The plane. Speak evil of me to be the world's media registration, is the judge and answered my consortium corporation can not report a criminal offense, and that (Foundation) (murder) to (without conviction), (such as bandits answer), this is not the reason the Prince of the country, I also concave sophistry full of evidence, can not deal with international events , 18% $ headed too.
Jetstar shareholders are state-run agency in Taiwan, was I found online, (shame) (ticket money) I still do not return, have also been delays in the case PS. (98 years, illegal things, and Cathay Pacific Group reported a net exposure of the whole registration page , 99 years know this means I have to go abroad with a vengeance) that acts as the Communist Party.
2. The presidential election next year also!, The ruling party is another block (if Kimo national headlines) that was substantial in many of the people in the sound, which many of the ruling party's scandals, fear of his own blocked it actually affect the election scandal, TV control of news media, but I do not know review and improve the Communist Party acts
3 Government and other mental illness occurs (harm people) event will be arrested, this is my real friends, a study psychiatrist said, the people must be equal to (when the victim ㄛ)! Shut out because of mental illness, family members do not may be reasonable, no wonder many recent disheveled streets of patients in Taichung is the law and order at any time bomb ----- semi-ill patients with serious money to family indulgence, went so far as setting off fireworks in the Taichung City (day and night) (not holiday) also put , Dajiadouzhi fireworks are very loud at night or early morning to hear, imagine Moreover, the maximum penalty sixty thousand random fireworks, Taichung government not here with a positive profit, but diligent in traffic tickets, complaints against the EPA for three years, police useless that are still in place, as if to pay insurance dues (public tax money) not efficient, only 18% efficiency.
4. The ruling party due to the election (D $ your professor at National Taiwan University) and endorsement for the Government to (Waste Assembly and Parade Law) (military and government personnel) No wonder the interest earned 18% off! Interest money enough to buy you luxury, do not teach can.
Oh! Army ~ ~ teach the public the government must be very pretty line triple your salary (up three percent) (iron rice bowl) No wonder the mood is for their own selfish!
Army Catholic and 18% (high rate) (high interest) offer deposits, our people (even if put up to assess bank deposit rate is 2%) people more than the original so ridiculously high, even outside of a loan shark, the most expensive black Operators 6% interest payments, 18% -6% = 12% of the interests of so many banks can do, "and must buy from a number of luxury>
Jetstar is not a decent, consumer protection officials also still refuses to admit before, and also tell me I did not call him an affront, so I have recorded in the negotiations throughout the video showed him, actually wanted me to wash the recording, more pull in to the negotiations is to catch my next machine Jetstar surrounded by reporters visited more than a moment, I did not leave it to delay, while Jetstar answer was found in consumer protection on behalf of the official and say: (This is not afraid to fly more hours but aircraft refueling), I direct Tucao, fuel additive that has so long, and should have added before the plane took off a good oil, do not you Jetstar is a good time for me as early as deliberate and premeditated the plane, obviously not sincere co-solution (also My ticket money refunded)! now I find time for my next Jetstar machine instructed me to put in front of bag under the chair is marked with the company crossed the wrong and have videos as evidence of different specifications, flight attendants instruct me is wrong demonstration, because I recorded the video instructions Jetstar enlarge graph package is put under the chair in their own right, but the stewardess told me to put it in front of my chair under the direction of the orientation map is wrong, I have a video as evidence, said flight attendants: (package placed on the chair in front of G). see evidence network: http://youtu.be/_qip9VxyhY0
Is completely false Gongbaosichou now added an additional flight safety so tell Feian Deng Jetstar reported the use of false defamation false report, if not fair I will go to 32 countries, I asked out of a country's press conference, due to Taiwan media will not let me open, now they drag the judge said the case could not sue Institute for a criminal offense, then the Foundation (not to be convicted murder) headed also, recently translated in English Youtube net change to the world of people around the world to see Gordon, please you more support, please have fun send to your friends to see, Oh! together for a boycott of the airline is also the recent Internet search found that Jetstar is not good reputation, but also surpass the disabled, people with disabilities and victims of the re- provide other airlines at the airport for some time to waste it! package put legs Jetstar public humiliation to consumers who like a dog to catch the plane as the content is not real, I was myself, the scene inside v8 recorded the contents of the real situation
Come catch the captain http://www.youtube.com//user/bibi2009pc film look like a dog portrait.
Commentary legs wrapped around .... This is my return from Singapore, when the country recorded the video recording format Cathay Pacific design rules, lockable hard shell briefcase is bigger men, and recorded a return trip has been put back my purse chair all right, eyes closed, eyes open flight attendants also do not cause me any trouble! pull .... Jetstar to ask consumers to drive public humiliation as the captain like a dog: Flight Safety} {What should be my flight attendant on the plane with me for the moon cake before Some things unpleasant altercation gift, and the flight attendants bitter Gongbaosichou trouble now! more points http://www.youtube.com/user/bibi2009pc.
Jetstar is to get the text specification proved not to. Stewardess bad attitude with me You Guage speaking after he Gongbaosichou, so that the consumer public humiliation to get the captain like a dog-like drive, with Cathay Pacific Jetstar $ 12500 $ 14000 million, not much difference I was not bit it set to do reluctantly Jetstar flight, is killed after air I do not do this .., who knows the aircraft stability and instability in small units, and the luggage scale operator, 1 kg have to pay, machine presented on the free meals, call to other pay, not cost, is also blocked news, also informed the newspaper would not let me press conference, the consortium is really evil tyrannical first complain to the company. emphasized Jetstar $ 12,500 yuan is only 5 votes restrictions must be back 5, and $ 14,000 a month Cathay Pacific ticket smart consumers, to calculate the house's plan ..
Everyone with the portable recorder) (citizens to be Survey) (collusion and unfair law) (no place to cry foul no legal recourse) (had no choice but to boycott the referendum) (foot locomotive any vehicles) (equipped with a small electronic screen Kangda Kang family vehicles)
(Equipped with cloth poor family living advertisement) (evidence of full criminal defamation laws are not afraid of),
Black heart consortium unscrupulous traders colluded collusion ---------- ----------- corrupt public property of any member of the political figures including President of the Judicial Yuan of legal injustice --------- - Effect in ----------- unlucky in the people, when the complaint nowhere, no place to cry foul.
The first one} {method: If the (government lock media) (lock the computer IP) can not redress the grievances of which killed people for illegal advertising banners corrupt sinister store name or unscrupulous traders that would unite all citizens of Taiwan to resist, store not to consume, the formation of (unscrupulous traders) (store) (consortium) be profitable or close down,
Gold is no money to pay the consortium collaborated cycle to the judiciary, corrupt officials will not dare (life skills unfair) way of handling cases dealing with the people, but more must be (evidence of the real thing) are not afraid of defamation law, so as to bring everyone to the recorder.!
(President of corruption), people may recall, today is legal, over twenty-three million citizens, if dissatisfied with the president, wide strips of cloth over (eg percentage) 51% vs 49% of the people in the real views of real people are also the province of to protest, leave, waste energy, money, completely Devil to, over twenty-three million write down strips of cloth and car sets, I do not believe you (the president) there is any face,
At any time (that satisfaction), ready to be removed from office (the people's tax money), but also saving to pay (courtesy fee) support corrupt officials to the old, more to prevent the president of corruption, (but the majority of the people to the spirit of) the people have a grace To unite the people without resentment, the peace and prosperity, peace and harmony.