ROC violated strip 10 of the Constitution (freedom of residence) of the letter as evidence sufficient to allow the Constitutional Court KMT party assets turned over to public!
起因我訴訟控告國泰人壽世華銀行詐欺偽造罪!卻被 Ma Government 湮滅證據 吃案!之後Ma選舉連任總統時.我陳情國泰詐欺案在她Plurk部落格留言.隔日就引起的487案件,找二位(假 證人)陷害誣告我罪!
Cause I sue lawsuit Cathay Life United Bank fraud forgery! Ma Government was eat case destroy evidence case! After caused 487 cases,Employ two false witnesses framed illegal in custody falsely accused to trap me sins!
Ma government ordered! To my home studio unconstitutional illegal in custody falsely accused to trap me! I possess court sentenced Taichung hold(found not guilty of the don't indictment 487 case) But still to eat no handling the case!
之後馬政府司法人全部大團結藐視憲法卻違法違憲反起訴我(prejudice to secret sins)妨害秘秘罪)!那密秘內容全是馬政府司法人瀆職違憲湮滅證據吃案呢!真她媽的好大的秘密內容喔!有沒有馬政府叛國罪大呢!!!
After! the Ma government were all great unity government judicial contempt of the Constitution, but the illegal unconstitutional anti sue me (prejudice to secret sins) prejudice to secret secret sins)! That is all the secret contents of Ma Government unconstitutional destroy evidence of judicial malfeasance people to eat case too! Really fuck her mother a big secret contents well! there is no the Ma Government high treason great it !!!
Ma government big! Ignore the law as evidence postal correspondence effect
(自由居住權)之存證信函足以讓KMT在憲法法庭黨產歸公!⋯⋯ 更多