SOS! I need help! I asked the rescue, please contact me greatly friends who help me how to sue lawsuit ROC, Taiwan government unconstitutional, international constitutional court are which one country?I need to put on record by way of letters, lawsuits ROC government! Because this dereliction of duty after the ROC government unconstitutional movie, I was released on youtube world, the great unity of the law unconstitutional ready to close this month jail I do it!
SOS! I need help!我要求救援,請各位大大好友們聯絡我,幫助我如何控告訴訟ROC,Taiwan政府違憲,國際憲法法庭在那個國家,我需要先用信件方式備案,訴訟ROC政府!因為這ROC政府違憲瀆職犯罪影片,被我公佈於youtube世界後,大團結違憲違法準備這個月來關我做牢呢
ROC continued sentenced me to sin, I was Litigation the identity of the consortium fraud lawsuit Cathay forgery, insurance cancellation of three managers are also signatures insurance solution, but after a week listening to the words of the national security 曹大伟 has also
been Increased monthly premiums send the bill for money
, OK with fraud, but also lock my personal credit, forced me to sue lawsuit Cathay, but eat five year cases, judicial eat case was flooded five destroy evidence, you big
private law people ignore the Constitution, anti Litigation me the secret anti-harm sin, this is really (private people), (universal Kang Gu litigation) which ROC government corruption (trap against crime), the constitutional state system of private law deceive the people, ROC deceived the whole world! referendum until the of the referendum until the people referendum!
最高法院無視憲法,還是繼續判我罪,我是告訴人身份訴訟國泰世華財團詐欺偽造,保險都解約了三位經理也簽名解保險,卻一星期後聽國安曹大偉的話一直寄帳單還一直加錢,行同詐騙,還鎖我個人聯合徵信社的信用,促使逼我提告訴訟國泰,但一直被台中法院吃案五年,我不死心不停的在台中法院按鈴申告國泰,可是控告一次吃案一次,吃案淹滅證據五年,被我公佈在YouTube台中法院吃案淹滅證據 犯法 瀆職之影片,但ROC私法人好大無視憲法,架空司法,卻大團結反告我防害密秘罪,這真是(私法為民),(全民抗告訴訟)這ROC政腐(陷阱陷害罪),欺騙人民的私法,利用憲制國制度,ROC欺騙了全世界!全民瓦解直至人民公投為止 Constitution not a national system, to deceive the world does not comply with the Constitution,
the people can stop 50% of the citizens of this political rot election dismissed
ROC Constitution not a national system, to deceive the world does not comply with the Constitution, the people can stop 50% of the citizens of this political rot election dismissed
Taichung District Court and the High Court from you must repair the Constitution, shame!
Article (explain matters Constitution)
Justice matters of constitutional interpretation shall be as follows:
First, on the application of the constitutional matters doubt occur.
Second, on the law or order, with or without touch contravene the Constitution matters.
Third, on the provincial Autonomy Autonomy county, provincial and county laws and regulations contravene the Constitution or without touch matters.
Explain matters to the constitutional provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be limited to those provisions.
Article (interpretation may apply to the case of the Constitution)
There following situations, please get sound constitutional interpretation:
First, the central or local authorities exercise their powers for the constitution doubt arises, or the exercise of powers authority and other agencies, the eventf a dispute applicable Constitution, or the applicable law and order have occurred doubt who contravene the Constitution.
第四條 (解釋憲法之事項)
第五條 (得申請解釋憲法之情形)
Mei Feng Chang超群出眾 新娘秘書 美容化妝 美髮 美甲 美睫 整體造型室
I, Mei Feng Chang, am outstanding./ Bridal Secretary/ Beauty Makeup/ Hair/ Nail/ Eyelash /Overall Shape/ Salon & Studio
Politiccal Persecution by the ROC Government
Because I sued Cathay United Bank (Cathay Financial Holdings) and the Government, I suffered political persecution for the sake of the collusion between the Government and the company. They set me up to ruin my reputation. They added a warning sign of “Scam Number in any message (of Line app) from my cell phone number 0987609630. My English teacher discovered it and informed me. I have uploaded the evidence to the website:
台中檢察署檢察官死要判我罪,為自己脫罪,在高等法庭內硬說地檢署不是公開場合,我回:請在地檢署大門上掛個牌子,(此處是私人機構,請勿入內),通知我 們公民不要騷擾台中地檢署,因為這是ROC私人的家,這樣我們公民就會乖乖的不去騷擾控告任何不公不義訴訟喔!^^掰的太扯蛋,你們門外沒掛牌子提示警告 公民們檢察署是私人的不公開場所!政府是否又犯下陷阱陷害罪,引誘人民去犯罪啊!Shit!不早說檢察署是你家麻,你們ROC中華民國又犯這條(陷阱陷害 罪),我沒看到門牌有貼寫非公開場所(私人機搆)的告示!引誘我去告人!你們犯罪啦!
Following is the explanation:
ROC cheats the world in the name of constitutional nation. Give them an international trial!
The prosecutor of Taichung Prosecutors Office was persecuting me to get himself set free; and asserted that the Prosecutors Office is not a public occasion. I replied: Please hang a board written the words “Prohibited from entering this private institution” on the door, and inform the citizens not to bother it, because this is the private home of ROC; such we citizens will obediently not harass any unjust litigation! ^ ^ Lying too much! Your door has no board to warn the citizens that the Prosecutors Office is a private and non-public place! Is the Government is committing the crime of trap, and inducing people to commit a crime? Shit! Said earlier that the Prosecutors Office is your home! You ROC, Republic of China, made this again (the crime of trap), I’d never seen any notice of non-public occasion (private institutions) on the door! It induced me to accuse somebody! You had committed a crime!
此信函是寫與ROC政府及台中法院及檢察官劉文賓!98年我本人有按司法程序來控告國泰人壽世華銀行財團詐欺偽造文書防害名譽罪,整個法院官商勾結(淹滅 證據吃案五年)不辦案,之間我有按司法承序投訴金管會,法務部,司法部,監察院甚至於立法院,但卻整個政腐不守憲法制不處理違法違憲,政府反而大團結一起 陷害誣告起訴我不知是那國好偉大的罪名(防害密秘罪)呢!一個憲制國家不守憲法,還不要臉利用了憲法保護自己官職位,欺騙了台灣公民,並且欺騙了全世界自 由民主憲法制國家,此醜惡行為,本人絕對要訴訟於國際法庭及國際人權協會來制裁中華民國流亡政腐,馬政腐一貫利用司法迫害異己,我就是其中之一的公民!
This letter is about the ROC government, Taichung Court, and the Prosecutor Liu Wenbin! In 2009, I had sued Cathay United Bank for fraud, forgery, and defamation. The whole Court has collusion with them (hiding evidence and leaving case behind for five years). I had filed complaints to the Financial Supervisory Commission, Ministry of Justice, Judicial Yuan, Control Yuan, and even Legislative Yuan, but the whole government does not obey the Constitution and never processed illegal or unconstitutional events. Instead, the whole government was united to frame, falsely accusation, and sue me. What a great crime (Offenses Against Privacy)! A constitutional country does not obey the constitution, and even shameless to use the constitution to protect their own positions; cheated Taiwan citizens, and deceived all democratic and constitutional countries in the whole world. Facing such an ugly behavior, I definitely have to sue the ROC exile government in International Court of Justice and International Society for Human Rights. The Ma Government consistently makes judicial persecution against dissidents, I am one of the citizens!
(The Constitution) is the highest rank to protect the people! The ranks of international law are as follows:
1. The Constitution > is higher than the law, (When the law contravenes the Constitution),
2. The law > is higher than the executive order (the judicature is higher than the order of the President),
3. the executive order > is higher than the local regulation! (the President can order only the local regulation),
以上2 ,3,牴觸憲法!還是憲法大!總統命令都沒用!
Above 2. and 3. contravene the Constitution! The order of the President is useless!
原由起因:98年我控告訴訟(國泰人壽世華銀行)詐欺 偽造文書罪,我訴訟的證據全交給法院卻離譜吃案,公文說:查無證據,已簽結,
Primary cause: In 2009, Because I had sued Cathay Financial Holdings (Cathay United Bank) for fraud and forgery. I handed over all the evidence to the Court, but suffered outrageous dereliction; the official documents had shown that: No Evidence, Case Closed.
I had sued Cathay Financial Holdings (Cathay United Bank) for fraud and forgery because when I wanted to do business, I signed to terminate the contract of endowment insurance:
signing for contract termination= do not owe any contract = do not owe any money
On the next day after the termination, Cathay United Bank returned NT $2000 to my post office account! However, the ROC government used electromagnetic mind control on the Cathay financial group, so they continued to dun me for the money. They continued to send bills and keep calling me for five months. I was forced to file lawsuits against them.
解約了(證明文件證據)都有!但這政府官商勾結大膽蓄意陷害我,連我聘請律師也配合被他們買通bought off!之後完全沒有律師敢接此案子!但五年了我不放棄這怨氣,單身獨鬥不斷到台中法院按鈴申告 控訴 國泰世華銀行,可是仍然被淹滅證據吃案子
The contract had been terminated! (I have evidence)! But the collusion between this Government and the businessmen existed and they framed me boldly and purposely. Even my hired lawyer was bought off by them! Then no lawyer dared to receive this case! Five years until now, I have not given up the grievance and constantly to accuse Cathay United Bank in Taichung Court, but still suffered their destroying (or hiding) evidence and dereliction.
I have evidence! It’s true! I am not afraid to be accused of criminal defamation
then business dealings signed contract termination: the moment I lifted the contract signing = not owe any contract period = not owe any fees, cancellation after the second day of Cathay United Bank has returned give to my post office account of $ $2,000NT, but it ROC electromagnetic waves! brain control political corruption is to continue with Cathay Life consortium Dunning money, send bill mad phone calls continue for up to five months, forced me to sue lawsuit,
However, the collusion between this Government and the businessmen keep hiding evidence and dereliction of duty for more than 4 years!
I paid for exposure on the homepage of Kijiji website (the fact of the dereliction of duty of Taichung Court about Cathay United Bank fraud and falsification)!
之間就馬上發生了捷星航空趕下機事件陷害整修我呢!桃園法院一樣吃案,連帶關係星展銀行,捷星航空是星州政府,所以星展銀行吃我房貸本金及利息亂加跟黑市 高利貸一樣,逼我付不出想讓我店被法拍,還好我馬上便宜賣掉了,想必是中華民國教唆星展銀行子公司讓它們砍掉我的一生一次底利率屋貸款,但星展銀行犯法證 據及我寫的存證信函一樣放置youtube公佈世界!請去我的帳號(bibi2009pc)查證, youtube網看裡面全部影片就可得知我是被政府陷害耍玩的!因為裡面全部是政府犯罪違憲行為之證據呢!
Immediately the thing happened and set me up; I was forced to get off the plane of Jetstar Airways! Taoyuan Court also has dereliction of duty. The joint relationship is in DBS bank. Jetstar Airways is related to Singapore Government, so DBS bank eats my mortgage, increased the unreasonable principal and interests, just as usury in black market. I cannot afford it, they hoped to let my store foreclosed in the legal process. Fortunately, I immediately sold it in cheap price. Maybe the ROC abetted the branch of DBS bank to cut off my low interest housing loan once in a lifetime. But the criminal evidence of DBS Bank’s offense and the legal attest letter written by myself has been uploaded to YouTube for announcing to the world! Please visit my account (bibi2009pc) to check. See all videos on my YouTube page then you can know that I am framed by the Government! All of them are the evidences about the Government’s criminal and unconstitutional behaviors.
The facts about ROC government framed and falsely accused me (Offenses Against Privacy):
過 後2013年又找到另條刑法法規Litigation訴訟國泰人壽世華銀行財團在聯合徵信社鎖住我的個人信用名譽之(妨害名譽罪)!結果第一次偵查出 庭,18庭內就被檢察官用私法手段關鎖住法庭大門(違憲第八條人身自由罪),1先搶奪我秘錄眼鏡現場折斷毀損(犯下搶奪罪 毀損罪 湮滅證據)那是公共辦案場所還羈押我11小時銬手拷腳鐵鍊並且夜晚審訊我!逼我簽名!當時我身分是(原告,告訴人身份)!
After that, in 2013, I found another article of the Criminal Code, and sued Cathay Financial Holdings (Cathay United Bank) for defamation because it “locked”(destroyed) my personal credit reputation in Joint Credit Information Center!
The first time I appeared in the Investigation Room (No.18 Room), the prosecutor illegally locked the door (unconstitutional action for invasion of personal liberty; Article 8). They firstly robbed my secret recording glasses and broken it immediately (Offenses of Robbery,
Destruction, and Destroying (or hiding) Evidence). That is a public place, but they detained me for 11 hours; I was handcuffed, shackled, and interrogated at night! They forced me to sign! But I was the plaintiff at that time!
出來後我去警察局報案控告檢察官!但卻 被他們台中法院大團結一同誣告陷害違法(起訴我防害密秘罪)呢!無視(陷阱陷害罪)要判我坐牢!不讓我出國出境移民,ROC犯了違反人權法,四審完畢 ROC還是無視違憲,違法判我罪八個月做牢!還故意阻止我上訴到最高法院!出的公文裡面寫 是(superiors explain things上級交代),並威脅我公文書裡記載著(不准送高院)!但最後被我找到了法規證明了被告者有權上訴一級最高法院,
After released, I went to the police office to accuse the prosecutor! However, they Taichung Court were united to falsely accusation and illegally frame me (prosecuted me for Offenses Against Privacy)! They give me a trap of jail! Even prohibited me to emigrate or exit abroad. ROC violated human rights. Even the fourth trial finished, ROC still ignored its unconstitutional action, and illegally poisoned me in jail for 8 months! They also deliberately block me to appeal to Supreme Court! The official documents showed “order of the higher authorities”(superiors explain things). They threatened me that the official document recorded that “not permitted to send to the High Court”! But at last I found the regulation shows that the defendant has the right to appeal to the Supreme Court.
Then, at PM 15:00 on Jan. 5, 2015, I had appeared in the Supreme Court.
可是離譜台中檢察官當場回法官說:台中檢察署這地方不是個公開場合,所以不可以反軌證密錄,所以檢察官可以告我防害密秘罪耶!(民眾的公家地)被他們當私 人地方,檢察官大言不慚乾脆說地檢署是你買的家好了!有這們好的私人場所保護著他檢察官,幹什麼跟國庫領薪俸呀!!都忘記憲法第七條之最高位階法律人人平 等,無階級之分,法庭現場內有錄影既然無階級之分我當然可以錄影反軌證,何況司法人淹滅證據瀆職在先,
But the outrageous thing is that the Taichung prosecutor said: “Taichung Prosecutor's Office is not a public place, so you can not record for anti-collecting evidence, so we can sue you for Offenses Against Privacy! (A public and official place of people) became their private place; the Prosecutor had been overreached. Why don’t you say the Prosecutor's Office is the home you bought? Since you have this good private space protecting you, why do you receive salaries from the Government? You totally forget the highest rank of Article 7 of Constitution, everyone is equal in law; no distinction between classes. Since no distinction between classes, recording video is permitted inside the Investigation Room, I can certainly record videos for anti-collecting evidence, not to mention that the Judicial Officers’ malfeasance and destroying (or hiding) evidence.
The Constitution is greater than the laws. The constitutional country, ROC, says: Investigation Room is not a public occasion, and is a private place. It would be a violation of the constitutional rules! Why do People hire them? There are four Chinese characters on the stele outside the High Court, “司法為民”(Justice for the People); is it used for the Government to cheat the people and the Treasury?
高院法官好像也很認同說:台灣的法規跟外國不一樣,很明顯套好准備關我做牢,我已經強調只要是 憲制國家,就得遵守憲法,除非更改共產國制!
The judges of High Court seemed to agree that: Taiwanese regulations are different to other countries. They apparently ready to prison me in jail. I have insisted that as long as this is a constitutional country, you have to abide by the Constitution, unless you change it to be a Communist country!
You Prosecutor just had lied for exonerating yourself!
If the Prosecutor's Office is not a public occasion and is a private place, the prosecutor can boldly corrupt the businessmen and be bribed!
我因訴訟告發(國泰世華銀行(詐欺偽造)(妨害名譽)及(誣告我487案)台中法院全部湮滅證據吃案不辦!我當然可以用保障公民的(憲法大於法律大於命令 及大於地方法治最高之位階)憲法第七條之最高位階)!(憲法第七條法律人人平等,無階級之分)之權利(反軌證密錄來監督司法人)!何況司法人犯法違憲(湮 滅證據)吃案吃了五年之久啦!(反軌證密錄司法人公然湮滅證據吃案)所至而引起的司法人反陷害誣告我!之(妨害秘密罪)!
I had sued Cathay United Bank for (fraud, forgery), and (defamation) ; and (falsely accused me of No. 487 case) .The Taichung Court totally was derelict and destroyed (or hided) the evidences! Of course I can refer to the principle (the highest rank of is greater than the law greater than the order greater than the local regulation).( the highest rank of the Article 7 of the Constitution)! (Article 7 of the Constitution: everyone is equal, no distinction between classes). The right of (anti-collecting evidence to oversee the judicial officers)! Not to mention that the judicial officers made illegal and unconstitutional (destroying or hiding evidence) dereliction of duty for five years! (about my secret recording for anti-collecting evidence).This caused that the judicial officers framed and falsely accused me! (Offenses Against Privacy)!
況且 487案是我律師告贏警察瀆職,法院開的文書有法官蓋章及我請的律師蓋的印章都有,我反訴訟警察誣告罪,卻離譜吃案不辦,民眾打贏的官司卻敢大膽吃案耶! 還有國泰世華詐欺偽造及防害名譽刑事罪不辦案吃案子未結案,你們也別想用誣陷起訴我的防害密秘罪可以來關我,咱們照國際法規做事,提醒你們,被告者如還有 刑事官司未結是一定要等到案子辦完了結才可關被告人,你們這些違法陷害公民的司法人,給我辦案,還吃掉我已經完成打贏官司的487案子,以及防害密秘罪是 由告國泰世華毀謗罪引起司法人貪誣告我防害密秘罪,你們先辦好國泰再來辦我,以前寫給你們台中法院犯法違憲瀆職之郵局存證信函,全保留一切追訴權利,更加 何況我還有國際法庭舞台來嚴逞你們啦!
Besides, No. 487 case is that my lawyer won the suit of malfeasance against the police. The judge and my lawyer both had sealed on the official document of the court. I sued the police for falsely accusation, but suffered outrageous dereliction. A common person won the suit, but they dared to hide the case! They are still hiding the cases against Cathay United Bank sued for offenses of fraud, forgery, and defamation. You can never expect to frame and prison me for the sake of Offenses Against Privacy. Let’s work according to international regulations. I remind you, the defendant who has pending criminal lawsuits must not be jailed before the cases finished. You judicial officers who had illegally framed citizens, have the duty to investigate my case, but you hide my No. 487 case that I completely won. As to the Offense Against Privacy, was resulted from Cathay United Bank sued for offenses of defamation, and the judicial officers corrupted them and falsely accused me of Offenses Against Privacy. You should first investigate Cathay United Bank, and then investigate me. The legal attest letter I wrote to you Taichung Court about your illegal and unconstitutional malfeasance, had shown that I would fully resort to legal measures if necessary; not to mention that I can punish you on the stage of international tribunal!
該政府ROC誣告我的(妨害秘密罪)!!告我妨害秘密罪之真兇(上級交 代是誰)?要關我做牢之前請告訴我名子!
The ROC government falsely accused me of (Offenses Against Privacy)!! Who is the murderer (who give you the instruction)? Please tell me your name before you jail me!
I know it must be from the President. After my dissatisfaction with Taiwanese judicial governance, I started criticize politics on internet, and accidentally found Chinese spies on Facebook; I found a secret that the President wears two hats, one is the Precinct Chief of the Communist China! I had uploaded the video evidence on YouTube. My account is: bibi2009pc. Here I announced it to the citizens.
Then this caused that the prosecutor in No. 18 Room committed unconstitutional and illegal crimes and falsely accused me of Offenses Against Privacy!
The Malaysian Bar and Public Complaints Bureau abide by the Constitution! I was allowed to (anti-collect evidence) (directly use the camera to record) the civil servants who do not work! They even politely invited me into the VIP room to discuss it!
Taiwanese Judicial officers even destroyed (or hided) the evidences, because they are afraid of me secretly record them for anti-collecting evidence and announce the Prosecutor's judicial criminal dereliction of duty, so they falsely accused me (Offenses Against Privacy)! Finally, the official letter was without the name sealed by the Court and the judges. I disclosed it, then they sent the letter again, and the reason was“order of the higher authorities”(superiors explain things).
上級單位很明顯就是現任總統,我曾經在他的部落格陳情留言國泰世華金控詐騙偽造文書的事件,在噗浪部落格他跟小英競選總統那次,我一直投訴國泰世華詐欺事 件,結果他的黨工留言要刪我的帳號,結果 FB 帳號(張碧苾)真的被刪鎖了,到現在還開不了!而487案也是鎖帳後第二天後讓警察來我工作室違憲違法亂羈押我,找二個假證人起訴我罪,還曾逼我簽名認罪 呢!手痠,487案也曾寄過存證信函給台中法院,不重複敘述,以上本人全有證據在此再次存證做為國際追訴權訴訟之憑證!
It is quite obviously that the so-called “higher authorities” means the incumbent President, I had left message on his blog to petition for the event of fraud and forgery of Cathay United Bank. During he was campaigning for president, I kept petitioning for this event on his Plurk, his party cadres replied message and intended to delete my account, then my FB account (張碧苾) was locked, and I can not open it until now! On the next day after my account locked, the police came to my studio and I was unconstitutionally and illegally taken into custody. This is the No. 487 case. They even asked two fake witnesses to sue me, and had once forced me to sign to plead guilty. My hand was sore. I also had sent legal attest letter of No. 487 case to Taichung Court; not repeat it here. I do have all the evidences, and I preserve them here again for the credential of international recourse for criminal prosecution!
It is obviously that ROC commit an additional crime of (setting trap). I did not see any board written the words “Prohibited from entering this private institution” on the door = I'm tempted to sue some people! You commit crimes!
Mei Feng Chang…/publish_show21513-6608-A07TO
ROC make my shop superior outstanding 、phone with Line control into a Fraud syndicate政腐陷害我店超群出眾變詐騙集團
I am Mei Feng Chang (超群出眾) secretary beauty...