
ROC Falsely accused sentenced me sin District Prosecutors private law, No had  cover the court seal

Nothing has cover the court seal !


8/20 Day No had informed me, No notification letterin , What this day the judgment is what !Roar! Play private law! Afraid I reported to the International Tribunal is not it!

 Not  cover seal!



ROC judicial gone back, blatant I have witness, witnesses (my lawyer) and (my daughter) , and the video evidence, judgment in court when the fourth time (falsely accused me obstruction secret) sin ended July / 30, the the Tribunal said :( I acquitted)!


Afterwards! They illegally send No has cover seal private letters to me,

Private letters verdict falsely accused I am guilty!


Please Taichung District Prosecutors announced that 7/30 date in court acquitted the fourth time judgment decisions video ,will hit their own slap in the face Oh!!


Video evidence at hand will not  give you the ROC!I become wise this time I absolutely reserved to give defend the Constitution of the International Tribunal for it!


I have been National Security (Cao Dawei) use electromagnetic waves mind control and continue playing the entire body during on August, of course, announce tell citizens,


Not to the elections! fired not has rule of law in ROC governance corruption! private law and play me once again, send no stamp (Taichung District Court) of the documents seal of letters say I am guilty!


Yes can! I'll get 20 years ago (Cao Dawei National Security) psychological language use electromagnetic waves mind control unit the entire in my body, set me up to (mental hospital the certificate) to play the fool on with you Wanla! Come Wanla! Come off me prison it! let ROC cultivate, after the International Tribunal proceedings to let you lose a lot of money ROC Rights!With you piay it!


8/20日No had通知我出庭,請問這日判決是什麼審判啊!吼!玩私法!怕我告到國際法庭是嗎!not dare  cover seal!


ROC出爾反爾的司法,明目張膽我有證人, witnesses(我律師)及(我女兒)二人,及錄影證據,7月/30日第四次出庭審判(誣告我妨害秘密)罪結束時,法庭內說:(我判無罪)!










  Yes can!我就去拿20多年以前(曹大偉國安)用電磁波腦控心理語言機整我身體,陷害我去(精神病院的證明書)來跟你們裝瘋賣傻玩啦!來玩啦!來關我監牢啦!讓ROC cultivate,之後訴訟到國際法庭讓你們ROC賠大錢啦!!跟你們piay啦!





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