
台灣共和國獨立宣言 (三次修改) 故意用 Taiwanian 當台灣人與台灣的(-nese)有貶意。
Declaration of Independence for Taiwan Republic

Taiwan is yet to become a free independent sovereign state. We, Taiwanian people, should make our utmost endeavor to liberate ourselves from all forms of colonization of the government in exile called the Republic of China, which, through means of massacre and military occupation, has ruled Taiwan for more 70 years. Its colonial crimes are uncountable. Taiwanians should all stand up and fight for an internationally recongnized sovereign state. The name of this new nation is Taiwan Republic.

台灣人,依舊金山和平條約,海牙第四公約,第76, 77條住民自決法理依據,重新找回個人與全體最基本的存在尊嚴。
According to San Francisco Peace Treaty, Hage conventions, Charter of the United Nations Article 1, self-determination, we need to rediscover the basic human rights for existence and the dignity of all individuals on Taiwan.

讓我們堅定的捍衛以台灣人為主體的以下真理--------天理站在公平正義的台灣人這邊,台灣人的生存權與基本尊嚴不可被踐踏剝奪,自身權力包含:追求 自由平等與追求幸福的天賦權力。台灣人民全體需建立直接屬於台灣人的政府與,並且由台灣人民直接透過有效管理方法,管理自己。
Let us strengthen our minds and fight for ourselves as Taiwanian people based on the following truths. Justice is on the Taiwanians’ side. Our dignity and basic rights for existence have been trampled by the ROC in exile. Our resources are over exploited. Our basic rights to pursue a better life, true freedom and equality are gone. Happiness is replaced by slavery due to colonial rule. All the people of Taiwan need to establish a direct democracy and an efficient government in our own name. We have faith that the Constitution of Taiwan will allow us to effectively manage this new country.

This new democracy will be rule of law, not rule by law.

In the collapse of the illegal regime in exile on Taiwan , any violation intending to slow down Taiwanians’ will to establish a new government and the installation of a new constitution should be deterred and arrested for future justice.


希拉蕊:台灣太依賴中國 將變得脆弱

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2014-06-24  20:48

〔本報訊〕可能代表民主黨參選2016年美國總統的前國務卿希拉蕊(Hillary Rodham Clinton),日前首度接受台灣媒體專訪。對於馬政府上台後,台灣快速向中國傾斜,希拉蕊警告,若繼續下去,將使台灣喪失主權,變得脆弱,「台灣一旦 失去經濟獨立,政治自主性勢必會受到影響」。

  • 希拉蕊日前接受《商業週刊》專訪時警告,台灣若喪失經濟獨立,政治獨立及自主性勢必也會受到影響。(法新社)


中國要求日益增多 兩岸平衡越發困難

希拉蕊日前接受台灣《商業週刊》專訪,針對兩岸關係以及美、中、台的情勢演變表 達看法。希拉蕊指出,台灣與中國的經濟交流正面臨轉捩點,必須開始權衡未來該對中國開放到什麼程度才適當,否則台灣將失去經濟獨立。她警告,若喪失經濟獨 立,台灣的政治獨立及自主性勢必會受到影響。


對中國交流 台灣應設下底線

她也以烏克蘭經濟過度依賴俄羅斯,導致烏、俄關係失去平衡為例,提醒台灣應設下對中國經濟交流的底線,告訴自己和中國「到此為止,不能越界」(This far but no farther)。



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