
This is my friends are victimized by the electromagnetic circumstances! Helped him publish ROC's cheap crazy!這是我網友被電磁波所害情形!幫他公佈ROC之賤風!

This is my friends are victimized by the electromagnetic circumstances! Helped him publish ROC's cheap crazy!這是我網友被電磁波所害情形!幫他公佈ROC之賤風!

sos , it is about freedom 32.22 9760 71.21.6 708 918 52.94.91 手機 英文 ?my mother?5370 52.91 632 23.72.52 890 51.74.83 918 52.94.91 53.82 6215 71.21 6708 1900 33.81 6.71. 1152 yahoo jaryy evil

    唉呦喂呀 腦控 Electronic Harassment
    我被不明人士24小時,監視,騷擾,恐嚇,跟蹤,辱罵,在房間做舍麼,上舍麼網,他們都知道,從99年4月底到現在,房間不知從那傳來罵人和敲擊的聲音, 跟人講電話時手機還傳來罵人的聲音,我的門號跟無線網路都是遠傳的,上班的時候也是,騎車時也跟著罵,我在東京都的駐點俠隱社區當夜班保全,另一個保全是 趙忠賢,還會讀心術,我心理想舍麼他們都知道,有人證,也可以測謊,有不少住戶知道,

      他們一直想整死我,之前住在臺灣新竹縣湖口鄉信勢村龍安街40號b11室跟b13室,住新竹縣湖口鄉明德街冠湖大樓60-9號3樓 ,新竹縣湖口鄉大智路1巷63號404房,

     我姑姑,爸爸,二哥,奶奶都知道 一些 一直用奇怪的聲音干擾我和我周圍人的神經.我身上有錄到一些證據.車號751bsk L2j212 5436vz可能是 讀心術是完全一字不漏把我腦中所想講出來 另外還有很多沒講的 我有上傳一些影片到youtube 我的頻道上 我可能會失蹤 被逼瘋 逼死 意外身亡 我身體本來就差 他們會找很多方法弄死我又能讓其他人以為跟他們沒關桸 或找不知道的人弄死我 期間我聽到有住戶說財團 說要整死我 說oo人都這樣 說我是oo黨 說你們這些oo人 說性oo的都這樣

      我如果一段時間沒有留言或寄郵件 表示我已被逼自殺 遇害或失蹤 發瘋 因為身體本來就差

    目前我的facebook and yahoo 沒辦法留言和貼文

     I is unknown people 24 hours, monitored, harassment, intimidation, track, insults, in room do homes what, Shang homes what network, they are know, from April 99 end of to now, room not know from that came curse and percussion of sound, with people told phone Shi phone also came curse of sound, I of door, with wireless network are is far pass of, work of when is, bike Shi also followed scolded, I in Tokyo of resident points Grand implicit community Dang night preservation, another preservation is officials, also will read indicates, I heart ideal homes what they are know, Was card, also can measuring lie, has many households know, they has been wanted to whole died I, zhiqian live in Taiwan Hsinchu County Hukou Township letter potential village long street 40th, B11 room with B13 room, currently live Hsinchu County Hukou Township out de Street Crown Lake building 60-9, 3 building, Hsinchu County Hukou Township, lane 1, da-Zhi road, room 404,phone 0976063802, name is he rummages about in strateg*, also has many didn't told, things is I in continent Shi began of, II a, but I in Taiwan Shi has is they at Shang has, I aunt, Dad, II brother, Grandma are knowHas been with strange of sound interference I and I around people of neural. I who has recorded to some evidence. car, 751bsk L2j212 5436vz may is read indicates is full a words not leak to I brain in the by wanted to told out also also has many didn't told of I has upload some movie to YouTube I of channel Shang I may will missing is forced mad forced died accident died I body originally on poor they will found many method kills I also can let other people thought with they didn't closed XI or found not know of people kills I I heard residents said the Consortium said to me that say I OO OO people party said you OO OO so I said that if people did not leave a message or send a message that for some time I had been forced to commit suicide were killed or missing and crazy because of the already poor health I Facebook and Yahoo can't message and paste the text

可以測謊,在6f抽煙時心理想了一段話,然後聽到a說<對,我們就是神,一切 都在我們計畫之中,你做舍麼都沒用>,在1F時B說<舍麼,他把消息傳出去囉>,在3F時B說<太遲?,沒人會相信你 的>A跟B從事情開始到現在都有出現,坐車時說到HK你就死定?,坐飛機時聽到Q說我看沒辦法,J說怎會沒辦法,辦法多的是.在D社區有人跟我說無 論怎樣他們都有辦法整你,在s社區有人跟我說一切都是為了錢,以前我在t市b區的便利商店上大夜班的期間,曾有一隻眼睛綠色的獨眼老人盯著我看,有的是固 定,

   腦中會出現以前沒有的想法跟用詞,好像想引導我做出或說出我沒想過的行為或話,有同事說我該不會被洗腦?吧?有的手段我無法簡述,這些手段要搭配前述的手 段才辦的到,我的家人,朋友跟周圍的人都出現類似的症狀,錄到的東西在我的筆電跟手機,另外還有一些沒講,從開始到現在,前述手段從未停止,有的是固定, 有的挑時機,他們早知我心臟有問題,98年看醫生知道的,也了解我的身體跟腦袋狀況,利用前述手段造成的後遺症,有些變成類似膝跳反應來繼續整我,製造狀 況來弄死我跟其他目的,4月中到6月中也差點被整死,回來以後,一些聲音跟著我移動,尤其睡覺時,幾次想做某件事或拿起手機時就突然停止,也有很多不太可 能的巧合,我認為他們有心理,腦部,和身體一些方面的專家

    Can measuring lie, in 6F smoking Shi psychological wanted to has a words, then heard a, said < on, we is god, all are in we plans among, you do homes you are useless >, in 1F Shi b said < homes you, he put message outgoing to la >, in 3F Shi b said < too late right, didn't people will believe you of >A with b from things began to now are has appeared, ride Shi said HK you on died will right, sat aircraft Shi heard Q said I see didn't approach, j said how will didn't approach, Approach more of is. in d community was with I said regardless of how they are has approach whole you, in s community was with I said all are is to money, yiqian I in t city b district of friendly shop Shang large night of during, has has a only eyes green of one-eyed elderly at with I see, have fixed, brain in the will appeared yiqian no of ideas with with Word, seems wanted to boot I made or said I didn't wanted to had of acts or words, has colleagues said I the not is wash brain right,? some means I cannot brief, These means to mix Qian in of means only Office of to, I of family, friends with around of people are appeared similar of symptoms, recorded to of things in I of pen electric with phone, also also some didn't said, from began to now, Qian in means never stopped, have fixed, some picked time, they early known I heart has problem, 98 doctor know of, also understanding I of body with head situation, using Qian in means caused of sequelae, some into similar knee jump reaction to continues to whole I, manufacturing situation to kill I with other purpose, Also narrowly escaped being killed in the April to June, but coming back, some voices move in I, sleep, wanted to do something or when you pick up the phone suddenly stops, there are also many unlikely coincidences, I think they have a mental, brain, and body experts

    樓上的敲擊聲跟外面傳來的一致,把所有插頭拔掉卻還有讓人睡不著的聲音,我家人吃安眠藥都睡不著.樓上的聲音讓樓下的東西都會震動 ,有些話可能是刻意說的,藉此誤導我跟看到我貼文的人,從當兵到事情2009年.大概5到8月發生之前說的一些話,確實有可能讓我被盯上跟陷入oo鬥爭之 中,在之前看過幾次中西醫,都說沒辦法,事情發生期間差點被抓,曾在一家t資廠上班,被一自稱某黨的人欺壓.有人說之前上傳的像耳鳴聲,有公司寄一份儀器 測試有兩條曲線的表給我,有人對我的帳號丟病毒,檢舉我的貼文跟某些影片,有人回應說我沒加入某黨才會這樣.在家裡我的手機訊號很差,無線網路也是,還一 直中毒

     from soldier to things 2009. probably May-August occurred zhiqian said of some words, does has may let I was staring at Shang with into OO struggle among, in zhiqian see had times traditional Chinese and Western medicine, are said didn't approach, things occurred during almost was caught, had in a t funding factory work, was a claiming to a party of people bullying. was said zhiqian upload of like tinnitus sound, has company sent a copies instrument test has two article curve of table to I, was on I of account lost virus, Report I posted with some of the film, responded that I didn't join a party they are so. my phone signal is very poor at home, wireless networks are, also have been poisoned

remote port 19540 remote port ms-rdp3389and 8000 mtv myspace myspace,404a0366cca8 81, 6e3634313200,001400000000 ??/,fc7516ed2c80 chinn6412攻擊我的ip


劉源上將確認腦控的存在 中國大陸全國人大代表、解放軍總後勤部政委

杰西。范杜拉 - 大腦入侵科技 電視《陰謀論》報導電子騷擾 (腦控、洗腦) Mind contral
  • 電子騷擾控制精神(腦控、洗腦) Mind contral 警分局保防組不肖人員長期以電磁波監控腦部(能知道你在想什麼、做什麼)並用電腦記錄,對受害人一清二楚,再出現接近搭訕、騷擾、恐嚇、嚇唬受害人,詐騙、竊取受害人財物! 用電磁波傳送聲音騷擾,傳送假耳鳴(吱吱叫、尖銳刺耳聲,煩躁信號,到最後比大卡車引擎聲還大聲)、假幻聽(噪音、談話聲)裝神弄鬼騷擾、恐嚇、嚇唬受害人,擾亂受害人精神、睡眠控制受害人生活,任意惡整、擺佈受害人,來陷害不知情、不了解此科技的人! 受害人睡眠前他們調整儀器,偷偷傳送電磁波(假耳鳴,吱吱叫、尖銳刺耳聲,煩躁信號),使受害人精神亢奮難以入睡或睡不著整夜失眠。 受害人沉睡時他們調整儀器,偷偷傳送電磁波,使受害人逞現淺睡期(會因此而作夢),受害人清醒前再調整儀器,使受害人無法發覺,醒來疲憊不堪,誤認為是自身毛病。會讓受害人整夜作夢、一直持續作夢,不讓受害人腦部休息,剝奪受害人睡眠! 請幫忙轉寄出去或告知他人! 部落格內有台灣30多名,中國大陸300多名受害實例資料、網址 部落格搜尋: 電子精神控制
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