非政府組織 (NGO): 257 人說讚
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我已經全退掉一同抵制開除ROC!我一呼籲抵制退掉健保後!ROC政腐馬上到處張貼流感H7N9警 惕威脅人民!可見一定是政腐ROC電磁波腦控所發明搞出來的病菌!有跡可尋!上次也是H自頭的流感病菌,發明推出疫苗後,結果疫苗無效!疫苗打死人民才放 棄發這無道德發財夢!所以大家還要選這些ROC所有黨政官嗎??該退的就退吧!政府奸詐!我們人民多少要學習奸詐!抵制先退掉健保 遇到大病後再保!省得他麼A走了!


大紀元網友發表時間: 7 天以前

大紀元網友發表時間: 7 天以前
美國一旦強硬中共肯定趴下服軟,為什麼?1.放眼這個地球村,中共有幾個政治盟友?那些拿錢的“朋友”關鍵時刻還是會抱美國的大腿。2.中共治下的經濟嚴 重依賴外來投資和大量出口,一旦國內動蕩,國際封鎖,經濟必跨。風雨飄搖的中共政權哪有膽量得罪美國?3.軍事上更別提了,雖然近幾年有些起色,但和美國 比還差太遠。共軍的腐敗遠超大家想象,從入伍體檢開始到評級提幹轉幹退伍都是明碼標價,那真是雞飛狗跳,滿眼都是酒囊飯袋的好色之徒,誰還有心思鑽研業 務?有人說我們有核武,國內憤青五毛動不動就核平誰,可誰也不敢說核平美俄,他們也知道美俄的核武不但比中共的先進還更多,就是中共再蠢,五毛都知道的結 果,軍委的人不明白?你以為打核戰是過家家呢?
大紀元網友發表時間: 7 天以前
大紀元網友發表時間: 7 天以前
美國一直以來對江澤民、周永康、薄熙來等江派勢力反感,原因錯綜複雜。江派控製北韓鬧事,以核武脅迫國際社會,江派軍方勢力威脅要以核武器炸毀美國,以及 掌控在江係手裏的中共統戰部在海外特務活動異常猖獗,在海外不斷鬧事,並滲透美國政、軍、商界等各領域製造事端,令美國極為不滿。

ROC政腐讓戶政系統與中國連線也是統不了台灣人的!台灣是歸於日屬美佔!(中共 與 賣台ROC)除非用(戰爭法)打贏(日本0跟(美國)!要不然他們ROC政腐與中國只能做美夢!

美國國務卿克里在2月14日開始的為期兩天的中國之行中,亮出美國在南海問題「底牌」,展現出對中共的強硬姿態。中共《新華網》對此並沒直接作出回應,日 媒稱中共對「美國插手東海南海領域爭端保持高度警惕」,凸顯中、美兩國之間在南海等其它問題上存在巨大的分歧。(圖片來源:Getty images)克里與習近平密談超時-美國當面亮南海底牌.html
克里與習近平密談超時 美國當面亮南海底牌 | 美國國務卿 | 大紀元

ROC政腐讓戶政系統與中國連線也是統不了台灣人的!台灣是歸於日屬美佔!(中共 與 賣台ROC)除非用(戰爭法)打贏(日本0跟(美國)!要不然他們ROC政腐與中國只能做美夢!

以前短程不用要付費! 現今一上高速公路國道1就要收費=短程也要付費。國道1高速公路是全民買單早付清40多年了。財團又沒有投資舖路。馬來西亞政府自少還會讓財團(投標 鋪路 投資)才可(設收費站)賺人民的錢!可見全部ROC立委官商勾結欺詐人民。台灣人民再不支持台獨就是笨蛋加精神病!

中共想做世界老大去他的out肚!去死吧!皇制 貪汙 獨裁!這世紀的人哪允許你們 ROC流亡政腐與 中共來做世界老大呢!我們台灣人寧願做美國人耶!美國人至少民主愛民遵從憲法!把人民當資產!這世紀的人沒人願意當奴才!所以中共ROC必亡!請全球抵制 他們!

葉佳恩 好阿!就讓歷史回歸歷史,那你應該跟我說十大建設那些是日本人蓋的

教育不夠!被ROC腦控+洗腦!十大建設全是我們(人民買單)付的!政務官全是跟我們人民付稅錢領薪水的!我們人民才是老闆!台灣也不屬於中國!台灣是日 屬清朝(馬關條約割斷)給日本!第二世界大戰美國佔領(美國打贏日本並 簽 舊 金 山 和平 條約 )!
終 於知道憲法最大!(憲法 位階)大於(法律)又次於(命令 總統命令都沒效)又次於(地方法制)!法律保障你們媒體之(憲法 言論自由)就要好好利用!不要怕(政腐 執政官)及(爛財團)壓制你們媒體!要比(政腐 財團)更硬更跩才對!財團靠你們媒體打廣告行銷!但是財團不好我們人民一樣可以抵制讓他倒閉!你們媒體有這麼好的(憲法大於法律)保障!請勿再自甘墮落 了!!
蘋果,以後台獨以後,可以留下 (3 張相片)
大紀元網友發表時間: 7 天以前
大紀元網友發表時間: 7 天以前
ROC government rot let household systems and China is also the system  connect the people of Taiwan ! Taiwan is attributed Day is America accounted for ! ( CCP and sell Taiwan ROC) unless the use of ( law of war ) winning ( Japan  with ( U.S. ) ! To otherwise they rot and China ROC government can only do dream !
Epoch users Posted: 7 days ago
Chinese Communist Tongzou American people warmly welcomed the evil Chinese Communist Party, the Communist fifty cents minions stomping let go! ---- Fight for democracy

Epoch users Posted: 7 days ago
Once the United States is certainly tough to get down CCP soft clothes, and why? 1 Looking at the global village, the total number of political allies? Those who take the money "friend" critical moment will still hold the United States thigh. 2 under the rule of the Chinese Communist economy is heavily dependent on foreign investment and massive exports once domestic unrest, international blockade and economic will cross. How precarious the guts to offend the Chinese Communist regime the United States? 3, not to mention the military, although some improvement in recent years, but far worse than the United States. Army far more than we imagined corruption, starting from the army medical examination to mention dry run dry veterans ratings are clearly marked, then it is ruined and eyeful Jiunangfandai womanizer, who also thought studying business? Some people say that we have nuclear weapons, domestic Fifty Cent angry youth who motionless on the nuclear level, but who can not tell the US-Russian nuclear level, they also know that the US-Russian nuclear arms not only advanced but also more than the CCP, the CCP re stupid, fifty cents all know The results of the Central Military Commission of the people do not understand? Do you think nuclear war is over and everyone playing it?

ROC national political rot is paid to the consortium bullying oppression National Highway 1.
Previous short not to pay ! Current one on the National Highway 1 would have to pay toll = short to pay . State Highway 1 motorway is a universal pay paid 40 years earlier . And no investment consortium paving . Malaysian government will allow the consortium since less (Tender paving investment ) before ( set toll station ) to earn the people's money ! Seen all the people ROC legislator collusion fraud . People do not support Taiwan independence is a fool plus psychotic !

    CCP boss wants the world to go out of his belly ! Hell! Imperial system of corruption and dictatorship ! People this century, which allows you rot ROC government in exile and the Chinese Communist Party boss in the world to do it ! Our Taiwanese Americans would rather do yeah ! Americans at least comply with the constitutional democracy loving ! when the assets of the people ! people this century, no one is willing lackey ! so CCP ROC perish ! Please global boycott them !

  U.S. Secretary of State Warren in a two-day trip to China beginning February 14 , the South China Sea issue in the United States showed " cards " to show a tough stance against the Chinese Communists . CCP " Xinhua " this did not directly respond to Japanese media said the Chinese Communists "U.S. meddling East China Sea dispute field vigilant " , highlighting , and there is a huge disagreement on other issues , such as the South China Sea between the United States and China . ( Image Source : Getty images) E5% 85% 8B% E9% 87% 8C% E8% 88% 87% E7% BF% 92% E8% BF% 91% E5% B9% B3% E5% AF% 86% E8% AB% 87% E8% B6% 85% E6% 99% 82 -% E7% BE% 8E% E5% 9C% 8B% E7% 95% B6 % E9% 9D% A2% E4% BA% AE% E5% 8D% 97% E6% B5% B7% E5% BA% 95% E7% 89% 8C.html

ROC all fired ! Downtown ghost town on election day so that they remember
My friends said :
Ye Jiaen good Ah ! Let history regression history , then you should tell me that those are the top ten Japanese cover construction
Freeway ? ? Railway electrification ? ? CKS International Airport ? ?
Large shipyard ? ? Large steel mill ? ? Petrochemical industry ? ? Nuclear power plants ? ?

I answered him:
       Education is not enough ! Was ROC brain control + brainwashing ! Ten building all we ( the people pay ) paid ! Administrative Officer all the people with the money we pay taxes salaried ! Our people are the boss ! Taiwan does not belong to China ! Taiwan day is a Qing Dynasty ( Treaty of Shimonoseki cut ) to Japan ! second World War American occupation ( Japan and the United States to win the San Francisco peace Treaty signed ) !

Identity Crisis among Taiwanese people, Taiwan's Truths Revealed.


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