瓦解不合法 沒法治 什麼都做假的 ROC政腐!

歷史的真像 By 王寶星
圖 1951年9月8日簽署舊金山和約



而且開羅軍事會議本來是應其要求「將台灣『歸還』中國列入「開羅『宣言草案』」的,可是當時蔣介石的殘餘兵力無法支援盟軍中南半島的殲滅日軍戰爭計劃,導 致盟軍不簽署「開羅『宣言』」,由起草人邱吉爾(英國首相)將『宣言』劃除,改成『一般性公告』,後來的波茨坦『公告』(蔣介石翻譯成波茨坦『宣言』,是 他作賊心虛 (整個事件就像一個人想向別人承購產權未移轉的『預定』法拍屋,卻籌不出屋款,而未簽『預定』的購屋契約,但自己先搞成破產宣告,落難流亡借住他鄉卻死皮 癩臉的說那房子自己曾參與『法拍競標說明會』,於是那房子雖然沒標成『也是』他自己的)的謊言。


1949年蔣介石流亡來台,假借李宗仁代總統之權,召集烏合之眾成立偽政府之傀儡國民大會,連續用拍手通過他自己當『終生總統』,非法在非其國土之台灣施 行高壓統治至今達近70年,其『中華民國』之偽招牌自1949年及因中共透過蘇俄長達22年在聯合國不斷抗議而於1971年『判決』決議交還中國之中共政 權,自那時起『中華民國』唯一所剩而未『歸還』給中國的領土只剩金門、馬祖兩島,(將來還是會判歸中國的,只是中國『妄想』借蔣介石流亡偽政權遺孽的『謊 言』一併『詐胡』侵吞台灣,所以暫時『礙難』處理金馬兩島主權)。


1. 台灣自1895年即由馬關條約割讓給日本,所有權狀原是日本天皇持有的。

2. 1945年4月日本頒天皇詔書,將台灣納入日本領土。

3. 1945年下旬,美國軍事佔領沖澠、琉球諸群島,隨後日本投降,在降書聲明放棄台灣之一切權利,依國際戰爭法,台灣屬美國軍事佔領地。

4. 1945年10月25日台灣富商辜振甫、林熊祥、林獻堂等六人誤以為陳儀將『接收』台灣,於先前已至上海串通陳儀部將安排『台灣光復』戲碼,但是其歡迎陳 儀『國軍』部隊的牌樓上卻高插美國、蘇聯、英國國旗(足見是盟軍共同接管而由蔣介石代表出面執行,絕非蔣介石私人可獨吞台灣)。

5. 1949年蔣介石因國共內戰失敗,總統李宗仁已流亡美國,其他軍民有經香港、海南島逃命海外與南洋諸島國,有些殘餘則流入西藏、緬甸、泰北山區,蔣介石只 好『心不甘、情不願』的逃亡台灣(陳儀於228事件後由蔣介石派陳誠接駐管台灣,而陳誠夫人譚祥是宋美齡之義女,陳誠乃為蔣介石義女婿,是他建請美軍已 200餘船次將蔣介石及中國難民接來台灣的)。

6. 1971年聯合國2758號『一個中國』決議案以後,蔣介石正式被宣告為已亡國之流亡匪徒!

7. 台灣人自1945年10月25日,即淪為無國籍卻被非法政府統治,到了1971年以後更成為完全無國籍之國際孤島,被非法匪徒所統治的流亡偽國家國民,所 以台灣經濟一直衰竭,中共一再威脅、恐嚇,利用文化『利誘』獃民、用外交封鎖台灣、用武力威嚇、用間諜滲透瓦解、用三通予取予求。

8. 台灣屬美國及盟軍軍事戰領區,由當時戰友蔣介石流亡暫住(這一暫『佔』了已將滿70年),台灣原真正主權還是日本天皇(與釣魚台尖閣群島相同),日本政府 因美軍佔領(當時麥克阿瑟進駐日本即是明證),雖然後來將日本政府回復(虛位天皇而令成立日本民政府),也將琉球群島、沖繩經其輔導之民政府辦理全民投票 判歸日本,台灣因尚有無家可歸的流民匪徒之昔日戰友滯留70年,只有『暫時』繼續觀望。

9. 台灣的真正管理權依國際萬國公法及戰爭法,是屬1945年時之盟軍及美國軍事政府USMG(非美國總統,就像日本天皇之權限與日本政府亦是有分別的),馬英九再惡搞試看看能多久!?

10. 台灣絕不是中華民國,蔡英文別再年輕不懂事,胡說八道一通!她選總統前幾天,美國國會議員代表送她一面美國大國旗,啥意思?懂了沒!?

11.聯合國於二次戰後原由同盟國處理於二次世界大戰戰敗國所放棄或由盟軍戰領之土地,成立有『託管署』,本於15年前即認為無續辦事件,早已裁撤,但是 最進西太平洋大陸棚諸島爭議瀕起,該『託管署』復又於2013年八月再成署經辦於二次大戰後未處分之領土問題,足堪證明『匪偽中華民國』將只有退回金門、 馬祖兩島,自是無庸置辯!


相片:歷史的真像 By 王寶星 圖 1951年9月8日簽署舊金山和約 台灣是1895年清廷在甲午戰爭失敗後由李鴻章上表主張「台灣叢爾小島,花不香、鳥不語,男無情、女無義!」將台灣、澎湖割讓給日本。 中華民國的蔣介石因是第二次世界大戰同盟國中國戰區司令(不是總統,是次於行政院長、國防部長以下的「軍事委員長」,相當於今日的「參謀總長」),受盟軍總司令麥克阿瑟之命來代表美國接收「台灣地區日本軍投降『事務』」(請注意:絕不是「他『接收』台灣」)。 而且開羅軍事會議本來是應其要求「將台灣『歸還』中國列入「開羅『宣言草案』」的,可是當時蔣介石的殘餘兵力無法支援盟軍中南半島的殲滅日軍戰爭計劃,導致盟軍不簽署「開羅『宣言』」,由起草人邱吉爾(英國首相)將『宣言』劃除,改成『一般性公告』,後來的波茨坦『公告』(蔣介石翻譯成波茨坦『宣言』,是他作賊心虛 (整個事件就像一個人想向別人承購產權未移轉的『預定』法拍屋,卻籌不出屋款,而未簽『預定』的購屋契約,但自己先搞成破產宣告,落難流亡借住他鄉卻死皮癩臉的說那房子自己曾參與『法拍競標說明會』,於是那房子雖然沒標成『也是』他自己的)的謊言。 於是他用228事件為藉口,進行對知識份子的大屠殺、武力鎮壓於手無寸鐵的地主、用白色恐怖的黑牢處置異己,(包括如今阿扁給餵食抗神經藥物直至他神經錯亂只舉也是如此的自然習慣)。 1949年蔣介石流亡來台,假借李宗仁代總統之權,召集烏合之眾成立偽政府之傀儡國民大會,連續用拍手通過他自己當『終生總統』,非法在非其國土之台灣施行高壓統治至今達近70年,其『中華民國』之偽招牌自1949年及因中共透過蘇俄長達22年在聯合國不斷抗議而於1971年『判決』決議交還中國之中共政權,自那時起『中華民國』唯一所剩而未『歸還』給中國的領土只剩金門、馬祖兩島,(將來還是會判歸中國的,只是中國『妄想』借蔣介石流亡偽政權遺孽的『謊言』一併『詐胡』侵吞台灣,所以暫時『礙難』處理金馬兩島主權)。 歷史的真像是: 1. 台灣自1895年即由馬關條約割讓給日本,所有權狀原是日本天皇持有的。 2. 1945年4月日本頒天皇詔書,將台灣納入日本領土。 3. 1945年下旬,美國軍事佔領沖澠、琉球諸群島,隨後日本投降,在降書聲明放棄台灣之一切權利,依國際戰爭法,台灣屬美國軍事佔領地。 4. 1945年10月25日台灣富商辜振甫、林熊祥、林獻堂等六人誤以為陳儀將『接收』台灣,於先前已至上海串通陳儀部將安排『台灣光復』戲碼,但是其歡迎陳儀『國軍』部隊的牌樓上卻高插美國、蘇聯、英國國旗(足見是盟軍共同接管而由蔣介石代表出面執行,絕非蔣介石私人可獨吞台灣)。 5. 1949年蔣介石因國共內戰失敗,總統李宗仁已流亡美國,其他軍民有經香港、海南島逃命海外與南洋諸島國,有些殘餘則流入西藏、緬甸、泰北山區,蔣介石只好『心不甘、情不願』的逃亡台灣(陳儀於228事件後由蔣介石派陳誠接駐管台灣,而陳誠夫人譚祥是宋美齡之義女,陳誠乃為蔣介石義女婿,是他建請美軍已200餘船次將蔣介石及中國難民接來台灣的)。 6. 1971年聯合國2758號『一個中國』決議案以後,蔣介石正式被宣告為已亡國之流亡匪徒! 7. 台灣人自1945年10月25日,即淪為無國籍卻被非法政府統治,到了1971年以後更成為完全無國籍之國際孤島,被非法匪徒所統治的流亡偽國家國民,所以台灣經濟一直衰竭,中共一再威脅、恐嚇,利用文化『利誘』獃民、用外交封鎖台灣、用武力威嚇、用間諜滲透瓦解、用三通予取予求。 8. 台灣屬美國及盟軍軍事戰領區,由當時戰友蔣介石流亡暫住(這一暫『佔』了已將滿70年),台灣原真正主權還是日本天皇(與釣魚台尖閣群島相同),日本政府因美軍佔領(當時麥克阿瑟進駐日本即是明證),雖然後來將日本政府回復(虛位天皇而令成立日本民政府),也將琉球群島、沖繩經其輔導之民政府辦理全民投票判歸日本,台灣因尚有無家可歸的流民匪徒之昔日戰友滯留70年,只有『暫時』繼續觀望。 9. 台灣的真正管理權依國際萬國公法及戰爭法,是屬1945年時之盟軍及美國軍事政府USMG(非美國總統,就像日本天皇之權限與日本政府亦是有分別的),馬英九再惡搞試看看能多久!? 10. 台灣絕不是中華民國,蔡英文別再年輕不懂事,胡說八道一通!她選總統前幾天,美國國會議員代表送她一面美國大國旗,啥意思?懂了沒!? 11.聯合國於二次戰後原由同盟國處理於二次世界大戰戰敗國所放棄或由盟軍戰領之土地,成立有『託管署』,本於15年前即認為無續辦事件,早已裁撤,但是最進西太平洋大陸棚諸島爭議瀕起,該『託管署』復又於2013年八月再成署經辦於二次大戰後未處分之領土問題,足堪證明『匪偽中華民國』將只有退回金門、馬祖兩島,自是無庸置辯! 《舊金山和平條約》漢譯文 <a href= 歷史課綱微調該不該立即停止?線上PK" height="402" width="503" />


「台灣民族自決獨立」具有100% 國際法上的「正當性」,法律依據略如下 :
圖 聯合國大會

A .聯合國憲章 - 1945年6月26日簽字 1945年10月24日生效 ,是聯合國的基本大法 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )
B .《世界人權宣言》 聯合國大會通過第217A(III)號決議並頒布 1948年12月10日
C .公民及政治權利國際盟約 【發布單位】聯合國大會 【發布日期】1976年3月26日生效

D .經濟社會文化權利國際公約 (International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights)【發布單位】聯合國大會 【發布日期】一九六六年十二月十九日




E .給予殖民地國家和人民獨立宣言 聯合國大會一九六〇年十二月十四日第1514(XV)號決議宣布 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )










聯合國憲章 - 1945年6月26日簽字 1945年10月24日生效 ,是聯合國的基本大法 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )

《世界人權宣言》 聯合國大會通過第217A(III)號決議並頒布 1948年12月10日

A .公民與政治權利國際公約 (聯合國大會) B .經濟社會文化權利國際公約 (聯合國大會) C .公民與政治權利國際公約及經濟社會文化權利國際公約施行法(中華民國流亡政府)

給予殖民地國家和人民獨立宣言 聯合國大會一九六〇年十二月十四日第1514(XV)號決議宣布 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )
相片:「台灣民族自決獨立」具有100% 國際法上的「正當性」,法律依據略如下 : 圖 聯合國大會<br / A
 The no collapse of the rule and no law illegal ROC sham political rot!

Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China because of the Second World War Allies theater commander (not the president, is inferior to the premier, defense minister under "military chairman," the equivalent of today's "chief of staff"), subject to the Allied commander MacArthur was ordered to represent the United States to receive "the surrender of Japanese forces in Taiwan 'affairs'" (note: no longer "his" sink "Taiwan").
By Vang Pao history really like Star
Figure 8 September 1951 signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty

Taiwan after the Sino-Japanese War in 1895, Qing Li table advocated by the failure of the "Taiwan Cong Seoul island, not fragrant flowers, birds, without a word, ruthless men, women no justice!" Taiwan, Penghu ceded to Japan.

Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China because of the Second World War Allies theater commander (not the president, is inferior to the premier, defense minister under "military chairman," the equivalent of today's "chief of staff"), subject to the Allied commander MacArthur was ordered to represent the United States to receive "the surrender of Japanese forces in Taiwan 'affairs'" (note: no longer "his" sink "Taiwan").

And military conference in Cairo was originally their request "Taiwan" restitution "China is included in" Cairo "Draft Declaration '", but the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek was unable to support the annihilation of the Japanese troops allied Indochina war plans, leading to the Allies not to sign "Cairo" the Declaration, '"the drafters Churchill (British Prime Minister) will be" the Declaration "zoned addition, changed to" General Announcements "and later Potsdam" Announcement "(Chiang translated into Potsdam" Manifesto, "and his guilty conscience (the entire event like a someone who wants to take up "reserve" property foreclosures are not migrated, but no house to raise money, but not signed Housing Contract "scheduled," but his own mess before the declaration of bankruptcy, distressed exile Staying away from home but dead toads face said he had participated in that house, "explained foreclosure bid will", so although the house is not marked as "also" his own) lies.

So he used 228 event as an excuse to carry out the massacre of intellectuals, military crackdown on unarmed landowners, with dungeon disposal dissidents white terror, (including now-bian to feed anti-nerve drugs until he insane cite only too natural habit).

1949 Chiang Kai-shek to Taiwan in exile, under the guise of rights on behalf of the President of Li Tsung-jen, called rabble of puppet puppet government established the National Assembly, with continuous clapping by himself when the "president for life", illegal in Taiwan's non-implementation of the oppressive rule of their homeland has reached nearly 70 , its pseudo-sign "Republic of China" since 1949 and due to the Soviet Union for 22 years by the Chinese Communists in the United Nations continued protests in 1971 "Judgment" surrender resolution Communist regime in China, "ROC" Since that time the only left without "return" to the Chinese territory only Kinmen and Matsu Island, (awarded to China's future, or will it just Chinese "delusional" left by the evil puppet regime of Chiang Kai-shek into exile "lie" in conjunction with "fraudulent HU" misappropriation of Taiwan, we do "find it difficult to" deal with the sovereignty of the islands of Kinmen and Matsu).

History is really like:

1 Taiwan since 1895 that ceded by the Treaty of Shimonoseki to Japan, like the ownership of the Emperor was originally held in Japan.

2 1945 Japan in April edict issued by the Emperor, to incorporate Taiwan into Japanese territory.

In late March 1945, the U.S. military occupation rushed mian, Zhu Ryukyu Islands, followed by the Japanese surrender, to give up all rights to surrender declaration in Taiwan, according to the international law of war, the U.S. military occupation of Taiwan belong to.

4. Oct. 25, 1945 Taiwan businessman Koo, Linxiong Xiang, Chen Yi Lin Hsien-tang Deng Liuren mistaken the "sink" in Taiwan, in collusion previously been to Shanghai, Chen Yi Department will arrange for "Taiwan Retrocession" drama, but its welcome Chen Yi "national the military "forces has high arches inserted United States, the Soviet Union, the British flag (which shows the Allies together and come forward to take over the execution by the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek, not be pocketed private Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan).

5.1949 Chiang Kai-shek failed due to the civil war, President Li Tsung-jen has been in exile United States, other soldiers and civilians have been in Hong Kong, Hainan Island, South Pacific Island nations escape abroad with some residual flows into Tibet, Burma, northern Thailand, Chiang Kai-shek had "heart unwilling, reluctant "to flee Taiwan (Chen Yi Chiang Kai-shek after the 228 incident sent by the Taiwan Chen Cheng received in the tube, and Ms. Chen Cheng Xiang Tan Kai-shek's goddaughter is, Chen Cheng is the son of Chiang Kai-righteousness, he requested the U.S. military has built more than 200 vessels The Chiang Kai-shek and the Chinese refugees access to Taiwan).

6.1971 UN Resolution 2758 "one China" resolution after Chiang Kai-shek was officially declared as the subjugation of the exiled gangster!

7 people in Taiwan since October 25, 1945, that he was an illegal government stateless rule after 1971 to become completely stateless international island, pseudo-country nationals illegally exiled criminals rule, so Taiwan's economy has been failure, the CCP has repeatedly threats, intimidation, use of cultural "inducements" to stay civil, diplomatic blockade of Taiwan, with the threat of force, with spies infiltrate collapse tee anything and everything.

8. Taiwan United States and allied military war is consular district, Chiang Kai-shek into exile by the time his comrades temporary (the temporary "accounted for" a full 70 years have been), Taiwan's sovereignty is truly original Japanese emperor (the same as the Diaoyutai Senkaku Islands), The Japanese government because the U.S. military occupation (MacArthur was stationed in Japan that is evidenced), although later the Japanese government reply (virtual spaces emperor and the establishment of civil government to make Japan), will also be the Ryukyu Islands, Okinawa counseling people through their government awarded to conduct a referendum Japan, Taiwan, because there are homeless refugee gangster's former comrades stranded for 70 years, only "temporarily" to continue watching.

9 The real management of Taiwan under international law of nations and the law of war, is the case when the Allies in 1945 and the United States Military Government USMG (non-US president, like the Japanese emperor's authority with the Japanese government also there is a difference), Ma Ying-jeou Jokes can then try to see how long! ?

10 Taiwan is by no means the Republic of China, Tsai Ing-wen stop young and naive, nonsense a pass! A few days before the election, she was the president, members of Congress on behalf of the United States to send her side of the American flag, What do you mean? Understand not! ?

11 United Nations in post-war Allied originally dealt with in the Second World War by the Allies vanquished are abandoned or neck of land warfare, have established the "Custodian Department", this 15 years ago, sees no renewal event, had abolished But most of the continental shelf into the western Pacific near disputed islands from the "Custodian Department" yet again in August 2013 and then to the Department Manager in the territorial issue is not punishment after World War II, parliaments and prove "bandit pseudo Republic of China" will only return Kinmen and Matsu islands, naturally Needless to argue!

"San Francisco Peace Treaty" Chinese translation

Gang trimming history lesson that should not stop immediately? PK online ...

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Referendum over one thousand million people ROC government does not recognize the election rot! Synchronized with the UN! ROC government does not recognize the rot! Can obey the law of the majority (self-determination) to drive away with the ROC rot rotten system permits a minority!
"National self-determination of Taiwan independence" has the "legitimacy" of 100% on the law, the legal basis for a little as follows:
Figure UN General Assembly

A UN Charter -. June 26, 1945 signed into force October 24, 1945, is the basic law of the United Nations (From the official website of the United Nations)
The purpose of the United Nations are:
First, the maintenance of international peace and security; and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, breaches of the peace or other suppression of acts of aggression; and by peaceful means and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations peace.
Second, the development of international respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination in accordance with the friendly relations and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.
Third, to achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and regardless of race, sex, language or religion, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all of humanity.
Fourth, constitutes a central coordinating the actions of nations to achieve these common objectives.
B. "UDHR" United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution (III) and Resolution 217A promulgated December 10, 1948
Article XIII
(A) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the territory.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
Article XV
(A) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(B) No person shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
C. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [unit] release [Release Date] United Nations General Assembly take effect March 26, 1976

Section 1
First, all peoples are entitled to self-determination, in accordance with this right, they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural.
Second, that all peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice due to international economic cooperation based on the principles of reciprocity and by students of international law and any obligations. In no case may a people's livelihoods, not to be denied.
Third, the States Parties to the present Covenant, including the responsibility for the administration of Non-Self and Trust Territories, including, shall comply with the provisions of the UN Charter, to promote the realization of self-determination, and shall respect that right.
D. International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights) [Issued by the UN General Assembly] [Release Date] December 19, 1966

Take effect Jan. 3, 1976; 1 ‧ since December 19, 1966 was signed by the countries of the Covenant in New York

Section 1
First, all peoples are entitled to self-determination, in accordance with this right, they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural.

Second, that all peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice due to international economic cooperation based on the principles of reciprocity and by students of international law and any obligations. In no case may a people be deprived of livelihood.
Third, the States Parties to this Convention, including the State is responsible for the management of non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall be presented in accordance with the UN Charter and promote the realization of self-determination and respect for such rights.

E. Give the Declaration of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the UN General Assembly section 1514 (XV) December 14, 1960 resolution announced (From the official website of the United Nations)

Solemnly announced the need for rapid and unconditional end to all forms and manifestations of colonialism,
For this announcement:

First, to make the situation of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation, denied basic human rights, in violation of the UN Charter, and impede the promotion of peace and cooperation of the world.

Second, all peoples have the right to self; virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural.

Three are not allowed to prepare the political, economic, social or educational deficiencies as a pretext for delaying independence.

Fourth, we must stop all kinds of all armed action or repressive measures against the people dependent countries, so that they can peacefully and freely exercise their right to complete independence; respect for the integrity of their national territory.

Fifth, the trust territory and non-self-governing territory, and have not yet achieved the independence to take immediate steps for all other territories, the people of these territories in accordance with the freely expressed intention of showing and aspirations, regardless of race, creed or color, unconditionally and without reservation to transfer all powers to them, so that they can enjoy complete independence and freedom.

Sixth, any partially or fully intended to split the unity of a country and an attempt to undermine its territorial integrity and purpose are contrary to the UN Charter and the principles.

Seven, all countries should be equality, non-interference in internal affairs and respect for all the country faithfully and strictly comply with the Charter of the sovereignty and territorial integrity is the foundation of all peoples, the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the present Declaration.


UN Charter - June 26, 1945 signed into force October 24, 1945, is the basic law of the United Nations (From the official website of the United Nations)

"UDHR" United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 217A (III) of resolution and issued December 10, 1948

A. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (UN General Assembly) B. International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (UN General Assembly) C. Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights and the International Convention on the Enforcement Act (ROC government in exile)

Given to the Declaration of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) December 14, 1960 resolution announced (From the official website of the United Nations)
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