Mind Controllers 精神控制者
Mind Controllers 精神控制者
作者:Armen Victorian
在CIA成立5個月後,國家安全委員會舉行了它的第一次會議。國防部長James Forrestal,推動中央情報局開始一場反前蘇聯的“秘密戰爭”。在歐洲,Forrestal 主動領導了心理戰行動的執行(psy-ops)。它決定了“共產主義威脅”優先於憲法權力。一項總統下達的密令對CIA的權力的增加有了顯著影響。
CIA精神控制的開始專案帶來了鼓舞的效果。一個小隊決定創造一種“真實的血清”。 一些納粹德國化學專家(通過Paperclip行動,被帶到美國)開始跟美國安全部門緊密工作。他們為美國的實驗室工作,開發了毒藥和神經氣體,儘管已知他們過去捲入了納粹大屠殺。
參議院教會委員會通過它的調查,於1976發現一些紀錄。然而它注明了“MKULTRA”專案的實踐是“保持計畫的無紀錄並承認測試專案”。Miles Copeland,CIA某一部門的前官員,說:“國會小組委員會進入其中,得到的僅僅是赤裸的一瞥。”資訊自由法雖然允許大部分的普通市民查閱公開的檔案,但不可避免,一些檔案將會被很認真的審查並且最終不會公開。因此,我們得不到完整的資訊。什麼是精神控制者?他們正在做什麼?也許僅僅只存在于退休研究者的記憶中了。然而,要顯示該技術已被秘密開發,不再是科幻領域,以下資料是綽綽有餘的。我們必須意識到這種威脅,即他們希望拿走民主、自由並且阻止我們自由的思考。
從1950年直到20世紀70年代,CIA與美國軍方密切合作,在人類身上進行LSD(迷幻劑)和其他化學測試。沒有一個志願者在試驗前獲得過 “知情權”。這是故意拒絕允許志願者自己來估測所捲入的危險的程度。根據Charles L. Shirley Jr——其中一個志願者的證詞,相信幾乎大部分志願者得到的資訊是:如果他們拒絕參加這個測試,他們將處於上級的厭惡中。
致幻類藥物試驗也被美國軍方情報組織成員運用,大多數相關紀錄被銷毀。一項調節心理的藥物計畫在1957年開始,這個計畫被命名為“原料測試項目EA 1279”,並捲入了對LSD(迷幻劑)的運用。試驗被用在一組志願者身上,以估計他們在受到LSD的影響下撒謊的能力。這也包括了“削弱記憶測試”,以估計LSD(迷幻劑)對記憶的影響。利用了不同國家的精神病院機構和設施,Harris Isabel 博士在一家毒癮研究中心進行了LSD和大量未經證實的藥品的測試。特別令人震驚的是Isabel博士傾向于把試驗目標定在黑人和男同性戀者。
1953年,Frank Olsen 博士,一個為CIA工作的科學家,被發現死在紐約的旅店的外面人行道上,CIA迅速行動以掩蓋他死亡的真相,整個案件直到1975年仍然籠罩在神秘之中。最後它被揭露:Olsen 博士是許多不知情的服用了LSD的人之一,他曾是機構藥物試驗的一部分,而LSD已被確定是使他自殺一個主要因素。洛克菲勒委員會譴責了CIA的掩蓋行為,並保證給Olsen夫人一封道歉書和$750,000。
在1993年12月7日,能源部部長Hazel O’Leary 被命令:她的部門開放掩蓋計畫的解密檔,那包括從戰時開始就把人類用於試驗物件。一個主要的項目被開放,以證明相關的檔案,這個目錄本身有150頁。
一些受害者是從醫院病人中選擇的。1953年到1957年間,William Sweet和他位於波士頓的麻塞諸塞總醫院的同事給至少11名癌症末期患者注射了鈾235。在20世紀40年代,懷孕婦女被給予了含有放射性物質的雞尾酒,為了研究它們對胎兒的影響。衛生署在超過800個孕婦身上進行了放有放射性鐵同位素的雞尾酒的試驗。所有的記錄在20世紀70年代被銷毀。
從1962年12月直到1963年4月,哈佛大學的研究人員,在美國公共衛生服務部門資助下,給予Wrentham 州立學校760個智障兒童服用放射性碘,有的才年僅一歲。在1963年1976年間,俄勒岡大學的Carl Heller 暴露了67名俄勒岡州國家監獄犯人睾丸在電磁輻射下以檢測輻射對生育的影響。美國政府在冷戰期間在33個退伍軍人醫院進行輻射試驗。退伍軍人醫院承認在1993年,至少14家醫院的軍方患者成為這些試驗的受害者。
除了Hazel O’Leary部長承諾向受害者賠償外,最高法院裁決陳述:甚至當一些人的憲法的權利被聯邦機構侵犯,這些機構不能負起提供任何補償的義務。“我們將為聯邦政府建立一個潛在的巨大的財政負擔。”法院法官Clarence Thomas 為審判寫到。
英國政府,1971年8月9日,發動了其中最大的一個深入審訊試驗。愛爾蘭的囚犯被迫頭戴著頭罩站著,電子噪音通過揚聲器和耳機播放。他們是裸體、半饑餓的,和被虐待的。Robert Daly 教授,“在半夜被喚醒,被毆打,躺著被侮辱,都是在‘解凍過程’中的部分,通過心理防線的被打破,恐怖和羞辱被誘發。因此,拍下裸體、被迫在跑的時候小便、虐待和辱駡,導致試驗目標一時失去理智。一個嚴重的心理傷害可能會對試驗目標有持久的影響。”北愛爾蘭的空前行動推動了大赦國際和歐洲人權法庭的干預。
1952年,Andrija Puharich發表了一份論文《評價超感覺的知覺在心理戰中運用的可能性》,被五角大樓秘密的招攬。1953年,他教授美國空軍的研究者提高或減少心理感應的方法。他的主要工作是前蘇聯試驗的後續研究。他描述了心理能力的生物學解釋和假設的可能性,並且強調藥物的效果,它符合CIA的精神控制專案和在這一領域的發現。
最初引起CIA的注意的是前蘇聯試圖在心靈感應領域訓練他們的宇航員:他們在1967年進行了測試,從莫斯科發射一個心靈感應資訊編碼到列寧格勒。4年後,Edgar Mitchell 做了一個相似的試驗,在他駕駛“阿波羅14號”的飛行課上。Mitchell 的試驗是基於4年的研究和學習基楚上的發現,由CIA資助,在1970年開始。
斯坦福研究機構(SRI)跟隨著前蘇聯的研究專案並重複實驗。SRI定義他們的心靈感應工作為遠端監控(RV)。它是在1971年由Ingo Swann在美國社會心理研究(ASPR)中提出的。ASPR試圖運用“透視的感知”來定位一個隱藏的專案,他們成功了。Swann 說:“人擁有超出五種感覺的極限的感受器官來接收並組織資訊,至少17種感官由生物學家和神經學家辨認了。”
ASPR試驗用了一個指向標,不更多的使用任何間諜遠端監控程序。Swann 開發了“地圖座標——經緯度”導致了scanate 項目於1973年5月29日誕生。當Ingo Swann 在僅被給了座標的情況下,做了第一次遠端監控一個地點的實驗,他取得了驚人的成果。他描述了一個屬於法國管理的Kerguelen 地區的印度洋小島的特點,包括建築佈局以及一個結合法國——蘇聯風格的氣象研究站的外觀,他甚至畫出一份島的通行圖。
Pat Price 也在僅被給了一套目標地圖座標的情況下,給出一份某一地點的相當具體的描述。在他5頁的遠程監測評論中描述道,Price 在目標地點上空1500尺的地方開始,並且仔細觀測一棟綜合大樓和地下倉庫的區域。報告描述了由軍隊人員操做的通信和電腦設備,建築物裏的書桌的名稱,甚至在一間房間裏鎖住的抽屜裏一個檔夾上標籤。
在1972年,Harold Puthoff參與了在斯坦福研究機構進行的鐳射研究。Puthoff 以“戰爭能幾乎一直追朔到情報機構的失敗,並且由此,最強的維繫和平的武器就是好的情報。”為由說服了他的同事Russell Targ 加入團隊。1975年,Puthoff 和Targ 報告:“這種遠端監控能力在斯坦福研究機構的發展,演變到一點,在那兒參觀的CIA人員沒有曝光這樣的在受控制的實驗室條件下執行的很好的專案。”
一些遠程監控試驗的結果是令人吃驚。在1975/76年間,Ingo Swann 被要求遠端觀測蘇聯潛水艇。根據Swann 描述:“我正在進行遠端監測,遇見了一些事,我停止了我的追蹤。我看著它並說到,‘oh,我的上帝!’。我在Harold 的耳邊低語道,‘Hal,我不知道該做什麼。我認為這艘潛水艇擊落了一架UFO或者UFO朝它開火。我應該做什麼?’。Puthoff 臉色蒼白,他看著我並竊竊私語,‘你做你認為應該做的’。所以我們草擬這個UFO的畫卷,並且這個黃銅製品在我的右邊並抓住它。”……。3天後Puthoff 接到一個電話,電話中說到:“OK,你需要多少錢?”
斯坦福研究機構的遠程監控者被頂尖的物理學家研究。Ingo Swann 和Uri Geller 使諾貝爾獎獲得者Brian Josephson 驚奇:他們兩個設法偏轉一個海圖紀錄器上的指標到這樣一個度數,來對Josephson 建議物理學需要採取一個新的範例以結合隱藏的變數和普遍的認識。
在80年代早期,遠端監控項目達到高峰期時雇傭了7個全職的觀測者,都配有管理和分析人員組支援。然而,對於這些試驗,美國軍方在那時故意誤導國會和媒體。Pentagon 的先進項目研究機構(ARPA)決定於1972年對斯坦福研究機構進行評估,他們評估是故意否定的。
Jose Delgado 的Stimoceiver(微型電極)研究在20世紀50年代的發展帶給情報機構渴望的夢想,使得控制人類行為離現實更近了一步。
Stimoceiver,一個通過調頻無線電波能接受和傳輸電子資訊的微型電極,它能放置在一個人的顱腦內,並且一旦被放置,一個外部的操縱者能操縱目標人的反映。Delgado 通過在一頭成年公牛頭部植入來證明微型電極的潛能。在設備被植入後,Delgado 步入圈內與公牛在一起,這頭動物朝著實驗者沖來,隨著Delgado 按下舉在手裏的一個小盒子上的一個按紐後,這頭強有力的公牛在觸及到他以前突然停止。
在1966年,Delgado 斷言他的實驗:這些實驗可得出結論,人的情感和行為能直接由電子力量指揮,只需通過按紐,人類能被控制象機器人一樣。
一份被美國軍方公開的1975年8月22日的文件證明了病人已成為用於精神控制研究的試驗者。電極被插入他們腦內的部分,表面上,是因為它將幫助治療他們。Tulane 大學的Robert G. Heath,爆出了他的最大的醜聞:由於他在他的試驗物件身上插入125個電極,企圖用腦的電刺激(ESB)來“治療”同性戀,他發現他能控制病人通過引起害怕、覺醒、幻想、快樂。John C. Lilly 利用他自己發明的裝置,在20世紀50年代達到了相似效果:運用腦的電刺激,猴子在1天16小時的時間內每隔3分鐘持續的刺激他們自己的器官。
Lilly 博士曾一度提醒國家精神健康機構的主管一個重要的兩難抉擇:“Remond 博士曾證明這種刺激大腦的方法能在沒有神經外科醫生的幫助下,被運用在人類身上。這意味著,任何人用正確的器械能隱蔽的在任何一個人身上使用,沒有外部的信號,電極能被用在那個人身上。如果這一技術落入安全機構手中,他們將控制人類並且能特別迅速的改變他的信仰,而僅留下很少的他們曾做過什麼的證據。”
J.G. Watkins 能“促使一名士兵打一個長官,通過暗示該軍官是一名日本士兵”;2名物件他們被告知按照催眠者的指令朝一個實驗室助理扔硫磺彈(用玻璃保護著); P. Janet 要求一個被深度催眠的女性來犯幾項謀殺罪:在一組優秀的審判官面前,用橡皮匕首向一些受害者刺去;並且用糖包來毒殺其他人。被催眠的物件毫不猶豫的作了所有這些。
遠程催眠也被研究。CIA的一個特別計畫之一,官方從沒承認過運用Stimoceiver(微型電極)儀引發一個催眠狀態。鼻孔和耳朵是通常被用來植入的。前FBI的特工,Arthur J. Ford,他離開聯邦調查局後,成為一名記者,改名為Lincoln Lawrence,在1965年的《我們是被控制的嗎?》一書中第一個曝光此事。
前蘇聯在利用一些技術,例如psychotronics,利用輻射能進行精神操縱項目上有很悠久的歷史。在1978年SALT 平靜的講到,前蘇聯總統勃列日涅夫曾建議禁止“比人的頭腦曾經設想的更可怕的”武器。雖然沒有公開承認了這一點,前蘇聯的研究顯然使美國擔心,並有充分理由對此表示關注。例如,在1974年勃列日涅夫相信發射遠端紫外射線可以引起死亡;在同一年Pavlita,一名捷克工程師顯示,他可以在一定距離內用psychotronic 裝置殺蟲;前蘇聯科學家能夠在一公里的範圍內殺死羊。
在1973年Bawin 等人提供了通過低功率VHF(射頻)能量,腦電波能被抑制或增強的證據。當Becker 放置了一個磁場在腦幹的右角時,動物的腦電波模式是從清醒到昏迷。在1974年,斯坦福研究機構開發了一套電腦系統,能閱讀一個人的思想,通過用特定的命令把試驗物件的腦電波顯示在一個腦電圖儀上。能閱讀思想的電腦已不再是科幻。他們也不再僅僅被獨裁政府所使用。主修心裏能力技術的Edward Dames 1995年4月在NBC 的一個節目裏說:“美國政府有一種電子裝置,它能入侵一個人思想。”對此Dames 沒有更多的評論。
1993年4月22日,BBC電視臺的主要晚間新聞播放了一則關於美國新發展的一種非致命武器的報導。國防部通訊員David Shukman,會見了美國陸軍上校John B. Alexander和Janet Morris,這二人都是非致命武器的主要支持者,即:使敵人沒有受到明顯的身體傷害的情況下讓敵人失去方向感而無法還擊。這個項目背後的主要人物是Col. Alexander,他以前是在越南的綠色貝雷帽特種部隊的指揮官,而現在則是洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室非致命武器的負責人。
1991年Janet Morris 發表了許多論文,美國陸軍也就“致殘方法的操作概念”發表了一份詳細的報告草案。實驗室正在發展“高功率及低頻率的聲波武器”,預計是非穿透高頻率的聲音子彈。根據一份Morris 的論文,美國特種作戰指揮部已經擁有一種輕便的微波武器,美國特種部隊能“烹飪”人體內部器官:“次聲波”用聲波射線、極低頻率的(VLF)聲音、或極低頻率的射頻調製,能導致反胃、嘔吐和腹部疼痛。“一些極低頻率的聲音發生器,在一定的頻率範圍,能導致人體器官被破壞,並且在高功率的級別裏,能粉碎石頭。”
這樣的武器曾被運用而很少有人懷疑:當美國在英國的基地部署巡航導彈時,婦女和平運動在金屬護欄外舉行一系列高度公開的和平抗議活動。1985年末在Greenham Common 和平陣營的婦女們開始經歷非正常方式的疾病,範圍有嚴重的頭痛、嗜睡、絕經期後的流經血、暫時的癱瘓和胡言亂語。《今日電子雜誌》進行了許多測量,並在1985年12月發表了他們的總結報告:“他們用了一個大範圍的信號增強器,顯示出在一段時間內附近一個婦女陣營的背景信號顯著增長,在她們聲稱經歷著疾病時。”他們注明如果婦女在圍欄外製造噪音或騷亂時,信號將會急劇上升。
Mind Controllers
By Dr. Armen Victorian
A 10-page Summary
The Secret Agenda
According to the Central Intelligence Agency's Fact Book, [1] the United States has carried on foreign intelligence activities since the days of George Washington, but only since World War II have they been coordinated on a government-wide basis. Under the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947, the NSC (National Security Council) and the CIA were established. P. 1-4
Five months after the CIA's creation, the NSC held its first meeting. James Forrestal, the Secretary of Defense, pushed for the CIA to begin a ‘secret war' against the Soviets. Forrestal's initiative led to the execution of psychological warfare operations (psy-ops) in Europe. It was decided that the communist threat took priority over constitutional rights. A Presidential Secret Order had the effect of greatly increasing the CIA's powers. P. 7,8
The concept of running a secret ‘black' project was no longer novel. In 1941, Roosevelt decided, without consulting Congress, that the US should proceed with the utmost secrecy to develop an atomic bomb. Secrecy shrouded the Manhattan Project (the atomic bomb program) to the extent that Vice President Harry Truman knew nothing about it. The project meant that by 1947, the government had already gained vast experience in the initiation of secret operations. The existence of ‘black projects' funded by ‘black budgets' was withheld not only from the public, but also from Congress for reasons of national security. P. 8-10
In 1949, Congress enacted provisions permitting the Agency [CIA] to use confidential fiscal and administrative procedures, and exempting the CIA from many of the usual limitations on the expenditure of federal funds. They exempted the CIA from having to disclose its "functions, names, officials, titles, salaries, or number of personnel employed." P. 4
One of the main areas to be investigated by the CIA was mind control. Many other branches of the government took part in the study of this area. Under the protection of ‘national security', these branches embarked on a wide range of macabre programs, including assassination squads, brain washing programs, civilian spying, drug trafficking, illegal arms sales, fomenting civil wars, and toppling foreign governments. [2] P. 10
The initial CIA mind control projects brought encouraging results. One team was determined to create a 'truth serum'. A number of Nazi chemical specialists (brought into the US via Operation Paperclip) [3][4] began to work closely with the American secret services. They worked from American laboratories, developing poison and nerve gases, despite their active and known involvement in the Holocaust. P. 11
1n 1977, an important MKULTRA administrator was taken before a Senate hearing [5] to answer important questions about CIA mind control projects. He revealed that the CIA had indeed funded a series of such operations. The programs were code named MKULTRA, MKACTION, MKNAOMI, ARTICHOKE, and BLUEBIRD, which involved people being used as guinea pigs in mind experiments. Many subjects lost their sanity and at least two people died. P. 11, 12
MKULTRA involved the use of drugs, sensory deprivation, religious cults, microwaves, psychological conditioning, psychosurgery, brain implants, and other areas of research. It consisted of 149 sub-projects plus another 33 closely related sub-projects, all funded through the black budget. However, from the 1950s to 1962 most of the original records, documents, and research papers were deliberately destroyed. P. 13
The Senate's Church Committee did find some records during its investigation in 1976. However it noted that the practice of MKULTRA was "to maintain no records of the planning and approval of test programs." [6] Miles Copeland, a former CIA officer of some rank, said, "The congressional sub-committee which went into this got only the barest glimpse." [7] P. 13, 18
Diligent use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in the US helps to cast light on the advances that have been made in controlling the way people think and act – and how it is possible to sap their will to resist. The FOIA allows the most humble citizen to demand the disclosure of documents, although inevitably some will be heavily censored or not released at all. That is how much of the information in this book has been pieced together. P. 5
It is, however, an incomplete picture. What the mind controllers were and are doing may be only hinted at in a memo footnote or in the memoirs of a retired researcher. Nevertheless, there is more than enough here to show that secret new techniques are being exploited that are no longer in the realm of science fiction. We must all be aware of this threat so that those who wish to take liberties with democracy and with our freedom to think are deterred. P. 6
Unethical Experimentation
The CIA's human behavior control program was chiefly motivated by perceived Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind control techniques. The CIA originated its first program in 1950 under the name BLUEBIRD, which in 1951, after Canada and Britain had been included, was changed to ARTICHOKE. MKULTRA officially began in 1953. Technically it was closed in 1964, but some of its programs remained active under MKSEARCH well into the 1970s. In 1973, tipped off about forthcoming investigations, Richard Helms, then DCI [Director of Central Intelligence], ordered the destruction of any MKULTRA records. P. 17
Project BLUEBIRD was established with the objectives of discovering means of conditioning personnel to prevent unauthorized extraction of information from them, and investigating the possibility of obtaining control of an individual by application of special interrogation techniques. The Korean War – which started almost a year after the beginning of Project BUUEBIRD – was influential. The return of brainwashed POWs encouraged Western intelligence to delve even further into mind control techniques. P. 53
Officially, MKULTRA was established on 13 April 1953, at Richard Helms' suggestion [8] as "ultra sensitive work." The focal point of MKULTRA was the use of humans as unwitting subjects [without their knowledge]. The CIA sponsored numerous experiments of this kind. Regardless of a report by the CIA's Inspector General in 1963 recommending the termination of testing on unwitting subjects, DCI Richard Helms continued to advocate covert testing on the grounds that "we are less capable of staying up with the Soviet advances in this field." On the subject of moral issues, Helms commented, "we have no answer to the moral issue." [9] P. 18, 69
In 1963 a CIA Inspector General's report on MKULTRA stated that the program was "concerned with research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior" and that radiation was one of the additional "avenues to control the human behavior." [10] Sub-project 86 proposed "artificial means of establishing positive identification" (known as covert marking) involving ionizing radiation implanted or injected into predetermined sites in the human body. [11] P. 18-21
The operational wing of MKULTRA, known as MKDELTA, had as its mission to find out how to use chemical and biological weapon ingredients to alter the human mind. In 1952, the CIA initiated yet another program to produce biological weapons called Project MKNAOMI which developed an array of deadly substances for the CIA. [12][13] p. 69
From 1950 until the 1970s, the CIA collaborated closely with the US Army [14] whilst conducting LSD and other chemical tests on humans. Experiments were conducted in which none of the volunteers gave their ‘informed consent' prior to receiving LSD. There was a deliberate attempt to deny the volunteers any information that would have permitted them to evaluate the dangers involved. According to the testimony of Charles L. Shirley Jr., one of the volunteers, belief amongst most of the volunteers was that if they declined to participate in the tests, it would have put them in immediate disfavor with their superiors. P. 20, 21, 32
Hallucinogenic-type drug experiments were also conducted by elements of the US Army Intelligence community. Most of the related records have been destroyed. A coordinated psychochemical drug project started in November 1957. The plan was entitled ‘Material Testing Program EA 1279' and involved the use of LSD. Experiments were conducted on groups of volunteers to evaluate their ability to lie whilst under the influence of LSD. There were also ‘Memory Impairment Tests,' to assess the effects LSD had on memory. Using various National Institute of Mental Health hospitals and facilities, Dr. Harris Isabel ran an Addiction Research Center using LSD and a host of unproven drugs. Particularly appalling was Dr. Isabel's tendency to target black and gay inmates for experimentation. P. 29, 30, 72
A field test plan called for use of LSD on foreign nationals overseas. The Surgeon General [15] "offered no medical objections to the field experimental plan." Subjects for the proposed field test were to be non-volunteer, foreign nationals. It is clear that from the start to finish the project violated Department of Defense and Department of Army policies, as well as specific procedures set for chemical or medical research. P. 33-36
In 1953, Dr. Frank Olsen, a scientist working for the CIA, was found dead on the pavement outside a New York hotel. The CIA quickly actioned a cover-up of the circumstances surrounding his death. The whole case remained shrouded in mystery until 1975, when it was revealed that Olsen had been one of many people unwittingly given LSD. He had been part of the Agency's experiments with the drug, and LSD had allegedly been a contributory factor in his suicide. The Rockefeller Commission condemned the CIA's cover-up and granted Mrs. Olsen an apology and $750,000. p. 67-70
Human Trials
The Nuremberg trials revealed the extent of Nazi Germany's mind control experimentation on Jewish concentration camp prisoners, as well as prisoners of war. As a result of the trials, 23 German doctors were convicted, and an injunction was brought to the effect that humans should never be used in such a fashion again. On the contrary, such trials only served to attract the interest of the Western intelligence agencies, inspiring them to research and develop methods of controlling and altering the human mind. P.67
On 7 December 1993, Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary ordered her department to open classified files covering projects that had involved the use of human beings as guinea pigs since the war. A major project [was] initiated to identify relevant documents. The index itself runs to 150 pages. P. 41
In some instances victims were chosen from hospital patients. Between 1953 and 1957, [16] William Sweet and his associates at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston injected at least 11 terminally ill cancer patients with uranium-235. In the 1940s, pregnant women were given cocktails of radioactive material in order to study their effects on the fetus. The Department of Health conducted tests that involved feeding more than 800 pregnant women a cocktail laced with radioactive iron isotope. All the records were destroyed in 1970. P. 42, 43
From December 1962 to April 1963, Harvard researchers, sponsored by the US Public Health Service, fed radioactive iodide to 760 mentally retarded children at the Wrentham State School. Some were as young as one year old. Between 1963 and 1976, Carl Heller from the University of Oregon exposed the testicles of 67 prisoners at Oregon State Prison to ionizing radiation to test the effects of radiation on fertility. The US government carried out radiation experiments in 33 veterans' hospitals during the Cold War. The VA acknowledged in 1993 that military patients in at least 14 facilities were victims of these experiments. P. 45-47
Despite Secretary O'Leary's pledge to compensate the victims, a ruling from the Supreme Court stated that even when someone's constitutional rights are violated by Federal agencies, these agencies cannot be liable for providing any compensation. "We would be creating a potentially enormous financial burden for the federal government," Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the court. P. 49
In 1950, the Air Force Cambridge Laboratory, using a B-17 bomber, conducted four atmospheric tracking tests of radioactive emissions in New Mexico. Communities living in the area were not informed of the tests. It would have taken at least two weeks before the radioactivity died down in the atmosphere. P. 46
Studies were also conducted on participants who apparently volunteered to view a [nuclear] detonation at certain distances from ground zero. In 1953, the military subjects were told to stand only 2,000 yards from ground zero. Hundreds of thousands of civilians were within 50 miles of nuclear tests held in Nevada. P. 48
The British government, on 9 August 1971, unleashed one of its largest deep interrogation experiments. Irish internees were made to stand with hoods over their heads while electronic noise was played through speakers or headphones. They were naked, half-starved, and abused. Professor Robert Daly: [17][18] "Being awakened in the middle of the night, being beaten, lied to, and insulted, was all part of the ‘unfreezing process' through which psychological defenses were broken down, and terror and humiliation were induced. Hence, the photographing in the nude, being forced to urinate while running, the sadism and abuse. The aim of the treatment was to cause temporary insanity, a severe psychological injury liable to having lasting consequences." The unprecedented operations in Northern Ireland, prompted Amnesty International and the European Court of Human Rights to intervene. P. 58, 59
Psychic Research
In 1952, Andrija Puharich [19] presented a paper, An Evaluation of the Possible Uses of ESP in Psychological Warfare, to a secret Pentagon gathering. In 1953, he lectured the US Air Force researchers on methods of increasing or decreasing telepathy. He mostly worked on follow-up studies of Soviet experiments. He described biological explanations and hypothetical possibilities for psi [psychic abilities] and also underlined the effects of drugs, which were consistent with the CIA's mind control programs and findings of that era. P. 110, 111
By 1970, US intelligence had become seriously interested in Soviet research into parapsychology. The Soviets used a Czech neologism, psychotronics, to describe their research. CIA analysts were afraid the Soviets might win the psychotronic race. By coining the phrase "Psychic Warfare Gap,' they convinced the NSC to take action. With Congressional approval, they set out to research and examine the nature of this threat. [20][21] The CIA adopted a twin-track approach. Publicly, through continuous disinformation campaigns, they endeavored to discredit psychic research. But secretly, they funded a series of projects and programs over a sixteen-year period, on which they spent over $20 million. [22] P.104-106
Soviet attempts to train their cosmonauts in telepathy initially aroused the CIA's attention. [23] Their attempts were tested in March 1967, when a coded telepathic message was flashed from Moscow to Leningrad. Four years later, Edgar Mitchell made a similar attempt in the course of his flight with Apollo 14. Mitchell's attempt was based on studies and findings of four years of research and study, funded by the CIA, which started in 1970. p. 107
Stanford Research Institute (SRI) followed the Soviet research line and duplicated experiments. SRI termed their telepathy work Remote Viewing (RV). It was coined in 1971 by Ingo Swann at the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR). ASPR attempted to locate hidden items using clairvoyant perception. They succeeded. Swann: "The human possesses receptors for organizing information that exceed the limits of the five senses. At least 17 senses have been identified by biologists and neurologists." [24] P. 108–110
ASPR experiments using a ‘beacon' were not of much use for any espionage remote viewing program. Swann developed map coordinates – latitude and longitude – leading to the birth of Project SCANATE on 29 May 1973. When Ingo Swann made his first attempt at remote viewing a site having only been given coordinates, he had startling results. He described the features of the small French administered island of Kerguelen in the Indian Ocean, including the layout of buildings and what appeared to be a joint French-Soviet meteorological research installation. He even drew a passable map of the island. P. 111, 112
Pat Price gave an equally detailed account of a site, given only a set of map coordinates for the target. In a five-page commentary of his remote viewing tour, Price started off 1,500 feet above the site and went through a complex of buildings and underground storage areas. The report described communication and computer equipment manned by Army personnel, names on desks in the building, and even the labels on file folders in a locked cabinet in one room. [25] He quoted code words and named the site – Haystack – and the personnel stationed there. A security officer present stated, "Hell, there's no security left." P. 112
In 1972, Harold Puthoff was involved in laser research at SRI. Putoff [26] became persuaded that "war can almost always be traced to a failure in intelligence, and that therefore, the strongest weapon for peace is good intelligence." Puthoff's colleague, Russell Targ, who had a long history of involvement in parapsychology, joined the team. By 1975, Puthoff and Targ could report that: "The development of this capability [RV] at SRI has evolved to the point where visiting CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled laboratory conditions (that is, generated target descriptions of sufficiently high quality to permit blind matching of descriptions to targets by independent judges). [27] P. 132, 134
One of the most intriguing of the 55 SRI experiments [28] was "to ascertain if remote sensing could extend to a very far distance. The target chosen was the planet Jupiter. The date of the experiment 27 April 1973. In the course of this attempt, a ring around Jupiter was discovered. The existence of the ring was confirmed in early 1979, six years later. The 300-page report of this viewing was sent to a number of scientific institutions, including NASA. P. 134, 135
Some of the results of RV experiments were startling. Between 1975/76, [29] Ingo Swann was asked to remote view Soviet submarines. According to Swann, "all sorts of brass [were] sitting there. Puthoff was on my left, and this two or three star general was on my right. This was one of those ‘big tests' with witnesses, and the room was filled. And so I was doing my remote viewing, and I came across something. I stopped in my tracks. I looked at it and said, ‘Oh my God.' I whispered over Hal's ear and said ‘Hal, I don't know what to do. I think this submarine has shot down a UFO or the UFO fired on her. What shall I do? Puthoff was as pale as anything. He looked at me and whispered, ‘You do what you think you should do." So I sketched out this picture of this UFO and this brass sitting on my right grabbed it."….Three days later Puthoff got a call. The call said, "OK, how much money do you want?" [30] P. 136, 137
The SRI remote viewers were studied by top physicists. [31] Ingo Swann and Uri Geller surprised Nobel laureate Brian Josephson. Both of them managed to deflect the needle on a chart recorder to such a degree that Josephson suggested that physics needed to adopt a new paradigm to incorporate hidden variables and universal intelligence. P. 114
In the early 80s, when it was at its peak, the RV program employed seven full-time viewers supported by teams of administrative and analytical personnel. Yet, the US military misled both Congress and the media at the time of these experiments because of growing concern for psychic security. The Pentagon's Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) decided to evaluate Geller at SRI in 1972. Their evaluation was negative and Geller was accused of fraud and using magic tricks. However, their evaluation was deliberately flawed. For example, instead of blindfolding Geller, as SRI had always done, he was asked to cover his eyes with his hands. They then accused him of peeking. SRI vehemently criticized ARPA's review and called it a debacle. [32] Three months after ARPA's review, Jeon Jaroff published an article in Time presenting Targ and Puthoff as sloppy researchers and Geller as a fraud. P. 115, 116
Despite a campaign of disinformation by US military and intelligence, the US House of Representatives in June 1981 released a 530-page study [33] based on two years research. It stated: "In the area of national defense, there are obvious implications of one's ability to identify distant sites and affect sensitive instruments. A general recognition of the degree of inter-connectiveness of minds could have far-reaching social and political implications for this nation and the world." Two years later, another report from the Congressional Research Service echoed the same views. The report was entitled Research into ‘Psi' Phenomena: Current Status and Trends of Congressional Concern. P. 116
In July 1995 the CIA went public and declared its interest in Remote Viewing. [34][35] As a result, much new information became available. At that time, the CIA and US Department of Defense had a 22-year operational track record in RV. The CIA was involved from 1973 to 1977, and the DOD from 1977 to 1995. In 1995, the CIA declassified and released RV documents. P. 127
Electronic Implants
Jose Delgado's development of the Stimoceiver in the 1950s brought intelligence agencies' ultimate dream of controlling human behavior one step closer to reality. The Stimoceiver—a miniature electrode capable of receiving and transmitting electronic signals by FM radio—could be placed within an individual's cranium. And once in place, an outside operator could manipulate the subject's responses. Delgado demonstrated the potential of his Stimoceivers by wiring a fully-grown bull. With the device in place, Delgado stepped into the ring with the bull. The animal charged towards the experimenter – and then suddenly stopped, just before it reached him. The powerful beast had been stopped with the simple action of pushing a button on a small box held in Delgado's hand. [36] P. 147
In 1966, Delgado asserted that his experiments [37] "support the distasteful conclusion that motion, emotion and behavior can be directed by electrical forces and that humans can be controlled like robots by push buttons. P. 147
The records on Subproject 94, part of Project MKULTRA, dated 22 November 1961, describe the purpose: "Miniaturized stimulating electrode implants in specific brain center areas will be utilized. The feasibility of remote control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated. The present investigations are directed toward improvement of techniques and will provide precise mapping of the useful brain centers. The ultimate objective of this research is to provide an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the directional control of animals and to provide practical systems suitable for (deleted – ‘human'?) application." P. 149
A file released by the US Army dated 22 August 1975 is a demonstration of how patients were used as guinea pigs for mind control studies. Electrodes were inserted into parts of their brains, ostensibly because it could help to heal them. P. 151
Robert G. Heath, of Tulane University, achieved great notoriety by implanting 125 electrodes in his subjects, in an attempt to ‘cure' homosexuality with ESB (electronic stimulation of the brain). He discovered that he could control his patients by inducing fear, arousal, hallucination, and pleasure. [38] John C. Lilly accomplished similar effects using devices of his own invention during the 1950s. Using ESB, monkeys continually stimulated themselves to orgasm at three-minute intervals for sixteen hours a day. [39] P. 149, 150
Dr. Lilly once reminded the director of the National Institute for Mental Health of an important dilemma: "Dr. Remond has demonstrated that this method of stimulation of the brain can be applied to the human without the help of a neurosurgeon. This means that anyone with the proper apparatus can carry this out on a person covertly, with no external signs that electrodes have been used on that person. If this technique got into the hands of a security agency, they would have control over a human being and be able to change his beliefs extremely quickly, leaving little evidence of what they had done." [40] P. 151
1954 was the height of Project ARTICHOKE's attempt to use hypnosis to ‘program' an assassin. The Agency [CIA] had discovered that "a posthypnotic suggestion is believed to remain effective for several months, and for years if periodically reinforced." [41] P. 155, 156
J.G. Watkins [42] "induced a soldier to strike a superior officer by suggesting that the officer was a Japanese soldier." He obtained from a hypnotized WAC "information classified secret that she had previously told him she would not reveal." Two subjects who were told to throw sulphuric acid at a laboratory assistant (protected by glass) complied with the hypnotist's commands. [43] P. Janet [44] asked a deeply hypnotized female to commit several murders before a distinguished group of judges, stabbing some victims with rubber daggers and poisoning others with sugar tablets. The hypnotized subject did all these without hesitation. P. 158, 160
Remote hypnosis was also studied. One of the special projects that the CIA has never officially admitted involved the use of a Stimoceiver to induce a hypnotic state. The nasal cavity and the ear were generally used for implantation. Former FBI agent, Arthur J. Ford, who left the Bureau to become a journalist under the name of Lincoln Lawrence, [45] was the first to reveal this in his 1965 book Were we Controlled? P. 161
According to a CIA source, a subject could also carry out orders for his or her personal destruction. This was usually done at the completion of a mission for which the subject was initially programmed. If the subject becomes a liability, the ‘self-destruction' mechanism could be triggered before completion of the main task. The method would leave behind no clue for enemy investigators. P. 163
Non-lethal Weaponry and Waging War
From 1960 to 1965, the American Embassy in Moscow was targeted by a mixture of electromagnetic waves and microwaves causing a wide range of physical and mental illness among personnel serving there, which
- Sep 29 Sun 2013 20:46
心理控制(腦控)Mind Controllers 精神控制者