
超他 媽的剛發文罵他們腦控所!現在竟又用老招讓我牙齒無故痛!   半夜整我腳痛扭曲腦控所!越整我越要公佈!願老天有眼!我被整的現在都不行亂罵這些土匪了!因為罵他們會逼我一生一次購屋的房貸利息變成3.9利率!讓星展銀行硬吃妳本金38萬多!




台灣媒體是: (財團) (政務官)的打手!(法院) (司法人):是(財團)(政務官)的保鑣!全民抵制,讓他們法院沒生意!就沒紅包油水錢可賺!自生自滅!司法人在法院裡拍蚊子,蒼蠅去 第二,告我隱私罪,公務員公然職務辦案情形,(淹滅證據吃案瀆職罪),真實事情,我有權言論自由公佈於民眾,何況又沒有(登名子),那來的隱私罪呢?第 三,告我傷害罪,我是(自衛)檢警鎖起門,搶奪我眼鏡,並且準備違法抓我,敲門喊救命後才(自衛踢警)!






半 夜整我腳痛扭曲腦控所!越整我越要公佈!最 近這三個月內,更多ROC詐騙,放老外的相片裝老外密訊給我!還無原無故要引起人性貪念要我帳號地址電話要寄一筆大財給我耶!好像很幼幼班的做法!玩了 20多年電磁波腦控所的員工們!怎麼把戲都不變耶!那老套戲法竟騙我們公民的薪水20多年耶!自導自演真不夠味!老套不變還可混飯吃耶!




我 是約翰·沃森Jr.of美國軍隊,也是美國的國家,但現在在這裡工作,在阿富汗喀布爾,但將要回到我的國家,從現在不到三個月。我53歲, 8年前,我失去了我的妻子和我的妻子,我有兩個女兒,她去世前。會議的人,我愛讀書,旅遊也!也分享想法。我只是看到你的個人資料,並真誠地希望表達我的 興趣來處理這件事,因為我相信你,


你是可靠的處理這些類型的國際交易,也有與你的關係。其 實我有大約$ 12億美元在這裡安全公司在這裡和這錢我們做了它的大數額的錢,我們得到的時間我們的罷工若干年前的“基地”組織強保持期間所以現在我想提出這個移動外交 豁免權對貴國的快遞服務,這樣就可以節省,並保持我的錢,直到我回到我的國家和你在你的國家來滿足,因為現在我已經在這裡呆的時間短,當你收到錢你可以把 你幫我個人使用的500萬美元,並保持剩餘的我,直到我來看看你,你可以把它放在您的帳戶或在銀行保險箱。由於我現在仍然工作,


為 政府,我不能保持這些錢,可以不發送它到美國的時間,所以我只是想你到行動,我旁邊的親屬來接收它和如果我失敗移動這筆錢出來之前,我離開這個國家,我將 失去它,它也可能會暴露我的政府。正如你所知道由於戰爭和政治,它是不可能通過銀行轉帳匯款,因為銀行的政策是如此的困難和嚴格的,所以我才會給你送的 錢,外交豁免權作為包裹快遞送貨,這樣你就收到現金。我向你保證,這一交易是無風險的,它的成功是100%保證。我 想你到知道,任何免疫力快遞發送的包裹是涉及外交豁免權,並可以不被搜索或掃描因為免疫力機場作為外交官將做所有的外交間隙在抵達機場,並支付所有官方政 府根據國際外交規定的費用,所以我可以向你保證100 %的包裹將被直接發送到你的房子或任何地方,




這 不是一個政府高層官員。所以,現在移動的密封包裹的錢,現在你需要做的是要送我:(1)您的全名(2)您的全面和完整的地址(3)你的移動電話號碼請只發 送給我所需要的信息的,所以,我可以完成這裡的安排,將錢給你,請回复我的私人電子郵件ID : ph36@live.com還是因為我的位置在陸軍和安全原因,你必須保持這件事絕密,沒有人應該知道,只有我和你,只回复此電子郵件: ph36@live.com問候,


J.Watson小喀布爾阿富汗電子郵件: ;Hello.. I am John Watson Jr.of the American Army and also a American National but present working here in Kabul Afghanistan but will be going back to my country in less than Three months from now.I am 53 years old and I lost my wife 8 years ago and my wife has two daughters for me before her death.I Love meeting people, reading, traveling too!!and also sharing ideas.I just see your profile and sincerely wish to express my interest to handle this matter with you as I believe that you are reliable in handling these type of international transaction and also to have a relationship with you.Actually I have about $12 Million Dollars here in a security company here and this money we made it from the big amount of money we get during the time of our strike some years ago on the Al-Qaeda strong hold so now I want to move this move by diplomatic immunity courier service to your country so that you can save and keep the money for me until I go back to my country and come to meet you in your country because now I have short time to stay here and when you receive the money you can take $5 Million dollars for your personal use for helping me and keep the remaining for me until I come to see you and you can put it in your account or safety deposit box in the bank.Since I am still working for the government I cannot keep these money and cannot send it to USA for time being so I just want you to act as my next of kin to receive it and if I fail to move this money out before I leave this country I will lose it and it might also exposed me to the Government.As you know because of the war and political here it is not possible to transfer money out by bank transfer because the banking policy is so difficult and strict so I will only send the money to you by diplomatic immunity courier delivery as parcel so that you will receive it cash.I assure you that this transaction is risk free and its success is 100% guaranteed.

I want you to know that any parcel sent by immunity courier is covered by diplomatic immunity and cannot be search or scan at the airport because of the immunity as the diplomat will do all the diplomatic clearance on arrival at the airport and pay all the official governments fees according to the international diplomatic regulations so I can assure you 100% that the parcel will be delivered directly to your house or any place you want to receive it without any problem.All top personnel's and government politicians only moves fund out from here and around the world through diplomatic immunity courier delivery because it is the only guarantee source of moving huge amount out without any question from any Authority and you don't know about this because you are not a top Government official so my dear just trust and believe me and there will be no problem and I can assure you this with my life.


So now to move the sealed parcel of the money all you need to do now is to send me:(1) Your full name(2)Your full and complete Address(3) Your mobile Telephone numberPlease just send to me the needed information's so that I can finish the arrangement here and move the money to you and please reply only to my private email ID: ph36@live.comAgain because of my position in the Army and for security reason you must keep this matter top secret and nobody should know about it only me and you and reply only to this email: ph36@live.comRegards, J.Watson Jr. Kabul Afghanistan Email: ph36@live.comYou're so beautiful! Sing-along LOTTE DUTY FREE's brand new MV and win an MacBook Air


我 最近這三個月內,更多ROC詐騙,放老外的相片裝老外密訊給我!還無原無故要引起人性貪念要我帳號地址電話要寄一筆大財給我耶!好像很幼幼班的做法!玩了 20多年電磁波腦控所的員工們!怎麼把戲都不變耶!那老套戲法竟騙我們公民的薪水20多年耶!自導自演真不夠味!老套不變還可混飯吃耶!

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