The father of the KMT corruption, Professor! Other party will be crooked!
 ( 中國 ) ) 大陸人口多 地大 勢必需改民主 ! 要聯邦制最佳!

( 共產黨主義 ) 推動不了社會原動力!無誘惑源人民會互相懶散依靠!


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

請進來參與我们都是一群發愛心做公德公民,或請點網進來看清楚,這些恐龍官員真面目!公投 公投人民們不要怕一起舉小旗(,罷免馬英九)則不用付國家禮遇費保標費!  我(去監察院)也投訴,也給我接案件案號關於國泰世華財團台中恐龍檢察官法官偽造文書吃案,推老半天說不是他的管區,台灣司法監查院最高是馬英九提名所以是馬英九做怪!現上傳youtube重要(政府犯法證據)也被IP警察控管,前天非法切我電話,又留字條給我朋友說要拘留我!國民黨是土匪下台


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公投 公投人民們不要怕一起舉小旗(,罷免馬英九)則不用付國家禮遇費保標費!  我(去監察院)也投訴,也給我接案件案號關於國泰世華財團台中恐龍檢察官法官偽造文書吃案,推老半天說不是他的管區,台灣司法監查院最高是馬英九提名所以是馬英九做怪!現上傳youtube重要(政府犯法證據)也被IP警察控管,前天非法切我電話,又留字條給我朋友說要拘留我!國民黨是土匪下台


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bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣() President Ma Ying-jeou to grab people's money, evidence台灣總統馬英九搶人民錢證據

      我車放在停車格裡也半月一付停車費,土匪政府竟拖吊我車, 就因我車(貼示威標語)法官幫國泰人壽世華銀行偽造文書案, 臉不要,竟又再度犯法亂吊人民車,領人民給的薪水,貪財團黑金,不辦事,一起偽造文書,標語讓你法官沒臉上班是嗎!所以又再度犯法吊走我車 台灣公民們政府沒法制 一定要選舉時寫選票上(人民公投)四字一起對抗土匪執政黨.(公投選賢與能方案)近日公佈與大家


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

真公民請團結 全台灣納稅人請清醒 加覺悟 有感而發實證
1.    我是個好例子 (司法不公) 國泰人壽世華銀行此財團偽造文書詐騙集團犯法----------公教人員享有18%享有錢滾錢優惠合法錢莊條件,至使(籃,綠黨)各司法部門,千萬個理由要保護他們的主職錢莊事業,所以保護都來不及遇事推事最後又不做事,投訴他們都沒用,因對貪官有利,並保護 (無生產力) (製造犯罪)國泰人壽世華銀行犯法集團,封鎖記者媒體,控制IP電腦位,不准登醜聞,不准我本人送件,花錢請了被串通 好(源道律師事務所) (林志銘) 律師卻埋證,請律師叫他寫真實證據送件卻拒絕,不願做又不退錢,一起吃案 共產國也不至於如此不退費.


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This is a disgrace to the ROC political corruption ROC electromagnetic brain controls the National Security Bureau of Investigation Cao Dawei do Fuck event another one! Stop my shop IP position, not allowed me Internet access road courses! ROC has not made ​​a mistake I had pay fifteen thousand NT Huang Yalan overall shape of course! national security with you what Way group of controlled stop my IP address! FUCK! 已經Already This is a disgrace to the ROC political corruption not so of decent, actually partnership electromagnetic wave mind control spy Guoan (Cao Dawei) blocked my home computer's IP position, I paid Already, on a computer network courses as well as 77 points in the network courses (Original modeling) of Huang Yalan course, I have to pay, what you ROC political rot so bold block my IP location, head to the whole harm me would not let me in class, humiliated to such an extent that the moral behavior of citizens around the world, said the whole mess is your brain controls the electromagnetic ROC political rot Oh! This madman wants me to continue to sue the consortium, I did not stupid, I will put YouTube announced the worldwide ROC political corruption, which is a private feeling cheap political rot bullying citizens, but also thousands of obstruction of me on any skills courses, head to want me to ask this national security Cao Dawei, please contempt ROCK political corruption worldwide, please do America a state referendum statehood, stop the election ROC!



bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Please go Contact now whole people point (Obama) Presidential Message demands of quickly!!!!! Use (the San Francisco Peace Treaty) into a state of the United States is good! Guam as autonomous as have referendum! Or use (Treaty of Shimonoseki) into Japan a country is not bad!


bibi2009pc 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Taiwan, Penghu its implementation in any domestic and foreign affairs because all violations of international law, its constitution came into force on Taiwan's inherent territory not its constitution, Penghu is void! Refusal to pay the people with immediate effect, no tax, no need to pay tolls, abolished its command of the military and police and public servants! That line of pseudo-ROC arrest Chief Executives, including the president, dean of the Ministers and five ministers will!


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