Super fucking go died, shit there are more sinister equal to other stores manufacturers cooking oil flowing Oh! {(the top new) consortium} just scapegoat elections, dried a mother, whole people have to to sue this ROC political corruption and the consortium to the International Tribunal (collusion and deliberate thuggery)! litigation  win to party assets owned by the public, fired this governance rot, making the United States a state, or the founding of it!


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服貿賣台賣不了就用毒食油來毒死全台灣人民,比228大屠殺 菁英們還要厲害狠手段!ROC司法不嚴辦案謀財害命財團!全民litigation國際法庭!合法可litigation!詳情內容證據請點進FB網址:看便明白
ROC use On trade in services Secretly betrayed sell Taiwan, can not sell. Use cooking oil to use poison to poison the people of Taiwan, more than 228 massacres were even more severe ruthless kill elite means! ROC lax handling the case judicial murder consortium! whole people litigation International Tribunal! Legally be litigation! details of the content of the evidence, please point into the FB URL: watching will understand


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上 傳ROC政腐 (污弊假司法),(假民主)之證據實情,結果ROC電磁波腦控爛體係,這二黨配合整我的做品I uploaded ROC political rot sewage harm false justice pseudo-democracy of the evidence the facts framed me product

Mei Feng Chang 的相片。

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Next day I received (Lin Jialong legislator) initiative to send a letter to my home , described as pleasant to hear, is to help me deal with (bank DBS Bank), lawyers (free consulting services)is in fact undercover, DBS consortium  Dispatch undercover and want to understand me how many evidence,

Article VII  the Constitution the law of equality without distinction of of class of banking scene camcorder! I can certainly anti-rail permits the video DBS crime situation! Not personally counted reconciliations, because DBS Bank break the law tampering eat my the principal plus interest on the contract contract!


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All the causes of lawsuits to Cathay United Bank Taichung District Prosecutors eat Case (initiator framed prejudice secret sin) I lawsuits the Attorney General and a Branch Bureau!
Win the a lawsuits Taichung Branch Bureau later (Triggered false falsely accused me prejudice weathered) later! induced (Chang Doo-hui) the Attorney General Crime of Malfeasance (eat Case 487 cases)aroused bunch sequelae framed me, all the eat case letters legal attest the case of the post office there is reason memory syndrome in! results Taichung District Prosecutors Office (violation of human rights), unconstitutiona, Illegal unity (anti-framed I obstruction of secret sin) evidence Website.


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This is the last year in March 2013, things is illegal unconstitutional ROC Article 22 7 not allowed me anti-rail card would not let me publish the fact that the perpetrators !!
Falsely accused me (the crime of obstruction of a secret prison to shut me to do) to help the government electromagnetic wave visible Guoan 曹大伟 against me, and would not let me video in any public place!


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Mei Feng Chang Peng Zhiyong share photos.
1 minute ·


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ROC private law framed me,SOS Hellp me! USA我要求救,請各網友幫我,


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(using the San Francisco Treaty) identify Barack Obama as president of Taiwan什麼叫做防害 公務,(憲法)大於(法律)之(位階),ROC自己訂出來的規章,竟然忘記不遵守,我有憲法第七條保障 ( 法律人人平等~無階級之分 ),既然無階級,法庭內有攝錄影,人民理所當然也可以密攝錄反軌證,何況你們ROC私法人犯刑法(淹滅證據)吃了五年的案件證據,都寫五封存證信涵給你們 台中地檢署了,卻知法犯法無視存證信涵效力,


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台中地檢署耍弄陷害公民喔!淹滅我五年真實證據吃案,我也有照司法程序寫五年郵局存證信涵給台中地檢們(淹滅證據實情),ROC私法 人,竟然無視(郵局存 証信函)之效力!台中地檢署們生氣了!反而用私法害我,因為我防害他們司法人做了犯罪的好事,(淹滅我的證據 ),所以 反亂誣告我,地檢私法人並直接寄起訴公訴信到我家,設計誣告陷害公訴我(防害密秘罪),
更好笑,在法庭檢察官偵訊我時,又再次淹滅我給他的證據 ,我告的是(國泰世華銀行)違法(封鎖我聯徵個人信用黑名單),


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