
Next day I received (Lin Jialong legislator) initiative to send a letter to my home , described as pleasant to hear, is to help me deal with (bank DBS Bank), lawyers (free consulting services)is in fact undercover, DBS consortium  Dispatch undercover and want to understand me how many evidence,

Article VII  the Constitution the law of equality without distinction of of class of banking scene camcorder! I can certainly anti-rail permits the video DBS crime situation! Not personally counted reconciliations, because DBS Bank break the law tampering eat my the principal plus interest on the contract contract!


Article VII the Constitution the law of equality without distinction of of class of banking scene camcorder! I can certainly anti-rail permits the video DBS crime situation! Not personally counted reconciliations, because DBS Bank break the law tampering eat my the principal plus interest on the contract contract!

This is the last year in March 2013, things is illegal unconstitutional ROC Article 22 7 not...


證據星展銀行竄改房貸合約利率要正本不給第一次: via @YouTube

星展銀行竄改房貸合約利率要正本不給第一次,電話已約好給我貸款合約正本拍照存證,可是騙我三次不敢給,也不敢當面對帳算給我看, Hated Lin Jialong is a reason! Do not steal or...

 Hated Lin Jialong is a reason!
Do not steal or rob my life does not cheat is not harmful, responsible to my family,

My husband be ROC electromagnetic wave governance rot engage after the death ,  I also responsible for to do law provides guardians as my daughter, Shit! But ROC governance rot Always Has been
Used private law to me, tried every means to control my brain electromagnetic wave, visible and invisible, framed, frivolous lawsuits consortium gave me a bunch of interminable, five years ago size of the lawsuit is not worth mentioning! to tell about later this five year, ROC the first Cathay United Bank of brain control illegal framed lock my the Joint Credit Information personal credit reputation, then the brain controls show Singapore Jetstar Asia slander me in the international, framed the flaws I found the evidence be after the success!But ROC eat case!

   2013 Last year, the Singapore government to continue brain control peradventure hate, took over the Taiwan (BAUER Bank) later renamed (DBS) heightening my mortgage interest, it seems like the underworld loan sharks 3,9% and to eat my principal amount ten years former governance rot preferential low interest loans of citizens once in a lifetime the ad hoc disappeared! Cathay United Bank has been locked (the Joint Credit Information personal credit), forcing other banks can not lending to control my business makes me can not afford the loan, the Consumers' Foundation invalid complaints until the police station and to get a report in triplicate, I think the! ROC Taichung District Prosecutors, and the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Destruction of evidence is the case of first-class to eat, a bunch of my lawsuit case, were flooded destroyed evidence of the prosecutor which notice has been send a letter sign case knot! contradictions whether it can feel in my mind Doubts this ROC did legal system under lawsuit DBS bank?
principal amount
用私法對我,想盡辦法電磁波腦控我,有形無形的陷害,給我一堆沒完沒了的訴訟財團的官司,五年之前的大小官司不提也罷!訴說關於這五年後,ROC先腦控國 泰世華銀行犯法陷害鎖我聯合徵信個人的信用名譽,然後腦控秀星加坡捷星航空毀謗我於國際間,被我找到陷害破綻證據成功後,
去年2013年,再繼續腦控星加坡政府懷恨,接手台灣(寶華銀行)後改名為(星展銀行)加高我房貸利息,似如黑道高利貸3、9%並吃我本金,十年前政腐優 惠公民一生一次低利率貸款專案不見了!又被國泰世華銀行鎖(聯合徵信個人信用),forcing不能轉貸別家銀行,控制我生意讓我付不起貸款,投訴消基會 無效,直到警察局報案並拿報案三聯單,我想著!ROC台中地檢,及桃園地檢淹滅證據吃案一流,我的訴訟案子一堆,全被檢察官那裡淹滅證據寄信通知已簽結! 我心中感覺矛盾是否還能在這ROC沒法制體係下訴訟星展銀行嗎?
Next day I received (Lin Jialong legislator) initiative to send a letter to my home , described as pleasant to hear, is to help me deal with (bank DBS Bank), lawyers (free consulting services)is in fact undercover, DBS consortium
     Dispatch undercover and want to understand me how many evidence,
  The original is a hoax, Lin Jialong Service Centre that day was actually hired a lawyer (DBS Bank exclusive attorney consultant) girls (Nie surname lawyer)! she was goal to know all the evidence I mastered lawsuit DBS Bank, after seeing the evidence of my request and to indicate said: I was the exclusive advisor DBS Bank lawyer, so can not help you to fight the lawsuit lawsuit the DBS!

Holy crap! ROC really is rotten system! I was dumbfounded! Instantly understood why! Reason (legislator) to help the public set up (Free Legal Advisory Services) is (helped the consortium looking for to test with the understand (litigants) (plaintiff) holds the evidence)!
No wonder I told the manager DBS Bank Commissioner appointment, but he also keeping an appointment many times reconciliations, reconciliations drag time been afraid to considered to me, was afraid to take the loan contract to the original board book reconciliations the interest! Because I found the DBS sent copy contract documents have altered forgery! No wonder keeping an appointment many times!

So these two blue-green ROC party is a good brother, green in blue conjunction with the party too! Like fraud surgery deceive people

ROC system can not re-election! whole people choose fired ROC stop it!

哇靠! 果然是ROC爛體係! 我傻眼!即時恍然大悟!原因(立法委員)幫民眾設(免費律師諮詢服務)是(幫助財團尋找試探跟了解(訴訟者)(原告)持有證據)!



ROC has always been tried every means to set me up bankrupt, causing me all these pitfalls later in life, Want let  me to death, ROC want me bankruptcy,

To seek that secret agents electromagnetic wave mind control National Security Bureau (and Hongyuan Investment Company) (the Fraud Heads) Part time  consultants. (Cao Dawei) demons!

Why do I stress the importance of the Constitution Article sovereignty of the people, transport to do international regulations of the Constitution (self-determination) to choose a good government! whole people can be published directly to the world Used self-determination (stop choose this electoral activities) after the =

Our system of government fired ROC rot! = directly from San Francisco Peace Treaty Used required to do an American statehood = state = after another referendum as autonomous as governor of Guam, and the State Department to the system cross! = Peace and prosperity







ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net司法人大瀆職吃案證據網

ROC judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net, judicial malfeasance eat case evidence net,RO...

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