

傲雲 於 2012-05-12 13:46:42 回 答 親愛的全體台灣居民們:

公元一八九四年,大清帝國與日本 發生甲午戰爭,翌年,大清帝國戰 敗,兩國簽署馬關條約,大清帝國 為保存遼東半島而割讓台灣、澎湖 給日本,同年六月二日中午於台灣 基隆外海,日輪橫濱丸上由大清李 鴻章之子二品頂戴李經方與首任台 灣總督樺山資紀辦理台灣、澎湖交 割手續,台灣、澎湖正式變成日本 領土,日本政府宣佈給台灣居民兩 年思考期,自由選擇當中國人或者 日本人,國際社會都給予承認並認 同,同年,六月二十七日台灣總督 宣佈台灣、澎湖是日為始政日,台 灣人出入台灣一律領取日本國民證 件,從此台灣人變成日本人,台灣 領土變成日本領土,台灣領土主權 變成日本所擁有。

公元一九四一年,美國與日本發生 太平洋戰爭,美國是唯一對日本本 土與日屬台灣採取軍事行動的國 家,一九四五年日本戰敗,美國獲 得日本及台灣領土之處分與支配 權,但是必須依據戰爭法之規定來 處理,一九四九年原來代表中國的 中華民國被中華人民共和國消滅, 未被捕的中華民國官員逃到代替美 軍佔領中的台 灣,變成「流亡政府」中華民國, 因此,一九五一年九月八日,四十 八國簽署一九五二年四月二十八日 生效的舊金山和平條約時,兩個中 國都被排除,同年八月五日,日本 根據舊金山和平條約與流亡中的中 華民國簽署台北條約,這兩個條約 之內容,並沒有把台灣、澎湖交給 「流亡政府」中華民國。

蔣介石集團奉美國麥克阿瑟將軍一 九四五年九月二日一般命令第一號 命令,代替美國主要佔領權國身 分,軍事佔領台灣以後,違反國際 法,宣佈一九四五年十月二十五日 為臺灣光復節,這是不折不扣的欺 騙與愚民行為,一九四六年一月二 十日強行將台灣居民改成中國國 籍,而沒有給台灣人選擇國籍的思 考期,這也是強姦民意的戰犯行 為,不久以後,開始將台灣居民徵 兵服兵役,遠赴中國,替中國國民 黨與中國共產黨作戰,這種措施嚴 重違反國際戰爭法的佔領地區居民 對佔領軍臨時效忠原則,一九四六 年起盜印台幣擾亂台灣經濟,將所 有糧食物資搶奪,運往中國,造成 台灣四百年來首次的缺糧飢荒,一 九四七年二月二十八日,發動屠殺 台灣所有受過高等教育的菁英,十 五年後的戶口普查,竟然有戶口沒 有其人者,高達十二萬六千人,造 成台灣人才斷層跟數萬家庭破碎, 一時間台灣遍地哀嚎,淪為無人敢 過問的悲慘人間煉獄,一九四九年 起發行新台幣,以一元新台幣換取 台幣四萬元,將所有台灣財富全部 搜刮殆盡,一九四九年起發動白色 恐怖,將所有反對中國在台灣的佔 領行為者,網羅罪名,槍斃或監 禁,人數達九萬餘人,而直接受害 者也達三萬餘人,這些行為都不是 普通的犯罪,而是國際上公認的戰 犯行 為,這些被害者的台灣冤魂至今仍 然含恨未雪,飄蕩於台灣上空,所 有加害者未得到應有的懲罰外,至 今仍然逍遙法外橫行霸道,叫人遺 憾。

自公元一六二四年起,台灣被荷蘭 人統治三十八年,接著被日清混血 兒鄭氏東寧王朝統治二十三年,隨 後被大清帝國統治二百一十三年, 日本也統治五十七年(一八九五年 至一九五二年),日本戰敗後,中 華民國奉美國之命令先行軍事佔領 台灣,未能等及簽署和平條約,中 華民國已經被中華人民共和國消 滅,變成流亡政府型態,依然盤據 台灣澎湖地區,依據舊金山和平條 約第四條,美國軍事政府對台灣、 澎湖地區有處分與支配權,台灣、 澎湖人民不予否認與質疑,但是強 烈要求美國在台灣、澎湖的軍事政 府應該從靜止狀態給予回復,並終 止繼續委託流亡政府「中華民國」 對台灣地區的佔領,主動協助指導 台灣地區人民,依照美國憲法成立 台灣、澎湖地區臨時平民政府,並 且給予承認,在美國國會授權下台 灣人民召開制定新憲法或基本法大 會,讓台灣、澎湖地區人民充分發 展民主法治,並脫離中國武力併吞 的生命財產威脅。

美日太平洋戰後已經六十一年,台 灣、澎湖地區經濟發展正常,社會 秩序穩定,結束流亡政府中華民國 在台灣體系後,台灣、澎湖地區人 民完全有能力處理自己的一切事 務,對加入國際社會也有完整的信 心,這個時刻的到來,應該是美國 總統考慮對台灣、澎湖放手的時 刻,對結束流亡政府中華民國對台 灣佔領的時機到了,二次世界大戰 以後,戰敗的日本、德國與義大利 都已經經過和平條約處理完畢,恢 復主權,只有原來日本領土的台 灣、澎湖地區的領土主權尚未給予 妥善處理,次要佔領權國的中華民 國,以併吞代替佔領的陰謀與企圖 已經被戳破,主要佔領權國的美 國,必須以美國參議院所通過的舊 金山和平條約為本,美國憲法規範 為輔,發揮美國所標榜的民主、自 由、人權的崇高理想,維護世界與 國際間的公理與和平穩定,讓台灣 與澎湖早日成為國際社會的成員, 分擔國際社會應有的責任與義務, 讓台灣與澎湖人民享有世界公民的 權益,以及美國憲法中所包含的基 本人權保障。

為什麼而戰? 為誰而戰? 隴是為著台灣千千萬萬的後代子孫而 戰! 要生存、顧尊嚴、護主權而戰! 消滅外來流亡匪黨《中國國民黨》 撲殺逃亡侵佔台灣的亡國奴外省權貴!

Proud of the cloud was answered on 2012-05-12 13:46:42
Dear all Taiwan residents:

The year 1894, the Qing Empire and Japan, Sino, the following year, the Qing Empire was defeated, the two countries signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, the Qing Empire to save the Liaodong Peninsula was ceded Taiwan and Penghu to Japan the same year, June 2 noon off the coast of Keelung, Taiwan, the Japanese round of the Yokohama pill by Qing Li the son of the second Dingdai Lee by the parties and of First Taiwan Governor Hua Shan capital discipline handle Taiwan, Penghu settlement procedures, of Taiwan, Penghu officially become a territory of Japan, the Japanese government announced to Taiwan residents for two years thinking of freedom of choice were given when the Chinese or the Japanese, the international community to recognize and agree that same year, June 27, the Governor announced that Taiwan, Penghu is the date for the beginning of political, Taiwanese out of Taiwan all receive Japanese nationals documents from the Taiwanese into Japanese, and the territory of Taiwan into the Japanese territory, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Taiwan into Japan has.

In the year 1941, the United States and Japan, the Pacific War, the United States is the only mainland Japan with Japan as Taiwan's military action, Japan's defeat in 1945, the United States received the punishment and dominance of the territory of Japan and Taiwan , but must be in accordance with the provisions of the law of war, in 1949 the original representative of China Republic of China People's Republic of eradication, ROC officials not arrested fled instead of the U.S. military occupation of Taiwan
Bay, become a "government in exile" Republic of China, therefore, September 8, 1951, 48 countries have signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into effect on April 28, 1952, 2 China are excluded, In August 5, according to the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the exiled Republic of China, Japan signed the Treaty of Taipei, the contents of the two treaties, and not Taiwan, Penghu to the "government in exile" Republic of China.

Upon the United States General Douglas MacArthur, September 2, 1945, Chiang Kai-shek, General Order No. commands, instead of the U.S. occupying power status, military occupation of Taiwan, in violation of international law, declared October 25, 1945 as Taiwan's Independence Day, which is an outright deception and stupefying behavior, January 20, 1946 forced the residents of Taiwan into a Chinese nationality, and without thinking of the choice of nationality to the Taiwanese, which is the rape of public opinion acts of war criminals, and soon after, the residents of Taiwan conscription military service, traveled to China on behalf of the Chinese Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China combat, such measures of serious violations of international laws of war residents of the occupied areas of temporary allegiance to the principles of the occupying forces in 1946 from the pirate NT disrupt Taiwan's economy, to snatch all the food items, shipped to China, resulting in the first time in Taiwan four hundred years, food-deficit famine, February 28, 1947, launch a massacre of all of Taiwan's highly educated Jing Britain, 15 years after the census, even account does not have the people who, up to 126,000 people, resulting in a shortage of talent in Taiwan, with tens of thousands of families broken, for a time in Taiwan over and over, crying, reduced to no one dared to say in the tragic human Purgatory, issued $ 1949 in exchange for a NT $ NT $ 40,000, all of Taiwan's wealth plundered exhausted in 1949 to launch the White Terror, all against the Chinese in Taiwan occupation recruited charges, shot or imprisoned, a total of nine thousand people, while the direct victims of more than 30,000 people, these acts are not ordinary crime, but the line of internationally recognized war criminals
For these victims were innocent people, so far still swallowed their anger is not the snow drift over in Taiwan, all the perpetrators did not receive due punishment, is still unpunished tyranny and lay the pity.

AD 6 2 four years by the Dutch rule of thirty-eight years, followed by Nissin hybrid Cheng Tung Ning reign, twenty-three years, followed by two hundred and ten three-year rule of the Qing Empire, Japan rule of 55 years (1895-1952), after the defeat of Japan, the Republic of China Upon the orders of the United States first military occupation of Taiwan failed to sign a peace treaty, the Republic of China has been the People's Republic of China eradication , become the type of government in exile, still plate, according to Taiwan Penghu area, pursuant to Article IV of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, the U.S. military have the sanction and control over the government of Taiwan, Penghu, Taiwan, Penghu people and not denied and questioned, but strongly urge the United States the military government of Taiwan, Penghu, from rest to give back, and terminated continue to entrust the occupation government in exile "Republic of China" in Taiwan, to take the initiative to help guide the people of the Taiwan Area in accordance with the Constitution of the United States set up a provisional civilian government of Taiwan, Penghu, and give recognize in the U.S. Congress under the authority of the people of Taiwan held a new constitution or Basic Law, the General Assembly, the people of Taiwan, Penghu, the full development of democracy and the rule of law, and from the lives and property of the threat of annexation by the Chinese force.

US-Japan Pacific after the war sixty year, in Taiwan, Penghu normal economic development, social order and stability, end government-in-exile Republic of China in the Taiwan system, the people of Taiwan, Penghu area is fully capable of handling all matters, to join the international community has full confidence in the arrival of this moment, it should be the President of the United States to consider the time to let go of Taiwan, Penghu, the end of the timing of the occupation government in exile, Republic of China on Taiwan to the World War II after the defeat of Japan, Germany and Da interest are disposed of after the peace treaty, to restore the sovereignty, only the original Japanese territory of Taiwan, Penghu area of territorial sovereignty has not been given proper subordinate occupying power, the Republic of China, instead of by annexation and occupation of the conspiracy and an attempt has been punctured , the main occupying power, the United States, must be adopted by the U.S. Senate, the San Francisco Peace Treaty-based, supplemented by constitutional norms, to play the lofty ideals of the United States advertised by democracy, freedom, human rights, maintenance to justice and peace in the world and international stable, so that Taiwan and Penghu to become a member of the international community as soon as possible, to share the responsibilities and obligations of the international community should let the people of Taiwan and Penghu to enjoy the rights and interests of citizens of the world, as well as basic human rights protection in the United States Constitution.

打到邪教黨沒法制官商勾結假民主 清幫 紅幫 大流氓狗冥黨


⋯⋯ 馬英九直接下台,人民要直接民權

真的是 這牠馬不知臉長的寫照!


發佈者: Alexandros Lee

馬19婊四 : 虧欠人民,過意不去~

藍萎馬屁響讚 : 菩薩低眉!

林老師說 : 交賽滴眉才對啦~~
發佈者: 沙加 
我不削抬面上政客..但是我佩服國 民黨.共產黨蠻幹.. 住臺灣人民如果 

 只訴求議題..不是 體制.新憲.畏戰 將永遠失望. 怕死.裝理性.假民主. 

 不團結.不犧 牲.不奉獻. 街頭逛到下一代.還是無法創造甚麼 給未來 

例如韓國.美牛隨便佰萬人佔領街 頭.不解散 例如印尼.汽油漲5元隨便佰

萬人.不 解散 放眼全球人民.對抗不公義.揚是非. 還依集會遊行法啦? 

臺灣百姓.想一想吧. 綜合照片 發佈者: 陳院長 


反馬救台, 人人有責!

 凡有決心參加反馬行動者, 不分黨派, 身分, 本社團都將竭誠為您服務!


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