

  我被電磁波生化武器精神腦控20多年的經驗,認為整個台灣人已經被狗冥黨KMT控制了,健保卡是牠狗黨搜尋(反對KMT)不乖人民最佳的儀器,人造你思考 是最遭糕,裝神弄鬼,大小間的廟宇也被狗黨腦控,這是我去過世界各國廟宇拜拜20多年的經驗,人造假的思維,假的籤,假的夢境,假的疾病,被整久了就會漏 出破棧,但我還是堅信去九華山,提早審判狗冥黨,讓他們提早現世得到報應,真正的神明只要是你不偷不搶不騙不害人,都會默默的幫助你的,

PS,美國,日本大國有此腦控武器,但是不會害人民,台灣卻拿來當政治選舉用控制人民選票,去年小英就是被此生化腦控給整到不能上任,連親民黨副總統林義雄也發表記者會報紙也登過 ,是台灣特務整弄腦控,

   被曹大偉調查局特務強奸候.這後生就像透明人被控,所以我希望版主你改下文章告訴全台灣人,這腦控已經早20多年就在台灣詐騙人民,以前投資公司一堆,就是曹大偉這調查局特務在很多間投資公司財團裡當顧問搞鬼 ,

     我強調狗冥黨一定要瓦解,原因就是牠們不是人,是魔,腦控整人民,司法部門也一樣,全被牠們掌控,現連我被告後判無罪贏了,而我反告對方誣告罪,竟然都不 辦案,不偵查就私寄公文說結案,投訴高檢又轉回給地檢又寄信說結案,明顯吃案,牠們狗黨有腦控儀器 所以敢這樣玩司法不公不義,所以狗冥黨一定要瓦解,台灣才會國泰民安,啊彌陀佛,

由 於此等電磁波武器已存在於社會上許久,就是俗稱的腦控武器,而報章媒體也曾多次報導過該武器,但是此等武器還是鮮少為人所知,由於此等武器是屬於一些高科 技武器,比較是屬於世界上的一些科技大國所在使用,或經由不法份子引渡來境內使用,據我所觀察,台灣社會已經被此武器攻擊已久,而此等武器攻擊人的方法通 常是使用一些類似電磁波的東西來干擾你的思想,或行為,更嚴重會在你體內產生一些人造聲音,或是人造感覺,亦是人造疾病等等,且通常如果有被干擾的受害者 大多會不知道有被此武器干擾,通常都是要知道社會上的確有這種武器存在或是知道這種武器干擾人的原理,而後提升自己的一些"敏銳度"比較能發現,由於我是 過來人,所以我希望能把我的經驗與各位分享,也希望所有認為曾經有被此武器干擾過的人可以一起來此網站交流,分享自己的受害歷程,以及集中所有受害者的力 量向政府反應,並且要求他們正視之,以保障所有台灣人民的生活安全。

I was electromagnetic waves the spirit brain control of chemical and biological weapons 20 years of experience, that the entire Taiwanese dog offerings party KMT control, health insurance card dog party search (against KMT) behaved the best instrument of the people, man-made you think about the most precarious Zhuangshennonggui size between the temples dog party brain control, which I've been around the world temple worship experience of 20 years of people thinking fraud, false signature, false dreams, false disease, is the whole leakage will break long stack, but I firmly believe that to Jiuhuashan the early trial dog offerings Party, early earthly retribution, the real gods as long as you do not steal or rob do not lie to not harm, will help you in silence , and

PS, the United States, Japan's large state-owned brain control weapons, but will not harm the people of Taiwan are used as the political elections with the control of the people of the votes last year, Xiaoying this biochemical brain control to a whole to not be taking office, even the Vice President of the People First Party Lin Yi-hsiung also landed on the press conference for newspapers, is to get the brain to control Taiwan spies whole

20 years ago I was in Taiwan,
David Tso Bureau of Investigation spies rape designate this epigenetic like Hollow Man charged with, so I hope to Moderator you to change an article telling the whole Taiwanese, this brain control as early as 20 years to defraud the people in Taiwan, a pile of the previous investment company, When the consultant is David Tso Bureau of Investigation spies in many investment consortium dirty tricks,
So I've been recording in my life, anything at home to go out, especially civil servants, bank contract, any everything recording brain control than afraid recording this fact,

I stressed that the the dog the offerings party must disintegrate, the reason is that they are not magic, brain control the whole people, and also like the judiciary, all control, now even I acquitted defendant wins, and I turn against each other malicious accusation , turned out not handling the case, the investigation on private Send documents said closed, the complaint Supreme People's Procuratorate and the reversal to the District Prosecutors also send a letter to say closed, obviously eating case, they dog ​​party brain control instrument so bold as to play the judicial injustice, so dog offerings party must collapse, only peace and prosperity in Taiwan, Amitabha Buddha,

Since these electromagnetic weapons exist in the community for a long time, and is commonly known as the brain control weapons, the newspapers and the media have repeatedly reported that the weapons, but these weapons still rarely known, because these weapons are high-tech weapons, comparing belonging to some of the world's scientific and technological power lies, or via extradition to the territory of outlaws use, according to my observation, Taiwan society has the weapons to attack the long, these weapons to attack people usually use a similar electromagnetic waves something to interfere with your thoughts, or behavior, some artificial sound more serious in your body or artificial feeling, also man-made diseases, etc. Generally speaking, if most of the victims of interference will not know this weapon interference, usually indeed the presence of such weapons or know that such weapons interference principle, and then upgrade their "sensitivity" more able to find, because I've been there, so I wish to convey my experience to share with you, and also hope all think once people weapons interference can be together this website to exchange and share their own victimization journey, and to concentrate the power of all the victims to the government response, and requirements They face up to protect the safety of life of all the people of Taiwan.



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