請台灣人拒做奴隸,快進去簽署後自決權通知美國國務院喔!,再不簽署就沒機會啦! 鑒於眾議院於2001年9月6日,通過一項決議案(H. CON. RES. 221),眾議院認為,台灣的前途必須透過「像公投這類的民主機制」、在得到台灣人民的明示同意以及在沒...


Mei Feng Chang 分享了 Formosa Statehood Movement - 台灣建州運動的近況更新。

鑒 於眾議院於2001年9月6日,通過一項決議案(H. CON. RES. 221),眾議院認為,台灣的前途必須透過「像公投這類的民主機制」、在得到台灣人民的明示同意以及在沒有外來威脅、恐嚇和干涉的情況下,求取和平解決 (“[I]t is the sense of the Congress that—(1) it is the policy of the United States that the future of Taiwan should be resolved peacefully, through a democratic mechanism such as a plebiscite and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan ; and (2) it is the policy of the United States that Taiwan's future should be decided by the people of Taiwan without outside threats, intimidation, or interference.”);

我,做 為一名台裔美國人,願意在這份聲明上簽名,以表達我對「台灣的前途應由兩千三百萬台灣人民決定」這項台灣人民的高度共識的背書,同時也表達我對眾議院「台 灣的前途必須透過『像公投這類的民主機制』、在得到台灣人民的明示同意以及在沒有外來威脅、恐嚇和干涉的情況下,求取和平解決」這項決議的支持。

(漢文或英文姓名,正楷或Capital Letters)




06.16.14 - 06:00 am



Formosa Statehood Movement - 台灣建州運動
週一 · 編輯紀錄 ·
台美人歷史協會: 關於「台灣的前途應由兩千三百萬台灣人民決定」之聲明







鑒 於中國外交部於2014年3月,在美國總統歐巴馬與中國元首習近平舉行海牙會議後所發表的聲明,宣稱「習近平敦促美方在台灣和西藏問題上恪守承諾,尊重中 國主權和領土完整」,且假傳聖旨,聲稱「奧巴馬表示,美國就台灣和西藏問題尊重中國主權和領土完整,這一立場從未發生改變」;

鑒 於白宮國家安全會議亞洲部資深主任麥艾文(Evan Medeiros)於2014年3月28日,在Brookings Institution一項研討會上,針對中國方面的發言,嚴正指出: 中國外交部發表一項聲明,該聲明故意扭曲美方對台灣的立場,讓外界誤以為美國對台灣的立場已經改變,可是事實是,美國並沒有改變。也就是說,當美方陳述 「美國尊重中國領土與主權的完整」時,一向只指涉圖博與東土耳其斯坦 ,從不曾包括台灣(“[T]he Chinese Foreign Ministry released a statement that willfully mischaracterized the U.S. position on Taiwan, as if our position on Taiwan had somehow changed. It has not. “);



鑒 於眾議院於2000年2月1日,以壓倒性的多數,通過「台灣安全加強法案」(The Taiwan Security Enhancement Act, H.R. 1838),該「法案」指出,台灣最終地位的任何決定都必須得到「在台灣的人民」的明示同意 (“[a]ny determination of the ultimate status of Taiwan must have the express consent of the people on Taiwan” );

Policy Act of 2013,H.R. 419) ,該項「法案」指出,「台灣的前途必須以和平方式解決,且必須經過台灣人民的同意」(“The future of Taiwan must be determined in a peaceful manner and with the assent of the people of Taiwan.”);

鑒於眾議院於2001年9月6日,通過一項決議案(H. CON. RES. 221),眾議院認為,台灣的前途必須透過「像公投這類的民主機制」、在得到台灣人民的明示同意以及在沒有外來威脅、恐嚇和干涉的情況下,求取和平解決 (“[I]t is the sense of the Congress that—(1) it is the policy of the United States that the future of Taiwan should be resolved peacefully, through a democratic mechanism such as a plebiscite and with the express consent of the people of Taiwan ; and (2) it is the policy of the United States that Taiwan's future should be decided by the people of Taiwan without outside threats, intimidation, or interference.”);

我, 做為一名台裔美國人,願意在這份聲明上簽名,以表達我對「台灣的前途應由兩千三百萬台灣人民決定」這項台灣人民的高度共識的背書,同時也表達我對眾議院 「台灣的前途必須透過『像公投這類的民主機制』、在得到台灣人民的明示同意以及在沒有外來威脅、恐嚇和干涉的情況下,求取和平解決」這項決議的支持。

(漢文或英文姓名,正楷或Capital Letters)




06.16.14 - 06:00 am






【大 纪元2014年06月21日讯】【大纪元记者袁玫柔斯密市报导】前总统府资政、前国防副部长、及前立委,台湾民主运动的重要推手康宁祥15日应台美人历史 协会,台美人长辈会、民进党美西党部、台美人论坛及台湾日报邀请举办“康宁祥回忆录﹙台湾,打拼﹚”新书发表会暨演讲会。会上康宁祥强调,台湾人决定自己 命运,为第二波民主发展,仍需发挥拚命精神,继续打拚。当天约两百名关心台湾的乡亲出席。
他说,中国在马克思主义毛泽东等人 专制下,坚持中国共产党是中国唯一政党,台湾人需要思考能否要这样的政权,能接受“台湾为中国领土的一部分”?


台 湾台南市长赖清德于2014年6月7日,在上海宣示“台湾的前途应由两千三百万台湾人民决定”的立场后,中国国务院“台湾事务办公室”发言人于6月11 日,针对赖清德市长的发言,发表“任何涉及中国主权和领土完整的问题,必须由‘包括台湾同胞在内’的全中国人民共同决定”。康宁祥表示,台湾人对此要深 思,要珍惜得来不易的民主,台湾人是自己命运的决定者,要有志气,才不会导致在3、4代之后就没有台湾人。
康宁祥以台湾国家意识、台 湾自己的核心利益、台湾和世界如何接轨、世界舞台是否有台湾、如何处理台美中三者之平衡等议题提出说明。他表示,台湾拥有世界发展的阵容,在世界舞台有无 以伦比的力量;与中国是互相利益关系。台湾为民主政治不能被共产政治统治,“大家永远记住,共产主义最可怕!”

康宁祥回忆录 记录台湾民主化过程

历 史协会会长杨嘉猷表示,康宁祥的回忆录可能是坊间所见的、民间对台湾民主运动与台湾民主化过程这个领域或议题所做的比较完整与全面的回顾与记录。这个议题 以前也有人处理过,但他们都比较偏重在某一方面。难能可贵的是,康宁祥能理性、客观与公平的对他所参与的历史与奇迹,观察、记录、分享与评论。
杨 嘉猷表示,台湾的民主运动、民主化与美国、台美人有长远、深厚与密切的关 系。我们之中几乎每个人都或多或少,或深或浅,在台前或幕后,以各自认为适当的方式,投入了这个伟大的工程,历史协会与其他四个协办社团这次举办活动,不 仅是要为康先生办演讲会,也是要为台美人乡亲们办一次与老康在台湾民主运动这个议题的对谈与分享会。


当 时,中国外交部除公布“习近平敦促美方在台湾和西藏问题上恪守承诺,尊重中国主权和领土完整”,还假造“奥巴马表示,美国就台湾和西藏问题尊重中国主权和 领土完整,这一立场从未发生改变”。针对此,白宫国家安全会议亚洲部资深主任麦艾文(Evan Medeiros)于2014年3月28日,在Brookings Institution一项研讨会上,严正指出: 中国外交部发表的一项声明,故意扭曲美方对台湾的立场,让外界误以为美国对台湾的立场已经改变,可是事实是,美国并没有改变。
台美人 历史协会表示,做出以上声明还鉴于:近年来在台湾举办的诸多民调(包括由政治大学“选举研究中心﹚在2013年6月进行的“台湾选举与民主化调查”)均显 示,在两千三百万的台湾住民中,认为自己是“台湾人”而非中国人的已居稳定的绝对多数。并,鉴于台湾“国策研究院”于2006年2、3月所做的一份民调为 例,赞同“台湾的前途应由两千三百万台湾人民决定”的高达87.1%等原因。◇



【本 報訊】應台美人歷史協會等社團邀請來洛杉磯作公開演講的前台灣國安會秘書長、台灣亞太發展基金會董事長康寧祥,在演講一開始,就根據手中一份歷史文件向前 往聽講的鄉親表示,32年前7月24日,在洛城Wilshire大道上的希爾頓飯店,台美人辦了一場千人餐會歡迎康寧祥、尤清、黃煌雄和張德銘四位立委, 就已經發表聲明,表示台灣前途由1千800萬(當時台灣人口)共同決定。他話鋒一轉,批評日前郝柏村所說「中華民族前途由兩岸中國人決定」是「看到鬼」。 他也引用中華人民共和國的憲法,說明依該憲法,在中共永遠是執政黨的情況下,台灣人不會和中國統一的。


康 寧祥語重心長的指出,當在台灣有59.5%的人自認為是台灣人,但民調支持台灣獨立不到30%,這是民進黨必須檢討及解決的問題。他表示,民進黨必須提出 辦法,在第四波全球化衝擊下,如何改善人民生活,讓人民安心、放心。他認為民進黨由無到有,台灣人民期待它成為一制衡力量,使政治正常化、制度化。


康寧祥,由古證今,舉不少美國先賢華盛頓、傑弗遜、Thomas Paine為例,期勉台灣人由自己開始,不單單注重表面,內心必須作個有尊嚴的台灣人,如果作不到,被欺凌,到了絕望時刻才清醒已經太遲。

當 天雖然是父親節,也有近百位同鄉前往聽講。謝清志介紹康寧祥時提到,讀康寧祥的書,才看出他過去40年是如何Survive。主持人陳隆則推崇老康像美國 民謠Old Man River所唱「He must know something, says nothing」來形容老康「什麼該講,什麼時候應恬靜。」


David C. Chou
Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement
(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States) Formosa Statehood Movement - 台灣建州運動
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Formosa-Statehood-Movement-%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E5%BB%BA%E5%B7%9E%E9%81%8B%E5%8B%95/美國杜魯門總統:他們(蔣宋)是賊,每一個都是賊/偷了近七億五千萬美金 文/彭淑禎
2014年6月27日 16:57

2010 16 7 月
Madame Chiang, 105, Chinese Leader's Widow, Dies
By SETH FAISON/New York Times Published: October 24, 2003


Madame Chiang Kai-shek, a pivotal player in one of the 20th century's great epics - the struggle for control of post-imperial China waged between the Nationalists and the Communists during the Japanese invasion and the violent aftermath of World War II - died on Thursday in New York City, the Foreign Ministry of Taiwan reported early Friday. She was 105 years old.

Madame Chiang, a dazzling and imperious politician, wielded immense influence in Nationalist China, but she and her husband were eventually forced by the Communist victory into exile in Taiwan, where she presided as the grand dame of Nationalist politics for many years. After Chiang Kai-shek died in 1975, Madame Chiang retreated to New York City, where she lived out her last quarter-century.

Madame Chiang was the most famous member of one of modern China's most remarkable families, the Soongs, who dominated Chinese politics and finance in the first half of the century. Yet in China it was her American background and lifestyle that distinguished Soong Mei-ling, her maiden name (which is sometimes spelled May-ling).

For many Americans, Madame Chiang's finest moment came in 1943, when she barnstormed the United States in search of support for the Nationalist cause against Japan, winning donations from countless Americans who were mesmerized by her passion, determination and striking good looks. Her address to a joint meeting of Congress electrified Washington, winning billions of dollars in aid.

Madame Chiang helped craft American policy toward China during the war years, running the Nationalist Government's propaganda operation and emerging as its most important diplomat. Yet she was also deeply involved in the endless maneuverings of her husband, Chiang Kai-shek, who was uneasily at the helm of several shifting alliances with Chinese warlords vying for control of what was then a badly fractured nation.

A devout Christian, Madame Chiang spoke fluent English tinted with the Southern accent she acquired as a school girl in Georgia, and presented a civilized and humane image of a courageous China battling a Japanese invasion and Communist subversion. Yet historians have documented the murderous path that Chiang Kai-shek led in his efforts to win, then keep, and ultimately lose power. It also became clear in later years that the Chiang family had pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars of American aid intended for the war. (譯﹕在後期﹐清晰地發現蔣家將數以美元億計的美戰爭援款﹐中飽私囊)

Madame Chiang had a notoriously tempestuous relationship with her husband, and then with his son by a previous marriage, Chiang Ching-kuo, who became Taiwan's leader after Chiang Kai-shek's death. Madame Chiang had no children.

Her skill as a politician, alternately charming and vicious, made her a formidable presence. She made a play for Taiwan's leadership after Chiang Ching-kuo died in 1988, even though she was 90 and living in New York at the time.

Although she suffered numerous ailments, including breast cancer, Madame Chiang eventually outlived all her contemporary rivals. She was said to credit her religious faith - she told friends she rose at dawn for an hour of prayer each day - for her good health.

Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell, who worked closely with her when he commanded American forces in China during the war, described Madame Chiang in his diary as a "clever, brainy woman." "Direct, forceful, energetic. Loves power, eats up publicity and flattery, pretty weak on her history. Can turn on charm at will and knows it."

Love of Money, Power and China

Soong Mei-ling's rise to power began when she married Chiang Kai-shek in an opulent ceremony in Shanghai in 1927, bringing together China's star military man with one of the nation's most illustrious families.

Her eldest sister, Soong Ai-ling, directed the family's affairs and innumerable money-making ventures with the help of her husband, H.H. Kung, a scion of one of China's wealthiest banking families.

Madame Chiang's second sister, Soong Qing-ling, was the wife of Sun Yat-sen, China's first president after the last emperor was toppled in 1911. After Sun Yat-sen's death, Soong Qing-ling carried his banner over into the Communist camp, causing an irreparable rupture in the family.

When the vanquished Nationalists retreated to Taiwan in 1949, Soong Qing-ling stayed behind. The Communist Party leadership called her the only true patriot in the Soong family, and named her honorary chairman of the People's Republic in 1980, a year before her death.

Today, Chinese still remember the three sisters with a telling ditty: "One loved money, one loved power, one loved China," referring to Ai-ling, Mei-ling and Qing-ling.

Madame Chiang's elder brother, T.V. Soong, often called Nationalist China's financial wizard, served at various times as China's finance minister, acting prime minister and foreign minister, where his primary role was raising money from the United States.

Although Madame Chiang developed a stellar image with the American public, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and other leaders became disillusioned with her and her husband's despotic and corrupt practices. Eleanor Roosevelt was shocked at Madame Chiang's answer when asked at a dinner at the White House how the Chinese Government would handle a strike by coal miners. Madame Chiang silently drew a sharp fingernail across her neck. "She can talk beautifully about democracy," Mrs. Roosevelt said later. "But she does not know how to live democracy." (譯﹕雖然蔣夫人在美國公開場合中建立了明星形象﹐可是羅斯福總統及其他領袖對她及她丈夫的專橫暴虐及貪汙感到失望。最讓依蓮諾羅斯福(總統夫人)震驚的 是﹕在白宮晚宴時她被問到中國政府會如何處理煤礦工人罷工時﹐蔣夫人靜靜地用她的尖指甲自自己脖子劃過。羅斯福夫人事後說﹕“她可以把民主說的美好﹐但不 知如何將民主履行在己身”

By the end of the war, the loyalty of Nationalist officials melted away as the Government grew corrupt and fiscally traitorous, printing money so aggressively that the Chinese currency fell to an exchange rate of several million yuan to the dollar. Many Nationalist soldiers were reduced to begging for food because they went unpaid, yet American diplomats discovered that military supplies sent from the United States to China sometimes appeared on the black market soon after arrival._ (譯﹕很多國民黨士兵沒薪水可發﹐導致向民間乞討食物。可是﹐美外交人員卻有時發現美援軍用物資在運抵不久後﹐出現在黑市)

Even at the busiest times of war, Madame Chiang often left her husband and disappeared into seclusion in New York for months at a time. The Chiang camp was too secretive to deny rumors about marital troubles, but Madame Chiang's retreats may also have been caused by a debilitating skin condition.

During the 1950's, Madame Chiang and her husband blamed the United States for the Nationalist loss of China, and continued to campaign for help from Washington to retake the mainland. Although that hope eventually faded, American support for Taiwan remained strong for years, delaying Washington's recognition of Beijing as the capital of China until 1979, three decades after the Communists had seized power.

By then, Madame Chiang had moved to New York, where she lived in an apartment on Gracie Square in Manhattan. In March 1999, as she turned 101, hard of hearing but still quick-witted, she told visitors that she read the Bible and The New York Times every day. gfobsubhdA Family's DivisionsReflect a Nation's

The Soong family's saga, a story that cuts across many strands of modern Chinese history, began when Madame Chiang's father, Charlie Soong, sailed to the United States at the age of 12. Coming from a family of traders in Hainan Island in the South China Sea, Mr. Soong was taken in by Methodists in North Carolina and converted to Christianity in hopes of sending him back to spread the word of Jesus in China.

After returning to Shanghai in 1886, Mr. Soong, a genial wheeler-dealer, passed up missionary life to start a business printing Bibles, earning a fortune. He also printed political pamphlets secretly for Sun Yat-sen, then working to overthrow China's last emperor. On Jan. 1, 1912, Sun was named China's first president.

Sun lasted in office only a few months before his coalition disintegrated, and after he fled to Japan, he hired Charlie Soong's second daughter, Soong Qing-ling, as a secretary. They soon married, despite the age difference: he was 50 and she was 21.

At the time Mei-ling Soong, who was born in Shanghai in 1898, was already studying in the United States. At the age of 10, she had followed her elder sisters to the Wesleyan College for Women in Macon, Ga.

She entered Wellesley College near Boston in 1913; her brother, T.V., was enrolled at Harvard. She majored in English literature, and was remembered by her classmates as a chubby, vivacious and determined student. She graduated in 1917 and returned to Shanghai speaking English better than Chinese.

She was introduced to her future husband in 1922. By that time, she had matured into a slender beauty and taken to wearing full-length body-hugging gowns.

Chiang Kai-shek, a severe-looking military aide to Sun Yat-sen who established a school for officers in southern China, may have been as attracted to the Soongs' financial and political connections as he was to their youngest daughter. His initial overtures to her were rebuffed, and after Sun's death in 1925, as Chiang Kai-shek took the title Generalissimo and tried to succeed him as the leader of the Nationalist cause, he proposed to Sun's young widow, Soong Qing-ling. She said no.

General Chiang allied himself with warlords in southern and central China and with the Soviet Union, where Stalin regarded the Nationalists as more progressive than the warlords who still controlled Beijing and northern China. Communist rebels, not yet led by Mao Zedong, felt they deserved Moscow's support. But Stalin insisted on supporting the Nationalists.

In 1927 General Chiang shocked his Soviet backers by carrying out a massacre of leftists in Shanghai. Edgar Snow, the American journalist, estimated that General Chiang's forces executed more than 5,000 people. (編註﹕指1927年清黨﹐在上海屠殺五千余人)

The massacre caused a permanent rent in the Soong family. Soong Qing-ling, as Sun Yat-sen's widow, led a faction of Nationalists who voted to expel General Chiang from all his posts. T.V. Soong resigned as finance minister, though he was later persuaded to resume his alliance with General Chiang.

General Chiang also allied himself with Shanghai's notorious underworld, then led by an opium-dealing gangster named Du Yuesheng, widely known as Big-Eared Du. In a fractious city, separated into sectors run by competing foreign powers, Du was the most powerful man, dominating banking, smuggling and opium. (編註﹕蔣與上海惡名昭彰的流氓頭杜月笙結盟。杜控制了上海金融﹐從事走私販毒)

A Suitable Husband and Dubious Friends

When General Chiang renewed his interest in Soong Mei-ling in 1927, she told him that she would consent to marry only if he could win the approval of her mother, who had reservations about a man who was neither Christian nor single. General Chiang had already fathered a son in a marriage that was arranged when he was only 14, and had adopted a second son and married a second wife, Chen Chieh-ru. General Chiang promised to convert, and eventually sent Chen away to the United States, where she enrolled at Columbia University and earned a doctorate.

The Chiang-Soong wedding took place in Shanghai on Dec. 1, 1927. A small Christian ceremony was held at the Soong mansion on Seymour Road, followed by a political ceremony at the Majestic Hotel, beneath a portrait of Sun Yat-sen.

According to the North China News, the event was a highlight of Shanghai's social calendar, attended by more than 1,300 of the cosmopolitan city's elite. A photograph shows Chiang Kai-shek in a morning suit, with a thin stubble of hair on his head. Madame Chiang looks like a 1920's coquette, with a white lace veil crawling down her forehead to her eyebrows.

Madame Chiang became a true political partner to her husband, traveling with him, advising him on military and political matters, turning her charm on allies and foes alike. Chiang spoke almost no English, though his wife taught him to call her "darling," and she served as his interpreter, often interspersing her own views.

However, she was continually reminded of the limits of the general's authority. Ilona Ralf Sues, a Polish journalist who worked briefly for Madame Chiang and later wrote "Shark Fins and Millet," documenting the treacherous politics of Shanghai, described how Madame Chiang was kidnapped by "Big-Eared Du" after she tried to convince her husband that as the leader of the Nationalists, he no longer needed to pay protection money to Du's underworld operation, the Green Gang.

Madame Chiang went out shopping in her limousine one afternoon, and did not return home by evening. When Du was reached on the phone, he said that Madame Chiang was fine, but that she had been found motoring alone in the streets of Shanghai, "a very imprudent thing to do considering the ever-present hazards." Money changed hands, and Madame Chiang was henceforth cautious with the Green Gang.

Madame Chiang's highly political life was often lonely, according to Ms. Sues. "She had admirers, but no true friends," she wrote of Madame Chiang in 1944. "She wants to be First Lady of the World."

Madame Chiang developed what she called the New Life Movement, a series of principles for modernizing China through social discipline, courtesy and service. She engineered public hygiene campaigns and denounced traditional superstitions.

While many ordinary Chinese resisted it, the campaign was popular with foreigners, particularly with Henry Luce, the publisher of Time, who was born to missionaries in China. He named the couple "Man and Woman of the Year" in 1938.

Madame Chiang pushed her husband to build up the Nationalist air force, and helped hire Claire Chennault, who commanded a mercenary force of pilots that came to be known as the Flying Tigers.

Madame Chiang also helped defuse one of the gravest crises of her husband's career, when he was kidnapped by rebellious generals in December 1936 in what came to be known as the Xian Incident.

Their rebels' leader, Gen. Zhang Xueliang, had long advocated better efforts at fighting the Japanese, who had gained control of Manchuria in 1931 and continued to make inroads in northern China, and criticized General Chiang's preoccupation with the Chinese Communist forces then based in China's northwest.

When General Chiang refused to redirect his military focus, General Zhang engineered a kidnapping at dawn on Dec. 4 at a hot springs resort where General Chiang was camped. General Chiang tried to escape in his nightclothes, badly injured his back scaling a back wall, and was found hours later, cowering and shivering between some rocks up a hill, minus his false teeth.

General Chiang refused to negotiate with his captors. Yet as Madame Chiang deliberated with other Nationalist leaders in the capital, Nanjing, it became apparent that some of General Chiang's rivals were advocating a military strike that could end in General Chiang's death. Madame Chiang flew to Xian to help mediate.

Communist leaders were also called in, and they were split over whether to execute General Chiang or to follow Stalin's instructions to unite with the Nationalists against the Japanese. Weeks of murky negotiations ensued. Finally, after T.V. Soong authorized a large payment to insure General Chiang's release, an agreement was reached on Dec. 31.

Retribution against General Zhang was swift and lasted a lifetime. General Chiang placed him under house arrest, where he was kept, on the Chinese mainland and then in Taiwan, until he was in his 90's. He later moved to Hawaii, where he remained until his death in 2001.

(編註﹕西安事變結束後﹐護蔣飛返南京的張學良遭蔣軟禁。一禁54 年(1936~1990)﹐直到蔣子經國逝世﹐在李登輝總統影響下﹐張學良逐漸獲得人身自由。那時英姿煥發的少帥已成89歲步履維艱的老人﹐但他比西安事 變另一主角楊虎城將軍的下場好多了。在重慶失守前,下野退居溪口的“一介平民”蔣先生不顧“代總統李宗仁”釋放楊虎城的命令﹐讓特務頭子毛人鳳下令其親信 周養浩執行重慶地區殺人任務,其中包括了在“戴公祠”謀害楊虎城一案。參加屠殺的特務凶手有張鵲、張靜甫、陳寶琪等二十多人﹐他們手刃楊將軍﹑其十七八歲 兒子拯中﹑以及楊氏秘書宋綺云夫婦與他們未滿十歲的兩個孩子。附特務沈醉口述《蔣介石殘殺楊、宋經過》於後)

Diva-Like Petulance and a Winning Way

During the war, the relationship among General Stilwell, Madame Chiang and Chiang Kai-shek proved contentious. Stilwell accused General Chiang of hoarding resources, deliberately avoiding battle with the Japanese to spare his men to fight the Communists.

Madame Chiang was in the middle, sometimes interceding on Stilwell's behalf when resisting him threatened American support. But she also plotted against Stilwell, telling journalists that he was incompetent. She and her husband lobbied Washington to have Stilwell replaced, and he was, in 1944.

Madame Chiang also emerged as China's most important ambassador, frequently charming American visitors like Wendell Willkie, the Republican politician, who came to China in 1942 after losing a presidential campaign against Roosevelt in 1940.

"There is little doubt that Little Sister has accomplished one of her easiest conquests," wrote John Paton Davies, an American diplomat, apparently referring to the way Madame Chiang took advantage of Mr. Willkie's lack of access to women in wartime China. "It's interesting the influence which enforced celibacy has on his judgment - and the course of political events."

According to Sterling Seagrave, who wrote a scathing portrait of Madame Chiang in his racy history, "The Soong Dynasty," she was also capable of diva-like petulance. Madame Chiang was in New York in 1943 when she learned that Winston Churchill was on his way to Washington. She suggested that the British Prime Minister stop in New York to see her. He responded that she should join him for lunch with Roosevelt in Washington.

Churchill recalled with some amusement in his history of the war that she turned him down "with some hauteur." "In the regrettable absence of Madame Chiang Kai-shek, the President and I lunched alone in his room and made the best of things," he wrote.

Madame Chiang made a splash in Washington soon afterward. She spoke forcefully and passionately to Congress, winning a roaring ovation. She then traveled across the country, appearing at Madison Square Garden and at the Hollywood Bowl.

But she earned the enmity of American G.I.'s when she returned to China's wartime capital, Chungking, with several suitcases, one of which plopped open to reveal luxurious cosmetics, lingerie and fancy groceries.

It was a small sign of the growing corruption within the Nationalists that would speed their undoing. After Japan was defeated in 1945 and the civil war between Nationalists and Communists accelerated, the Communists swiftly expanded their control into the northeast.

The Nationalists received considerable American aid, but as John Service, a longtime Foreign Service officer in China, warned in a memorandum about General Chiang: "He has achieved and maintained his position in China by his supreme skill in balancing man against man and group against group, and his adroitness as a military politician rather than as a military commander, and by reliance on a gangster secret police."

Other American officials in China also warned against the vast amounts of graft among Nationalists. More than $3 billion was appropriated to China during the war, and most of it was transmitted through T.V. Soong, who as China's foreign minister was based in Washington. It later became apparent that the Soong family suffered vicious infighting over the purloined funds. (譯﹕其他美駐華官員警告美政府, 大量(抗戰)援助款被國民黨挪用。抗戰期間援華超過30億美元﹐大部份援助是款經過駐華盛頓DC的外長宋子文轉交中國。後來察覺宋家內部顯然地為盜竊的款 項﹐展開激烈內鬥。編註﹕當中國像乞丐般的軍民在浴血﹐國家面臨存亡之際﹐錦衣玉食呼風喚雨的他們居然還中截活命款,厚顏發戰爭財。這不叫“國賊”﹐誰叫 ﹗)。.

Madame Chiang traveled to Washington again in November 1948 to plead for emergency aid for the war against the Communists. Yet Congress had recently assigned another $1 billion to China, and President Truman was impatient with the Chiangs and what had become an apparently hopeless effort to shore up the Nationalist Government. Madame Chiang never returned to China.

"I can ask the American people for nothing more," she said. "It is either in your hearts to love us, or your hearts have been turned from us."

In her frustration, she publicly likened American politics to 'clodhopping boorishness." Coming after years of generous American support, that irritated Truman.

"They're thieves, every damn one of them," Mr. Truman said later, referring to Nationalist leaders. "They stole $750 million out of the billions that we sent to Chiang. They stole it, and it's invested in real estate down in SÄao Paolo and some right here in New York."

General Chiang resigned as president of Nationalist China in January 1949 and fled to Taiwan that May, taking with him a national art collection that was kept in crates in Taiwan for years as the Chiangs clung to the ever-diminishing hope that they would some day take it back to Beijing.

In the United States, the Chiangs set up what would become one of the most sophisticated lobbying efforts ever in Washington, learning how to distribute millions of dollars indirectly through law firms and public relations companies. The operation continues today.

Madame Chiang made several trips to the United States in the 1950's to oppose efforts by the People's Republic of China to win a seat at the United Nations. Only in 1971 did the United Nations allow the government of the world's most populous country to be represented, a prelude to President Nixon's trip to Beijing in 1972.

After Nixon met Jiang Qing, a radical leftist who was Mao's wife, he wrote that she seemed the opposite of Madame Chiang: severe on the outside, but weak within; Madame Chiang had a soft appearance, but was steely inside.

Madame Chiang's health wavered over the years, and in 1976 she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy, and later, a second one.

Even after she moved to permanent residence in New York after Chiang Kai-shek's death in 1975, Madame Chiang kept her finger on the pulse of Nationalist politics. She returned to Taiwan after her stepson died in January 1988. Even though she was nearly 90, Madame Chiang tried to rally her old allies. But Lee Teng-hui, chosen as vice president both because he was Taiwan-born and because he was considered a pushover by fellow Nationalists, proved more adept at politics than expected, and he gradually solidified his control.

Madame Chiang lived out her final years in New York, with a pack of black-suited bodyguards who cleared the lobby of her Gracie Square apartment building every time she entered or left. She returned to Congress for one last appearance in 1995. (譯﹕蔣夫人晚年與一群黑西裝護衛住在紐約﹐每當她進出Gracie_Square公寓大廳時﹐他們都將大廳清場。她最後去國會是在1005年)

Her life gradually grew quiet, as friends preceded her to the grave. She stopped visiting a family estate on Long Island in Lattingtown, where she had often spent time with her younger relatives.


獨裁者蔣家1949他把惡名昭彰的「軍統」、「中統」……等特務機關交給他的兒子 蔣經國 「重整」,任命為「總統府機要室資料組」組長;成了名符其實的「特務頭子」。


持續四十年「戒嚴」統治,絕對是蔣經國主導的(特別是「副總裁」陳誠 去逝以後)。



這期間,他搞了幾次婚外情(他從不缺少「紅粉知己」);最有名的是和財政部長 任顯群 爭奪國劇名伶 顧正秋;失敗後「公報私仇」,把 任顯群 關起來,罪名就是他一貫愛用的「知匪不報」。

他還妄想把大位傳給兒子 蔣孝武。等到捅了「江南案」的大漏子,才了解:他的兒子個個是「阿斗」(兩個私生子比較好一點),加上大環境的逼迫,使他諳然的說出:蔣家人士將不再繼任國家元首一職。

1990年,一批老賊(萬年國代)不甘心既得利益受損,鼓譟長期遭 蔣經國 壓抑的「弟弟」蔣緯國 出來競選總統(當然需要另一台灣蠢蛋搭擋)……。都是企圖延長「寄生」在台灣的「蔣記政權」。

一波接依波「美麗島事件」標示出,時代不一樣了;台灣怎麼能永遠是他 蔣 家的禁臠?「皇帝式的總統」也不能再存在了,這一點 蔣經國 心知肚明。而,他的健康也已經到了日薄西山的地步。

在民主人士的抗爭下,他只好將踩在人民脖子上的腳:解除戒嚴、開放探親……;使一些台灣蠢蛋感激涕零,進而歌功頌德,讚揚 蔣經國 為民主偉人──真是無知到了極點。

眼看社會上存在著被催眠、滿山滿谷的「台灣蠢蛋」,於是抬出小蔣的遺像,作為文宣重點;說 蔣經國 是他們由衷拜服的主子; 蔣經國不 是獨裁者……。

紐 約時報引述1948年杜魯門總統的話:「他們是賊,該死的每一個人都是,美國給蔣介石的數十億美元,他們就偷了七億五千萬,他們偷了這筆錢投資在巴西的聖 保羅,有一些也在紐約......」("They're thieves, every damn one of them," Mr. Truman said later, referring to Nationalist leaders. "They stole $750 million out of the billions that we sent to Chiang. They stole it, and it's invested in real estate down in SAao Paolo and some right here in New York.)

蔣宋美齡利用軍事資源,運送私人財物與用品,浪費得來不易的戰略資源,這些奢華貴族的氣焰,更是讓軍美國方與蔣介石之間關係緊張,二次大戰名將史迪威(J. Stil well)與蔣介石的衝突,也與此有很大關係。

紐 約時報報導也指出,「......她激起美國軍人對她的嫌惡,尤其是她帶著許多皮箱回到重慶,打開其中一個,出現了奢侈的化妝品、私人衣物和昂貴日用 品......」。該報認為,「見微知著,這是國民黨逐漸腐敗,迅速走向自我毀滅的警訊」(It was a small sign of the growing corruption within the Nationalists that would speed their undoing.)。


【2003/11/3 / 民眾日報 / 政治】

陳 水扁總統出國訪問,途經紐約,頒贈褒揚令,推崇蔣夫人「西安事變,蹈危履險,深入虎穴,厥績至偉出席開羅會議,確保我國領土完整」。根據台聯立委轉述,李 登輝日前對於政府一度要在蔣宋美齡出殯日降半旗,也表示不以為然。他說,陳水扁總統如果隨便為蔣宋美齡降半旗,「可能會把支持度降下一、兩成!」。前後兩 位總統對蔣宋美齡過世的態度很不一樣,陳總統遵循國家禮儀,而李前總統與宋美齡之間原本就有權力衝突的恩怨,以及卸任總統後在政治上率性為之,講出這種話 也不令人意外。比起兩位總統的言談態度,蔣宋美齡的過世,其實有更嚴重而廣泛的對立。

宋美齡過世消息傳來,兩大報就大幅持續報導,聯合報 系至十一月一日為止已經有二百三十三條有關新聞,而中時報系也有一百二十三則。充分顯現對蔣宋美齡的懷念。所有新聞幾乎都是正面的,更有許多是歌功頌德 的。中時甚至發表「母儀天下的永恆典範_敬悼蔣夫人」的社論。母儀天下這種封建的用語竟然出現在二十一世紀民主時代的台灣,令人愕然。文中表示「光芒四 射、輝耀中外,端在於她本人的出眾才華、超卓智慧、傑出能力和崇高信念,以及愛民族、愛國家的偉大情操。」似乎是戒嚴時期的文章。

有報紙 在大幅報導之餘,還特別強調紐約時報連續大幅報蔣宋美齡的新聞,主要是要藉美國媒體加強對宋美齡的肯定。在編譯紐約時報相關新聞時,完全不提紐約時報蔣宋 美齡負面的批評,這又似乎是戒嚴時期媒體報導的一貫手段。然而,如今台灣透過網路可以直接閱讀紐約時報,倒也突破戒嚴式的媒體封鎖。也有熱心人士,立即翻 譯出其中重要的段落,竟然還真不少。



在 譯文前有一段說明「紐約時報25日用了相當大的篇幅,以《蔣女士,中國領導人的寡婦,105歲死亡》為題,回顧蔣宋美齡的一生非常值得注意的事,整篇文 章,從開始到結尾都不斷強調一件事,就是蔣宋美齡A了美國的錢,也清楚提及美國人對蔣宋美齡幻滅的過程。以下是部分譯出的段落:


-- 雖然蔣女士在美國的公眾輿論裡有一種明星般的形象,法蘭克福?羅斯福總統和其它領袖們,對她和她丈夫專制和腐敗的作為感到幻滅。羅斯福女士在一場白宮晚餐 中,當問到蔣女士的中國政府如何處理煤礦工人罷工問題時,他所獲得的答案是令人感到驚恐的:蔣女士不發一語,用尖銳的指甲在她的脖子前比了一比。








蔣介石殘殺楊、宋經過 口述人:沈醉  

此文僅代表作者觀點,作者文責自負(書架 書蟲)



當 楊所乘汽車第二天中午到達貴州和四川交界的松坎後,周養浩一看天色尚早,到重慶過輪渡時怕人看到,便勸楊在松坎小客棧內睡了一個午覺,一面通知重慶作好一 切准備。下午四點,他們才由松坎出發,到重慶天已黑下來。毛人鳳已派楊進興准備好輪渡,等候他們過江,並隨車一同到松林坡。周養浩便回到中美所楊家山家中 等消息。

楊等下車後,兩個特務攙扶著楊走上三百多級石階到戴公詞去。他的兒子楊拯中雙手捧著母親的骨灰盒,也被兩個特務夾持著一同上去。 宋績云夫婦和楊、宋兩個孩子便被安置在汽車間附近的平房內,相距有三百多級石階。楊氏父子到達目的地,又被特務分別弓響左右兩邊的正房。這一切布置,使楊 很感驚疑。特務們這時最怕這位二十多歲的楊公子會有所反抗,決定先解決他。當他剛一踏進室內,預伏在門後的特務便用利刃插入他的胸膛。他慘叫了一聲 “爸”,正要掙紮,便被特務們連著几刀刺倒在地。楊虎城聽到兒子的叫聲,心知有異,在這山雨欲來風滿樓的慘景中,老先生(這是特務們對他一向的稱呼)愛子 心切,想轉身去看個究竟,剛一掉頭,劊子手的利刃已刺進他的腹部。他大聲叫了一聲“喲”,痛極倒在地下。凶手將他們再補上几刀後,認為沒有問題了,便向山 下奔去。

他們手握血淋淋的利刃,踏進宋綺云、徐林俠夫婦房內時,宋氏夫婦一看這副殺氣騰騰的凶象,知道難逃一死。宋夫人便向凶手們要求饒 恕兩個孩子。沒有半點人性的凶手,一語不發,向他們身邊逼過去。這時,兩個八九歲的孩子剛剛下車,還正玩得起勁,一看這情況,便互相緊緊地摟抱在一起。當 宋氏夫婦被逼到牆邊無路可走時,凶手們搶一步跳了過去,向他們劈胸几刀。這時,孩子們驚得呱的一聲哭了起來。凶手們一面用刀刺殺宋氏夫婦,一面厲聲向孩子 們叫喊不准哭。孩子們嚇得把哭聲咽回去,摟抱得更緊了。滅絕人性的凶手把從大人身上的匕首拔出,又走向孩子。當第一個孩子被凶手從背上一刀刺穿到前胸時, 另一個馬上撲上去抱住他。另一凶手便獰笑一聲,照樣給他一刀。這時,宋夫人尚未斷氣,但已發不出聲,她瞪著憤怒到極點的雙眼,緊緊地咬著牙齒,看著自己的 兒子森森和他的小朋友被修殺。凶手們有意增加受難者臨死前的痛苦,最後又給宋夫人補上几刀。他們殺完以後,匆匆把六具屍體埋在附近,便向主子去報功。楊隨 身攜帶的小皮箱中的財物也被他們當獎金結瓜分了。楊虎城將軍屍體的面部,還被特務淋上鏹水後,才埋在一座花台裏面。其余的屍體也埋在附近。

當 時參加屠殺的凶手張鵲、張靜甫、陳寶琪等二十多人,以後都派到云南,由我另行分配工作。他們報到以後,每人都向我多次敘述這一過程,講述時都是以最得意的 口吻,爭相誇耀自己的“成績”。事後毛人鳳向我談到此事時說:“老頭子(蔣介石)對于這件事幹得如此幹淨利落,很感滿意。”

「他們是賊,她們每一個人都是賊」,楚門指的是蔣宋 國民政府的領導人

紐 約時報今天花了相當大的篇幅,回顧蔣宋美齡的一生(標題:蔣女士,105,中國領 導人的寡婦,死亡)非常值得注意的事,整篇文章,從開始到結尾都不斷強調一件事,就是蔣宋美齡A了美國的錢,也清楚提及美國人對蔣宋美齡幻滅 (disillusion)的過程。台灣的統派媒體和政客只顧吹噓蔣宋美齡如何受到美國人愛戴,而隱藏美國人後來極端厭惡蔣宋美齡的事實,真是夠了。


Yet histori ans have documented the murderous path that Chiang Kai-shek led
in his efforts to win, then keep, and ultimately lose power. It also became
clear in later years that the Chiang family had pocketed hundreds of
millions of dollars of American aid intended for the war.



Although Madame Chiang developed a stellar image with the American public,
President Franklin D. Roosevelt and other leaders became disillusioned with
her and her husband's despotic and corrupt practices. Eleanor Roosevelt was
shocked at Madame Chiang's answer when asked at a dinner at the White House
how the Chinese Government would handle a strike by coal miners. Madame
Chiang silently drew a sharp fingernail across her neck.

"She can talk beautifully about democracy," Mrs. Roosevelt said later. "But
she does not know how to live democracy."

雖 然蔣女士在美國的公眾輿論裡有一種明星般的形象,法蘭克福‧羅斯福總統和其它領袖們,逐漸因為她和她丈夫專制腐敗的作為,對蔣女士感到幻滅。 Eleanor羅斯福女士在一場白宮晚餐中,當問到蔣女士中國政府要如何處理煤礦工人罷工問題的時感到驚恐:蔣女士不發一語,用尖銳的指甲在她的脖子前比 了一比。



By the end of the war, the loyalty of Nationalist officials melted away as
the Governmen t grew corrupt and fiscally traitorous, printing money so
aggressively that the Chinese currency fell to an exchange rate of several
million yuan to the dollar. Many Nationalist soldiers were reduced to
begging for food because they went unpaid, yet American diplomats discovered
that military supplies sent from the United States to China sometimes
appeared on the black market soon after arrival.

戰 爭結束前夕,國民政府的官員們對政府的忠誠已消失殆盡。政府愈來愈貪婪,甚至在財政上叛國,貪得無厭的印鈔票,使得中國對美金的匯率跌到只剩好幾百萬分之 一。許多國民政府的軍隊因沒有薪水而被迫乞討,但是美國外交官員們發現,從美國送去中國的軍事補給,有時在一抵達中國就出現在黑市上。


Even at the busiest times of war, Madame Chia ng often left her husband and
disappeared into seclusion in New York for months at a time. The Chiang camp
was too secretive to deny rumors about marital troubles, but Madame Chiang's
retreats may also have been caused by a debilitating skin condition.



Madame Chiang went out shopping in her limousine one afternoon, and did not return home by evening.



Madame Chiang made a splash in Washington soon afterward. She spoke
forcefully and passionately to Congress, winning a roaring ovation. She then
traveled across the country, appearing at Madison Square Garden and at the
Hollywood Bowl.

But she earned the enmity of American G.I.'s when she returned to China's
wartime capital, Chungking, with several suitcases, one of which plopped
open to reveal luxurious cosmetics, lingerie and fancy groceries.

It was a small sign of the growing corruption within the Nationalists that
would speed their undoing.





Other American officials in China also warned against the vast amounts of
graft among Nationalists. More than $3 billion was appropriated to China
during the war, and most of it was transmitted through T.V. Soong, who as
China's foreign minister was based in Washington. It later became apparent
that the Soong family suffered vicious infighting over the purloined funds.

其他在中國的官美國員,也嚴厲警告國民政府大規模移花接木的腐敗行徑。美國在戰時,支援中國超過三十億美元,但是大多數都是宋子文經手,宋是中國住在華府的財政首長。後來事實顯示,宋家為了分贓這些A來的美援,搞得? a庭很不愉快。


Madame Chiang traveled to Washington again in November 1948 to plead for
emergency aid for the war against the Communists. Yet Congress had recently
assigned another $1 billion to China, and President Truman was impatient
with the Chiangs and what had become an apparently hopeless effort to shore
up the Nationalist Government. Madame Chiang never returned to China.


"I can ask the American people for nothing more," she said. "It is either in
your hearts to love us, or your hearts have been turned from us."

蔣女士說: 「我不會在向美國人要什麼了,要不是你們愛我們,要不就是你們的心已背離了我們。」

In her frustration, she publicly likened American politics to 'clodhopping
boorishness." Coming after years of generous American support, that
irritated Truman.


"They're thieves, every damn one of them," Mr. Truman said later, referring
to Nationalist leaders. "They stole $750 million out of the billions that we
sent to Chiang. They stole it, and it's invested in real estate down in SAao
Paolo and some right here i n New York."

「他們是賊,她們每一個人都是賊」,楚門指的是國民政府的領導人,「他們q我們送給蔣政府的上十億美金裡,偷取了將近七億五千萬美金。他們偷了這筆錢,而且將這筆 錢投資在巴西的聖保羅,以及就在這裡,紐約的房地產。」



政治 | 2006-01-17 01:47:29

美國政府對於 蔣宋家族 A上十億美金的美援非常憤怒..
竟然 出現 有史以來 美國總統 以政府名義 對國際 發出白皮書
譴責 國民政府 蔣宋家族,,呸,他們一家都是賊..的笑話.


美國政府對於 蔣宋家族 A上十億美金的美援非常憤怒..
竟然 出現 有史以來 美國總統 以政府名義 對國際 發出白皮書
譴責 國民政府 蔣宋家族,,呸,他們一家都是賊..的笑話.

難怪..全中國人不惜犧牲生命 都要消滅殺死驅趕 貪汙腐敗黑金國民黨.
台灣人民就倒楣啦..收留這些人渣敗類 還要 被搶劫強姦屠殺...
等這些人渣敗類 爽夠了又失去政權,現在竟然要出賣台灣向共匪邀功..
台灣人民 真是衰透了...

當年 A美國上十億美金的美援 現在應該價值 千億美元..真是 可怕...



獨裁者和皇帝 都認為普天之下都是我的.

把 錢 古董 國寶 不斷運到美國..
聽說..孔宋家族在美國有 可以防原子彈的地下城堡..


國為什麼放棄 蔣介石 蔣宋美齡??

當年..蔣宋美齡 去找美國人幫忙
美國總統杜魯門還公開批 蔣宋家族是::小偷 .賊..

對於蔣介石政權 貪汙腐敗黑金 表示失望
決定放棄 對中華民國的支持...
後來 支那共匪介入韓戰..使得美國回頭支持台灣..

蔣宋美齡生活奢侈 脾氣大..珠寶滿箱子
去美國時 帶300箱子的寶物是蔣幫獨裁者 屠夫的幫凶..




Formosa Statehood Movement - 台灣建州運動

初步與簡略地回應鄉親Hsien Chao的主張

鄉親Hsien Chao於6/24/2014在我們這個建州園地提出一個想法與主張: 「大家一起落實台灣前途由台灣人民自決入憲,才能對抗反分裂法。

就我記憶所及,Hsien Chao這個想法與主張好像從未有人提過,所以可說是創見。

這項創見要如何落實,困難要如何克服,有賴Hsien Chao與他的同志及鄉親一起努力。建州運動雖然原則上可能不會正面地去協助推動這項主張,但也不會反對它。建州運動之所以不正面地去推動這項主張,基本上只有一個原因,就是因為我們必須把到現在為止仍然極為有限的資源加以集中使用,使用在我們已計劃好的「台灣加入美國公投請願連署」活動以及其他可能比較直接相關、且使用極少的資源即可執行的行動之上。

建州運動走的是「美國路線」,我們認為,台灣人民若欲就台灣前途解決的議題進行自決與公投,必須先在華府尋求解決。我們主張在「聯合國憲章的人民自決原則」、「國際法下的人民自決權」以及在「台灣人民的台灣前途的解決應該及必須 經過台灣人民自決與公投的共識」(這項高度共識早已存在)的基礎上,尋求美國政府(包括立法與行政部門)的支持、背書及協助,以有效對抗、反制及擊敗「台灣境內外所有敵視、否定、阻撓與破壞『台灣人民自決與公投』的反動與邪惡勢力」。

建州運動這個「美國路線」奠基於某種邏輯,其中一個元素與考量是:「 台灣前途的解決,必須符合最大多數台灣人民的最大利益與福祉,也必須符合做為對日的主要戰勝國的美國的最長遠的國家利益」。

以後我們會尋找機會,就Hsien Chao的想法與主張進一步討論,在進一步討論之前,我們希望建州兄姊們、鄉親們與網友們能回頭過去找尋及重讀下列幾篇文章或論文:



「3/16/2014將舉辦的『克里米亞加入俄羅斯聯邦的複決』與建州派主張的未來 『台灣加入美國公投』之不同」(3/10/2014張貼);與

「從『台灣前途由全體台灣人民決定』到『台灣人民自決』」 (5/3/2014張貼)。

「台美人歷史協會: 關於『台灣的前途應由兩千三百萬台灣人民決定』之聲明」(6/22/2014張貼)

「轉貼洪哲勝最近發表的文章: 『議論台灣前途的三個認識上的前提』」(6/22/2014張貼)

David C. Chou
Founder, Formosa Statehood Movement
(an organization devoted in current stage to making Taiwan a territorial commonwealth of the United States)



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