
No evidence of complicity complicity things you! prejudice secret sin is needed before the formation of this conspiracy accompli

2014年2月26日 12:27

No evidence of complicity complicity things you! prejudice secret sin is needed before the formation of this conspiracy accomplice crime! Is it collusion with private people you ROC accomplice!


I would rather die than have not sign! ROC electromagnetic mind control (falsely accused me prejudice secret sin)! Regulatory people and things. Things. Time. Place. ! Section (3, Things)No evidence of complicity complicity things you! prejudice secret sin is needed before the formation of this conspiracy accomplice crime! Is it collusion with private people you ROC accomplice!


(1 person) I told the clerk and bailiff together with prosecutors in the investigation along with an accomplice court conspiracy to commit the crime of obstruction of secrets! So why not sue them then??? ROC private people really would falsely accused fart!


(2 things) I was (mentioning the identity of the defendant) Cathay United Bank report, is that you (the court invited) send (notice instruments) gave me the investigative tribunal! How to commit the crime of obstruction of secrets!


(3, Things) evidence of complicity complicity do! Prejudice secret sin is the need to seek common accomplice


will form! Is it collusion with private people you ROC accomplice!


(4 Time) during the first 12 investigative tribunal 2:30 pm I (mentioning the identity of the defendan) capacity Taichung prosecutors eating my case four or five years, you ROC the violation of the Constitution Article VII (legal equality) Article VIII liberty crime You have no such rights in custody 12 hours chaos chaotic prejudice against me secret sins!


5, Place) in reconnaissance indoor! I (Litigation tell people tell the identity) report Cathay United Bank Fraud!    Any business trading  signing, after termination of a sign, do not owe any (contract period), and do not owe any (Money)! Termination Bookmark finished! Manager of Cathay Commissioner also returned the next day to my remit premium account, deposit books have evidence Cathay sinks But money is the brain controls the Cathay United Bank still has a monthly bill sent to me as usual, has also been associated telephone levy money is still tied up my credit blacklist PS:!!!! case have eaten 4,5 years! Of course I would have been bringing out reams! according to the prosecutor for five years would be to destroy evidence of the case to eat! So I certainly found in Article VII of the Constitution (equality law classless points)


And the Constitution rank greater than it's legal!  


  ROC private people eat my case earlier! I certainly can track your certificate of recorded offenses civil malpractice cases,


  People's boss and let us know the truth! Our people who ask for private employees, even the people that bully bosses!


  But prosecutors did abetting illegal bailiff  



 1, shut the door and locked it so that the bailiffs from the door reconnaissance court openly in public places freedom crimes committed by Article VIII of the Constitution!  


 2, and then  him to rob me of recorded crime and corruption snatch glasses committing crimes!  


 3, and then abetting bailiff handcuffed me (illegal detention from the back door down), Article VIII of the Constitution of the prosecutor committed (the crime of freedom)!     I was told there is no mistake identity!          ROC abetting human brain controlling private malfeasance so outrageous! Tomorrow 15:00 second instance court and more! Such Ganluan off me! Go ahead referendum pay yeah! So I came out of the back of the book and I will definitely tell my immigration to the International Tribunal !



     Wait and see! ROC also boldly banned me for traveling abroad yeah! Such as justice! ROC government expelled together with the international constitutional guarantees rot (self-determination)!


Drained away with everyone healthy labor! Fraud ROC!


我寧死都不會簽名!ROC電磁波腦控(誣告我 妨害秘密罪)!法規人,事.物.時間.地點.都說不過去可形成這條罪!第(3,物)有共謀共犯的証物嗎!妨害秘密罪是需要共謀共犯才會形成這條罪!難道是跟你們ROC私法人共謀共犯!



(2,事)當時我是(提告人身份)告 國泰世華銀行,是你們(法院邀請)寄 (通知文書)給我出偵查庭的!如何犯下妨害秘密罪!







5, 地點)人在偵察室內!我是(告訴人身份)告國泰世華銀行詐欺罪!   任何做生意買賣簽約書,經過一簽解約後,就不欠任何(約期)及(任何費用)!解約書簽完!國泰專員經理隔日還退回保費匯到我帳號,帳簿都有存證據國泰匯的 錢!!可是被腦控的國泰世華銀行還是一直每月照常寄帳單給我,還一直電話要錢!還鎖我聯徵信用黑名單!PS:此案已經吃了4,5年之久!我當然會一直按鈴 申告!按了5年到檢察官那就被湮滅證據吃案了!


所以我當然查到憲法第七條(法律人人平等 無階級之分)


























確實呼弄騙我 !笑死人!睜眼說瞎話習慣了!這ROC真會保障人民嗎!電磁波先搞死你耶!陳水扁及親民黨林義雄被電磁波腦控整壞了身體,全民就要肯確知道!你身體DNA任何狀況都在健保電腦紀錄裡面!要害死你是輕而易舉的耶!全民退掉開除ROC政腐 加油!


  Drained away with everyone healthy labor insurance! Fraud ROC! I obviously fill a single write (drained away NHI single word,) but the ROC has lied to me can only be turn protection)! Really callback get lied to me! Laughable! out lie accustomed ! it ROC will really protect people you! electromagnetic waves first Gaosi you! Lin Yi-hsiung Chen Shui-bian and the PFP is bad electromagnetic waves mind control the whole the body all the people we should be willing indeed to know! DNA of any situation of your body inside the computer records in health care! want to killed you are easily! drained away all then people expelled from ROC government rot Come on!..



ROC government corruption 大家一起退掉健勞保!詐騙ROC!我明明填單是寫(退保單字樣只可轉保)!確呼弄騙我
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I am married to Malaysia have had seven years to stop health care! Also in the Pacific household registration office! Seven years after returning from health insurance! Do not have to pay for satisfied that to stop health insurance for seven years!

Cheat Shaw Chedan 102 more in early July I NHI also drained away two months after returning to Malaysia! before from the new health insurance! do not have to pay health insurance premiums to stop two month! strange ㄋ! Why ROC threat this time I actually can not turn back guarantee! but also said that after the restoration of health insurance,

counting from today's surrender date together premium money! Ha said ROC afraid! our universal health care workers to give him back together ROC collapse!
Whole people change all foreign medical insurance accident insurance! still cheaper than healthy labor it! I personally have counted!我嫁去馬來西亞也辦過停止健保7年!也是在該太平戶政事務所!7年後回國從保健保!也不用付納停止7年的健保費用!騙肖更扯蛋102年7月初我也是退掉健保去馬來西亞二個月後回國!才又從新保健保!也不用多付停止那二個月的健保保費!奇怪ㄋ!為甚麼ROC這回竟威脅我不能退只能轉保!而且還說恢復保健保後,要從今天退保日一起算起付保費錢!哈表示ROC怕了!咱們全民一起退勞健保給他ROC倒閉!全部改保外商醫療險意外險!還便宜過健勞保呢!我個人有算過!

National Health Insurance of Taiwan independence referendum Labor drained away 全民台獨全民退掉勞保健保
上傳者:bi bi Chang
I am married to Malaysia have had seven years to stop health care! Also in the Pacific household registration office! Seven years after returning from health insurance! Do not have to pay for satisfied that to stop health insurance for seven years! Cheat Shaw Chedan 102 more in early July I NHI also drained away two months after returning to Ma...

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