
Just do it! Just TAIWAN獨立ing!

    選舉=承認ROC政腐(表裡不一)沒法制 (三權不分立) (假民主)的爛體制!叫他們肥貓狗官把國中教科書(公民與道德)改掉啦!

    還用電磁波腦控封鎖我工作!我女兒是外國人無人 事 物 時間 地點亂誣告(栽贓)我(妨害秘密罪)並封鎖我出國移民依親!準備腦控讓我破產中!沒關係!到最後我沒錢無路可走時!我絕對不會被ROC腦控自殺!


   悲哀的還是人民!想想我去做監牢那(免費吃住費)帳單也全部算在人民身上(全民買單)!承認ROC政腐的全是我兒子耶! ˇˇ ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ!


Just do it! Just TAIWAN independent ing!
Synchronization with the United Nations does not recognize the ROC! Do not go to elections !

    Recognize the ROC government elections = rot ( hypocritical ) not legal ( no separation of powers ) ( pseudo-democratic ) rotten system ! Gouguan call them fat cats in the country textbook ( civic and moral ) to get rid of it!

    With the ROC , said: We the people of the community with the school to read ( civic and moral ) is ( contrary ) yeah !
   This knowledge has not made formulas ! Capricious ! No rules of the game ! Super ! Hard to learn !
    Also used to block electromagnetic brain control of my work ! My daughter is a foreigner nobody mess things time and place false accusations ( frame ) I ( obstruction of secret sin ) and blocked my emigration relatives ! Prepare the brain controls let me go bankrupt in ! Okay ! End I when money is no way out ! I will never be ROC brain control suicide !
   I will definitely learn a recent newspaper stories can not find someone to work for a living ! While driving to (Collision  by car the Police department ) committed a criminal offense after ! By the ROC National Government ( leadership and cherished me yeah ) ! Prison jail had shelter and food to avoid storm ! need not trouble working life ! particular political rot the brain is  the close  End  business  of the control to fast !

    ROC government corruption is my son yeah ! ROC government rot the brain controls so good ( ROC think taking care later in life ) ! Holy crap

   Sad thing is the people ! I do think that prison ( free room and board fees ) bills are all the people who count ( universal pay ) ! ROC government to admit my son is all rot yeah ! !

    Money is only a few listed stocks consortium > < rot is by their political money laundering ! Political rot the people who more or population ! Civilians over twenty million independent ing expel them the idea of unity is too easy !

相片:藝人,真的異於常人: <br / 小S昨天有場記者會,慶祝她節目十年了,嘻笑怒罵,說的多也是無意義的言語,但是,對於社會最關心的"胖達人"詐騙事件,請問,胖達人事件坑殺了多少無辜 股民,卻一句不說,問到這問題就閃人,殘念,這是什麼態度,然後還自己為很紅的說,大家都在問她姐姐的懷孕的事情,阿到底,是誰在關心妳姐姐的肚皮,我看 到這則新聞的感想就是,噁心,非常的噁心,若想取權位的政治人物發生這樣的事情,還可以在政壇混下去嗎?


連雞排妹這樣的女子也能當明星,只靠賣弄風騷與肉體的,還能上政論節目,近來在演藝圈好像非常的多,真是荒謬,然後還說不想和一般領薪水的人交往,這些大 多是所謂的宅男,她們要你們支持,卻還看不起你們,真是心酸,那你們在盲從什麼?最後,我只能說醒醒吧,盲從與無知,造就的是他們的榮華富貴,最後你們自 己還是一無所有吧." height="338" width="504" />


Mei Feng Chang分享了彭志勇的相片。

「台灣民族自決獨立」具有100% 國際法上的「正當性」,法律依據略如下 :
圖 聯合國大會

A .聯合國憲章 - 1945年6月26日簽字 1945年10月24日生效 ,是聯合國的基本大法 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )
B .《世界人權宣言》 聯合國大會通過第217A(III)號決議並頒布 1948年12月10日
C .公民及政治權利國際盟約 【發布單位】聯合國大會 【發布日期】1976年3月26日生效

D .經濟社會文化權利國際公約 (International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights)【發布單位】聯合國大會 【發布日期】一九六六年十二月十九日




E .給予殖民地國家和人民獨立宣言 聯合國大會一九六〇年十二月十四日第1514(XV)號決議宣布 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )










聯合國憲章 - 1945年6月26日簽字 1945年10月24日生效 ,是聯合國的基本大法 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )

《世界人權宣言》 聯合國大會通過第217A(III)號決議並頒布 1948年12月10日

A .公民與政治權利國際公約 (聯合國大會) B .經濟社會文化權利國際公約 (聯合國大會) C .公民與政治權利國際公約及經濟社會文化權利國際公約施行法(中華民國流亡政府)

給予殖民地國家和人民獨立宣言 聯合國大會一九六〇年十二月十四日第1514(XV)號決議宣布 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )

1514(XV)號決議宣布 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )
相片:「台灣民族自決獨立」具有100% 國際法上的「正當性」,法律依據略如下 : 圖 聯合國大會<br / A .聯合國憲章 - 1945年6月26日簽字 1945年10月24日生效 ,是聯合國的基本大法 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )
B .《世界人權宣言》 聯合國大會通過第217A(III)號決議並頒布 1948年12月10日
C .公民及政治權利國際盟約 【發布單位】聯合國大會 【發布日期】1976年3月26日生效

D .經濟社會文化權利國際公約 (International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights)【發布單位】聯合國大會 【發布日期】一九六六年十二月十九日




E .給予殖民地國家和人民獨立宣言 聯合國大會一九六〇年十二月十四日第1514(XV)號決議宣布 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )










聯合國憲章 - 1945年6月26日簽字 1945年10月24日生效 ,是聯合國的基本大法 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )

《世界人權宣言》 聯合國大會通過第217A(III)號決議並頒布 1948年12月10日

A .公民與政治權利國際公約 (聯合國大會) B .經濟社會文化權利國際公約 (聯合國大會) C .公民與政治權利國際公約及經濟社會文化權利國際公約施行法(中華民國流亡政府)

給予殖民地國家和人民獨立宣言 聯合國大會一九六〇年十二月十四日第1514(XV)號決議宣布 ( From 聯合國官方網站 )" height="326" width="424" />



Mei Feng Chang Peng Zhiyong share photos.

"National self-determination of Taiwan independence" has the "legitimacy" of 100% on the law, the legal basis for a little as follows:
Figure UN General Assembly

A UN Charter -. June 26, 1945 signed into force October 24, 1945, is the basic law of the United Nations (From the official website of the United Nations)
The purpose of the United Nations are:
First, the maintenance of international peace and security; and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, breaches of the peace or other suppression of acts of aggression; and by peaceful means and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations peace.
Second, the development of international respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination in accordance with the friendly relations and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.
Third, to achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and regardless of race, sex, language or religion, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all of humanity.
Fourth, constitutes a central coordinating the actions of nations to achieve these common objectives.
B. "UDHR" United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution (III) and Resolution 217A promulgated December 10, 1948
Article XIII
(A) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the territory.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
Article XV
(A) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(B) No person shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
C. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [unit] release [Release Date] United Nations General Assembly take effect March 26, 1976

Section 1
First, all peoples are entitled to self-determination, in accordance with this right, they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural.
Second, that all peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice due to international economic cooperation based on the principles of reciprocity and by students of international law and any obligations. In no case may a people's livelihoods, not to be denied.
Third, the States Parties to the present Covenant, including the responsibility for the administration of Non-Self and Trust Territories, including, shall comply with the provisions of the UN Charter, to promote the realization of self-determination, and shall respect that right.
D. International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights) [Issued by the UN General Assembly] [Release Date] December 19, 1966

Take effect Jan. 3, 1976; 1 ‧ since December 19, 1966 was signed by the countries of the Covenant in New York

Section 1
First, all peoples are entitled to self-determination, in accordance with this right, they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural.

Second, that all peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice due to international economic cooperation based on the principles of reciprocity and by students of international law and any obligations. In no case may a people be deprived of livelihood.
Third, the States Parties to this Convention, including the State is responsible for the management of non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, shall be presented in accordance with the UN Charter and promote the realization of self-determination and respect for such rights.

E. Give the Declaration of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the UN General Assembly section 1514 (XV) December 14, 1960 resolution announced (From the official website of the United Nations)

Solemnly announced the need for rapid and unconditional end to all forms and manifestations of colonialism,
For this announcement:

First, to make the situation of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation, denied basic human rights, in violation of the UN Charter, and impede the promotion of peace and cooperation of the world.

Second, all peoples have the right to self; virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural.

Three are not allowed to prepare the political, economic, social or educational deficiencies as a pretext for delaying independence.

Fourth, we must stop all kinds of all armed action or repressive measures against the people dependent countries, so that they can peacefully and freely exercise their right to complete independence; respect for the integrity of their national territory.

Fifth, the trust territory and non-self-governing territory, and have not yet achieved the independence to take immediate steps for all other territories, the people of these territories in accordance with the freely expressed intention of showing and aspirations, regardless of race, creed or color, unconditionally and without reservation to transfer all powers to them, so that they can enjoy complete independence and freedom.

Sixth, any partially or fully intended to split the unity of a country and an attempt to undermine its territorial integrity and purpose are contrary to the UN Charter and the principles.

Seven, all countries should be equality, non-interference in internal affairs and respect for all the country faithfully and strictly comply with the Charter of the sovereignty and territorial integrity is the foundation of all peoples, the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the present Declaration.


UN Charter - June 26, 1945 signed into force October 24, 1945, is the basic law of the United Nations (From the official website of the United Nations)

"UDHR" United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 217A (III) of resolution and issued December 10, 1948

A. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (UN General Assembly) B. International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (UN General Assembly) C. Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights and the International Convention on the Enforcement Act (ROC government in exile)

Given to the Declaration of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) December 14, 1960 resolution announced (From the official website of the United Nations)


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