


Almost before it was taken away to detention controlled by the brain has been framed signature Intimidation ! Holy crap ! Taiwan fallen ! URL can point to go see it , you will find that a lot of mind control secrets !Only the collapse of world peace to these international organizations controlling brain waves invisible killer !I saw this article in Chiang concluded that ( do not trust their own side to kill each other to get the fruit of it ! ) was almost unnatural several car accident hit ! Her husband was engaged in death, Kuala Lumpur was just returning home when the whole ! Knowingly play brain control the Cao Dawei Bureau ! Very sad helpless night riding model car racing in the fast lane to commit suicide ! They Bureau of brain control conditions are less than 5 minutes immediately dispatched police to stop a lot of comfort ! visible these invisible people is a fact ! immediately knew I wanted to commit suicide yeah !To deal with these cold-blooded thief shouting thief illegal government , citizens of the world He reluctantly , and only united !


Do not give them assets procreation renewable kids ! Let them population shortage, see how they stealth organization ( do Allah , do what God , do Bodhisattva ! )Only the collapse of world peace to these international organizations controlling brain waves invisible killer !I saw this article in Chiang concluded that ( killing each other to get the fruit do not trust it ! )  Although Chiang Ching-kuo from the Russian Communist Party for many years has been , nor is a Communist , but he suffered for many years in Russia ideological education , so that some of his ideas Deep -fixed , he not only remains convinced that materialism and atheism, but in line to achieve something like truth , and still believe some of the communist theory. He believed that human beings constitute a pure substance but , no soul and God did not exist . With this in mind , of course, he does not believe that all human behavior ( both good and evil ) will be obtained after the death of the last judgment . As a result, he naturally assumed behavior of both good and evil , as long as there is nothing of interest can be done . In addition to his atheism and communist ideology , so that he sees human life as healthy as property , while the communist ideology that humans are not the property of an individual, all , and you can control manipulation. So that they meet the interests of invisible people , any person of life can be the invisible man they killed any person's health can be arbitrarily manipulated them invisible man play .


So atheism and in Taiwan have mighty powers , as long as he thinks others will not know the secret technology and artificial illness, death manufacturing technology, Chiang Ching-kuo was nothing really daring ( for example, using stealth staff to former Vice-President Chen Cheng liver dysfunction after manufacture heavy weight from liver disease died from his succession to remove obstacles to be president _ for details see website eighteenth chapter ) . Although these invisible persons born or living in Taiwan , has received the Three Principles of the ideological education , but due to the special work , they must be closely addition to the special communist ideological education , this new educational psychology makes them believe only materialism atheism , and contradictory theories of the Communist Party , and so , therefore, the thinking has been changed later, they can continue to learn new techniques and psychological control disease, death manufacturing technology, because they have been changed into materialism and atheism believers , so they dare to arbitrarily control the operation and administration of these mental disease mortality manufacturing technology to other people , to murder their object or to deal with them to deal with normal manufacturing costs or Fengfengdiandian crazy person. These invisible workers , although not an ordinary party member , but on occasion it has become another communist, that is life communist. Because they are different from ordinary Communist Party .


Ordinary Communist Party but to control the country's goods and property as the main goal, then create a system consisting of communist dictatorship forever and is responsible for distribution of these goods and property . The Invisible Life communist control is based on each person's life and health to grasp as the main goal of re-establishing a life- communist control and monitoring system , the invisible personnel ( life- communist ) dictatorship forever , and any secret manufacturing ( assignment ) disease death to murder them to deal with objects and hurt like they have to deal with for the health . However , whether these acts of murder, disease or the use of technology manufacturing machines to manufacture mad madness of the people are of a criminal act . Although these invisible personnel received special education , crime therefore is not willing to go to jail , so in order to keep the information confidential and secure these determined criminal who, like their organizations general international criminal organizations , as in the invisible personnel ( Secret Life communists ) secret organization where all of them ( including foreign stealth staff ) are all about each other as brothers and sisters in the AU .


Everyone is chasing the invisible personnel ( Secret Life communists ) in illegal profits, and life control powers secret any mercy others.   And they already have those social Uehara normal siblings and parents , they are no longer invisible personnel psychology relatives / Qi , and as long as any one who is not invisible , these original parents are their brothers and sisters and invisible personnel ( Secret Life Communists ) control life and health of the object . So, in the pursuit of invisible personnel ( Secret Life communists ) in illegal profits / authority . Invisible staff will betray their own kin / Qi [ such as: Taiwan invisible personnel ( Secret Life Communists ) President Chiang Kai-shek had legs manufacturing rheumatism, Chiang Ching-kuo to facilitate rapid access spots, will be described in detail later ] . To chase invisible personnel ( Secret Life communists ) in illegal profits / power, they will betray their country ( eg : Invisible personnel using low frequency electromagnetic waves, to manufacture fake accident case - detailed look at my Chinese website tenth three ) . 


  So the secret of these invisible personnel actions , thoughts and acts, but another to prove their special kind of life Communists ( specialized master control other people's lives and health ) to protect the invisible personnel ( Secret Life communist ) dictatorship 's secret forever . In special education , these invisible life communists only allegiance "Life communist control and monitoring system ," the leaders ( or life- communist control monitoring system origin or people of high-level political parties ) , while Taiwan's leaders are life monitoring system President Chiang Ching-kuo is not , so in order to expedite the rapid transfer of political power to the Chiang Ching-kuo , Taiwan invisible personnel ( secret life communists ) even told President Chiang Kai-shek 's legs manufacturing rheumatism ( Foreword will explain how to make rheumatism ) . Chiang Kai-shek 's mobility, or had to stay in the presidential palace official Di and often by the Chiang Ching-kuo for his work, so often the president Chiang Ching-kuo 's special status on behalf of the military and political officials in Taiwan before and the news media , the TV screen before , since in Taiwan military and civilian officials and political heart is the president Chiang Kai-shek established his future successor consensus ( and Chiang Kai-shek in the manufacture of rheumatism for some time, the intelligence officers loyal to Chiang Kai-shek had secretly informed of the stealth technology knowledge ) . Chiang Ching-kuo became a president, who still use a secret stealth work for him . For example: He uses stealth personnel Premier Sun Yun-suan manufacture stroke so that the Sun Yun-suan stepped down due to illness , and then justifiably nominated post much lower than that of the Executive Yuan Taiwanese people hui as vice presidential candidate. Premier Sun Yun-suan dependent disease ( artificial cerebral haemorrhage ) to step down ,


so that he not only can pick any one Taiwanese officials to do his next presidential election of deputies. But also to avoid the public's strange and talking . So Chiang Ching-kuo to materialism and atheism and communist ideology combines stealth technology and man-made disease, death within manufacturing technology in Taiwan in the 1950s created a lawless life control and monitoring system . This lawless life control and monitoring systems in Taiwan and later successfully tested using the secret transfer back to the United States and the national intelligence security personnel.








讓他們人口荒,看他們隱型組織怎麼( 做 阿拉,做 神,做 菩薩!)要世界和平只有瓦解這些國際組織電磁波腦控隱形殺手!




    雖然蔣經國已經脫離俄國共產黨許多年﹐亦不再是共產黨員﹐但是他在俄國所受的多年思想教育﹐使他的一些思想根深地固﹐他不但仍然深信唯物論﹐無神論乃是符 合事實現像的真理﹐並且仍然相信一些共產主義的理論。他相信人類乃是純物質構成﹐沒有靈魂而神也都並不存在。在這種思想下﹐當然他不相信人類的一切行為 (無論善惡)都會在死亡以後得到最後的審判。既然因此﹐他自然認為行為無論善惡﹐只要有利益任何事都可做。另外他的無神論和共產主義思想﹐使他視人類的健 康生命如同財產一樣﹐而共產主義思想認為人類的財產不屬個人所有﹐並且可以支配操縱。所以只要符合隱形人員的利益﹐任何人的生命可以被他們隱形人殺害﹐任 何人的健康可以被他們隱形人任意的操縱玩弄。如此無神論的思想和在台灣擁有的不可一世的權力﹐只要他認為他人不會知道這些秘密科技及人造疾病﹐死亡製造技 術﹐當時的蔣經國的確什麼事都敢做(例如使用隱形人員對前任副總統陳誠製造肝臟功能不良以後疾病沉沉重而成肝癌去世﹐從此掃除了他接班做總統的障礙_詳細 見網站第十八篇)。 


這些隱形人員雖然出生或住在台灣﹐也曾接受過三民主義的思想教育﹐但是由于工作特殊﹐他們必須 另外要接受嚴密的特殊共產黨思想教育﹐這新的教育使他們的心理只相信唯物論﹐無神論﹐及矛盾論等等共產黨理論﹐因此﹐在思想已經被改變以後﹐他們才能繼續 學習新的心理控制技術及疾病﹐死亡製造技術﹐因為他們已經被改變成唯物論﹐無神論信徒﹐所以他們也才敢任意施用這些心理控制術及疾病死亡製造技術於其他人 身上﹐來謀殺他們要對付的對像或把他們要對付的正常人製造成發狂或瘋瘋顛顛的人。這些隱形人員雖然不是一般普通的共產黨員﹐但是事際上已經變成另外一種共 產黨員﹐即是生命共產黨員。 因為他們與普通共產黨不同。普通共產黨乃是以控制全國的物資﹐財產為主要的目標﹐再建立一個系統﹐由共產黨員永遠專政並且負 責分配這些物資﹐財產。而隱形生命共產黨員則是以控制掌握每一個人的生命健康為主要的的目標﹐再建立一個生命共產控制監視制度﹐由隱形人員(生命共產黨 員)永遠專政﹐並且秘密的任意製造(分配)疾病死亡﹐來謀殺他們要對付的對像﹐傷害他們要對付的對像的健康。但是這些行為不論是謀殺﹐製造疾病或使用科技 機器來製造發狂瘋顛的人都是一種犯罪的的行為。這些隱形人員雖然接受過特殊教育﹐也不願意因此犯罪坐牢﹐所以為了保秘及保障這些有心犯罪之徒﹐他們的組織 如同一般國際犯罪組織一樣﹐在隱形人員(秘密生命共產黨人)的秘密組織裏﹐他們所有的人(包括外國的隱形人員)都是互相約盟為兄弟姐妹。


大 家為追逐隱形人員(秘密生命共產黨人)的非法利益和生命控制權力而秘密任意宰割其他人。 而他們那些社會上原已經有正常兄弟姐妹及父母﹐都不再是他們隱形 人員心理的親屬/戚﹐而且只要任何一個不是隱形人員﹐這些原有的兄弟姐妹及父母都是他們隱形人員(秘密生命共產黨人)控制生命健康的對像。所以﹐在追逐隱 形人員(秘密生命共產黨人)的非法利益/權力時。隱形人員會出賣自己本身的親屬/戚【如﹕台灣隱形人員(秘密的生命共產黨人)曾對總統蔣介石的兩腿製造風 濕﹐以利蔣經國的快速接斑﹐將會詳細說明在後】。為了追逐隱形人員(秘密生命共產黨人)的非法利益/權力時﹐他們會背叛他們的國家(如﹕隱形人員使用低頻 率電磁波﹐來製造的假車禍的案例-詳細請看我的中文網站第十三篇)。 所以這些隱形人員的秘密行為﹐思想及作為﹐證明他們乃是另外一種類特殊的生命共產黨 員(專門控制掌握其他人的生命及健康)來保障隱形人員(秘密生命共產黨)人的秘密的永遠專政。


在特殊的教育下﹐這些 隱形生命共產黨人僅效忠“生命共產控制監視系統”的領導人(或生命共產控制監視系統出身的高階政治人士或國際人士)﹐而台灣的生命監視系統的領導人乃是蔣 經國而不是總統蔣介石﹐所以為了加速將政治權力的迅速移轉給蔣經國﹐台灣隱形人員(秘密的生命共產黨人)甚至曾對總統蔣介石的兩腿製造風濕(前言內將解釋 如何製造風濕)。使蔣介石的行動不便﹐不得不待在官阺或總統府而經常由蔣經國替他辦事﹐因此蔣經國經常以總統代表的特殊身分出現在台灣軍政官員面前﹐和新 聞媒體﹐電視螢幕前﹐自此在台灣軍民和政治官員的心內建立了他是總統蔣介石未來的接班人的共識(而蔣介石在被製造風濕一段時間以後﹐效忠蔣介石的情治人員 曾秘密告知有關隱形科技的知識)。蔣經國當了總統以後﹐仍然秘密使用隱形人員替他辦事。


例如﹕他使用隱形人員對行政 院院長孫運璿製造腦溢血以便使孫運璿因疾下台﹐而後名正言順的提名職位比行政院院長低很多的台灣籍人李登輝為副總統候選人。行政院長孫運璿的因疾(人造腦 溢血)下台﹐使他不但可挑選任何一個台灣籍的官員做他下屆總統大選的副手。又可避免造成社會大眾的奇怪和議論紛紛。.所以蔣經國以唯物論﹐無神論和共產主 義的思想結合隱形科技與人造疾病﹐死亡製造技術在1950s內於台灣建立了一個不法的生命控制監視系統。這不法的生命控制監視系統在台灣測試使用成功以後 又秘密移轉回美國及各國情報治安人員使用。







台灣立委怕警察;台灣立委怕台電;台灣立委無國安,台灣立委設電波無00腦控,這難道不是國安亂政嗎?亂政後---集體害人事件! 台灣百姓驚警察;台灣百姓驚電塔;台灣百姓無平安,台灣百姓受電波有24腦控,這難道不是白色恐佈嗎?恐怖後---無聲實驗至死!    民眾腦控怨氣,立委不處理不協調?軍警有神通看業績?政府佯稱科技做不到?電波電塔一直設?官客宮系統一直玩?害人理由天天玩..    腦控設備的掮客;國安設備的掮客;醫藥設備的掮客;晶片疫苗的掮客;腦學交流的掮客;害人系統的掮客;創造賺錢的掮客…..    害人系統:自卑有鬼(鬼頭鬼腦怪來怪去);自大無知(看受想行識都無知);小人理由(永遠有理由永遠有系統理由)    瞭 解白色恐怖與情報系統有 關,包含政治動機控制下,以各種罪名來換取各種權與錢,以人命來換是關鍵,最重要的是個人資產因素!228事件製造罪名,然後威脅取財,都有後代子孫在 談,如蘆洲李友邦家族,但都不列入史料,這就是學術的悲哀,官方永遠掩飾而不願公佈或取不到事證,現在有人腦資料庫可以取得當時所有當事人的資料,可以還 原當時歷史真相,難道政府與學術界不曉得嗎?為何現在還做取不到事證的腦控作為,以國安為由對民眾24小時監看,並且以遠端傷害設備對待民眾,很多民眾無 端染病死亡難道看不出是腦控所為?為合立委怕警察,就是立委所有作為被掌控,或被威脅不敢處理,讓新的白色恐怖一直在台灣社會流行,而找不到求助單位,難 道大家要集體被腦控嗎?是否注意心理控制設備不要淪為腦控武器,國安傳統作法要改掉或者裁撤,由專業有良心的心理醫師來擔任,或許真正有良心的心理醫師政 府早已知道,但不要在威脅與傷害他們,好好為台灣政府與社會提供更好應用,包含新政策的釐訂與執行…..



白色恐怖 - 台灣大百科全書 Encyclopedia of Taiwan第二次世界大戰後四十多年間,統治當局為壓制政治異議分子所造成眾多不當審判的政治案件。 白色恐怖(White Terror)一詞,一說源自法國大革命時,以白色為代表色的右派波旁王室對左派雅克賓黨人所採取的報復行動。戰後臺灣的白色恐怖,狹義指右派中國國民黨 當局對共產黨及左傾分子的鎮壓;廣義還包括當局對其他如臺獨人士等政治異己的鎮壓,不分左派或右派。其中僅少數合乎當局實定法上的「叛亂」或「匪諜」等作為,多數則為冤、錯、假案。1945年中華民國政府接收臺灣,同時也將國民政府時期的一黨訓政體制引進臺灣。1947年7月當局為戡平中國共產黨的叛亂而下令總動員,1948年4月制定「動員戡亂時期臨時條款」,1949年5月全臺戒嚴1950年





1991 年立法院廢止「懲治叛亂條例」;1992年修正「刑法」100條,言論內亂罪難再成立,長達 四十多年的白色恐怖時代大體上才告結束。1995年立法院制訂「戒嚴時期人民受損權利回復條例」;1998年制訂「戒嚴時期不當叛亂暨匪諜審判案件補償條 例」,並依此條例成立「財團法人戒嚴時期不當叛亂暨匪諜審判案件補償基金會」,承辦政治受難者的補償作業;2004年陳水扁總統頒發「回復名譽證書」給政 治受難者及其家屬。然這些救濟並不周全,如「戒嚴法」第10條原本規定,戒嚴時期犯內亂外患等罪者可於解除戒嚴後依法上訴;1987年7月解嚴,但立法院 在該年6月通過「國家安全法」,其中第9條卻剝奪政治犯上訴的權利。因此,解嚴後二十餘年間一直有政治受難者要求公開歷史真相、並制訂特別法,以便在司法 體制內尋求救濟的管道,這是「轉型正義」的重要訴求之一。




國安情報的系統:看極權統治,寡斷政治,,對立民主..最後永遠陷入鬥爭的輸贏中,因為有自己的身態問題還是組織的問題,還有更上層毀滅人類的秘密會.. 國安情報的手段:傳統人員的監視,心理系統監視,腦控武器的使用,若結合各種金錢的牽扯必定在政治輸贏中去運用,若被系統知悉與導引至殺人,又變成各種理由來搪塞..     現在國安有心理控制設備可以知悉當時某人心理,可作為 1.法官,檢調判斷是非,來發揮正義.. 2.政治清明,不用手段… 3.輔導心理與心靈讓人往更高境界… …..   亦即所有胡非作為,政府都可以以心理控制設備與系統解決,為何還用手段與腦控武器玩政治與玩百姓? 難道要所有台灣司法檢調軍警體系,學術界,醫界,變成欺騙者嗎?還是永遠的無知者? 難道要所有皈依宗教的變成無意中的殺手?還是自我毀滅?還是自稱聖主,法師….,榨財取色,害人害已? 難道一定要在自己統治之國作惡其他國家就不曉得嗎?難道不會思考現在政治的接班?


  很可惡,以國安為由保護民眾,卻變成將百姓以無情的實驗作區隔,然後選擇傷害百姓,這是那一種思考? 給立院無回應,也以立委怕警察是否可以幫忙立委,難道立委全部被腦控,還包含立委無知腦控系統的運用, 難道立委不會找學術界問清楚,不會問原來的情報線,或問記者…. 難道台灣真的無法取得心理控制資料與腦控資料,而視被腦控為精神病,到底台灣醫生是否有嚴重人格分類症?是否全體官客宮有同樣授受害..   請 問台灣有那些人是與國安情報網有關,是台灣?是美國?是組織?是學術?是醫 藥?是科技?請你們自行瞭解,拿情報線錢與掮客金額是否有問題?台灣醫界的藥品掮客為何抓不玩(情報派系,洗錢…),學術交流一直玩,接見貴賓做何 事?....難道腦控系統不會留記錄你的人腦不會留下足跡?難道也要毀滅自己的腦組織嗎?是否太天真?是否太無知?好好瞭解以下官客宮心理問題?


  傳 統國民政府的情報體系的腳 色,起於各種幫派與各種歐美幫忙建立的組織,其原先角色如原先上海與香港建立的毒品交易系統,到當時幫派結合政治的暗殺方式,到後續的扶起大毒梟都在歐美 惡劣組織扶植下所導引,因為金錢的利益帶來龐大的政治利益,而一直無法解決,這種傳統式的結構變成以極權方式所控制,造成國際上的主義戰爭,這也是共濟會 陰謀,亦即這些極權下的發展,因為主義戰變成民主戰,才又被導引至稍為開放的選舉制度,最後各種權謀與陰謀又完全被控制在情報系統,亦即此時情報系統若因 政治得以稍為控制,金錢的情報戰又開始,亦即金錢結合政治的傳統國民黨體系下就變成黑金政治,黑金政治下還有一些小民主,但黑金的極權的統治根本就是恐怖 殺人政治,而這些也包含幾派同黨與政府情報的吸收訓練與結合,製造以達爾文的物競天擇論來看待這些效忠者,不管上層教付的不法與惡劣手段,然後都視為對國 家效忠,亦即就是偉人的製造,所以此時的民眾心理洗腦更是當時政府變成欺壓百姓與欺騙民眾的手段,造成今日的台灣,一直無法實現真正的民主,民眾祇有如藍 綠對決這種社會渾亂作為,看看現在的其他國家也深陷其害,但最後作官永遠在輸贏之間盤旋…


台灣情報局扶起大毒梟情報局有請 江南案 十信案   陳 水扁執政時期,以國安系統整合國家情報網,再委由美國國安 訊練,但舊有的國民黨情報卻以掩護方式再行與政府對抗,亦即符合共濟會的兩黨情報鬥爭戰,陳水扁雖整編在其管理的國安系統,卻不處理原先的罪惡公開,導引 以選舉考量,陷於原先美國國防部所設的局,使國家陷於藍綠對決,無法解決長期國安一些惡行.在第二任總統選舉雙方情報網結合國萬勢力,製造當選者各種困難 的政治決擇與後續接班人的對抗.亦即319槍擊案要由雙方當時情報作為,就可知道誰是最大的勝利者,也包含誰是暫時會被製造成各種不好角色,所以這些也是 被當時國外心理控制設備所製造出來,僅是當時所有政黨情報都知道原因,就是很多事情被導引控制,因為國家全部被美國不法情報組織給控制.但這些在政府管控 下僅能做監看與推測,不會轉以腦控武器對待不辜百姓,但是有些不肖反對政府的情治人員卻開始運作,準備後續更陰險的佈局(將腦控推給當時政府..)   


扁蘇體制空轉 邱義仁進退受矚目國安密帳 資助美國政要? 國安密帳/國民黨反咬扁用國安密帳與布希家族見面   馬 英九執政後,情報特務整編涉入國安,結合原先政府機關與單 位,並且比國民黨組織再行擴大情報網,包含記者收編與宗教的介入,開始各種政治清算…..,還包含將僅以得到情報方法的心理控制設備轉為現在的腦控武器, 更以各種國安實驗為由,對民眾進行腦控與傷害.這些作為早已被國際所得知,應當得以歇手,反而變本加厲,直以以遠端設備與物質讓無辜民眾死亡(也包含反對 人士與過去228受難者家屬..),若腦控政府不控制,人就完全被電腦系統控制與玩弄至死,所以請政府思考更好的人類最好制度,否則一直在各種別人建立或 自己設定的輸贏戰中,根本是把自己與所有人送進一個不知與未明的電腦系統…  


2008年江陳會警察收編 巴紐外交費侵吞案 陳水扁家庭密帳案 奉天專案 李登輝轉移人脈給蔡英文 國安密帳起訴關鍵?   檢調單位有沒有走錯路?查國安密帳 查一帳兩報


取 自:國安組顧問 陸以正 國安(評)093-062號 中華民國九十三年三月十五日 國安密帳已經鬧得太久了。我去年早被高等軍事法院檢察官傳訊過,又在立法院委員會議報告過全案經過,本來不想再說話。但看見李登輝前總統回答記 者詢問時說:「借錢本來就該還,你說對不對?沒什麼好講的嘛。」這種說法豈但答非所問,而且分明有故意混淆案情、誤導民眾之嫌,不得不重述我當時經手全案 的經過。   本案事實非常簡單,但所觸犯的法律可分為兩個部份。八十三年四月,李總統來南非參加曼德拉總統就職典禮,當面答應我可撥一千萬美元幫ANC償還 競選時欠下的一半債務,另一半則由馬來西亞馬哈地總理援助,獲得解決。那時我國會計年度是從每年七月一日起,至次年六月底止。


因 會計年度即將結束,外交部 預算早已用完,李總統因而令國家安全局支付該筆費用。「鞏案」的名稱還是我起的,以資保密。駐南非大使館與外交部為鞏案所有往來電文,明明都說這筆款項是 國安局提供,從未有國安局「墊付」或「暫借」給外交部之說。   一千萬美元為數可觀,南非又有外匯管制;ANC雖已執政,所有銀行都仍由白人掌控。為保密起見,大使館費了三個多月時間,才把全數換成南非幣, 故分成三次交付。最後一次付款時,國安局還派胡為真副局長親自來斐,由我帶他拜訪當時的副總統、亦即現任的姆貝基總統,當面說明。曼德拉總統後來又有親筆 信向李總統致謝,這些經過在外交部都有卷可查。   依決算法規定,政府機關每年所有開支,在該會計年度結束後兩個月內即應辦理決算。用掉的經費,將單據送審計部審核,就完成報銷手續。鞏案款在民 國八十四年度開支後,依理應於次年報銷,最遲不過再拖個一年。但四年之後,國安局忽然函請外交部「歸墊」。


外交部派 楊清吉會計長來問我,我詳敘事實經過 後,認為國安局早該把該款報銷,不能與民間「欠債還錢」相提並論,因而強烈反對歸還這筆款項。胡志強部長當時也有同樣的疑惑,但受蘇志誠「轉達上面的意 思」後,不得不從民國八十八年的預算裡,硬擠出一千萬美元給國安局。   因此,要調查本案,首先應向審計部調閱案卷,看國安局在民國七十四至七十八年的報銷裡,有沒有這一千萬美元。即使國安局以保護國家機密為詞,未 附送原單據,在報銷單說明中仍可查出真相。


如果真已經報銷掉了,那就是「一帳兩報」;從已故的殷宗文局長到傳話的蘇 志誠,甚至李前總統,都難逃刑法侵佔公 款、偽造文書、與貪汙的罪嫌。這一千萬美元「還」給國安局後,殷故局長指示會計長徐炳強與出納劉冠軍做假帳,將款轉手給尹衍樑,才發生從國內「洗錢」到新 加坡,最後又回來的小部份被劉冠軍拐走,大部份則流向國策研究院第四所的情事。好在選舉即將過去,地方法院預定四月初傳喚李前總統作證,到時紙包不住火, 這一部分應該比較容易釐清;國策研究院應該也還得起這筆錢。   真要查國安密帳,重點應該放在前述第一部份,即涉案各人究竟有無把國家預算款一帳兩報,化公為私,意圖吞佔挪作別用。我所舉的事實,年餘以來在各種場合都 已經有人說過。南非則更在一九九五年就已有《標準導報》爆料過。我國與南非斷交已逾六年,總不會還怪我洩漏機密吧。  



台灣腦控不處理,難保軍官會集體殺害民眾或掩蓋事實?因為有罪不執行,難保軍人集體屠殺民眾不會重演? 新 的228會被喚醒又來製造?更恐怖的白色恐怖已深入社會而讓民眾不自知?立委根本無法處理與怕軍警?媒體美化不處理?找不到真正人權組織幫忙?更悲慘的是 所有人被24小時監視看管,配合時間吃藥與注射?連228事件中與白色恐怖以失財換人命變成人命集體死亡與取財先段或一次處理?.....


台 灣腦控不處理,難保軍官會集體殺害民眾,最後如美國無罪釋放或者如台灣有罪不執行,上層將 官陸續升官…..,請大家注意為何屠殺民眾會無罪?是上層授意?還是腦控?若沒政府不釐清與重啟調查,或者這些人士接觸或使用腦控設備,難保軍人殺民之事 不會重演?(可能被威脅?或者軍營有非法的情報網政府無法控管?或者政黨控制下的國民營企業中?請政府立即清查或追究違法事項,不要僅為了選舉與政治考量 而在選後處理?)









2012/01/07 22:56增加











Taiwan legislators afraid of the police , the Taiwan legislators fear Taipower , Taiwan Legislator no national security , Taiwan legislators set waves, this not Guoan political chaos do ? Political chaos after the collective harm event !

Taiwan legislators afraid of the police ; Taiwan legislators fear Taipower ; Taiwan Legislator no national security , Taiwan legislators set no 00 brain wave control , is not that the national security political chaos do ? Political chaos after --- collective harm events ! Frightened people in Taiwan police ; Taiwanese people scared electrical towers ; Taiwan people no peace, the people of Taiwan by the waves of 24 brain control , is not white terror do ? horror after --- silent experimental death ! people brain control anger , legislators do not deal coordination ? police have supernatural powers to see results ? government pretended technology do ? electric wave tower has been located ? Guanke house system has been playing ? victims reasons to play every day .. brain control equipment brokers ; national security equipment brokers ; medical equipment the brokers ; wafer vaccine brokers ; brain science exchange brokers ; evil system brokers ; create profitable brokers ..... harm systems: inferiority ghosts ( furtive strange strange to go ) ; arrogant ignorance ( see subject lines like knowledge is ignorance ) ; villain reason ( never reason to always have the system ground ) Learn about the White Terror and intelligence systems , including political motives under the control of a variety of charges in exchange for a variety of power and money , in order to change the key of life , the most important the personal assets of factors ! 228 event manufacturing charges , and then threatened to take money, have descendants talking about , such as Luzhou pang of the family , but not included in the historical data , which is the academic sorrow, never conceal rather than the official announcement or fail to do card , and now it was the brain database when all parties can get information, you can then restore the historical truth , government and academia do not know you ? Why now do not take things as evidence of brain control to people on the grounds of national security monitoring 24 hours , and the damage to the remote device to treat people , a lot of people died for no reason do not see is a disease controlled by the brain ? for the co- legislators afraid of the police , that is, all legislators as being controlled , or afraid to deal with the threat , so that the new White Terror in Taiwan has been prevalent in society , and can not find help units , do we have to do collectively controlled by the brain ? whether to pay attention to psychological control devices do not become brain control arms , national security to get rid of traditional practices or abolished by a professional psychiatrist with a conscience to serve , perhaps truly conscientious psychiatrist government has long been known , but do not threaten and harm them , good for the Taiwanese government and the community to provide better applications, including the determination of the new policy and execution .....



White Terror - Encyclopedia Encyclopedia of Taiwan Taiwan, 40 years after the Second World War , the ruling authorities for the repression of political dissidents caused numerous cases of improper political trial . White Terror (White Terror) term , one that derived from the French Revolution to the color of white right-wing Bourbon on the Party of the Left Yake Bin retaliation . Postwar Taiwan 's White Terror , narrowly refers rightist Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang authorities repression of leftist elements ; generalized also include other authorities such as the independence of repression of political dissent, such persons , regardless of left or right . Of which only a small number of substantive law in line with the authorities on the " rebellion " or " espionage " , etc., as the majority was wrong , wrong, false cases . 1945 ROC government took over Taiwan , but also the national government during the one-party political tutelage regime introduced to Taiwan . July 1947 level Chinese Communist authorities to suppress the rebellion and ordered a general mobilization in April 1948 to develop " Temporary Provisions Effective Period of Communist Rebellion " , May 1949 martial law in Taiwan . 1950



After the outbreak of the Korean War , supported by the United States authorities , and gradually build strongman authoritarian system , by virtue of " martial law ", " Criminal Law " Offenses , " Sedition Act" and " seized Gansu Espionage Act" and other laws and through love governance systems and mechanisms such as military trials , to create a lot of undue trial , resulting in people's life, liberty , property damage, serious violations of human rights.

Broadly speaking , the process to dispose of political prisoners , first by the Defense Security Bureau ( followed GRU ) , Taiwan Province Security Command ( 1958 changed the Taiwan Garrison Command , referred to as Marine ) Security Department and investigation Bureau and other units responsible for the arrest and interrogation ; followed by the Taiwan Provincial security Command judge Advocate Office responsible for the prosecution and trial ; finally judgment and execution, can be divided into execution ( in store Ankeng Machangting or place of execution , etc. ) , hair supervisor executive ( military prison in Xindian , Taiwan Green Island Dongtai source jail or prison , etc. ) , and the reformatory education ( educational experiment in Tucheng production , followed Tucheng benevolence Educational laboratory , etc. ) and other types.

1991 Legislature abolished " Sedition Act" ; 1992 revised the " Criminal Law " 100 , speech Offenses finds it difficult to set up , more than 40 years before the White Terror era largely ended. 1995 Legislative Yuan formulate " the martial law era impaired people right back Ordinance" ; 1998 formulated " Martial Law Period Falsely Imprisoned as Spies Convictions Compensation Ordinance" , and so Bill set up a " rebellion Foundation Martial Law Period improper compensation and Espionage trial cases Foundation " compensate victims of political persecution contractor jobs ; 2004 President Chen Shui- awarded" honorary certificate reply " to the political victims and their families . However, these remedies are not comprehensive, such as " Martial Law" provisions of Article 10 of the original , the martial law era foreign aggression and other crimes committed by civil strife may appeal in accordance with the law of martial law ; July 1987 lifting of martial law , but the Legislature passed in June of that year the "National security Act " , the first of which nine deprive prisoners right to appeal. Therefore, after twenty years of martial law have been victims of political persecution between historical truth requires public and formulate special law to seek redress within the judicial system of pipes, which is " transitional justice " is one of the important demands .



National security secret accounts debate : as a result of public spending , said corruption and said that politics kill said .. , and eventually abdicated heads must face , while the political kill then start to see the heads of conscience and wisdom ...

National security intelligence system : Look totalitarian rule , indecisive politics , opposing democracy .. last forever caught in winning or losing the struggle , because the states have their own problem or organizational issues , there are more top secret destruction of mankind .. National Security intelligence means : the traditional personnel monitoring , psychological system monitoring, brain control the use of weapons , if combined with a variety of money involved in the political winners and losers will go use the system if they are aware of and guided to murder, turned into a variety of reasons to stall . now national security can have psychological control equipment when someone knows psychology, as a judge , prosecutors judge right and wrong , to exert justice .. 2 more politically without means ... 3 . counseling psychology and people to a higher spiritual realm That is all ........ Hu Fei as the government can control devices and systems in order to solve psychological , why arms control with the means to play politics with the brain and play people ? are we going to all the Taiwanese judicial investigative police system, academia, the medical community , become cheaters ? Or forever ignorant ? are we going to become inadvertently all become religious killer ? , or self-destruction ? still claiming to be the Lord , the Master .... , pressing fiscal eyedropper , harm harm already ? are be sure to do evil in his rule of the country do not know that other countries do ? Would not thinking now of political succession ?


  It is abhorrent to the grounds of protecting national security people , they become the people to ruthless experiments for segmentation , and then select hurt people, and this is that kind of thinking ? Unresponsive to the Legislative Yuan , but also to legislators afraid of the police can help legislators , it was the brain controls all legislators , but also includes legislators ignorant use of mind-control system , it will not find academia legislators ask , do not ask the original information line, or ask reporters .... is it really impossible to obtain in Taiwan Locus of Control data and brain control data, and depending on the brain control of mental illness, in the end Taiwanese doctors have severe personality disorder classification ? whether to grant the same house all Guanke victims .. does Taiwan have those people and national security intelligence network , for it was Taiwan ? United States ? is the organization ? academic ? is medicine ? is the technology ? invite you to familiarize yourself with, take the money and power brokers amount of intelligence line if there are problems ? Taiwanese drug brokers why the medical community does not play catch ( intelligence factions , money laundering ... ) , academic exchanges have been playing , interview guests doing what ? .... do not stay brain control system records your brain does not leave footprints ? do likewise destroy their brain do ? being too naive ? whether too ignorant ? well aware of the following Guanke Palace psychological problems ?


  Traditional national government intelligence system role, from a variety of European and American gangs to help with a variety of organizations established , its original role as originally established by Shanghai and Hong Kong drug trade system , to combine political assassination was gang way , to the subsequent propped drug lords are poor organizational support in Europe under the guidance, bring huge benefits because of money political interests , but has been unable to solve the structure of this traditional -style totalitarian way turn out to be controlled by an international doctrine on war this is also the Masonic conspiracy , that these totalitarian under development since war doctrine becomes democratic war, that she was directed to slightly open electoral system , and finally a variety of trickery and intrigue and completely controlled in the intelligence system , that this If your system time intelligence to be a little political control , money, intelligence war began , that money combined with the tradition of the political system under the KMT becomes black gold politics , there are some small money politics under democracy, the rule of black gold is simply totalitarian terror political killings , and these are also included party and government intelligence factions absorption training and combining manufacturing with Darwin's natural selection theory to look at these loyalists , regardless of the wrongfulness of the upper and bad teaching means to pay , and then are treated right national allegiance , which is great for manufacturing , so in this case the population was more psychological brainwashing oppress the people and the government becomes the means to deceive the public , resulting in today's Taiwan , has been unable to achieve true democracy , the people only as blue-green showdown this society as a muddy mess , take a look now mired their victims in other countries , but in the end an official forever hovering between winning and losing ...


Taiwan's intelligence bureau propped drug lords Intelligence Agency has requested South case during the reign of Chen Shixin case to the national security system integrating national intelligence network, and then commissioned by the U.S. National Security hearing training, but the old way of KMT intelligence but to re- cover with against the government , which is in line Masonic struggle bipartisan intelligence war, although Chen Shui-bian administration reorganization in its national security system , but do not deal with the original sin openly , guided by electoral considerations, caught originally established by the United States Department of Defense Bureau , bring nations into blue-green battle , can not solve some of the long-term national security wickedness in the second presidential election parties combined nations and forces intelligence network , manufacturing elected with a variety of difficult political choices subsequent successors confrontation. namely 319 shooting intelligence by the parties as to the time , we can know who is the biggest winner, who is also included temporarily be manufactured into a variety of bad character , and it was at that time so these psychological control equipment manufactured abroad out only when all parties intelligence knows that reason is that a lot of things to be guided control, because the entire country by the U.S. intelligence agencies to control unruly , but these can only be done under government control monitoring and speculated weapons will not transfer to the brain controls not treated Koo people , but some unscrupulous against the government 's intelligence personnel began operation in preparation for subsequent more insidious layout ( the brain control pushed to the then government .. )


Flat Soviet regime idling Chiou retreat by the attention of national security secret accounts funded U.S. politicians ? National security secret accounts / KMT bite flat with a national security secret account with the Bush family to meet Ma Ying-jeou took office, intelligence spy reorganization involved national security , combined with the original government agencies and units , and more than the KMT organization further expand the intelligence network, including reporters incorporated and religion intervention began various political settlement ..... and also contains the only way to get information into the mental control equipment now brain control arms , but also to a variety of experiments on the grounds of national security , control and on the population of brain injury. these as has already been internationally that should be respite , but intensified , straight to the remote device and the material to let innocent people die ( also includes opposition parties over the past 228 families of the victims .. ) , if the government does not control brain control , and they are completely computer system Control and play to death, so please think about a better man's best government system , or has been set up in a variety of others or their own set of winning or losing the war , there is to know yourself and with everyone sent an unspecified computer systems ...


2008 Jiang Chen will incorporate PNG diplomatic fee police Chen family secret misappropriation case Mukden project accounting case hui Tsai transfer contacts to prosecute key national security secret account ? Enforcement authorities have taken the wrong road ? Cha Cha a national security secret accounts two newspaper accounts


Retrieved from : National Security Adviser Lu group with positive Guoan ( assessment ) 093-062 No. 15 March 2004 the Republic of China national security secret accounts have been so much noise for too long. I have long been higher military court last year, prosecutors messaging too , and in the Legislative Yuan committee meeting reported the case after all , did not want to speak again . But seeing the former President Lee Teng-hui to answer when asked by reporters , said: " Originally these also borrow money , you say , right ? Nothing to talk about the thing ." Qidan this argument irrelevant answers , but clearly there is deliberately confusing facts and mislead people suspected of not I do not repeat the whole case was handled through. Facts of this case is very simple, but the violation of the law can be divided into two parts. 1994 April , President Lee to South Africa to participate in the inauguration of President Mandela , personally promised me to dial ten million U.S. dollars to help ANC repay half the debt owed ​​by the campaign , and the other half by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir assistance resolved. At that time our country from the annual accounting year is from 1 July to the end of June next year .


Fiscal year coming to an end due to the Foreign Ministry budget had run out , President Lee thus make the National Security Agency for the payment thereof . " Gong Case" My name is played , for the purpose of confidentiality . Embassy in South Africa and the Department of State as the case of all incoming and outgoing messages Gong , clearly say the money is to provide the National Security Bureau , there has never NSB " advance " or " borrowed " to the Foreign Ministry said. An impressive number of ten million U.S. dollars , foreign exchange controls in South Africa there ; ANC Despite the ruling , all banks are still whites control . For the sake of confidentiality , the embassy took more than three months time , and only then fully replaced the South African currency , it is divided into three delivery . Final payment , the National Security Bureau also sent Hu Wei-chen , deputy director personally come Fei , I took him by the then Vice President to visit , that the incumbent President Mbeki , face to face instructions. Subsequently, a personal letter to President Mandela thank President Lee , these volumes through the Department of State has to be investigated . Accounts in accordance with law , government agencies, all expenses annually , after the end of the fiscal year shall be handled accounts within two months . Spent funds , the documents sent to the Audit Department audit , completed reimbursement procedures . Gong case shall the year ended in 1992 , after expenses , according to the following year should be reimbursed no later than one year but again and again . But four years later, suddenly letter to the Department of State National Security " Reimbursement ."


Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent Yangqing Ji Comptroller to ask me, I give details after the fact , we think that the NSB which reimbursement is long overdue , not with civil " Qianzhaihuanqian " par, which is strongly against the return of the money . Minister Hu was also the same doubts, but by Su Chih-cheng " to convey the meaning of the above ," and had to budget for eight years from 1992 , the hard out of ten million U.S. dollars to the NSB . Therefore, to investigate the case , first of all access to files audit department should see NSB seventy-four to seventy years in the Republic of reimbursement , there is not the millions of dollars. Even if the NSA in order to protect state secrets to the word , is not accompanied by the original documents described in the claims can still find out the truth .


If you really have been reimbursed out that " a newspaper account two " ; from the late Secretary to the messenger Yinzong Wen Su Chih-cheng , and even former President Lee , were able to escape criminal law embezzlement , forgery , and corruption accusations . The ten million U.S. dollars " also " to NSB , the Yin and the Secretary has instructions Comptroller Xubing Jiang false accounting and cashier Liu Kuan-chun , the money changed hands to Yin Yen-liang , only occur from the domestic " money laundering " to Singapore , and finally back to a small portion of abducted by Liu Kuan-chun , most of the flow of the violations of the Fourth National Policy Institute . Fortunately, the upcoming elections in the past , the District Court scheduled early April summoned former president testified , when Murder , this part should be easier to clarify ; National Policy Research should also have to play the money. Really want to check the national security secret account, the focus should be on the first part of the foregoing , that everyone involved is arguable whether an account of the state budget funds two newspapers , Huagongweisi , swallowed up by the intention not to use for other purposes . I have cited the fact that more than a year since on various occasions have been said . South Africa is more than in 1995 on the "standard Herald " broke off . Diplomatic relations between China and South Africa for more than six years , they would not blame me also leaked confidential bar.



Taiwan's brain control does not handle , there is no guarantee officers will collectively kill people or conceal the facts ? Because guilt is not executed , there is no guarantee the public will not be repeated military genocide ? The new 228 will be awakened again making ? More terrible white terror has penetrated society and let people do not know who ? legislators simply can not be afraid of dealing with police ? landscaping does not deal with the media ? can not find the real human rights organizations to help ? even more tragic is that all care is 24-hour surveillance , with time to take medicine and injections ? even 228 events with white terror to lose money for the collective life into a life before death and take the fiscal period or a handle ? .....


Taiwan's brain control does not handle , there is no guarantee officers will collectively kill people , such as the U.S. finally acquitted or convicted if Taiwan does not perform , the top generals gradually promoted ..... , please note why the massacre of innocent people would ? Incite the upper ? Or brain control ? If the government did not clarify and restart investigations , or such persons accessing or using mind control device , there is no guarantee the military to kill people things will not repeat itself ? ( may be threatened ? barracks or illegal intelligence network the government can not control ? , or political control private enterprises in the country under ? requests the Government to immediately investigate inventory or illegal matters , not only in the election and post-election political considerations and in the process ? )



Army to kill people cases were referred to nothing - USA acquitted or convicted if Taiwan does not perform , it is ordered to kill soldiers ? Last military he had been a cover, and the judge in the end the military judge ? Or Judges in general ? Importance of human rights in the end the judge , or for specific personnel services, including the above Executive indication ?


1 Kinmen Donggang thirty-seven scene of the incident brigade commander, battalion commander, company commander was in accordance with abetting murder , manslaughter sentenced jointly continuous , but have been declared suspended for 3 years ( not executed hair supervisor ) , back to the service or retired ; gold defense commander Zhao Wanfu Army deputy commander and later rose to high , deputy chief of staff ; 158 division in the war College as chief of staff of the Armed Forces University ; official Huantu other staff officers are also unaffected .

2 U.S. troops in Vietnam My Lai massacre in American military court acquitted all . Please note why the massacre of innocent people would ? Incite the upper ? , Or mind control ?


Questions : Kinmen Donggang thirty-seven events highlighted the danger of these people if the staff behind enemy lines , why murdered ? 1 . Guojun different intelligence system, struggle due ? ( Official posts battle ? ) (2) Are there any other vessels carrying goods ? gold ? bills ? ( hide not communique ? ) 3 special personnel are in the field of transportation or Executive direct search items ? 4 . whether there is important information ( such as hidden Taiwan spies ? ) , to be handed over to the government to be robbed ?

2012/01/07 22:56 increase


This reminds me of the army , the soldiers who have to listen to the outer islands total total crazy bursts with self-mutilation and even men , whether they are wrong .. we all know , the subsequent years

This sentiment has been secondary level ? Or become a military tradition ... , then the families who lost loved ones , do not nobody tell you the truth ? Still do not know they are being killed by the policy ?

These hopes Legislature ascertain whether a large number of obscure facts ?

The three soldiers, veterans of earlier policy ( college early retired soldiers , three army soldiers early evening veterans ? ) Whether it was Army hearts floating ? Whether there are more insider we know ? Whether as rumored infighting caused by the military ?



Brain control now so serious , people have nowhere to turn , do not want to be subjected to torture and harassment every day do ? Are human rights important? Was truly white terror , but also because it can not obtain certificates ( controlled by the police doctor when sick by God , in the end you are cheating ? , or ignorance ? ) , I ask the government , you will not be able to guarantee the military opened fire on people ? Or shot by a variety of reasons for the escort ? ( Secret Service )

More information can not be due to word limits text , if necessary, please E-mail me !


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