ROC government rot water there is cement ! Mischief again change the Gali evidence of harm me ROC政腐自來污水裡有水泥!惡作劇再次變本加厲電磁波腦控 我店 自來水有沙 的證據!


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Full citizens rejected the elections! Unless electromagnetic brain controls all the national security president fired!


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Because ducklings very representative, as with ROC the flightless! is no ability to the Eagles the ability! would only Dai (myopia) glasses! Worldview it is no!! Super! F @ # @ # ock ROC! Still under house arrest me! prohibited me to go abroad! I prohibited immigrants! Fu @ # c @ # k Beige Ge
因為小鴨很具代表性,跟ROC一樣不會飛!沒有老鷹本領本事!只會戴 (近視) 眼鏡!沒有世界觀啦!!超! f@#@# ock ROC!還軟禁我!禁止我出國!禁止我移民!Fu@#c@#k貝戈戈


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There are close friends said to me:! Smashed shop you are not afraid, to tell him I said:!! ROC was playing  me the electromagnetic wave to 20 years and my home secret video recorder bunch!
      Letting my life, anti-electromagnetic records will do harm to brain control, if me not natural to die! Will Quickly find the murderer yeah!


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Tragedy! Your brain seems to be the beginning of my controlled! But I have overcome everything was full! You imagine a connected my old house in Taipei, Taichung one two! Wear the brand with a gold band diamond (a show singing profession very rich), but was controlled the whole profession has been changed! fired the taxi female factory workers have done! ups and downs of life! not like this too! students do not want to open the money was brought dead with not! death is empty! better to enjoy the brain control bureau role to play multiple role in life's! actor was full of ups and downs fun yeah! mutual encouragement!



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腦控 初 期會很生氣,痛苦不快樂,之後我只有(化悲憤為圖強)用意志力跟他們拼!不中他們的技倆!他們會一早叫你起床先下意念,要你做對本身不利事件!記住照邏輯 做事!跟他們ROC政腐腦控所唱反調,(見招拆招)法很有効!   

    例如:他們要你憂鬱悲傷心煩!我就要找快樂,他們腦控我不准我去運動!我就一邊上網一邊在店 裡聽音樂跳舞當運動耶!幹**腦控所!想不准我運動讓我皮膚鬆弛變老,故意讓我身體健康變胖變老!你娘寧願去吃減肥藥也不讓自己走樣!

   詛咒你們 肥貓 跟豬八戒一樣!肥到中風而死!今早故意讓我腰痠到不能彎下腰!有時又忘記整弄我身體,我沒幾分鐘馬上可一字馬匹腿扭腰!反覆整我20多年到現在!你們機器 人煩不煩呀!幹**難怪我會一直在網路罵你們!也算是你們的業報!

The initial brain control will be very angry, unhappy painful, then I just (turn grief into Tuqiang) using of willpower to fight with them! Not in their tactics! They will wake you up early in the morning before you get the idea, they want you to do for themselves adverse event! Remember according to the logic of doing things! ROC government with them rot the brain controls the naysayers, (adopted piecemeal measures) method is very effective!


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Improvisation on Christmas Eve last night to drink a little wine with Pub Bar ortho younger sister Charm recent chat Why we like to marry a foreigner , a foreigner then physical problems did not bother opening the responsibility she replied : ! ! !

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